Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 243 Best Actor Hui Yuan Ai

The kid named Edogawa Conan has successfully attracted Belmod's attention.

But she didn't react much on the surface.

Belmod just smiled to hide the doubts in his heart, and then asked curiously:

"Conan, this kid is"

She looked at Haiyuan Ai again.

Belmod's eyes paused for a moment on her eye-catching brown hair and her exquisite three-dimensional mixed-race face.

But Hui Yuan Ai didn't speak, let alone look up at anyone.

She just pursed her lips pitifully, lowered her head, and from time to time put her fingers behind her large black glasses to wipe her tears, crying intermittently like an injured kitten.

"Haibara Ai."

Conan took the initiative to help with the introduction:

"She is the child of Dr. A Li's relative, and she is also my elementary school classmate."

"Oh." Belmod took a closer look at the crying little girl with glasses in front of her, but didn't ask any further.

She turned her head, like an assistant assisting Lin Xinyi in handling the case, and began to ask Conan businesslikely:

"Conan, tell us about the circumstances of the crime."

"Who was Dr. Ali attacked by?"

"He's a very mysterious guy."

"He was wearing a motorcycle helmet, riding a motorcycle, and the murder weapon he used was a crossbow."

Conan subconsciously answered the situation he had grasped, and also added casually:

"It looks very similar to the murderer who attacked the Megure Police Department as mentioned by witnesses in the park yesterday morning!"

"That's it"

Belmod nodded slightly, but then asked abruptly:

"Conan, how do you know that the person who attacked the Megure Police Department yesterday was also dressed like this?"

"Does Miss Maori usually talk to you about her case handling?"

"Uh" Conan was slightly startled, and he immediately reacted:

Adults would not talk about the details of their work with a first-grade kid.

It's strange that he now knows so clearly about the case that just happened yesterday.

"Ha ha."

Conan smiled stupidly, trying hard to look like a harmless Corgi:

"Yes, I heard it from the side when Sister Xiaolan and Uncle Maori were chatting."

"That's it. I remember it so clearly after listening to it once."

"Conan, you have a really good mind!"

Belmode smiled and touched Conan's big head, looking like a big sister who simply liked children.

Conan was still a bit lucky. He believed that no one would recognize him when he was smaller and wore glasses.

And just when the older and younger two were competing with each other with fake smiles.

The forensic police officers who came with them had already discovered something in the yard outside the door:

"Manager Lin, there are things left by the murderer in the yard!"

"It's a short sword made of paper."

The murderer left behind another dagger. This dagger also had a unique shape, but it was completely different from the dagger he left behind last time.

The dagger left last time was a straight sword, but this one is a spiral crossed sword.

"This is a short sword."

Looking at the dagger, Conan couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Thinking of the two things left behind by the murderer and the detailed information about the case from Xiaolan, he suddenly understood everything:

The straight sword left behind for the first time is the sword held by King in the playing cards, and the corresponding number is 13.

The paper flower left behind for the second time is the flower Queen took in the playing cards, and the corresponding number is 12.

The crossed swords left behind for the third time are the weapons that Jack holds in the playing cards, and the corresponding number is 11.

"This is the murderer's 'order of crime'!"

"Xiaolan mentioned it when she was talking about the case yesterday. The full name of the Mu Mu Police Department is 'Mu Mu Shi San' - Thirteen, which corresponds to the 'K' in playing cards."

"Xiaolan's mother's name is 'Fei Miles'. The meaning of 'Fei' in Japanese can be equated to 'Queen', which corresponds to Q."

"As for Dr. Ali who was just attacked, his name is 'Dr. Ali'. There is '11' in the word 'Shi', which corresponds to 'J'."

"The murderer is using playing cards to match the numbers in the victim's name!"

"According to this guess."

Conan's eyes suddenly became extremely solemn:

"The murderer may still go from 'ten' to 'one', and he will never stop easily!"

"And the next person to suffer will be a person with 'ten' in his name!"

Thinking of this, he subconsciously wanted to remind Lin Xinyi.

Because Conan knew that Lin Xinyi's case-handling style was completely different from his.

This guy is used to using scientific "stupid methods" and is somewhat lacking in imagination. For a while, he may not be able to see the connection between the items left by the murderer and the numbers in the victim's name.

"He must be reminded as soon as possible, but."

"That woman is here now."

With Belmod present, Conan no longer dared to use the "ah-lie-lie" trick to remind him aloud.

"It's better to contact Xiaolan via mobile phone."

"Let her tell me this discovery."

Conan thought this in his mind, so he excused himself to go to the toilet and slipped away.

A few minutes later, Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro arrived at Dr. A Li's house.

This case is closely related to Kogoro Maori. As a key figure in this case, he was also invited to participate in the entire investigation.

So after Xiaolan received the police call and heard that Dr. Agasa had also been attacked, Mouri Kogoro immediately set out from home with his daughter and hurried to the scene.

And after arriving at the scene and briefly understanding the case.

Mao Lilan was suddenly possessed by Sherlock Holmes and made some orderly and fascinating reasoning:

"The murderer carried out attacks in order based on the numbers in the victims' names."

"The police department is K, my mother is Q, and Dr. Ali is J."


"The next person to be attacked should be someone dad knows, someone with the number 'ten' in his name!"

Her narration made the case suddenly become clearer.

Everyone finally understood the meaning of the three items left by the murderer.

And Belmod even praised Mao Lilan with admiration:

"Miss Mori's reasoning is really impressive."

"It feels like a famous detective!"

"Miss Chris, you're very flattering." Mao Lilan's smile was a little unnatural: "I just had an idea and suddenly thought of it."

She wasn't very good at lying after all.

Especially when being stared at by Belmode.

This woman's eyes are always so calm and natural, making it impossible to guess whether she is secretly testing someone or simply chatting with others.

And just when Mao Lilan was so guilty that she seemed to be showing her flaws, Lin Xinyi took the initiative to stand up and brought the topic to the case itself:

"Uncle Maori, please think carefully."

“Do you know any friends with ‘ten’ in their names?”


Mao Lilan immediately followed Lin Xinyi's question and turned her head to look at her father:

"The killer may continue to attack at any time, and now we have to find the next victim as quickly as possible."

"Well, let me think about it"

Mouri Kogoro looked extremely serious:

"If it's ten, who are the people with 'ten' in their name?"

He tried hard to find the friend whose name might have 'ten' in it, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with a result.

"Uncle Maoli, think about it again." Lin Xinyi stood up and suggested: "The scene is almost complete, and we can't find any more clues if we stay here."

"Let's go back to the Metropolitan Police Department first and discuss the next step of the investigation with the Megure Police Department!"

He couldn't wait to leave.

Because he knew that Belmode had discovered that something was wrong with Conan.

If she was allowed to stay here any longer, Conan's underwear might be exposed.

And now it's just Conan.

If even Haihara Ai was noticed by Belmod, then the truth would be even more difficult to hide.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi took the initiative to leave the scene and return to the Metropolitan Police Department to find Mumu Police Department and others to investigate together.

Everyone agreed with this proposal.

"Then, Conan, Xiao Ai, you guys take care of yourselves."

"Doctor, he will be back from the hospital soon."

Lin Xinyi gave a few polite instructions in the tone of a big brother and prepared to take Belmode away from here.

Conan and Hui Yuan Ai stood behind everyone and watched them go away.

And just then.

Mouri Kogoro suddenly said something garrulous:

"Huh? Boy named Lin, why doesn't that brown-haired girl stop clinging to you?"

"Didn't she keep hanging on to you the last time we went on a trip?"

Mouri Kogoro was obviously very impressed by the precocious little Miss Haihara.

Because during that hot spring trip, this little girl unabashedly showed her love for "brother Lin Xinyi".

She was either nestling next to Lin Xinyi, holding his hand, or simply taking the initiative to sit in his arms.

So when he saw Haibara Ai standing quietly aside today, deliberately keeping a certain distance from Lin Xinyi, Mouri Kogoro felt a little uncomfortable.

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi felt a little numb when asked.

The last thing he wanted to mention now was Xiao Ai, but Uncle Maori brought the topic here in front of Belmod.

"Xiao Ai was very frightened today."

"Uncle Maori, stop making fun of other children."

Lin Xinyi gritted his teeth and wanted to bring the topic over.

However, Belmode had already stopped and cast a curious gaze:

"That brown-haired girl named Haiyuan, likes you very much?"

Somehow, she quietly emphasized the word "tea hair".

"That's right." Lin Xinyi replied perfunctorily: "She is indeed quite clingy."

"Really?" Belmod's eyes wandered back and forth between Lin Xinyi and Huihara Ai: "I didn't expect you to be so popular with children."

With that said, she slowly walked back to Haiyuan Ai, squatted down and touched Miss Haiyuan's brown hair with a smile:

"Xiao Ai, do you like brother Lin Xin so much?"

Hui Yuan Ai's little head was trembling slightly.

Lin Xinyi's eyes also became extremely nervous. He was worried that Belmod would find something wrong from his close relationship with Xiao Ai.

Only at this moment

Hui Yuan Ai stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes.

As soon as the tears were wiped away, she suddenly changed from the crying Ayumi No. 2 to a smaller version of Suzuki Sonoko:

Her face was red, her voice was sweet, and there were little stars of admiration and infatuation in her eyes:

"I like it! Lin Xin's first brother on TV is the most handsome. I like him the most!"

"When I grow up, I will marry my elder brother Lin Xin and become his bride!"

"." Belmode was silent for a while.

The air gradually solidified in her silence.

And just when Hui Yuan Ai was so nervous that she could hardly maintain her infatuated posture.

Belmod finally laughed softly:

"What a lovely little girl."

"But, it won't work."

"Brother Lin Xin already has me as his girlfriend. He will not marry you as his bride."

Hearing such joking words, Haiyuan Ai breathed a deep sigh of relief:

It seems that he got through it by fooling around.

However, this old woman...

It's really annoying to talk.

"No, Obasan——"

"I am Lin Xin's first brother's girlfriend!"

With a sense of resentment that someone was occupying the magpie's nest and had a boyfriend who was not allowed to see her, Miss Haiyuan said angrily.

"Ha ha."

Seeing the pouting little boy competing for a man with him, Belmode smiled more naturally:

That inexplicable intuition seemed to be wrong.

This is totally a brat

The second one will be later. I guess it will be very late.

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