Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 235 Bathroom Benefits

"I'm having some difficulties with a case, and I'd like to ask Kudo for help."

Lin Xinyi kept a cold face and answered calmly.

"Really?" Belmod's expression was still calm.

She concealed it perfectly, but after that brief silence, her reaction still betrayed her heart:

"Oh, yes, I think I heard you mention that case."

"This case is a bit tricky, but if the detectives get involved, the Metropolitan Police Department will look bad, right?"

As he spoke, Belmod quietly cast a suggestive look at Lin Xinyi:

"I think you can think more about asking a famous detective for support."

"." Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

After a silent exchange of looks with Belmode, he finally seemed to have chosen to compromise:

"Yeah, that's true."

"Then Miss Mori, you don't need to help me contact Kudo for the time being."

"If I determine that I need his power, I will come to you again."

"Oh" Maoli Lan nodded slowly, looking pure and innocent: "Good Mr. Lin, come to me if you need anything, I will definitely try my best to help."

After saying these lines in a decent manner, she pursed her lips unnaturally.

It looked like she was trying to find a reason to run away like last time.

But at this time, Belmod seemed to want to leave more than Mao Lilan:

"It's getting late."

"Miss Maori, let's meet again later!"

She gave Mao Lilan a gentle smile, then turned around and led Lin Xinyi away.

Watching Belmode and Lin Xinyi disappear at the end of the corridor, they waited uneasily for a while.

Mao Lilan breathed a long sigh of relief this time:

"The situation turned out to be exactly as Mr. Lin said -"

"Mr. Lin wanted to help her investigate the whereabouts of Kudo Shinichi, but she didn't dare to investigate."


She asked the little one next to her with some concern:

"Do you think Belmod is really protecting the two of us?"

"It's a bit like otherwise, she has no reason to stop Lin Xinyi from investigating me."

Conan rubbed his swollen and rounded chin and thought carefully:

"But it's hard to explain - why is a female killer of a criminal organization protecting two high school students like us?"

"I think there may be some hidden secret behind this."

"For example, for some purpose, Belmode wanted to capture me, a 'special experimental subject' of extraordinary significance, without telling the organization."

Out of rationality, he guessed that Belmode might be brewing an ulterior conspiracy behind the scenes.

From a practical perspective, Conan's guess is actually more reasonable.

After all, it can't be that he inadvertently influenced the criminal with his love and made Belmod change his mind, right?

These are not ordinary murderers who kneel down and cry bitterly after hearing the reasoning, but the core cadres of the black organization!

Conan thought rationally.

But Mao Lilan shook his head:

"No, Conan."

She recalled Belmod's warm eyes when he gently stroked her head and comforted her in front of Matsubara Masaru:

"Although there is no basis for saying this, I always feel..."

"Belmod, she really cares about me."

With the rich woman's supercar carrying her, Lin Xinyi returned home quickly.

The two of them were silent all the way until they returned home and closed the door.

Belmode quietly changed his gaze and asked with some concern:

"Boy, why did you ask Miss Mori to help contact Kudo Shinichi?"

"I just want to help."

Lin Xinyi turned cold and asked:

"Kudo must be hiding somewhere now and secretly investigating the organization's situation. Shouldn't we find him as soon as possible?"

"He is a smart guy. If we don't get rid of him quickly, sooner or later he will do something detrimental to the organization."

"." Belmode remained silent.

She clearly didn't want to talk more about the topic.

And Lin Xinyi's display of loyalty in being eager to eliminate threats to the organization is now giving her even more headaches.

She was a little worried that she might not be careful and find that Kudou Shinichi was killed by her good student.

"Stop acting rashly."

In the end, Belmode did not give an explanation:

"I told you - regarding the investigation of Kudo Shinichi, everything is under my command."

"Why, aren't you willing to listen to the teacher?"

"It's not that I'm disobedient, it's that teacher, your behavior is too strange." Lin Xinyi said tit for tat: "Teacher, what are you hiding from me?"

"What secrets does Kudo Shinichi have that he can't tell Boss Gin, or even me, a student, know about?"

He went a step further and questioned directly as a student.

There was another moment of silence.

Facing Lin Xinyi’s unflinching questioning gaze,

Belmode only used one move, and Lin Xinyi had to move his eyes——

She suddenly started taking off her clothes.

And he didn't just take off his coat, he also unbuttoned the shirt underneath after taking off his windbreaker.

"What are you doing?!" Lin Xinyi turned his head in embarrassment.


Belmod was unbuttoning his buttons.

"You" Lin Xinyi: "Why are you taking off your clothes here while taking a shower?!"

He is not afraid of seeing the root of the fruit.

After all, as a doctor, he has seen a lot of naked guys before.

But Lin Xinyi had never seen anything alive, female, moving, and beautiful.

Unlike Lin Xinyi, who still maintains a sense of shame towards the opposite sex, Belmode does not seem to shy away from this grown-up male student at all:

"Boy, what are you shy about?"

"I even took a bath with you when I was little."

"Teacher, you have seen my body clearly~"

There is a charm in Belmod's smile, like a coquettish and beautiful piranha, which can make the prey fall into it unconsciously:

"Speaking of which, I think your bathtub is quite big."

"Do you want to take a shower with the teacher?"


Lin Xinyi bravely interrupted the old aunt's teasing:

"Don't make fun of me when I was a kid——"

"I am already an adult, teacher, please pay attention!"


Belmode did not speak, but paused thoughtfully.

Then, she sighed in mock disappointment:

"Okay, then Teacher, I'll wash it myself."

As he spoke, he heard a rustling sound of undressing coming from behind.

Along with the sound of gentle footsteps, the bathroom door was closed.

Soon there was a sound of gurgling water inside.

"Damn it, this guy."

The topic that Lin Xinyi wanted to ask has been completely diverted by Belmode's teasing that was full of bad taste.

After all, that Belmode still hid his secret and refused to reveal his secret.

He had no choice but to place his hope in Conan and Mao Lilan to see if they could guess what kind of relationship he had with Belmod in the past.

Lin Xinyi just sat on the sofa and meditated, thinking about how to further test Belmod's true intentions.

after a long time

Belmode came out of the bathroom.

She simply wore nothing, just wrapped her beautiful figure tightly with a bath towel.

The long, wet silver hair was casually spread between the white collarbones stained with water drops, and stuck tightly to the smooth and tender skin, looking very tempting.

In addition to her appearance, her appearance has also obviously changed.

When Bermode played "Miss Chrissy" before, although she did not use a human skin mask to disguise herself, she still used her amazing makeup technology to slightly modify her facial details.

After taking a shower and taking off her makeup, she finally revealed her true face:

In fact, the change in facial features is not that big, but it gives the impression that he has become a completely different person.

The previous Belmode looked young and energetic.

But now that Belmode has revealed her true face, she looks more mature and charming, and her appearance is closer to that of an "old aunt"——

Of course, the old aunts mentioned here specifically refer to Feili and Yukiko.

"Boy, it's your turn to wash up."

Belmode didn't care, wrapped a bath towel and sat next to Lin Xinyi.

She didn't make any more provocative and teasing moves, but her dress, which did not treat Lin Xinyi as an outsider at all, was excessive in itself.

Lin Xinyi didn't say anything, he just left the sofa with a cold face and went to the room to pack a change of clothes.

He does need a bath too——

After the dissection, regardless of whether there is any obvious smell left on your body, you must take a shower when you return home.

Otherwise, you will feel a little uncomfortable psychologically.

And if it really leaves a noticeable smell, it may not be able to be washed clean even in the shower.

I had to rub my hands back and forth with coriander and rinse them repeatedly to get rid of the strange smell.

According to previous habits, Lin Xin should take a shower as soon as he got home.

But this time, he was overtaken by that "annoying relative" who stayed at home.

Lin Xinyi had no choice but to take off his clothes carelessly. He could only carry a change of clothes, walk into the bathroom, and lock the door carefully.

The bathroom is still filled with the smell left by that woman.

A faint smell of perfume.

"When will this woman leave?"

"It's really inconvenient for her to live here."

Lin Xinyi thought to himself a little depressed, and at the same time started to take off his clothes.

And when he had just taken off his shirt, pants, and socks, leaving only a pair of underwear on his body.

The bathroom door was opened.

Belmode seemed to be careful about timing, and broke into the bathroom at just the right moment.

Compared with the seductive image just now, where he only covered his body with a bath towel, Belmode had put on a loose pajamas at this moment, looking very serious.

On the contrary, Lin Xinyi's image is somewhat eye-catching.

He is now like a bodybuilder standing on the stage to show off himself, with his perfectly angular muscles completely exposed to the eyes of the audience.

"not bad"

Belmode looked up and down at Lin Xinyi's figure.

Her eyes were a little surprised, mixed with some pure appreciation from the opposite sex:

"Long time no see, you've actually built up your muscles so well?"

"Tsk tsk. Even the teacher is a little moved."

Belmod said something that made people imagine, and then he pushed the door completely open and boldly broke into the bathroom.

Lin Xinyi's face darkened: "Teacher, didn't I lock the door?!"

"That lock can't stop me."

Belmod deliberately pretended not to understand what Lin Xinyi meant.

She just walked to him and walked back and forth around him a few times.

After some unscrupulous admiration, Belmode actually reached out his hand and gently touched Lin Xinyi's plump chest muscles:

"You have a good figure, quite strong."

She expressed her feelings after touching her without any scruples, and a provocative smile filled the corner of her mouth.

"That's enough! Get out!!"

Lin Xinyi's cold face showed uncontrollable annoyance.

He didn't know how the original owner usually communicated with this teacher Belmode. Anyway, he really couldn't accept the increasingly excessive harassment from this old aunt.

"Okay. I'll just go out."

Belmod said this.

But before leaving, she still stopped at the door without saying anything, turned her head and took a few more glances.

Lin Xinyi unceremoniously closed the bathroom door and sent the crooked teacher Belmod out.

And he didn't notice

After leaving the bathroom, the smile on Belmode's lips suddenly disappeared.

Listening to the sound of water running in the bathroom, her eyes became extremely deep:

"The birthmark on the back is in the right position and shape."

"The slender knife mark on his chest was accidentally left when I taught him the assassination technique."

"I reached out and touched it just now. The scar cannot be faked using makeup technology."

"Nothing about his body is off."

"This is my child, and he was not dumped by anyone."

Belmod thought deeply:

"But how could he become so different?"

"Not only has his personality changed drastically, but he has also forgotten many things in the past and has no response to my temptations."

"Could it be."

After thinking about it for a while, she could only come to one conclusion:

"The death of that woman caused him to lose part of his memory?"

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