Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 249 Evidence of homicide

Following Lin Xinyi's instructions, Mao Lilan quietly greeted the two police officers on duty outside the ward, asking them to keep an eye on Zemu Fair.

Zekihei didn't seem to notice everyone's wariness towards him, and he behaved very naturally and calmly.

When Mao Lilan walked past him, he naturally took the initiative to say hello:

"Xiaolan, the person in the ward now is Manager Lin from the Metropolitan Police Department, right?"

"Is he here because of the accident Mr. Tsuji suffered yesterday? Is there any other problem?"

"No." Mao Lilan shook his head, and Jiuzhen replied: "Mr. Lin checked it, and he also said that Mr. Tsuji probably suffocated due to an accident."

"That's it." Sawaki's fair smile remained calm.

And after he asked a few casual questions in an understatement, he stood up from his seat:

"I'm going to the bathroom first."

"Since Mr. Tsuji is fine, this is another simple accident. It's time for me to leave."

Kouki Sawaki was talking to himself, while walking slowly towards the bathroom with calm and steady steps.

"Okay." Mao Lilan hesitated.

At present, it seems that this incident is most likely an accident, and she can't find a reason to force Sawaki to stay.

Moreover, now this guy has to go to the bathroom, and it's hard for a girl to follow him.

Mao Lilan had no other choice but to give the two police officers a secret look and ask them to monitor and follow Zemu Fair.

In this way, Sawaki walked towards the bathroom with a natural expression.

The two police officers also pretended to be "inspired" and stayed behind him, teaming up to go to the toilet.

And after they left

"Mr. Tsuji, Mr. Tsuji, are you awake?"

Lin Xinyi's tentative call came from the ward.

"Mr. Tsuji, are you awake?"

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, then hurried back to the ward.

She was very curious in her heart, what exactly was the "remaining possibility" that Lin Xinyi just said.

"My chest feels so tight"

Tsuji Hiroki's unconscious murmur sounded in the ward.

He sat up from the hospital bed dizzily, squinted his eyes tightly like a dazzled old man, and looked at Lin Xinyi sitting in front of the hospital bed:

"You were here yesterday, that Manager Lin?"

"Why are you here?"

"Wait. What happened last night?"

"Why do I only remember Mr. Kogoro secretly kissing me in bed?"

Tsuji Hiroki obviously hasn't fully recovered from his hangover and coma, so it's a bit difficult to talk to him.

But without any dialogue, Lin Xinyi had already discovered something was wrong.

He carefully looked at Tsuji Hiroki's purple and swollen eyelids, watching him squinting his severely panda eyes and making an expression like "Subway old man's cell phone.jpg" with difficulty.

And looking into the slitted eyes, it is not difficult to see the scarlet bloodshot eyes of Tsuji Hiroki that have not faded until now.

"Mr. Tsuji, are you squinting at me like this because?"

Lin Xinyi's tone became extremely solemn:

"You can't see clearly?"

"Ah?" Tsuji Hiroki was slightly startled: "Manager Lin, what did you say?"

"Louder, I can't hear you."

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like my ears are buzzing?"

After discovering that something was obviously wrong with his body, he finally woke up after being confused all night.

Tsuji Hiroki couldn't help but cover his ears and eyes with a look of horror:

"And my eyes. My eyes also feel a lot blurry."

"." Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

"Tinnitus, hearing loss, is a consequence of increased intracranial pressure leading to a ruptured eardrum."

"Visual impairment is also the reason."

Then, he tried to reach out to Tsuji Hiroki's chest and gently pressed his chest: "Does it hurt?"

"Yes, a little bit." Tsuji Hiroki frowned and replied, "And I feel like my lungs are hurting and it's a little difficult to breathe."

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought."

"Such severe facial cyanosis, even spots of subcutaneous congestion on the shoulders and upper chest."

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment and came to a shocking conclusion:

"This is not mechanical asphyxia caused by a simple accident."

"It's traumatic asphyxia caused by external violent compression of the chest!"


The victim himself was still confused, and Mao Lilan was already shocked:

"Mr. Lin, are you saying that Mr. Tsuji Hiroki's chest was violently squeezed?"

"However, Mr. Tsuji's chest showed no signs of being squeezed by external forces at all!"

"Just use soft objects such as pillows and quilts to cushion it."

"In this way, there will be no obvious indentation on the victim's body surface, and it is difficult to find the problem by just examining the body surface."

Lin Xinyi explained methodically:

"And the 'squeeze killing method' this time is different from the previous cases of the Matsubara family."

"Mrs. Matsubara wanted to use heavy objects to squeeze for a long time to cause large areas of muscle necrosis in the victim, thereby inducing crush syndrome and causing the victim to die suddenly after a period of time."

"But this time the murderer suppressed the movement of the chest by squeezing the chest, making the victim unable to breathe, and eventually suffocated to death in a short period of time."

"Because the force was not applied for a long time, the degree of muscle necrosis was not large."

"Coupled with the soft cushioning, it protects the surface skin."

"So there is no external damage to Mr. Tsuji's chest, and no obvious subcutaneous bleeding."

He carefully analyzed the murderer's killing methods, and then said with emotion:

"As a result, it is difficult to distinguish from the signs of suffocation caused by 'accidental suffocation' just by examining the condition of the body surface."

"It's normal to make mistakes in judgment without anatomy."

The person is not dead yet, so of course there is no way to do an autopsy.

So we can only wait for Tsuji Hiroki to wake up and diagnose his condition according to the method of a doctor who treats living people.

"Then, Mr. Lin"

Although Mao Lilan lacked professional knowledge, she still responded quickly:

"Based on Mr. Tsuji's vision and hearing impairment just now, you concluded that his suffocation was actually due to violent compression of his chest?"

"That's right." Lin Xin nodded.

"It is different from the relatively 'mild' method of suffocation, which is suffocation by pillows."

"At the moment when the chest is severely squeezed, when the chest and upper abdomen are violently squeezed, the glottis of the injured person suddenly closes, and the air in the trachea and lungs cannot escape."

"Two factors act simultaneously, causing a sudden increase in intrathoracic pressure."

“The increased pressure compresses the right heart and the superior vena cava system, which lacks venous valves, causing venous blood to flow back into the upper chest, neck, and face, leading to the cyanotic swelling we see that can spread from the cheeks to the upper chest. "

"Of course, based on this alone, it is difficult to distinguish it from severe suffocation symptoms that may occur when suffocating to death."


He paused slightly and his tone quietly increased:

"When the intrathoracic pressure increases, the pressure will also be transmitted to the brain through the blood in the blood vessels, resulting in a significant increase in intracranial pressure."

"The cerebrospinal fluid is forced through the lymphatic space around the central blood vessels and reaches the lymphatic space of the retinal blood vessels, causing blood vessel rupture and lymph overflow into the retinal tissue, resulting in white exudates and hemorrhage in the fundus of the eye."

"This is reflected clinically."

"The symptoms of vision loss and visual field damage will appear immediately after the injury."

"And also because of increased intracranial pressure, the tympanic membrane may be damaged, leading to tinnitus and hearing loss."

"So, judging from Mr. Tsuji's current vision and hearing impairment"

Lin Xinyi came to the conclusion with firm eyes:

"Mr. Tsuji's chest must have been continuously squeezed by an external force!"

"And he now feels pain in his lungs and difficulty breathing. It is likely that his organs were damaged during the compression process, resulting in lung contusion that often occurs in traumatic asphyxia."

"Let the doctor perform a chest X-ray and CT examination on Mr. Tsuji in this direction, and the diagnosis should be easy."

This happens to be a hospital. If the hospital doctor comes to check, he will definitely get a more professional and authoritative conclusion than him.

Therefore, it is now basically certain

What Tsuji Hiroki encountered yesterday was definitely not just an accident.

"That is to say."

"The murderer took advantage of Mr. Tsuji's drunkenness, used pillows and quilts to cushion him, and continued to squeeze his chest hard?"

"But how does this explain the pillow marks on his face and my father's testimony?" Mao Lilan asked the question in a timely manner.

"Mr. Tsuji Hiroki did get drunk and lay on the pillow, and he was depressed for a while."

"Otherwise, there would be no pillow marks on his face."

"Yes, Mr. Tsuji did stuff himself into the pillow."

Lin Xinyi smiled:

"But this is not inconsistent with the murderer's subsequent violence against him, is it?"

Tsuji Hiroki did fall on the pillow after being drunk, but it did not necessarily lead to such a serious state of suffocation.

Because the human body will turn over on its own if it feels uncomfortable during sleep.

Although the muscles of drunk people are paralyzed and they are easily unable to turn over.

But people and their constitutions cannot be generalized.

It is indeed extremely dangerous to sleep on your stomach after being drunk, but not everyone will be unable to turn over and suffocate themselves to death.

In particular, Tsuji Hiroki himself is a professional athlete with very good physical fitness.

He might have been lying drunk for a while, feeling so stuffy and uncomfortable, that he turned over on his own in a daze.

"Mr. Tsuji was indeed suffocated by the pillow for a while, but he was not so suffocated that he was suffocated."

"However, it may have inspired the killer."

Lin Xinyi told his own reconstruction of the incident:

"Seeing Mr. Tsuji almost suffocating himself unconsciously, the murderer on the side may have suddenly thought of using this opportunity to secretly kill him."

"Suffocation caused by squeezing the chest, disguised as suffocation caused by being drunk and suffocating on a pillow."

"The mark on Mr. Tsuji's face that he had made before could be the real but wrong evidence."

"By killing people in this way, the police are very likely to judge the victim's death as a simple drunken accident."

"However, he failed."

"On the one hand, it's because Mr. Tsuji's physical fitness is so good."

Same as above, people and their physiques cannot be generalized.

If it is a newborn baby, the weight of a fist placed on the chest may cause it to suffocate and die.

Therefore, in reality, it often happens that a parent unconsciously puts his arm on the child's chest while sleeping, resulting in the tragedy of suffocation and death of the baby.

For an average adult, a weight of 40 to 50 kg on the chest and abdomen may cause death by suffocation.

But this number can double for a physically fit person, reaching an exaggerated 80 to 100 kg.

Tsuji Hiroki is a professional athlete, and his body is not generally strong.

Even if the murderer pressed forward with all his strength, he wouldn't be able to kill him for a while.

Of course, over time, Tsuji Hiroki will definitely still lose his life.


"But at that time, Miss Mori, you happened to be upstairs to find Dad."

"Hearing your footsteps going up the stairs, the murderer will definitely not dare to continue his murder."

Lin Xinyi said somewhat amusingly:

"So, the murderer put Mr. Tsuji, who had been severely suffocated, back to his original lying position, hoping to cover up the traces of his violence and fake a simple accident scene."

"And he didn't have time to leave before you entered the bedroom, so he could only pretend to be drunk and lie on that bed."

"Then, this must be the murderer."

At that time, apart from Hiroki Tsuji, there were only Hiroshi Sawaki and Kogoro Mori in the room.

Mao Lilan personally verified that her father slept like a dead pig at that time.

Obviously, this murderer can only be

"Sawaki is fair!"

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