Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 233 The truth behind the truth

Seeing this result, Lin Xinyi was shocked.

He read the test report page several times, and finally confirmed that he was not dazzled:

"Really not, there is no residue of sleeping drugs in the heart blood samples of the deceased."

Lin Xinyi murmured somewhat absentmindedly.


Hearing this, Narumi Asai beside him also changed his expression slightly:

"Did the blood test go wrong?"

"Mrs. Matsubara has personally admitted that she gave the deceased sleeping pills. How could she not?"

"By the way, she took the sleeping pill last night."

Asai Narumi thought for a while and came up with a guess:

"The deceased just died this afternoon. It has been so long. Will all the sleeping drugs in his body be metabolized by his body?"

"No." Lin Xinyi shook his head:

"If it is a short-lasting sleeping pill like 'Alprazolam', 'Lorazepam' or 'Triazolam', it is indeed possible to completely metabolize it within half a day."

"But Mrs. Matsubara fed the deceased 'flunitrazepam'."

"The half-life of flunitrazepam is 12-15 hours. If you take it before going to bed at night, there will still be residues in the afternoon of the next day."

Half-life, also called biological half-life in the pharmaceutical field, refers to the time it takes for the drug concentration in the blood or the amount of drug in the body to reduce to one-half.

The longer the half-life of a drug, the longer it remains in the body.

Therefore, judging from the sleeping pills chosen by Mrs. Matsubara, if the deceased really took those sleeping pills last night, it would be impossible for the residual sleeping pill ingredients to be completely undetectable in his blood.

"how so."

Lin Xinyi frowned tightly.

Faced with this shocking fact, he couldn't help but make a somewhat bizarre guess.

"Looks like I have to call again and ask."

Lin Xinyi took out his mobile phone, walked out of the door, and dialed a number with a complicated expression.

At this time, the air in the office was extremely solemn, and no one noticed Lin Xinyi's strange behavior.

Everyone is still shocked by the crime committed by Mrs. Matsubara.

In the silence, a complex emotion quietly surged in Mao Lilan's eyes:

"Mrs. Matsubara, you must still regret your actions, right?"

Although Mrs. Matsubara's eyes were ferocious and her face was twisted at this moment, Mao Lilan was keenly aware of something from the madness and joy:

"Because I always feel that you..."

"It's not like you were pretending to be sad before."

"And you said it yourself, you have always raised Mr. Kenichi as your biological son."

"Mr. Kenichi's behavior made you disappointed and hateful, but you must still love him deep down in your heart. It's a pity that you realized it too late."

"S-Stop talking!"

Mrs. Matsubara unnaturally interrupted Mao Lilan's psychic detection.

She clenched her fists tightly and said bitterly:

"I loved this kid, but he just let me down."

"As I just said, I was hospitalized twice after being beaten by his demonic father, but that immature little bastard didn't even want to see me."

"Oh, how can I still love him?"

Mrs. Matsubara's voice was full of hatred.

At this time, Matsubara Masaru quietly stood up and said with a complicated expression:

"That, actually"

"It's me who doesn't let Kenichi see you."

"Uh?" Mrs. Matsubara was slightly startled.

Her expression became extremely complicated: "What did you say?"

"it is true"

Matsubara Masaru is very thick-skinned.

But even with his face that could be used as a tank protective armor, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when talking about this:

"I was very angry with you at the time, so I didn't go to the hospital at all, and I didn't allow Kenichi to go to the hospital to see you."

"But he disobeyed my order and secretly ran away to the hospital."

In the eyes of everyone who looked at society's rubbish with disgust, Matsubara Masaru's voice became more and more unnatural:

"I discovered this at the time."

"Then I beat him up so hard that he never dared go to the hospital again."

Even in the trash, Matsubara Masaru is non-recyclable toxic waste.

But now Mrs. Matsubara has no intention of being angry about the evil deeds revealed in Matsubara Masaru's confession.

She was just shocked by the truth told by Matsubara Masaru.

"How could this happen?"

"Because of your obstruction, Kenichi, he didn't come to the hospital to see me?"

"No, it's impossible"

Mrs. Matsubara muttered to herself in disbelief:

"If Kenichi visited me in the hospital, why didn't I know?!"

"Because you were still unconscious at that time."

A voice came clearly.

The speaker was Lin Xinyi.

He took the mobile phone he had just hung up on and walked into the office with a solemn expression:

"I just made a special call to find Mrs. Matsubara's attending physician at the time to inquire about the situation in detail."

"According to his recollection, a man claiming to be your son did come to the hospital at that time."

"At that time, Mrs. Matsubara, you were still in a coma and haven't woken up."

"So, out of concern, Mr. Kenichi asked the attending physician to learn more about your condition."

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment, and his tone became a little complicated:

"Your attending physician explained in detail to Mr. Kenichi the conditions related to the 'crush syndrome' that you suffered from at that time."


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked again:

"Did the deceased himself know about crush syndrome?"

"Then, why didn't he go to the hospital when he felt something was wrong?"

Lin Xinyi sighed lightly and did not answer directly.

But an unacceptable guess has already emerged in everyone's mind.

"no no."

Mrs. Matsubara said to herself with a dull expression:

"If that's true, why didn't Kenichi tell me these things?!"

"Because you haven't asked Mr. Kenichi?"

Lin Xinyi sighed deeply:

"For him, not going to the hospital to see you in person may be just a small thing in a long period of pain."

"Mr. Kenichi probably never imagined that his absence under the coercion of his father would actually be the trigger for his mother to turn from love to hatred."

Yes, this is just the trigger that triggers the tragedy.

The real tragedy has long been brewing and taking shape in this long period of pain.

Because she had endured so much pain in this family, Mrs. Matsubara gradually began to resent this cowardly, incompetent adopted son who could not help her share her pain.

This 24-year-old child cannot work normally and cannot make money due to personal psychological problems. Like his good-for-nothing father, he brings a huge burden to Mrs. Matsubara.

Just living is a mistake.

The twisted family environment made him grow up into a humble "waste", which in turn made him even more unpopular in his own family.

"And that poor Mr. Kenichi may not even know that he is so hated by his mother."

"Of course, he must have found out later."

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment and looked at Mrs. Matsubara with a deep look:

"Mrs. Matsubara, I want to ask you a question——"

"When you gave the sleeping pills to the deceased last night, did you watch him take the sleeping pills?"

"Uh?" Mrs. Matsubara paused for a moment and replied with some confusion:

"No. I mixed the sleeping pills into the tea beside his bed and left there quietly."

"When I came back after some time, I saw that he had fallen into a deep sleep."


As Mrs. Matsubara was talking, she also heard the implication of Lin Xinyi:

"You, what do you mean by asking this question?"

"That's what you guessed."

Lin Xinyi took out the blood test report of the deceased:

"We did not detect any ingredients of sleeping drugs in the blood samples of the deceased."

"That is to say, last night, he didn't drink the cup of tea mixed with sleeping pills at all."

"This" Mrs. Matsubara's face completely lost all color:

Kenichi didn't take any sleeping pills last night?

Then, when she pressed Kenichi's arm heavily last night, he...

"He was awake the whole time."

Lin Xinyi's tone contained a heavy sigh:

"Maybe he discovered your secret use of sleeping pills, and also discovered your true feelings towards him."

"The hatred that the mother had accumulated towards him for a long time was finally nakedly exposed in front of this son."

"So Mr. Kenichi is desperate."

"In other words, he finally gave up."

"He felt he no longer had any need to live."

"He chose to die silently in the agony of crush syndrome just as you designed him to."

"That way you can not only complete your revenge on your father, but also help your mother get out of trouble, which is very important to Mr. Kenichi."

"Maybe it's also a relief!"

In the afternoon, twenty minutes before the incident, the Matsubara family.

Matsubara Masaru drank a lot of wine again, and now he was drunkenly yelling at his wife:

"Stupid woman, you stupid woman!"

"Why didn't you buy the wine I asked you to buy yesterday?"

"There's only so much wine left at home, do you want me to die of thirst?!"

"Yeah, sorry"

Mrs. Matsubara trembled and lowered her head to apologize, but a hint of cold hatred flashed in her eyes.

Of course Matsubara Sheng didn't notice this cold light.

He just turned his head and yelled at his bullied son:

"Kenichi, why are you still standing there?"

"Why don't you go to the convenience store and buy beer for me!"

"If you can't buy the wine back within half an hour, you will be dead today!"

"Yes" Matsubara Kenichi nodded honestly.

His voice was very low, too low to be heard.

Accompanying this feeble voice was his face, which was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

Cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead, forming a stream downwards.

He seemed to have become an old man. Every step he took was so laborious.

Mrs. Matsubara on the side knew that this was a serious symptom of crush syndrome.

Her plan should be coming to fruition soon.

Kenichi Matsubara would soon die from crush syndrome caused by trauma, and Masaru Matsubara would go to jail for manslaughter.

And she can get rid of these two parasites and vampires forever, and get the only valuable ancestral house of the Matsubara family as compensation.

The future is so bright.

But at this time, looking at my son’s pale and bleeding face, I somehow

Mrs. Matsubara suddenly couldn't bear it:

"That, Kenichi"

"Are you feeling well? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

She is going to kill someone today.

But at this moment, she still asked this question unknowingly - as if by mistake.

After hearing his mother's greetings, Matsubara Kenichi couldn't help but hesitate when he opened the door and left.

He stood there stunned for a while like a wooden man.

After a long time, when he woke up, there was a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Don't worry, Mom."

"I am fine."

"Are you really okay?" Mrs. Matsubara looked away guiltily.

"Yeah." Matsubara Ken nodded.

He opened the door and walked out, leaving behind a staggering figure:

"It's okay and it won't hurt soon."

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