Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 253 Saving Belmode

Lin Xinyi came back from diving just to save people.

That guy Sawaki Hiroshi crashed into the tide with a death wish, and was washed away by the water on the spot, making it impossible to save him even if he wanted to.

And Belmode was only barely saved.

She had depleted the oxygen in her body and almost lost consciousness.

"We have to let her breathe oxygen quickly."

Lin Xinyi's eyes became extremely solemn:

So, how can Belmod breathe oxygen as quickly as possible under water nearly ten meters deep?

Mouth-to-mouth kissing?

That is absolutely not possible.

Because of the pressure of sea water, when humans breathe underwater, their chests will bear considerable pressure.

The deeper the water, the greater the pressure and the harder it is to breathe.

The air cylinders used for diving are filled with high-pressure air. Only with the help of appropriate pressure, the air is forced into the lungs, and humans can breathe easily underwater.

So, if you want to breathe underwater mouth-to-mouth like in the movies.

First, Lin Xinyi was like a pressurized blower, increasing the pressure and sending air into the opponent's mouth——

Of course, due to some unscientific factors, he was really able to blow air at high pressure.

But it's not enough for him to stand up alone.

Belmod had to withstand the water pressure on his diaphragm, and his mouth was like an octopus sucker, firmly sucking Lin Xinyi's lips without leaving a single gap.

Both parties must also control the speed of air supply and inhalation, otherwise if either side exerts too much force, the air will easily leak out.

As long as there is a slight mistake, the result will be that the two of them choke on each other.

This is simply an impossible task.

And even if the delivery is successful, it can only help people breathe a little more.

Therefore, for Lin Xinyi, he only has one choice now.

That is to rescue Belmode as soon as possible and send him to a place with air.

"You can't send it directly to the sea, it's too late."

"Fortunately. The banquet hall has not been completely filled with sea water. There is still an 'air bag' on the top."

Just like when a boat capsizes and suddenly flips down, the remaining air in the boat will be pressed upward by the water, forming an air pocket in the space.

As the water pressure gradually increases, the density of the air will also increase. The pressure generated by the air itself will eventually balance with the pressure of the floating water.

The same is true for this underwater banquet hall now.

Although seawater poured in from the outside, there was still an air pocket on the top of the banquet hall.

This air bag can be used as a staging area for Belmode to escape.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi quickly sank to Belmod's side and used his hands to support the sports car that was pressing heavily on her.


Belmod's eyes were filled with surprise.

She thought she had seen a beautiful hallucination before she died.

And Lin Xinyi turned her fantasy into reality.

He secretly gathered strength, lifted up suddenly, and lifted the heavy sports car from the ground, and slowly moved it to the side.

Belmode was saved.

She was still confused in the pain of dying, but Lin Xinyi had already hugged her shoulders and led her to swim up.

The two of them surfaced together and reached the "air bag" on the top of the banquet hall to take a breather and rest.

"Huhu. Huh."

Belmode breathed in the long-lost air.

Her silver hair, which was tied into an elegant bun, was all down, wet and stuck to her pale cheeks, and lay messily on her and Lin Xinyi's shoulders.

At this moment, Belmod was completely devoid of his usual mystery and nobility.

She looked extremely embarrassed, powerless, and even fragile.


Belmode never thought he could survive.

What saved her was the child to whom she owed so much.

Belmode couldn't help but hugged Lin Xinyi tightly.

At this moment, she seemed to be able to feel the same warmth from Lin Xinyi as the angel lady.

"Are you feeling better, teacher?"

Lin Xinyi asked worriedly:

"Moreover, the building has been shaking since the explosion, and there may be a secondary collapse."

"We have to swim out as quickly as possible and to the surface."

Belmode lay weakly on Lin Xinyi's shoulder, took a few deep breaths, and his pale face finally turned rosy.

"Well I'm fine."

There was spirit in her voice.

The usually confident and mysterious Belmod seems to be back again:

"Come on, let's swim out together."

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded.

He took a deep breath, then took Belmod's hand and took her into the water together.

The two people swam quickly in the flooded banquet hall and approached the explosion gap opened by the bomb.

Next, as long as you swim out of the gap and swim out of the sea, you can successfully escape.

But at this critical moment.

The building, which had been collapsing and trembling since the explosion, suddenly started to tremble again.

This originally indestructible building was now like a snowman melted by the sun. It completely lost the strength to support its standing and collapsed suddenly.

The collapse of the building also affected the submarine banquet hall located directly below the building.

The ceiling that could barely stand upright suddenly collapsed, completely blocking the way.

"This is bad!"

The expressions of Lin Xinyi and Belmode changed accordingly:

The good news is that the building has stopped shaking and there should be no further collapse.

But the bad news is that their way is blocked.

In other words, they were trapped in this underwater banquet hall like victims of an earthquake.

The victims in the collapsed houses of the earthquake still had air, but where they were was at the bottom of the sea!

There is seawater everywhere, and only the remaining air pocket can provide them with a place to breathe.

Lin Xinyi and Belmod were trapped and had no other choice but to swim back to the top of the banquet hall and return to the air bag for ventilation.

And something even more terrible happened.

"The ceiling is leaking"

"Because the building just collapsed and the ceiling cracked, this air bag will soon be unable to sustain itself."

Lin Xinyi's tone became extremely solemn.

Once this air bag collapses, the entire banquet hall will be completely flooded.

When the time comes, he and Belmode will be trapped and dead at the bottom of the sea, not only unable to escape, but also unable to breathe.

"Diving Air Bottle"

Belmode still maintained his composure:

"To build this kind of underwater facility that is completely below the sea surface, for the sake of safety, there should be some emergency diving air bottles inside!"

"If we can find the gas cylinder in this banquet hall, we can hold on a little longer."

"When the time comes, if the water rescue team can arrive in time and let the frogmen open the underwater ruins, we may have a chance to get out alive."

At the end of the sentence, her voice was not so confident.

Because Belmode knew very well that the hope of survival for the two of them was already very slim.

That air bag will soon be unable to hold its own.

It is not certain whether the air bottle can be found.

Even if they are found, the oxygen in the air bottle may not be enough to sustain them until rescue arrives.

"Go find it."

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must persist in living."

Lin Xinyi said calmly.

He seemed not to be at all overwhelmed by the danger of being trapped at the bottom of the ocean and about to be completely submerged.

Lin Xinyi's calmness couldn't help but be infected by Belmode.

Unknowingly, she also quietly gained a motivation to survive in her heart.

In this way, Lin Xinyi and Belmod dived into the water again and began to search for possible emergency diving air bottles in the mostly collapsed underwater banquet hall.

Soon after

They resurfaced and returned to the vanishing pocket of air.

"Only found a working compressed air bottle."

"Everything else was crushed by the falling ceiling."

Lin Xinyi and Belmode's expressions were very solemn.

With only one air cylinder, the available air was less than they imagined.

This means that after the air bag bursts, the time they can last in the water will be extremely limited.

If they fail to get out before the rescue comes when the air runs out, they will die here.

Belmode thought so.

Then, she took off the second-stage mouthpiece for air supply from the emergency air bottle, with a forced smile on her lips:

"Boy, let's use this air bottle alternately."

"If we're lucky, we'll all survive."

Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

He took a closer look at the only working compressed air bottle they had.

The volume displayed on the bottle is 12L, and the pressure indicated by the signal valve is 200Bar, which means that 200 times the same amount of air has been filled into the bottle.

The amount of air currently in the bottle is 12L*200.

It seems like a lot, but the problem is that the general estimate of the amount of air people breathe out every minute on land is 30L/min.

And there is no way to use all the air in this bottle.

As mentioned before, due to the pressure of sea water, the air in the air bottle must have a certain pressure to allow divers to breathe air normally underwater.

Therefore, according to safety standards, divers must float when they inhale the air bottle from 200bar to 50bar.

If you follow the safety standard of 50bar, substitute the formula of [cylinder volume (liters) * (inflation pressure - signal valve indication pressure)] / [gas consumption per minute at normal pressure * (1 + 0.1 * diving depth) * seawater density].

"Based on a conservative estimate of 30L/min, this compressed air bottle is only enough for one person to survive underwater for half an hour."

"Of course, the actual oxygen consumption of the diver will be much less than the conservative estimate of 30L/min, and as a thin woman, Belmode's oxygen consumption will only be less - she should be able to persist longer than the theoretically calculated number. Until longer.”

Lin Xinyi was doing calculations quickly in his mind.

Then, after some deep thought, he said to Belmode firmly:

"Teacher, you can use this cylinder alone."

"W-what?" Belmode doubted his ears.

"You can use the gas cylinder alone." Lin Xinyi repeated seriously: "I don't need it."

According to his calculations, even if the cylinder was used by Belmod alone, it might not be able to last until rescue arrived - and even if rescue arrived, he didn't know how long it would take to break through the underwater barrier.

If you let him use it together again, it will be even more useless.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi decided to let Belmode use the air bottle alone.

"You" Belmod's expression was extremely exciting: "Do you want to die?"

"Give me the oxygen bottle, what are you going to do?!"

She looked at her student in disbelief.

Belmode never thought that this child who had drifted away from her would actually make such a sacrifice for her.

Yes, not just salvation, but sacrifice.

For a villain like her who lives in darkness, there are still people who are willing to sacrifice for her?

She had obviously done such cruel things to him. But did this child still love her so deeply?

For the first time in his life, Belmode felt so complicated that he could not speak.


Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

He didn't know how to explain it either.

In fact, Lin Xinyi has never worried about himself.

Because he is not the kind of ordinary person who will suffocate to death if he doesn't breathe for a few minutes.

When rescuing Miyano Akemi, Lin Xinyi stayed underwater the whole time and didn't show his head for more than half an hour.

Not only was he not suffocated to death, he still had the strength to provide artificial respiration to others after landing.

According to his unscientific and even more advanced turtle breathing ability than before, if he just lay still in the water

"Teacher, don't worry."

Lin Xinyi couldn't bear to say something unpleasant:

Even if you soak in rigor mortis and spread throughout your body, I won't die.

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