Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 240 When the murderer meets the organization cadres

Takeshita Yunobu left the scene and went down to the hotel's underground garage alone, preparing to drive home.

After avoiding the public eye, his expression suddenly became gloomy and distorted:

"Haha. It turns out that Manager Lin of the Metropolitan Police Department is nothing special!"

"He couldn't find any evidence to prove that I was the murderer."

"Even if you have doubts about me, there is absolutely nothing you can do against me!"


There was another wave of resentment in Takeshita Yunobu's eyes:

"My revenge plan failed."

"That scumbag Nakajima was so lucky that my bombs hit the wrong person!"

He never expected that Hideaki Nakajima, whom he wanted to kill, would make a deal with a criminal organization today.

As a result, the bomb he prepared for Nakajima accidentally blew up the members of the criminal organization.

Look at Nakajima’s trembling reaction.

That organization seems scary?

He accidentally blew up the 'Mr. Tequila' that Nakajima was talking about. This organization wouldn't come to take revenge on him, right?

Takeshita Yunobu's random thoughts made him a little nervous.

He tried hard to get rid of these messy thoughts and walked back to where he parked his car.

And just when he was standing in front of the car, about to take out the car keys from his pocket and drive away.

Suddenly a shadow flashed behind him.

It only took a short moment, and Takeshita Yunobu didn't even react.

The black figure pushed him down from behind with one palm, pressing him firmly on the front hood of the car.

boom! Takeshita Yunobu's face hit the hood with a loud bang.

"W-who is that person?!"

He felt nervous and struggled to get up, but to no avail.

The black figure behind him still pressed his backhand heavily on the hood, making him unable to move at all.

"Is that Takeshita Yunobu?"

A female voice that sounded extremely cold and stern slowly sounded:

"You were the one who blew up Tequila?"

"W-what." Takeshita Yunobu instinctively wanted to play dumb: "What are you talking about? That matter has nothing to do with me!"

"Haha." He responded with a sneer.

There was also a sharp sound of sharp blades tearing the air.

I saw a ray of silver light falling on his head, grazing his head and cheeks tightly, and piercing the hood of the car like a thorn!


Takeshita Yunobu was so frightened that he howled.

By the time he discovered that he had not actually been pierced by the blade, his courage was completely shattered.

The cold dagger was pressed against his face at this moment, making the hairs on his body stand up and breaking out in cold sweat.

And the voice behind him became even colder:

"You bombed someone in our organization, do you think you can still deny it?"

"You're really brave."

"You" Takeshita Yunobu suddenly trembled: "Are you from that organization?"

The voice did not answer, but said coldly:

"I'm going to ask you a few questions next."

"If you don't answer honestly, the next thing that gets punctured won't be the hood."

Hearing this, Takeshita Yunobu trembled even more.

And the voice behind asked immediately:

"Did you plant the bomb?"

"Do you have the box that Nakajima brought?"

"This" Takeshita Yunobu reacted immediately:

It turns out that the other party wants that box.

It was originally something Nakajima brought to sell to the organization, but he accidentally replaced it.

Now that the organization has killed someone inexplicably, and they didn't get the goods they wanted, they must kill him to vent their anger!

Takeshita Yunobu felt increasingly nervous.

Feeling the cold dagger close to his face, he completely lost the courage to resist, and just cried out and begged for mercy:

"I planted the bomb, but I, I really wasn't targeting your organization!"

"I just want to kill that bastard Nakajima."

"What happened next was a complete accident, I didn't mean it!"

Takeshita Yunobu is like a child who has done something wrong, crying and defending his "unintentional mistake" in front of adults.

In order to survive, he honestly added:

"I haven't touched the box you want at all."

"I hid it in the ceiling of the men's room on the second floor of the hotel. Everything inside is fine."

"Take the box, please."

"Spare my life!"

Takeshita Yunobu begged tremblingly.

And as soon as he said these words.

The cold and terrifying voice behind him suddenly became relaxed and joking:

"Hahaha Mr. Takeshita."

"Your confession is really perfect."

"Huh?!" Takeshita Yunobu was slightly startled.

His mind was in a trance, but the person behind him had quietly stopped his hand and relaxed the power to suppress him.

Takeshita Yunobu turned around tremblingly and took a closer look:

The person standing behind him was not an organizational cadre at all, but the beautiful "Miss Chris" who had appeared with Manager Lin earlier.

It’s not just Miss Chrissy either.

Not far behind Miss Chris, there was a circle of people standing quietly:

Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan, Nakajima Hideaki, Megure Police Department, several police officers, and several Mantian employees who were called as witnesses.

At this time, they were all looking at him quietly with extremely strange eyes.

One of the police officers still had a tape recorder in his hand——

Obviously, everything that Takeshita Yunobu just confessed has been recorded.

"You, you guys."

Takeshita Yunobu suddenly realized what he had just encountered:

"Are you trying to induce a confession?!"

"No, I was scared by the 'bad guy' just now, so I was forced to admit it!"

Takeshita Yunobu defended himself with an ugly face.

He is like the president of the United States who evades taxes. Even if he is beaten to his face, he can continue to pretend to be crazy shamelessly.

"Is it."

Belmode chuckled mockingly:

"I was forced to confess, and I made it up randomly, but I was able to accurately tell the location where the murderer hid the box."

"Mr. Takeshita's fortune-telling ability is really amazing!"

Hearing this, Takeshita Yunobu was completely dumbfounded:

Yes, he had just revealed a fatal clue.

The police were able to find the box quickly based on his confession, and now it was impossible for him to quibble.


Takeshita Yunobu was silent for a while.

In the end, he reluctantly unclenched his fists and admitted the crime he had committed:

"That's right. I planted the bomb."

"My purpose is to blow up Hideaki Nakajima."

"It's all this bastard. This bastard deserves to die!!"

Takeshita Yunobu's eyes were filled with resentment.

He failed to take revenge due to some strange combination of circumstances, and now that he had completely lost the chance to continue taking revenge, he became even more depressed and miserable:

"Nakajima irresponsibly killed my Yoshimi, how could I not avenge her?"

"I did nothing wrong, no!"

"No -" Mao Lilan stood up.

She, who is usually gentle, now looks stern:

"Stop using such high-sounding excuses to disguise yourself."

"You think your revenge is right, but have you ever thought about the innocent people who may be implicated in your bomb attack?!"

"That's right." Lin Xinyi also felt this:

"To plant a bomb in a public place like a hotel, you are simply a crazy terrorist."

"This is not just revenge at all, but a crazy crime!"

"Takeshita Yunobu, what do you think of the lives of those innocent people?!"

"I" Takeshita Yunobu could no longer speak.

Facing the ruthless moral criticism from Mao Lilan and Lin Xinyi, the "justice" banner in his heart that was used to deceive himself suddenly collapsed.

"Cuff him away!"

Lin Xinyi ordered with a stern expression.

The police officers were busy handcuffing Takeshita Yunobu, and the farce finally came to an end.

At this time, Belmode, who had just shined in the case, stood quietly aside and carefully observed Lin Xinyi's performance:

"Just him"

"Angry for the innocent people who might have been harmed by the bomb?"

Belmode smelled a familiar smell from this strange student:

"It's just like that angel lady."

Lin Xinyi didn't have these unnecessary emotions in the past.

But now, he is angry at the murderer's ugly behavior——

There is obviously something wrong with a criminal who finds crime ugly.

Bellmode couldn't help but think of Lin Xinyi's true feelings that he unknowingly revealed yesterday when he was investigating the Sayuri Matsumoto case and the Kenichi Matsubara case.

He really, really looked like a real policeman at that time.


Belmod suddenly felt bad:

"After Boy lost his memory, he might have been led astray by Miss Maori."

Although when talking about work involving the organization, Lin Xinyi still behaves cold-blooded and cruel.

But at the same time, he showed that warm humanistic care again and again when solving crimes.

This is a bit like split personality.

Lin Xinyi's chaotic and contradictory performance made Belmod feel increasingly sad:

What if Lin Xinyi was gradually pushed down the abyss of light by that angel lady, strayed to the right path, contracted the bad habit of punishing evil and promoting good, and developed a bad temper that hates evil as much as hatred?

Will he still side with her as an evil teacher in the future?

She was thinking so

Mao Lilan appeared beside her at some point and said to her with admiration:

"Miss Chris, you are so smart."

"A simple act will reveal the true colors of the murderer!"

"It's nothing, just a little girly trick."

Seeing Mao Lilan's big, clean and clear eyes, Belmode smiled subconsciously.

Lin Xinyi also praised her with some emotion:

"Old, uh, Chris, you really helped me a lot this time."

"You have been doing your best before and after, and we didn't do anything."

"Yeah." Belmod smiled and nodded.

But my heart suddenly sank:

Wait, how could she work so hard to help solve the case?

According to her previous temperament, as long as she found out the cause of Tequila's death, she would never meddle in others' affairs.

After all, it was never her style to avenge her colleagues and bring justice to the dead—doing such unnecessary things.


Ms. Bellmode's mood became increasingly heavy.

Looking at the smiles Mao Lilan and Lin Xinyi gave her, she knew

She seemed to have been led astray.

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