Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 244 Who is ‘Ten’

Haiyuan Ai's eyes were full of hostility, but Belmode only found her interesting: "Children"

"If you want to steal your sister's boyfriend away, you're still a little too young."

Belmod gently touched Haihara Ai's head and smiled gently.

She showed great tolerance towards her children.

But Hui Yuan Ai turned his head stubbornly and broke away from Belmod's hand ungratefully:

"Hmph! Old woman!"

"You little devil."

Miss Haibara's poisonous tongue successfully hit Belmod's weak spot.

She smiled and stroked Hui Yuan Ai's head with more force, turning Hui Yuan Ai's smooth and beautiful brown hair, which was also the most annoying thing for Belmod, into a hen's nest.

"OK OK."

Seeing that Miss Haiyuan's glasses were almost knocked off by Belmode, Lin Xinyi hurriedly stepped forward and pulled his two "girlfriends" away from each other who were having a bad temper.

"We should go."

Lin Xinyi held Belmod's hand and wanted to take her away quickly.

Hui Yuan Ai's mouth tightened when he saw it, and his expression was a little downcast.

The depression is real.

Because she knew that as long as Belmod was around, she would never be able to see her boyfriend again.

Now that Lin Xinyi is gone, he doesn't know when the next contact will be.

Moreover, with that dangerous woman around, no one knows whether they will be safe next time they find out about the other party.

"Don't be angry~"

Just as the depression in Hui Yuan Ai's heart surged, she felt a big warm hand reach out from above her head:

"Xiao Ai, don't listen to her."

Lin Xinyi said to her very seriously in a tone of teasing a child:

"You are my girlfriend."

"Yes." Haiyuan Ai responded softly, with a sweet smile on his lips.

This smile is also real.

After bidding farewell to his girlfriend and walking out of Dr. Ali's house, Lin Xinyi still felt a little heavy:

He didn't know if Hui Yuan Ai had been exposed just now.

But Conan was definitely noticed.

After all, Belmod had already asked him directly about Conan's situation.

And if she really continues to investigate Conan's fake identity in depth, she will be exposed sooner or later.


Belmode suddenly interrupted Lin Xinyi's thinking:

"I just heard from Mr. Maoli that you went on a trip with them?"

"Yeah" Lin Xin immediately became alert:

Why is Belmod still paying attention to travel?

Is it because of Xiao Ai? Is it because Xiao Ai attracted her attention and she went on a trip with Xiao Ai, so it made Belmode suspicious?

"I just had nothing to do and wanted to take a short vacation. Miss Mori happened to be going to a hot spring in Tochigi Prefecture, so I went with her."

"And I can't help that little guy Haiyuan if he insists on following him."

He explained to himself with a cold face and a calm tone.

However, Belmod narrowed his eyes slightly and asked meaningfully:

"Really? Did you really go on vacation because you had nothing to do?"

"Are you sure it's not because of someone that made you travel to the hot springs?"

Lin Xinyi's scalp felt numb for a while:

Damn it, listening to this, is she really doubting her relationship with Haihara Ai?

In other words, even though Haibara Ai was wearing glasses, she was still recognized by Belmod?

Lin Xinyi was struggling with tension, and at this critical moment.

Mouri Kogoro, who had just betrayed him with his big mouth, suddenly came to him and gave him an assist:

"Hey Lin Xinyi, that stinky boy!"

“It’s so irritating just to talk about it.”

"This guy insisted on going to a hot spring vacation with my daughter for no reason at that time."

"I thought he had some thoughts about Xiaolan."

"I didn't expect that he already has a girlfriend as beautiful as you, Miss Chris."

As he spoke, Kogoro Mouri patted Lin Shinichi heavily on the shoulder with a mixture of regret and dissatisfaction:

"Thankfully, I'm quite satisfied with you."

"I said, if you have a girlfriend, you should keep some distance from Xiaolan!"

"This will be misleading!"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi still didn't react.

I saw Belmod looking at him quietly with a slightly helpless look:

"Shinichi, this is not okay."

"Don't ever bother Miss Maori like this again."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Co-author Belmod was not concerned about Haihara Ai's affairs at all just now, but just like before, he was worried that he would get too close to Miss Maori and lead Miss Maori into trouble.

"Wait." Lin Xinyi suddenly reacted.

He realized that his previous worries might have been unnecessary.

If Belmod cared so much about Mao Lilan, and even cared so much that he was reluctant to let his "biological son" get close to him,

Maybe there is no need to hide the fact that Conan is Kudo Shinichi from her.

Not only do you not have to hide it from her.

In a sense, after all the secrets are exposed, this can even become a bargaining chip for him to blackmail her.

For example, if Belmode didn't help him keep the secret that "Miyano Shiho is still alive", he would even take action to secretly kill Haibara Ai.

Then he threatened Belmode, saying that he would tell Gin about Kudo Shinichi and Maori Ran.

It's like sending a civilized broadcast signal to the dark forest-like universe

Everyone dies together and no one survives.

This crazy and bold idea suddenly popped into Lin Xinyi's mind.

"No, not enough"

He cooled off this crazy idea in time:

"The signs observed so far are not enough to determine the depth of Belmode's 'love' for Miss Maori."

"We must find a way to find out the true weight of Miss Maori in her heart, so that this 'balanced deterrence' can be successful."

"Then, how should we test out Belmode's sincerity?"

Lin Xinyi couldn't help but have a headache:

That woman was like the one-way glass in the interrogation room.

She can always see through others, but others can't see through her at all.

Lin Xinyi was thinking about ways to test Belmode, and at this time, Mouri Kogoro approached him again:

"Boy, I thought of it!"

"What have you thought of?" Lin Xinyi asked casually.

"Ten!" Mouri Kogoro's eyes were extremely sharp: "I thought about who the friend with 'ten' in his name is!"

"Oh?" Lin Xinyi was stunned for a moment, and his attention quickly returned to this bizarre case: "Uncle Maoli, who is that 'ten'?"

"Miss Towako!"

"I know a "ten" Miss Kazuko, and she also has a ten in her name!"

"Who is this Miss Towako?" Lin Xinyi was a little curious.

"It's Mama-san from a nightclub in Ginza!" Mouri Kogoro said seriously: "I've been to her nightclub several times before, and she even entertained me personally!"

"." Lin Xinyi was speechless for a while.

"Nightclub" He knew very little about this kind of place that corrupted the social atmosphere: "Can the mamasang I met in the nightclub be considered a friend?"

"Uncle Maori, are you sure that you have a good relationship with her and have frequent contacts with her? Many people know about your relationship with her?"

The murderer attacked Mouri Kogoro's acquaintances three times in a row.

According to the current case, the murderer’s motive should be to injure Kogoro Mori’s friends in order and take revenge on Kogoro.

In this case, would a woman whom we met casually in a romantic place really be targeted by a murderer if we didn't interact with her frequently and had a deep enough friendship?

Lin Xinyi couldn't help but raise such questions.

Mouri Kogoro thought for a while, but finally shook his head in embarrassment:

"It seems...not very familiar."

He had indeed been to that nightclub several times before and became familiar with Miss Towako.

But Ginza nightclub consumption is very expensive.

His detective agency has never made much progress, and he often uses the rent income to gamble on horse racing and loses money. He wants to go to the nightclub to deepen his relationship with Miss Towako, but he can't even take out any money from his pocket.

In addition, Xiaolan has become more and more like her strong mother recently.

Mouri Kogoro has always been looked down upon and has no chance to go to nightclubs to be cool.

"I haven't seen Miss Towako for a long time."

"So, the possibility of the murderer targeting her is indeed relatively small."

After careful analysis, Mouri Kogoro himself did not think that Miss Towako would become the target of the murderer.

Lin Xinyi continued:

"For safety reasons, I will explain the situation to the Megure Police Department and ask him to send someone to protect Miss Towako."

"But, Uncle Maori, I hope you think about it again."

"Among the people you know, are there any others with 'ten' in their names?"

"Imagination can be less limiting."

Lin Xinyi couldn't help but think of Aunt Feili who was also attacked:

There was no number in her name at all, but the murderer forcibly included the word "concubine" because it could be related to "Q".

The "Eleven" in Dr. A Li's name is also derived from "Shi".

According to this splitting method, "Shi" can be split into "Ten" and "One", "Li" can be split into "Two", "Bo" can be split into 'Three', and Dr. A Li's butt can be split into four. Arrows are no problem.

It can be seen from this that the murderer will inevitably resort to some far-fetched methods in order to come up with a smooth result.

"So the name does not necessarily have the character '十' in it. '十' may just be a radical taken from a certain character."

"Or, it's the homophone of the name like 'ten'."

Lin Xinyi put forward various speculations.

Mouri Kogoro thought along this line of thought and quickly came up with an answer:

"Yes, I do have a friend with ten in his name."

"Hiroki Tsuji, this is a friend I met on the golf course."

"Hiroki Tsuji." Lin Xinyi thought for a while and tried to ask: "How is your relationship with Mr. Tsuji?"

"very nice."

Mouri Kogoro's tone became much firmer:

"He is a professional baseball player, although he is much younger than me and much richer."

"But the two of us got along surprisingly well, and we can be considered very close friends."

"Is this so"

Lin Xinyi stopped in front of the police car:

"Then let's go talk to Mr. Tsuji now."

"He could be in danger."

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