Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 250 The style of the theatrical version


As soon as Zekihei walked in, he heard a rush of footsteps behind him.

The two police officers who were supposed to be responsible for protecting Tsuji Hiroki were following him into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, the two young police officers did not go to the bathroom.

They pretended to rinse their hands in front of the sink, then stood there pretending to be nothing, chatting about nothing.

As they chatted, they cast tentative glances from time to time, taking a hard look at Sawaki Fair.


Sawaki Fair suddenly felt something bad:

"These two guys were sent to monitor me."

"Sure enough, the forest management officer came to the hospital early in the morning."

"He must have found some clues, so he started to doubt me!"

Thinking of this, Sawaki couldn't help but regret:

He knew he shouldn't risk killing Tsuji Hiroki.

This will only bring him into the police's sight in advance and have an impact on his carefully designed continuous revenge plan.

But there is no way

Yesterday, I once again witnessed Tsuji Hiroki's vulgar behavior that insulted his profession as a sommelier. Sawaki Koichi could no longer bear it.

It was obviously a rare and fine wine, but it was ruined by this guy eating Haisei like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit.

Tsuji Hiroki made himself look so drunk and gave him a perfect opportunity to strike.

So Zekihei chose to commit murder in anger.

But unfortunately, not only did he fail, but now it seems that he also got himself involved.

"What should I do? Do you want to keep pretending?"

"Maybe they haven't found any conclusive evidence yet. Even if they realize it's not an accident, there's nothing they can do about it."

Sawaki Fairy comforted himself in his heart.

But this self-deceptive idea was quickly dispelled by reason:

No, it is no longer possible to pretend.

As long as the police sense that this may not be an accident and start to doubt him, he will be exposed sooner or later.

Because he didn't just kill Tsuji Hiroki.

Before Hiroki Tsuji, and even before the three attacks, Sawaki had already killed the prisoner named Murakami who had just been released from prison.

He wanted to use the "missing" Murakami's father-in-law as a scapegoat for himself.

But now it seems that the dead Murakami has become his talisman.

If the police regarded him as a murderer and ran to his house to conduct a comprehensive search, they would definitely find traces of his treatment of Murakami's father.

"No I can't fall here."

"If I get caught here, wouldn't everything I did before be meaningless?"

Sawaki's fair expression became extremely gloomy:

He put so much effort into putting the people he wanted to kill into the order of the playing cards.

The result till now.

Except for the unlucky Murakami father-in-law, he didn't kill anyone.

The few targets he really wanted to kill were all safe and sound.

After all this effort, there was no revenge at all.

If you are caught, you will still have to go to jail for murder.


Sawaki was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot and he almost went crazy.

After some contemplation, he tried hard to suppress his angry mood and walked out of the bathroom as if nothing happened.

As soon as he went out, two police officers followed closely behind him.

Zekihei ignored it and continued walking in the direction of leaving the hospital.

"Wait. Where are you going?"

The two police officers simply surrounded him and cut him off.

"I'm going to work."

Zekihei held the last glimmer of hope and said in a calm tone:

"I still have a lot of work to do today. If I don't go, it will be too late."

"This case is just an accident. I shouldn't need to stay here, right?"

"These" two police officers looked at each other, but finally chose to stop: "No, the case may still change."

"I hope Mr. Sawaki that you can stay a little longer and cooperate with our police investigation."

Sawaki was silent for a while.

He didn't say anything, just stared at the two police officers who blocked him in the corridor.

At the same time, he quietly put his hand into his pocket, as if to take out something.

"Please take your hands out of your pockets!"

Both police officers noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere:

Reaching into your pocket to retrieve something while being questioned by the police is an extremely dangerous move.

If in the United States, a darker-skinned person would have been beat up by the police on the spot.

Fortunately, Mr. Sawaki is fair enough, and this is not a rice dumpling.

Even though they sensed that the situation was a bit tense, the two police officers only carefully put their hands on the gun holsters at their waists, making a show of deterrence.

But Sawaki Fair was not frightened.

He ignored the police officer's orders and kept his hands in his pockets without saying a word.

And in this increasingly dangerous and tense confrontation,


Sawaki Fair suddenly broke the silence.

He pointed to the water crystal standing in the bay outside the window and shouted:

"Water Crystal!"

Two police officers: "."

They were silent for a while, and then laughed loudly:

"Ha ha ha ha."

"What the hell, do you think we Tokyo police are all fools?"

"How could we fall for this trick of deceiving children?"

The words just fell

In the harbor, where the water crystal was, there was a sudden loud explosion.

A yacht parked in the port of the artificial island exploded into a ball of brilliant sparks without warning.


The eyes of the two police officers were subconsciously attracted by the explosion.

But Zekihei, like a tiger that had been dormant for a long time, burst into action and pushed the two police officers to the ground heavily.


They staggered, their heads hit the wall backwards, and they almost fainted on the spot.

Sawaki was not willing to fight. He took advantage of the two police officers who were in so much pain that they couldn't get up, so he burst out as fast as possible and rushed out of the hospital without looking back.

half a minute later

Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan, Belmode, and Maori Kogoro, the four of them had just figured out the truth and were about to come over to control Sawaki Fairy, but they found out...

Zekihei has disappeared.

All that was left was a commotion and two young policemen with big bumps on their heads.

"Where is Mr. Sawaki?!" Lin Xinyi asked seriously.

"Run, ran away." A police officer replied angrily.

"You just ran away, it should be too late to chase you now!" Another police officer immediately reported the situation in a timely manner.

"This" After hearing this, Mao Lilan subconsciously stuck his head out of the window:

She saw that Sawaki Koichi had just escaped to the door of the hospital and happened to appear in her sight.

At this time, as soon as a young man rode a motorcycle and stopped in front of the hospital, he was caught off guard and punched head-on by Sawaki Kihiroshi, and then he was roughly pulled off the motorcycle.

Sawaki grabbed the motorcycle arrogantly and was about to get on it and drive away.

The style of painting suddenly became GTA.

"He's downstairs!!"

Mao Lilan shouted anxiously.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sawaki Heibo was already riding on the motorcycle he had just snatched. The next second he was about to hit the accelerator and drive away.

"I'll go after him!"

Mao Lilan immediately jumped out of the window and jumped straight from the third floor.

There was no buffer during this period, but she was still able to quickly get up and pursue after falling heavily to the ground, with almost no impact.

The painting style suddenly became Hulk.

"Wait a minute. Miss Mori!"

Belmode subconsciously chose to follow.

Wearing a pair of high heels, she was able to flexibly roll out of the window.

Taking advantage of the window sills and drainage pipes on the exterior wall, she jumped left and right like a snow leopard descending the mountain, deftly releasing her force, and finally landed on the ground unharmed.

The painting style suddenly became dragon-like.

"This" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

After seeing both ladies fucked, he naturally couldn't help but fuck.

So, he also rolled out of the window, secretly letting go of his luck, and slid down the wall in a gesture that was difficult to explain scientifically.

The painting style suddenly became martial arts.

"Hey, Xiaolan!"

Upstairs, only Mouri Kogoro was left in a daze.

He looked down at the height of the entire three floors and thought that he was no longer as good as he used to be, so he finally stayed down honestly.

"Xiaolan, please be safe!"

Mouri Kogoro shouted heart-wrenchingly.

But Mao Lilan was already chasing behind Zemu Pinghe with great momentum.

But she was still a step slow.

Sawaki Taira had already sped away on his motorcycle, leaving only a silhouette that no one had time to catch up with, and a cloud of unpleasant motorcycle exhaust.

"Oops. Let him escape!"

Mao Lilan was very concerned:

Tokyo is so big, if the murderer is allowed to escape like this, it will be difficult to catch him again.

Moreover, the order of the playing cards has just reached ten. If the murderer is allowed to escape into the dark, will he continue to wait for opportunities to commit crimes?

Mao Lilan couldn't help but feel a little worried, but she couldn't find a way to catch up with Zemu Fair.

And just then.

Suddenly there was a roar of an engine beside her.

A black sports car sped up like lightning, as if a whirlwind was blowing head-on.

But the cyclone suddenly turned when it was approaching Mao Lilan, and it made a beautiful drift on the road. Finally, the passenger door stopped in front of her exactly.

"Get in the car quickly!"

The scissor door opened upwards, revealing Belmode's sassy face on the driver's seat:

"Miss Maori, I will take you to chase the bad guy."

The style of painting suddenly became fast and furious.

"Yes." Mao Lilan nodded gratefully and quickly sat in the passenger seat.

She was about to close the car door.

But Lin Xinyi was stuck: "Wait, there's me too!"

Lin Xinyi also hurriedly squeezed into the sports car.

He couldn't just let a female high school student and a criminal be responsible for catching criminals.

"Uh" Belmode was stunned for a moment:

She was only focused on playing the police and thief game with Miss Angel, and she almost forgot that she had a student.

Now, this sports car can accommodate three people even if they are squeezed together.

But this is a two-seater sports car after all. If three people were forced to squeeze in, her angel lady would probably have to stay in the passenger seat and hug Lin Xinyi the whole time.

This is absolutely not possible.

She was also thinking about how to keep her black pigs away from other people's cabbages. Naturally, it was impossible to create opportunities for them to have physical contact.

So, looking at her students and Miss Angel, she thought for a moment.

"Miss Mori, come!"

Belmode smiled slightly and pulled Mao Lilan over forcefully like a domineering president.

While Mao Lilan was still dazed, he had already left the passenger seat and sat in Belmod's arms.

"Uh" Miss Maori couldn't react even more.

However, Belmode had already put an arm around her slender waist and hugged her tightly.

Lin Xinyi took advantage of the situation and got into the passenger seat and closed the door.

Seeing Belmod's driving posture, which would definitely result in his driver's license being revoked if seen by the traffic police, he couldn't help but ask with some concern:

"Old Chris, is this dangerous?"

"it does not matter."

Unprecedentedly, Lin Xinyi could see a hint of devotion and excitement in her eyes.

Belmode slammed the accelerator with a sharp movement.

Holding an angel lady in her arms does not prevent her from driving a supercar with one hand.

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