Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 251 Fund explosion

Mao Lilan had been carefully keeping a distance from this dangerous woman before, and had never thought that Belmode would make such an intimate move towards her.

Feeling the heat coming from the Thousand Faced Witch at close range, she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

But after the sports car was driven out, Mao Lilan knew that Belmode was definitely doing it for her own good.

Because the speed is too fast.

Just listen to the friction between the tires and the ground, making a piercing scream, and accompanied by the roar of the engine like a tiger roaring and a lion roaring, the sports car shot out like an arrow from the string, quickly inserting into the dense traffic on the road.

Belmod held the steering wheel with one hand and drove the beast with concentration, rushing left and right in the flow of the vehicle.

This sports car is like an assault boat in a storm.

Although this storm was caused by it.

At such a terrifying speed that can scare drivers along the road and make speed radars suspicious, the conditions of the people in the sports car will naturally not be very good.

Especially what Mao Lilan said about the overloaded ride and no seat belt to wear.

There was no need for Belmod to hug her, she was so frightened that she clung to him like an octopus.

Mao Lilan finally understood Belmode's painstaking efforts.

If she didn't hug herself, but let herself stay in the passenger seat and squeezed together with Lin Xinyi.

The Conan kids will definitely be pissed to death.

"K-Miss Chris" Mao Lilan lay deeply in Belmode's arms: "Is this, is this too fast?"


A smile appeared on Belmode's lips.

This angel lady's subconscious reliance in her nervousness gave her an exciting idea of ​​showing off her skills:

"But it's not enough!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the speed of the car increased significantly.

This black steel beast weaved back and forth in the traffic, and waves of sound swept across all directions.

As he was escaping on his motorcycle, Sawaki quickly noticed what was coming from behind him: the sports car engine that could wake up all the residents in the community along the road at midnight, making people sleepless all night but unable to report it. rolling.

Looking back again, he saw the black supercar approaching him at high speed. Sawaki knew that it was chasing him.

But it’s useless to know.

Belmode's driving skills and vehicles are all equipped with "speed and passion".

Sawaki's driving skills barely passed the test, but the broken motorcycle he rode was at the level of "Home Appliances Going to the Countryside".

With a box on the back of this shabby car, it's for food delivery;

Welding an iron car to drive a motorcycle;

Install a tricycle bucket to transport fertilizer.

Compared with Belmode's luxurious supercar that is out of touch with the masses, it is simply a good friend of the working people.

But it's clearly not a criminal's best friend.

Riding this kind of bike, Sawaki Hiroshi would soon be overtaken.

There wasn't even room for struggle.

So, after some intense thinking, he changed his escape direction in desperation.

"The guy rode his motorcycle up to the tram stop on the coast!"

"Does he want to take the tram and escape to the Crystal Water?"

Mao Lilan unconsciously played the role of a lookout:

The Water Crystal stands in the middle of the harbor, with only a tram track connecting it to the outside world.

The tram station on the coast is built higher than the ground and is connected to the ground by two long and winding stairs.

Taking advantage of the flexibility of his motorcycle, Sawaki drove directly up the steps and rushed into the tram station that had not yet been officially put into operation.

The low-riding sports car driven by Belmode obviously couldn't climb stairs like this.

If they want to catch up with Sawaki Fair, they must stop the car and then run to catch up.

But it seems a little too late.

"That guy seems to have got on the tram and headed to the Water Crystal!"

"And over there. At the pier on the artificial island over there, there are several boats parked there!"

Previously, although inexplicably, for some reason, a yacht suddenly exploded on the pier of Shuijingshuang.

But after all, there were still several intact speedboats parked on the pier.

Everyone was a little worried that if Sawaki arrived there first, he would escape to the sea in a speedboat again.

"So, even if we follow closely behind him and start the next tram, I'm afraid it's still too late."

"Then there's only one other way."

Belmode said meaningfully.

"Another way?" Lin Xinyi suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart: "Isn't there the only tram track to Shuijingshuang?"

"Ha ha."

Belmode smiled slightly.

There was the confidence of an experienced driver in that smile.

I saw that she did not choose to follow Sawaki Fairy out of the road and approached the tram stop.

Instead, he increased his power and drove the car onto the elevated track, which was almost as high as the roof of the tram station.

Belmode then turned the steering wheel sharply, turning the front of the car horizontally towards the elevated guardrail, towards the roof of the tram station outside the guardrail.

"K-Miss Chrissy!"

Mao Lilan was so frightened that she shrank into Belmod's arms again:

"There is no road ahead!"

"No, aren't the tram tracks very spacious?"

Belmode hugged Mao Lilan with one hand, held the steering wheel with the other, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

The sports car hit the guardrail at high speed, rushed off the elevated road, and flew up to the roof of the tram stop.


The sports car fell heavily on the roof of the tram station.

Then he rushed straight forward and off the roof, landing on the hollow tram track.

"Depend on!"

Lin Xinyi was also frightened and his heart beat fiercely:

He finally discovered that this case was different from his usual style.

Normally, criminals are often arrested after being exposed, but if they are more restless, they can be solved by "self-defense".

And now, after Sawaki ran away like this, he was actually taken into a black car by Mr. Belmode, and acted out the rush hour.

The funds just exploded.

Belmode didn't care about the wear and tear of this luxury car, nor did he care about risking his life.

Under her perfect control, the sports car drove quickly toward the Crystal Building in the middle of the bay along the top of the pod tram track.

The speed of a sports car is naturally much faster than that of a tram.

Sawaki Kohei obviously came first, but the pod tram he was riding in had just arrived at Shuijing when he was quickly chased by the fast sports car.

In the end, the sports car crashed down hard at the end of the track, accompanied by a loud bang, blocking Sawaki's way to the artificial island dock.

This car is considered useless.

But Belmode had a great time.

She opened the car door, hugged Miss Angel, who had been beaten to pieces, and walked out of the car bravely:

"Mr. Sawaki, where do you want to go?"

"." Zemu's face was as gloomy as ink.

Looking at the three Bermods blocking him like magic soldiers descending from heaven, he knew that it was impossible for him to reach the dock and escape by boat.

"Damn it. Damn it!"

He roared through gritted teeth.

Then, with almost no hesitation, Sawaki changed direction and ducked sideways into the nearby escape staircase.

"What a waste of time."

Belmode sighed softly, then took Mao Lilan's hand and chased after him closely.

Lin Xinyi followed them, feeling a little redundant in a daze.

The three of them chased after Mr. Sawaki, and saw Mr. Sawaki fleeing down the escape stairs in a panic.

Soon, he escaped to the bottom of the stairs and broke into a luxuriously decorated banquet hall.

There is no other way ahead.

Because this banquet hall is the bottom of the entire water crystal building, and it is completely built under the water.

Lin Xinyi had seen it on TV. This was a "undersea palace" ten meters underwater that the rich man built for himself out of personal hobbies.

The "palace" is surrounded by waterproof and pressure-resistant glass curtain walls. Outside the glass is the blue sea water, and you can also see swimming fish.

In the middle of this underwater banquet hall, there is also a luxury sports car used for decoration.

It looks like entering an extremely luxurious aquarium.

And Zekihei obviously had no intention of admiring the scenery of this underwater palace.

This is the place where he died.

"You have no way to escape, Sawaki fair!"

Lin Xinyi and three others completely blocked Zemuheibo's path.

"Yeah. I have no way to escape."

Zekihei seems to have given up the struggle.

He stood there and stared at Lin Xinyi, his voice full of:

"It's all you. Because of you, all my efforts have been in vain."

"None of those damn guys are dead now!"

"Those damn guys?" Lin Xinyi sighed softly: "Sure enough, the real culprit behind those serial attacks is you."

"You have several targets you want to solve, so you use such serial attacks to hide your true purpose."

"That's right."

Sawaki Fair gritted his teeth and said a few names:

"Tsuji Hiroki, Nishina Ken, Asahi Katsuyoshi, Koyamauchi Nana, these people deserve to die!"

As if he wanted to vent his long-suppressed hatred in despair, he told his murderous motive with great indignation.

He wanted to kill four people in total.

He wanted to kill Tsuji Hiroki because this guy made several bad jokes at the party and insulted his dignity as a sommelier.

"This" Lin Xinyi was shocked:

If a customer makes fun of him a few times, he will kill someone. This guy's psychological endurance is not suitable for working in the service industry.

I want to kill Ken Nishina because Mr. Jen doesn’t know how to pretend to understand. He writes books in the name of a food expert and gives readers a wrong understanding of wine.

"This" Lin Xinyi was even more shocked:

If you cheat or write wrong science knowledge, you will be killed.

According to this standard, 99% of future marketing accounts and self-media will have to be pulled out and shot.

The reason why he wanted to kill Xu Shengyi was that Boss Xu had hoarded a large amount of foreign fine wines, but he mismanaged the wine cellar, causing those precious red wines to "suffer".

"This" Lin Xinyi was speechless:

People spend money to buy wine, let alone poor management.

Even if he buys it and soaks his feet, you have nothing to do with it!

She wanted to kill Nana Koyamauchi because she hit Hiroshi Sawaki with her car three months ago, causing him to suffer head trauma and lose his sense of taste.

Sawaki lost his sense of taste and could no longer become a true taster.

"This" Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this:

Finally there is a normal motive for the murder.

The first few sound really incredible.

"Haha" Sawaki sneered nervously: "You must think I'm abnormal, right?"

Lin Xinyi remained politely silent.

"You won't understand" Sawaki shouted crazily: "You people who don't understand red wine at all can't understand my feelings at all!"

"Can you understand the pain of watching famous wine being tainted?"

That's right. Lin Xinyi really couldn't understand his brain circuit:

"That's enough, Mr. Sawaki."

"No matter what it is for, you should pay for what you did."

"What's the price?"

Sawaki said to himself crazily:

"Yeah, I have to pay the price."

"None of those hateful guys died. My life is completely meaningless."

"I won't survive in such a ridiculous way!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zekihei finally opened his clenched fist.

Only then did everyone finally see that he seemed to be holding something small in his palm.

That is

"Remote detonator?"

Lin Xin's expression changed, and Belmode's previously casual gaze suddenly became serious.

The next moment, the sea began to tremble.

The water crystal exploded.

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