Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 234 Justifiable Defense

Thinking back to the scene when she said goodbye to Kenichi in the afternoon, Mrs. Matsubara finally figured everything out.

She stood there blankly, like a puppet without a soul.

The tragedy has drawn a heavy curtain, and everything is over.

The air in the office seemed extremely dead.

"Mr. Matsubara Masaru, Mrs. Matsubara."

Lin Xinyi drew an end to this tragedy:

"You all have to pay for what you did."

Even though the death may have been voluntary, killing someone is still against the law.

Mrs. Matsubara committed intentional homicide.

Matsubara Masaru committed intentional injury and manslaughter.

What awaits them in the end will be legal punishment.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Matsubara did not make any move, but responded silently with a numb expression.

As for Matsubara Masaru, this shameless man, after hearing the punishment he might bear, he shouted out in surprise:


"The murder of Kenichi was clearly done by this woman, how can it be blamed on me?!"

Lin Xinyi frowned tightly, his eyes extremely cold.

He didn't expect that this guy could defend himself so unrepentantly after seeing the tragic consequences he had caused.

"Because the large area of ​​trauma you left during your violence was severe enough to induce crush syndrome and cause the death of the deceased."

"What Mrs. Matsubara did was just speed up the process."

"Even if she doesn't do anything, as the human body repairs itself, the restoration of blood flow to the large area of ​​ischemic and necrotic muscle tissue will cause severe reperfusion injury, rapidly increasing the degree of tissue damage."

"This is also an important reason why patients with crush syndrome suddenly worsen and die a few days after the injury, even though their condition seems to have stabilized."

According to Lin Xinyi's judgment, the deceased's physical injuries were serious enough to cause death in themselves.

Therefore, what Matsubara Masaru did could definitely be regarded as manslaughter.

And from a personal emotional point of view

In Lin Xin's eyes, the crime he committed was more than just manslaughter.

It was Matsubara Masaru who personally destroyed this family and drove his family to a dead end step by step.

If he hadn't lived in the shadow of his demonic father all year round, Kenichi might not have grown up to be so introverted, cowardly, and accomplished nothing.

He may have a life of his own, and there are endless possibilities.

But all this was ruined by Matsubara Masaru.

But now Matsubara Masaru doesn't seem to feel guilty at all.


Lin Xin felt angry subconsciously:

"Your wife, children, and your own home were all destroyed by you, a scumbag!"

"Are you not sorry at all for being a human being?"

He couldn't help but shouted angrily.

But Matsubara Sheng just closed his mouth with an ugly expression, and continued to mutter softly to himself:

"I didn't mean it."

"Kenichi didn't go to the hospital on his own, didn't he?"

There was a repressed look in his eyes that was unconvinced but did not dare to argue, but there was no trace of grief or shame.

Lin Xinyi was speechless:

He was wrong.

This guy certainly won't be sorry.

Because from the time he started to commit violence against his family, he was no longer a human being.

Scolding this kind of people won't help them wake up, it's just a waste of saliva.

You should calm down, get down to business, and leave this bastard to your colleagues.

This was true intellectually, but the anger in my heart just couldn't be reduced.

Because Matsubara Masaru ruined the lives of two people, and all he needed to bear was charges of intentional injury and manslaughter.

According to Japan's lenient punishment, I'm afraid he won't be able to sit for a few years.

In addition, under the guidance of the concept of human boxing that is common in developed countries, the living environment of Japanese prisons exceeds that of more than 90% of domestic college student dormitories.

Some of these model prisons are as luxurious as star-rated hotels.

After staying there for a few years, it's like returning to your own home.

In short, the murderer has enjoyed the human punch, and the victim only has the right to become a dead person.

Lin Xinyi instinctively felt unhappy when he thought of this.

And the bastard in front of him obviously showed no sign of having any hope of completing his transformation and becoming a new person.


Lin Xinyi stared at Matsubara Sheng.

He really wanted to kick this guy hard now and let him taste the taste of being abused.

But Matsubara Masaru turned out to be a coward who only dared to hit women and children.

Even though he was angry at Lin Xinyi's rebuke, he didn't dare to lose his temper or make a move.

If the other party does not take the initiative, Lin Xinyi will not be able to carry out "legitimate defense" like Miss Maori.

"calm down."

"You are a law enforcer, and everything must be governed by the law."

Lin Xinyi clenched his fists tightly and tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

The ugly face before me was infuriating.

He could only keep warning himself in his heart:

Can't take action, can't take action.

We must abide by organizational disciplines and maintain the image of the police force.

"Wait." Lin Xinyi was slightly stunned.

He realized belatedly that he was already in a different world.

The organization he is now in has no discipline at all.

As for the image of the police force

Where did the Metropolitan Police Department get its image?


There was a sudden loud bang in the office.

I saw Matsubara Masaru's tall and burly body suddenly rising into the air and flying backwards, like a cannonball fired with full force, and quickly hit the wall behind him.

There was a loud bang and the wall was cracked.

Matsubara Sheng sat paralyzed and leaned against the wall, vomiting a cluster of blood from his mouth.

His face instantly turned extremely pale, and his expression was even more distorted due to severe pain.

Lin Xinyi, on the other hand, slowly retracted his sweeping leg and stood quietly on the spot as if nothing happened.

"you you"

Matsubara Sheng covered his chest with several broken ribs and angrily accused:

"How can you hit someone?!"

"This is self-defense."

Lin Xinyi replied calmly:

"Everyone saw it, right? I was acting in self-defense."


Amid a strange silence, Mao Lilan was the first to react.

She would never tell lies before.

But later on, she became more accustomed to "justifiable defense" and she gradually began to feel used to it, and she was able to forget her guilt:

"No, that's right. Mr. Lin was acting in self-defense!"

Mao Lilan stammered and testified, his eyes also filled with undisguised anger.

"You, you guys." Matsubara Katsumoto's face turned pale in pain, and now he was even more furious: "Nonsense——"

"It was clearly you who made the first move just now, how could this be self-defense?!"

"Who said I was the one who made the first move?"

Lin Xinyi slowly approached and said condescendingly:

"Mr. Matsubara, you walked up to me and provoked me, and you even took the initiative to punch me."

"It's just that I was prepared and ready to attack. As soon as I saw you raising your fist, I immediately struck back."

"I am agile and move quickly, so I got ahead of you and kicked you in the body."

"At first glance, it really looks like I hit the first shot."

Hearing this, Matsubara Sheng's face turned green with anger.

When he was so excited, his chest, which was already hurting terribly, felt like a few more knives had been stabbed into it, making him even more breathless.

His head tilted, his eyes closed, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. He finally passed out like a dead pig.

Matsubara Masaru was carried to the hospital on a stretcher.

Mrs. Matsubara also pleaded guilty and took the initiative to put on handcuffs.

The curtain finally falls.

Not only Mao Lilan, who has a strong ability to empathize, but Lin Xinyi also stood quietly for a while before recovering from the impact of this case.

Later, seeing that the night was already dark, Mao Lilan quickly thanked Lin Xinyi and Belmod and said goodbye, preparing to take Conan back to sleep.

Belmod also held Lin Xinyi's arm and wanted to go home with him to rest.

The two groups left in different directions.

Because the floor they were on was not high, they had to take the stairs to the first floor and take a taxi at the entrance of the building.

On the other side, you have to take the elevator and go down to the underground garage to pick up the sports car.

Just like that, the two groups parted ways at the door of the office.

Lin Xinyi had just walked a few steps when he suddenly stopped and said to Belmode:

"Teacher, wait here."

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Yes." Belmode agreed naturally, as if he didn't doubt his presence.

Lin Xinyi just pretended to go to the bathroom and turned around and went in the other direction.

In the same direction as the bathroom, it was the stairs Mao Lilan and Conan were going to take.

Turning around at the end of the corridor to avoid Belmode's sight, Lin Xin trotted three steps at a time and finally caught up with them at the stairs:

"Miss Mori, and Conan."

"I have something to tell you."

Seeing Lin Xinyi hurriedly come to the door to exchange information in this way, Conan suddenly realized something.

He got ahead of Mao Lilan and asked with great concern, "Lin, have you made any important discoveries?"

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded:

"Now Belmode lives with me and is always by my side."

"You must be careful when you call and send text messages to me, so as not to reveal the truth."

He first gave Conan and Mao Lilan a few quick instructions, and then revealed a shocking piece of information:

"Also, based on my observation."

"Belmod seems to have a close relationship with you two."

"It's not like she's here to investigate Kudo and Miss Mori for the organization, but she seems to be here to protect you two."

"Wha, what?" Mao Lilan and Conan were both extremely surprised:

What could a mysterious female cadre of a criminal organization have to do with these two high school students?

This is Lin Shinichi's teacher and not Kudo Shinichi's teacher. How could he protect them?

"The time is tight and there is no time to explain."

"But I hope you can try your best to think about whether you have seen Belmode before."

Lin Xinyi sped up his words and expressed his thoughts.

Conan lowered his head thoughtfully, but Mao Lilan's reaction was still only shock:

"This, this is impossible, Mr. Lin, are you mistaken?"

"No, I'm basically sure of this."

Lin Xinyi shook his head and said extremely seriously:

"If you don't believe it, we can do a test now."

Half a minute later, Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan were still standing at the stairs chatting.

At this time, a graceful figure appeared in front of them unknowingly:

"Shinichi, didn't you say you went to the bathroom?"

Belmode looked at Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan with a smile, his eyes a little dangerous:

"So you want to avoid me and come here to whisper to Miss Maori."


Lin Xinyi's face turned cold and his expression was as usual.

Mao Lilan's acting skills still need to be improved, and her expression seems a bit unnatural.

But this unnaturalness was just right in Belmod's eyes. Not only did it not look suspicious, but it also fit the character she had in mind.

"Miss Mori."

Belmode looked at Mao Lilan with some amusement and asked jokingly:

"Can you tell me what my boyfriend talked about with you?"

Mao Lilan hesitated for a while.

She pondered for a while, followed Conan's previous guidance to find the emotion, and then answered:

"Mr. Lin said that he wanted me to help contact Shinichi. Contact that guy Kudo."


Belmod's eyes changed quietly.

She suddenly cast her eyes on Lin Xinyi, and her tone became somewhat meaningful:

"You want to contact the great detective?"


The second update will be later

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