Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 254 Belmod’s transformation

Lin Xinyi had a lot of time to wait for rescue.

The only one in danger is Belmode.

Therefore, he gave up this precious compressed air bottle without hesitation and handed it to Belmode.

"I have a special physique, so it doesn't matter if I don't use an air bottle."

Lin Xinyi spoke the truth as if nothing had happened.

Belmod was stunned for a long time, and finally said with a complicated expression:

"I don't deserve this."

Lin Xinyi had obviously forgotten so many things, only remembering the cruel things she had done to him.

But he still instinctively loves her as a teacher.


Belmode seemed to have finally made up his mind and sighed with relief:

"This air bottle should be for you to use."

"." Lin Xinyi rolled his eyes helplessly: "I told you, nothing will happen to me."

At this time, the gaps in the ceiling gradually cracked and opened, and seawater poured in from all directions.

The air bag was about to be completely engulfed by the sea water, and both of them would be completely submerged in the water.

Seeing that Belmod was still arguing with him over who used the air bottle, just like the drinking buddies rushing to pay the bill after the meal.

Lin Xinyi simply grabbed the air supply mouthpiece of the air bottle and forced it into Belmod's mouth.


Belmod was a little embarrassed and wanted to struggle away.

Only now did she realize that the angel had always been by her side.

But she always only had eyes for that bright and flawless angel lady.

But this child who loved her more than anyone else was cruelly and mercilessly pushed into the abyss by her own hands.

Belmod's heart was trembling.

She tried hard to spit out the mouthpiece, to let go of the air bottle and leave it to the child to whom she owed so much.

But Belmode, who had been pinned underwater by the sports car and suffered from oxygen deprivation for a long time. After recovering, he swam back and forth for a long time, and now he didn't have much energy left.

She simply couldn't resist Lin Xinyi, who was still full of energy.

No matter how much Belmode struggled, Lin Xinyi hugged her tightly from behind and covered her mouth and nose hard to prevent the air-supplying mouthpiece from being spit out by this restless woman.

Soon, the water completely submerged them both.

Belmod gradually stopped struggling.

She finally felt Lin Xinyi's determination and accepted this cruel and deeply shocking fact.

In this cold sea water, her heart, which was once colder than the sea water, was now so warm that it almost melted.

Belmode hugged Lin Xinyi tightly.

A minute passed.

Three minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed.

In a daze, Belmod seemed to be able to feel the man in his arms slowly dying.

He closed his eyes and stopped moving. His expression was comfortable and peaceful, as if he had fallen asleep under the water.

But Belmode knew that once Lin Xinyi fell asleep like this, he might never wake up again.

"Sorry, Boy."

Belmod held Lin Xinyi's "corpse":

"If I could do it all over again"

"I will definitely love you well."

Seeing that Belmod finally accepted the air bottle honestly, Lin Xinyi simply left the woman alone and turned on the "energy-saving sleep mode."

In this dormant state, he could probably sleep underwater for a whole day.

Like a hibernating turtle.

And Lin Xinyi did this not just to "save power."

Another very important reason was that he couldn't bear to stay awake and watch Belmode drown in front of him because of depletion of oxygen.

After all, they only have one air bottle. Even if Belmod is allowed to use it alone, she may not be able to hold on until rescue arrives.

Lin Xinyi knew that there was a high probability that she would drown in front of him.

Death by drowning is extremely painful.

Lin Xinyi is not afraid of corpses, nor is he taboo about death.

But a gentleman cannot bear to see his death. He really does not want to witness the tragic image of a person being drowned alive.

So he chose to close his eyes, immerse himself in sleep, and escape into the deep dreamland.

Next, he waited for the rescuers to salvage his "body" and revive him.

And he sleeps and sleeps

When he woke up, he felt someone pressing heavily on his chest.

His mouth was also opened and his airway was opened.

Immediately afterwards, two soft lips pressed tightly against her like suction cups, blowing air inside like a balloon.

"Cough cough cough"

Lin Xinyi choked and woke up immediately.

He opened his eyes and looked up to see the blue sky, white clouds, and the collapsed ruins of the water crystal.

And Belmod's eyes full of excitement and surprise.

It turned out that they had been rescued ashore, and the one who had just tried to give him first aid was his teacher Belmode:

"you are still alive"

"That's great you're actually alive!"

Belmod subconsciously grasped Lin Xinyi's hand and felt the warmth in his hand.

From the side, Mao Lilan's joyful voice also came over:

"Mr. Lin, are you okay?!"

"We, we almost thought you were dead"

When she said this, she even wiped the tears from her eyes excitedly.

There was also a circle of rescuers wearing flood rescue team uniforms surrounding him. They were all looking at Lin Xinyi with the eyes of observing aliens.

"Um." Lin Xinyi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "I slept on my forehead underwater. How long have I been unconscious?"

"Half an hour, close to half an hour!"

One rescuer said in shock:

"Mr. Lin, you can still survive after being underwater for half an hour—"

"This, this is really a miracle of life!"

The flood rescue team responded extremely quickly.

Because they are a water mobile unit under the Metropolitan Police Department, they have two major responsibilities: water rescue and water law enforcement.

So at the beginning, when the yacht exploded at the artificial island dock, they had already received the alarm and dispatched.

When the Water Crystal Building exploded and collapsed, and Lin Xinyi and Belmode were trapped on the seabed, these rescuers just arrived at the scene and saw Mao Lilan who had escaped to the shore.

At Mao Lilan's strong request, the water rescue team launched the rescue immediately. It took more than 20 minutes to blast through the collapsed barrier and rescued the trapped Lin Xinyi and Belmode.

Hearing this, Lin Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief:

Fortunately, it was only less than half an hour.

If the rescuers were too slow, he would have to sleep underwater for several hours before being fished out.

Then he will probably make international headlines, be visited by groups of scientists, and in a dozen years will become an urban legend used by marketing accounts to write articles.

Although the current "achievement" is quite exaggerated.

But in the real world, the world record for underwater breath holding is a full 22 minutes.

And in this different world where "Superman" exists, Lin Xinyi can survive this little half hour underwater.

Reasonable, that makes sense.

"Ahem. Anyway, thank you for your concern."

"People's physiques cannot be generalized. I feel very good now and don't need to go to the hospital."

Lin Xin waved his hand and declined the rescuers' attempts to carry him onto a stretcher.

Although this will make people feel more incredible towards him.

But if they were sent to the hospital and the doctors found out that he had been holding his breath for half an hour and that all physiological indicators were healthier than those of healthy young people, they would probably be even more shocked.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi was too lazy to act in unnecessary scenes.

He politely sent the shocked rescuers away, lest they stay to watch the monkeys.

Then, in order to be as low-key and unobtrusive as possible, he pretended to be exhausted and weak, and with the help of Belmode, he walked tremblingly to the steps aside and sat down.

"Mr. Lin, are you really well?"

Mao Lilan's eyes were still full of worry.

"Well, it's okay. You don't have to worry about me."

Lin Xinyi smiled and changed the topic:

"Miss Maori, your phone must have been damaged by water, right?"

"If you haven't called Uncle Maori yet, you must report to him that he is safe as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely worry to death."

"Yeah!" Mao Lilan reacted belatedly: "I have been worried about the safety of you two before, and I even forgot to contact dad."

She stood up immediately and hurriedly went to the search and rescue personnel to borrow her mobile phone.

Before leaving in a hurry, Mao Lilan specifically stopped, turned around and bowed solemnly to Belmode:

"Thank you, Miss Chris!"

She knew that it was Belmod who sacrificed his life to save her earlier.

Even though she couldn't figure out why the other party valued her so much, it didn't stop Mao Lilan from expressing her gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

Belmode accepted the thanks calmly, and then watched Mao Lilan leave with relief.

Lin Xinyi was the only one sitting next to her.

They were alone again.

But the atmosphere was completely different from before.

Although the two people lived together and affectionately called each other "teacher" and "boy", in fact, they were always vigilant and on guard.

Belmod became wary because of Lin Xinyi's drastic change in personality.

Lin Xinyi was always wary of this dangerous woman.

But it's different now.

There was a tenderness in Belmod's eyes that he had only shown to Mao Lilan before.

Lin Xinyi, on the other hand, found what he wanted in the previous incident——

Belmod's weakness.

"She protects Miss Maori unconditionally, even at the risk of putting herself in danger."

"Obviously Miss Mori is her weakness."

Lin Xinyi's eyes gradually became sharp:

On a smaller scale, this matter can become a "nuclear bomb" in his hand to maintain a strategic balance with Belmode.

On a larger scale, this can be a breakthrough for their resistance organization——

According to Belmode's current "dangerous thinking" that is incompatible with the values ​​of this criminal organization.

Lin Xinyi felt that he might be able to find a way to win her over.

To engage in struggle is to defeat more of our people and fewer of the enemy's people.

All in all, we must unite all those who can be united, so that the enemy can be reduced to the minimum, leaving only a few hopeless extreme criminals.

For example, gin.

If Belmod can be made to surrender through united front work, at least the balance will be tilted towards him by the organization.

Then if he wants to break away from the organization in the future, or even fight against the organization, he can get great help from her.

Of course, to achieve this, we must also pay attention to the methods and methods of united front work.

The battle on the hidden front cannot be rushed. The most important thing at the moment is to figure it out first.

“Why do I value Miss Maori so much?”

"You're still thinking about this, right?"

Belmode suddenly and abruptly expressed what Lin Xinyi was thinking.

Lin Xinyi's expression froze, and his eyes flashed with caution.

"Don't be so nervous."

"I know you've been wary of me, after all."

Belmode said something shocking again calmly:

"You're not familiar with me as a teacher at all, are you?"

Lin Xin felt his scalp numb when he heard it.

He subconsciously tensed up his body, always on guard against this dangerous witch.

But Belmod gently reached out and touched his cheek.

The movement was gentle and gentle, with deep love.

Like a mother caressing her child.

"You don't have to be so wary of me anymore, Boy."

Belmode sighed deeply:

"I will always and forever"

"I won't hurt you again."

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