Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 239 Actor’s method of solving crimes

It turns out that Tequila made an appointment with Hideaki Nakajima to conduct a transaction at the launch of Mantiantian's new work today.

The transaction process is:

Hideaki Nakajima deposited the suitcase containing the company's confidential documents at the front desk.

Tequila then deposited the same Mantiantian suitcase containing cash at the front desk.

Then, the two met at the agreed place and quietly exchanged the number tags they got from the front desk when they stored their boxes.

Tequila took the exchanged number plate and went to get the box that Hideaki Nakajima had stored in advance.

"That's just the way it is."

"But the box I contain is only confidential documents stolen from the company, not a bomb!"

"I have no grudge against that 'Mr. Tequila', I just want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money. How could I put a bomb in the box?!"

Nakajima Hideaki defended himself fearfully.

And when he spoke, he looked at everything around him timidly, as if he was afraid that an organization member would emerge from the crowd and kill him with one shot.

Lin Xinyi could only helplessly persuade him to calm down, and then asked:

"If what you have in your box isn't a bomb."

"Then are you sure that this box was carried in your hand and was not replaced before you deposited it at the front desk?"

"Yeah." Nakajima Hideaki nodded anxiously:

"Because I was afraid of any unexpected transactions, I opened and checked the box before depositing it at the front desk."

"Just like an entrance exam candidate who doesn't feel reassured no matter how many times he checks his admission ticket. I will never make a mistake on such an important matter!"

He insisted that the box contained documents, not bombs, before it was deposited at the front desk.

The bag deposit area at the front desk is always guarded by several hotel staff, so it is impossible for someone to secretly switch the bag.


"Is there something wrong with the exchange of number plates?"

"Could someone have deposited the same suitcase containing the bomb at the front desk, and then secretly changed the number plate with Nakajima's?"

"In this way, if Tequila gets the number plate from Nakajima, and then goes to the front desk to get the box, she will get the box with the bomb."

Lin Xinyi quickly derived this conclusion.

So, he immediately asked Nakajima Hideaki:

"Mr. Nakajima, please recall carefully."

"The period between depositing the box at the front desk and exchanging number plates with the deceased."

"Is there anyone close to you who might have the opportunity to change your number plate?"

"This" Nakajima Hideaki pondered for a while.

Then, his eyes lit up and he replied:

"Yes! While I was waiting for Mr. Tequila to come to me for a connection, I once took off the jacket with the number plate on it to try out the boxing game machine developed by the company."

"And the guy who helped me get my coat"

Nakajima Hideaki suddenly turned his head and locked his eyes on a colleague present:

"It's Takeshita Yunobu!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Mr. Takeshita Yunobu, whose name was called.


Takeshita Yunobu looked shocked:

"Look what I did. I just helped get some clothes, but I didn't change any number plates!"

"Besides, that guy named 'Tequila'"

"I don't know him at all, and I don't know the organization, so why would I use a bomb to kill him?!"

"This" everyone hesitated for a while:

Indeed, why would an ordinary office worker use a bomb to blow up a member of a criminal organization that he did not know at all?

"Because the person Mr. Takeshita wanted to blow up might not be Tequila at all."

"After all, he certainly wouldn't have known the inside story of the Tequila and Nakajima deal in advance."

"In his eyes, it will only be Hideaki Nakajima who takes that number plate to pick up the box afterwards."

"In this case, if it is true that Mr. Takeshita changed the number plate and planted a bomb in the box"

"Then the person he originally wanted to blow up, shouldn't it be Mr. Nakajima?"

Belmod analyzed this in a playful tone.

She has seen it all.

It was Nakajima who Takeshita wanted to blow up, but he didn't expect that Nakajima would later exchange the number plate with Tequila because of the secret deal.

And his colleague, the unlucky Tequila, was probably blown up by mistake.

If this is the case, among so many colleagues who died in the line of duty in the winery, Tequila should have died the most tragically.

"This" Upon hearing this speculation, Takeshita Yunobu's face froze at first, and then he hurriedly defended himself:

"No, stop joking. Why should I blow up Nakajima?"

"Is it because of Yoshimi's matter?" Nakajima Hideaki suddenly said with an ugly expression.

Everyone looked at him curiously, and he told some guiltily about his past conflicts with Takeshita Yunobu:

It turned out that he and Takeshita Yunobu were college classmates.

In college, Nakajima stole Takeshita's original girlfriend Yoshimi, but later fell in love with another girl and cruelly abandoned that girl.

The beautiful lady couldn't think about it for a moment and chose to hang herself.

“So that’s how it is”

Everyone calmed down after hearing:

Hideaki Nakajima was undoubtedly a scumbag when he was in college.

And it can be explained that Takeshita Yunobu deliberately wanted to kill Nakajima Hideaki in order to avenge his girlfriend who was cheated by a scumbag.

In this way, the conditions for committing a crime and the motive for committing a crime are all in place.

"But where's the evidence?!"

Takeshita Yunobu's cheeks became extremely gloomy.

But in this gloom, there is not much helplessness and panic:

"Just because I had a grudge against Nakajima in the past, you can't just say that I planted the bomb, right?"

"This is completely baseless speculation and a frame-up!!"

"Well" Lin Xinyi hesitated:

In fact, according to his normal understanding, he didn't think that a programmer from a game company was capable of getting such a powerful bomb.

It would be too exaggerated to treat personal grudges as if they were a terrorist attack.

Of course, it is difficult to judge the murderers in this world using common sense.

Lin Xin thought for a while and finally decided to try to target Yunobu Takeshita:

"Mr. Takeshita, can you let us see your suitcase?"

If it was Takeshita Yushin's bomb, then after he changed the number plate with Nakajima.

The box he later obtained using the number plate, and the box he is holding now, should be the box Nakajima planned to use for the transaction, the box containing the company's confidential documents.

The box that Takeshita himself brought had naturally been completely destroyed by the bomb.

So as long as you look at the box in Takeshita Yunobu's hand and see what's inside, you should be able to get the answer.

At this moment, faced with Lin Xinyi’s request to check the box

Takeshita Yunobu's performance was very calm:

"Take it and see!"

"The contents in my box are just some project plans, but there is nothing suspicious!"

He opened his box generously.

At the same time, a sneer quietly appeared on the corner of Takeshita Yunobu's mouth:

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is in the spotlight these days, and its image is no longer as incompetent as it once was.

This not only deters some criminals, but also makes other criminals smarter.

Therefore, before committing the crime, he carefully considered the possibility that the police would find him.

"How could I not consider such a big hole in the box?"

"In addition to the box containing the bomb, I also brought an extra ordinary box to cope with the inspection."

"As for the box that Nakajima brought that will definitely become evidence."

"After I used the number plate to get it from the front desk, I hid from the surveillance cameras and hid it somewhere no one could find it."

"And it's useless even if the police find the box, I've wiped off all the fingerprints on it!"

Takeshita Yunobu looked back on all the preparations he had made and became more confident.

He tried hard to conceal his hatred for not being able to kill his enemy. He pointed at the documents and office supplies in his box and protested to Lin Xinyi with an excited expression:

"Take a look for yourselves, is there anything strange in my box?"

The more Takeshita Yunobu spoke, the more confident he became:

"This has nothing to do with me being perfect."

"I'm still in a hurry to go home——"

"If you don't have evidence, let him go as soon as possible!"

"." Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

He was neither surprised nor disappointed.

Because he originally came to check Takeshita Yunobu's box with the mentality of giving it a try.

It is now clear that the situation is not that simple.

But that doesn't matter.

The investigation has just begun.

The suspect may have prepared a box in advance to confuse this level.

But killing always leaves a mark.

Next, we can increase the number of interviews with witnesses at the scene, and take Takeshita back for interrogation and investigation.

You can search Takeshita's house to see if there are any wires, batteries, detonators, or residual explosives that may be left over from making a bomb.

You can check his online records, call records, and consumption records to see if he has checked out methods of making bombs or has any records of purchasing bomb raw materials.

This will take a long time and a lot of effort.

But if the murderer misses even one of the many links, his crime will be exposed.

According to Lin Xinyi's experience, handling cases can never be accomplished overnight.

It is very rare that the police can make the murderer kneel down and confess on the spot as soon as the police arrive at the scene.

It is normal to first survey the scene, locate the suspect, and then slowly launch investigations from all directions. It takes several days or even dozens of days to complete a case.

"So, Mr. Takeshita"

Lin Xin thought about it and prepared to invite the suspicious Takeshita Yunobu back for tea.

But at this moment, Belmod got ahead of him and said calmly:

"Indeed, the evidence we have now is too little."

"It is too early to say that Mr. Takeshita is the murderer."

She cast a meaningful look at Lin Xinyi:

"I think we can let Mr. Takeshita and others leave first."

"Otherwise, arresting people at will without evidence may have a very negative impact on public opinion."

"This" Lin Xinyi understood the hint in Belmod's eyes.

He knew that this teacher Belmode must have thought of a more effective way.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi pretended to be less suspicious of Takeshita Yunobu and said smoothly:

"That's right. Mr. Takeshita, and everyone else, if you want to leave, please leave."

"But remember to keep your phone open at all times. We may contact you to learn about the situation."

"no problem."

Takeshita Yunobu's eyes flashed with excitement:

Sure enough, with his careful preparation, even the Metropolitan Police couldn't do anything to him!

Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the suitcase unceremoniously, glanced at Hideaki Nakajima provocatively, and left the scene on his own.

As soon as Takeshita Yunobu left, Lin Xinyi looked at Bermod curiously:

"Teacher, did you find any evidence?"

"Evidence?" Belmod raised his eyebrows: "I don't have that kind of thing."

"Searching for evidence is your forensic method of solving crimes."

Her smile became more playful:

"But here, I have an actor's method of solving crimes."

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