Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 255 The Witch’s Confession

Belmode's tone was extremely sincere.

That young and cold face did not affect her display of maternal brilliance at all. The love in her eyes was like warm water, flowing slowly and silently.

But Lin Xinyi was not moved at all.

Because he didn't know whether this woman was acting or telling the truth.

Maybe she will show her true side only when facing Mao Lilan?

Lin Xinyi thought so in his heart.

What's even more concerning is that Belmod has long discovered that something is wrong with him.

But now it seemed that she had no intention of pursuing this point - even this unpredictable woman reflected on her own mistakes in front of him.


Lin Xin thought for a while, then faced Belmod's loving gaze and tried to ask the question again:

"Teacher, why do you value Miss Maori so much?"

"Ha" Belmode showed a relaxed smile: "What, are you jealous of Miss Maori?"

"Teacher, I always only cared about her, which must have made you uncomfortable."

"Stop joking." Lin Xinyi frowned and expressed dissatisfaction: "You show so much concern for Miss Maori and even Kudo Shinichi, who is an enemy of our organization."

"Teacher, shouldn't this be explained?"

This time, Belmode never changed the subject.

In front of Lin Xinyi, she became very natural, relaxed, and frank:

"Yeah. There's no point in hiding it from you anymore."

"Because you and Miss Maori are both angels given to me by God."

She patted Lin Xinyi's head lovingly, even though Lin Xinyi's height was no longer suitable for her to do this.

Lin Xinyi grabbed Belmod's restless hand with a cold face.

Only then did Belmod straighten his expression and told him very seriously:

"Boy, you can't let anyone know about this."

"Especially gin."

"Oh?" Lin Xin suddenly became more energetic: "Why?"

"Because I am indeed 'disobeying the organization' now."

Belmode said what Lin Xinyi wanted to hear most:

"And all of this must start from the source, and we have to mention my friendship with Yukiko."

"Kudo's mother?" Lin Xinyi was a little surprised.

"That's right." Belmode gave him a complicated look:

"You really don't remember my original identity as teacher, do you?"

"I" Lin Xinyi was feeling nervous and embarrassed.

But Belmode's eyes showed guilt instead:

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, teacher, that you are like this."

"It's too late to say anything now"

"And I will definitely find a way to help you get back the memory you lost."

With that said, without waiting for Lin Xin's answer, she started talking about the past:

"Yukiko is a big star, you should know this, right?"

"Actually, I am also a teacher."

"No, they are two big stars."

Belmode returned to his doting and relaxed tone:

"Have you heard of the Hollywood actress 'Sharon'?"

"Sharon from Hollywood?"

Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

That international superstar who said "I think it's karma", but ended up getting retribution at his own home, and finally went to the mourning hall to canvass for votes?

No, is this my teacher?

Will this retribution come back to me?

Lin Xinyi was shocked, but unlike the "Sharon Fornication" he thought of, Belmode gave a name he had never heard of before:

"No, it's Sharon Wynyard."

In this regard, Lin Xinyi only had a look of confusion on his face.

Belmode smiled slightly and said mockingly:

"I am indeed a has-been old woman."

“Chrissy Wynyard, though”

"You must have heard of this popular little Wynyard, right?"

"Is this you too?!"

Lin Xinyi couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"Haha." Belmod's smile was a little more proud: "Have you seen the movie I made?"

"No, I don't see Ultra"

"Well, when I watch TV series, there are always commercials you filmed in the middle."

Lin Xinyi answered honestly:

"And the commercial time is very long, which is quite annoying."

Belmode: "."

"Okay. Anyway, if you know about the entertainment industry, you will know that Hollywood actress Sharon Wynyard and Japanese actress Kudo Yukiko have been friends for many years."

"I've known Kudo Shinichi since he was a kid."

Belmode told about his past with the Kudo family.

"So. Is this why you care about Kudo and Miss Mori?"

"No, it's not that simple."

"Actually, I'm quite annoyed by that little brat who always likes to find out other people's secrets."

She unceremoniously gave her best friend’s child a bad review:

"But, a year ago"

"Something happened in New York."

It turned out that a year ago, Belmod disguised himself as a wanted murderer and ran to confront the FBI's Shuichi Akai.

As a result, she failed to steal the chicken but lost the rice. Instead, she was chased up and down by the FBI.

In the process of escaping, she accidentally ran into Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi who were traveling in New York at that time.

And when Belmode accidentally fell down the stairs and almost died, it was the two of them who saved her life.

"So." Lin Xin frowned slightly when he heard this: "You value Miss Maori so much that you even sacrifice your life for her?"

This was different from what he imagined.

After all, according to the level of concern Belmod showed for Mao Lilan.

If it weren't for the wrong race, Lin Xinyi would even suspect that she was Mao Lilan's long-lost biological mother.

And as a high-level executive of a criminal organization, would Belmode be so deeply moved by a life-saving grace that he would fall so completely in love with a 17-year-old girl?

"It's hard to understand."

"A cruel and heartless guy like me can actually be touched by a little girl."

Belmode understood Lin Xinyi's doubts.

Looking up at Miss Maori who was busy on the phone with her family not far away, she couldn't help but smile to herself:

"But that's what happened."

"She appeared in my dark life like an angel bringing salvation."


Belmod turned his tender eyes back to Lin Xinyi:

"You too, Boy, you are both the best things in my life."

I see

Lin Xinyi finally understood Belmode:

Her transformation did not happen overnight. She did not suddenly become a Buddha after being saved by Mao Lilan.

Before she met Mao Lilan, she had already begun to struggle painfully in the darkness in her heart during that long period of time.

This shows that Belmod's humanity has never been completely wiped out.

The possibility of winning her over is even greater.

"So." Lin Xinyi asked tentatively: "Teacher, have you ever considered organizing?"

"What will you do if the organization discovers the truth and wants to get rid of Miss Mori and Kudo Shinichi?"

This question gets to the most critical point.

Belmode was silent for a long time, and then replied: "I won't let the organization know."

"Is it that simple?"

"That Kudo Shinichi is still hiding in the dark to investigate the organization. Sooner or later, he will jump out and go against the organization."

Lin Xinyi did not give the other party any room to avoid the topic:

"If he is really discovered by the organization, the organization will kill Kudo and even Miss Mori."

"Then what are you going to do, teacher?"

"Are you going to betray the organization to protect them?!"

Belmode's pupils shrank.

She obviously couldn't give a definite answer to this extremely sensitive question.

"I see."

Lin Xinyi sighed deeply.

He had actually been able to confirm Belmod's love for Mao Lilan, and even vaguely believed that she also loved him deeply.

According to the current situation, as long as he uses Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi as bargaining chips, he should be able to force Belmode to put down his hatred and help cover up the existence of the Miyano sisters.

But this is not enough.

Lin Xinyi wanted more than a dangerous strategic balance.

This balance is very unstable.

After all, if Belmode could not control his hatred no matter what, he would be determined to attack the Miyano sisters.

Can Lin Xinyi really report it to Gin and bring Mao Lilan and Conan to death together?

There is absolutely no way he could do such a thing.

The premise for "nuclear deterrence" to be established is that the master must have the determination to use "nuclear bombs."

Only if you really dare to throw it, others will be afraid——

Once Belmod discovers that his determination is insufficient, the situation will be dangerous.

So deterrence alone is not enough.

Lin Xinyi was still thinking about how to make Belmode truly change her mentality and win her over step by step.

To achieve this, Belmode must face the issue she avoided talking about and let her make a choice between the organization and them.

"You have to eat your food one bite at a time. It would be too hasty to tell everything now."

Lin Xinyi couldn't even imagine how this teacher Belmod, who was so gentle and affectionate in front of him, would react after learning that he had hidden the secrets of the "Golden House Hidden Beauty" organization.

Will she fall out with him because of this, or even do something more extreme?

Therefore, with the last trace of vigilance, Lin Xinyi did not stage any drama with her where they could talk to each other and be honest with each other.

"It must be further verified——"

"Is she really willing to abandon everything in the past to protect us?"

The second order will be later. It will be quite late.

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