Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 241 Continuous Attacks

After investigating the cause of Tequila's death and solving the explosion murder case, Lin Xinyi returned to his normal work as usual.

Everything was the same as before, except for the fact that Belmod still stuck to his side like brown candy.

This "girlfriend" who couldn't drive him away went to work with him and went home together. In the evening, he personally prepared dinner for him that was said to be his favorite when he was a child.

Gradually, Lin Xinyi became accustomed to the existence of this teacher Belmode.

The day passed peacefully like this.

Until early the next morning.

Something big happened at the Metropolitan Police Department:

When the Mumu Police Department went out for morning exercise, they were unexpectedly attacked by a guy squatting in the grass with a crossbow while passing by the grass in the park, and he was hit with an arrow in the stomach.

The Mumu Police Department immediately fell to the ground after being hit by an arrow, while the murderer took advantage of the chaos to escape safely from the scene.

Fortunately, the fat layer on Inspector Memu's abdomen was thick enough, so the short crossbow arrow failed to penetrate his biological armor and only slightly injured him.

But even if it is only a minor injury, this is an extremely bad attack on the police.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan were immediately invited to the park where the assault on the police occurred to take charge of the investigation of the crime scene.

"Mr. Lin, there is nothing left at the scene except a few footprints that happened to be imprinted on the soil."

After some investigation, Mao Lilan reported his work seriously:

"The footprints left by the murderer have a low starting and landing height. There are many pick marks on the toes of the front toes and scratches on the heels."

"The pressure on the forefoot is light and the pressure on the heel is heavy. The pressure on the forefoot is obviously transferred to the rear foot."

"Based on the characteristics of this weak walking gait and the style of shoes reflected in the footprints, the murderer who attacked the Megure Police Department with a crossbow should be a middle-aged man between 35 and 55 years old."

Her analysis was complete enough.

But this information alone is far from enough to find the murderer:

"The situation is very troublesome."

Lin Xinyi sighed softly:

"According to witnesses at the scene, the murderer was wearing motorcycle gloves and a motorcycle helmet, and not a single bit of skin was exposed on his body."

"This will make it difficult to find the hair and dander he left behind at the scene."

"As for the footprints, although the age and gender of the murderer can be roughly inferred, it is still far from enough to be used as evidence against the murderer."

"Not to mention, we can't find where the others are now."

Lin Xinyi encountered the most difficult case:

The murderer covered himself tightly, suddenly appeared and shot someone with an arrow, and then fled on a motorcycle with the murder weapon.

There was nothing left at the scene except a few footprints, and witnesses could not see his face at all.

"It's true that there aren't many surveillance cameras in the park."

"If the surveillance density is high enough, this kind of case will not be so troublesome."

Lin Xinyi sighed silently in his heart:

In fact, he has long been making suggestions to the Metropolitan Police Department to find ways to increase the density of surveillance coverage in urban Tokyo.

As long as surveillance can be installed wherever surveillance is needed, many seemingly difficult cases can be easily solved.

However, Minister Odagiri told him

The Metropolitan Police Department itself has no say in the installation of surveillance cameras in large areas in Tokyo.

This kind of major municipal project must be decided by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and it must be discussed and decided by the parliament.

After going through a tedious process, it will be a year before the "Skynet Project" is launched as Lin Xinyi envisioned.

"One year."

Lin Xinyi shook his head helplessly:

No matter whether the monitoring can be in place after one year, anyway, the role of monitoring cannot be counted on in this case now.

Judging from the pitiful few clues at the scene, it was basically impossible for them to find the murderer in the huge crowd.

The only clue left worth paying attention to is.

A dagger, a dagger made of paper with a special shape.

"Mr. Lin, why did the murderer keep this dagger?"

Mao Lilan was very puzzled by this.

"It's hard to say, but this is definitely not a good sign."

Lin Xinyi's eyes became very solemn:

According to various criminal cases he has been exposed to and studied, the murderer deliberately left such special objects with no practical significance at the scene, mostly to create his own "criminal characteristics."

This is the "brand" the murderer designed for himself.

And this kind of "brand" murderer often does not commit just one crime.

"I hope nothing happens again."

Looking at the inexplicably familiar paper dagger in front of him, Lin Xinyi couldn't help but feel worried.

The next day, just as Lin Xinyi feared, something unfortunate happened.

In the morning, Mao Lilan's mother Feili received chocolate mixed with pesticides. After eating it, she was poisoned and went to the hospital.

Although the person was rescued without incident, such an attack is still frightening.

Similar to the attack on the Mumu Police Department yesterday, the murderer placed a paper flower on the poisonous chocolate gift box sent to Fei Miles.

Afternoon, Dr. Ali’s house

"When he attacked the Megu police station, he left behind a dagger, and when he attacked Xiaolan's mother, he left behind paper flowers."

"What do these two things mean?"

Conan was immersed in analyzing the case while waiting for Dr. Ari to help him debug his newly developed solar skateboard.

Although Lin Xinyi and Xiaolan don't take him with them when they go out to handle cases now, out of detective instinct, he will still follow the case privately through Xiaolan and quietly help Xiaolan do some analysis and reasoning:

"Anyway, what is certain now is that there must be some relationship between the murderer and Uncle Maori."

"After all, the only thing the two victims, Megure Police Department and Xiaolan's mother, have in common is that they both know Kogoro Mori."

"So...are these two attacks the murderer's revenge against Uncle Maori?"

"When he was a criminal police officer ten years ago, he arrested many prisoners, some of whom should have been released for some time after serving their sentences."

"This conjecture is indeed possible."

Conan was very immersed in his analysis.

But a cold voice quietly sounded in his ears, interrupting his soliloquy:

"Kudo, are you here?"

Haihara Ai spoke.

For some reason, Haihara Ai's desire to research the antidote is now more urgent than Conan's.

Therefore, she goes to Dr. Ali's laboratory almost every day to conduct intensive research and experiments, hoping to develop an antidote to APTX4869 as soon as possible.

At this moment, Haihara Ai had just taken a break from his heavy research.

She walked out of the laboratory and was about to make herself a cup of coffee when she saw Conan who had just arrived at Dr. Ali's house.

If it were in the past, when she saw this classmate Conan, who was currently regarded as just a "guinea pig" in her mind, Haibara Ai would have said hello indifferently, then returned to the laboratory with the coffee she had brewed. go.

But it's different now.

Seeing that Conan was also at Dr. Ali's house, Haibara Ai immediately took the initiative to come up and chat:

"How is Lin now?"

"Is that woman still with him?"

Ever since Belmod came back, Lin Xinyi had completely cut off contact with Haihara Ai.

In the past three days, she could only learn a little bit about her boyfriend's situation by communicating with Conan and Mao Lilan in private.

"Uh" Conan rubbed his chin:

"Xiaolan doesn't dare to show up with me now, and I haven't had much chance to see him in the past two days."

"But I heard from Xiaolan that wherever Lin Xin goes now, that Belmod will follow him."

"She has been participating in Lin Xinyi's work in the forensics class as his 'girlfriend' these past few days. It seems that she is planning to stay with Lin Xin's family permanently and will not leave for the time being."

Haibara Ai:"."

The cold wind blew on her little face, and the hot coffee in her hand almost froze.

"It's really shameless to have a lot of young girlfriends pretending to be students."

Hui Yuan Ai subconsciously made an extremely vicious comment in his heart.

But at this moment, she was still worried more:

Why didn't Belmode leave?

And he just stayed by Lin Xinyi's side and did nothing else?

It was simply because he was worried about Lin Xinyi's mental state.

Or is it that this woman has discovered something wrong with Lin Xinyi, so she stayed with him to observe in secret?

Hui Yuan Ai's thoughts were a little heavy.

And just then.

There was a sound of breaking glass suddenly from the direction of the entrance.

Someone threw a stone from outside the courtyard wall and broke the glass on the door of Dr. Ali's house.


Dr. A Li couldn't help but put down the work at hand and hurried to the entrance following the sound.

He pushed open the smashed door and wanted to poke his head out to see who was playing pranks in front of his house.

And as soon as this door is opened

However, he saw a mysterious man wearing a motorcycle helmet and riding a motorcycle on the road outside the courtyard gate.

Holding a small hand crossbow, it pointed directly at his chest.

"This!" Dr. Ali suddenly felt bad.

He turned around hurriedly, trying to shrink back home and close the door.

But the mysterious man had already pulled the trigger and fired the crossbow arrow.

"Ah!!" screamed.

The crossbow arrow penetrated deeply into Dr. Ali's buttocks, causing him to lie on the ground weakly in pain.

"Dr. Ari!"

Conan and Haihara Ai hurried up to check the situation.

"I-I'm fine," Dr. Ari replied breathlessly.

He subconsciously wanted to turn his head to see if the murderer who sneaked up on him was still outside.

At this time, the roar of the engine could be heard outside the door.

The murderer shot an arrow and stopped lingering, decisively riding away on his motorcycle.


Conan subconsciously took out the solar skateboard, trying to catch up with the murderer who had already fled away on a motorcycle.

Because he knew in his heart that if the murderer's simple and crude way of committing crimes allowed him to successfully escape from the crime scene, it would be difficult to find him in the huge crowd of people later.

So he instinctively wanted to chase the murderer himself.

But just when Conan was holding his skateboard and preparing to leave.

He saw the window of the house across the road that suddenly opened to this side.

"Oops." Conan suddenly stopped: "What happened just now seems to have been seen by a neighbor."

"W-what do you mean?"

Dr. A Li is still a little unresponsive.

"The neighbors will definitely call the police and the police will be here soon to investigate."

"That is to say, that woman will soon follow Lin Xinyi and come to your home, doctor."

A thin layer of sweat suddenly broke out on Conan's forehead.

He took out his mobile phone and called an ambulance for Dr. Ali, then hurriedly turned around and rushed into the house:

"Haiyuan! Hurry, hide all the drug research materials from the doctor's house!"

"If that woman finds out, the situation will be very troublesome."

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