Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 259 The interrupted

Belmode's suspicion did not last long.

In addition to Haihara Ai's erudition in the field of Ultraman, the most important thing is that it was difficult for her to connect Miyano Shiho and Kudo Shinichi.

After all, in the eyes of the organization, Miyano Shiho was rescued by the FBI.

This matter was confirmed by Gin himself, so there is no mistake.

So even if Miyano Shiho didn't die after taking APTX4869 like Kudo Shinichi, she should be hiding in the hands of the FBI now and there is no way she would appear here.

"That little girl is probably just an ordinary precocious primary school student."

"It's Edogawa Conan."

Belmod thought thoughtfully.

Lin Xinyi quietly came forward and asked tentatively:

"Teacher, did you find anything?"

"Yes." Belmod nodded: "But it has nothing to do with this case."

"I suspect that Edogawa Conan may be the missing Kudo Shinichi."


Lin Xinyi was very surprised.

He was surprised why Belmode told him so directly.

Lin Xinyi instinctively felt that this might be a kind of temptation.

But Belmode's tone was so sincere that it didn't seem like he was being fake.

Different from being wary of each other before, now she doesn't hide her thoughts from Lin Xinyi at all:

"It's really incredible."

"But the effect of APTX4869 is more amazing than anyone imagined."

"It's not impossible to turn Kudo Shinichi into Conan."

"This" Lin Xinyi still maintained the strangeness of having difficulty accepting the facts.

It’s true that this thing is strange——

Even if the person who developed APTX4869 became his girlfriend, he could not completely accept the existence of this unscientific drug.

"Don't think too much."

"I will investigate on my own and find out the truth."

"Boy, you have to keep this matter a secret for the teacher."

Belmod completely regarded Lin Xinyi as one of his own, and he bluntly asked him to help cover up the truth in front of the organization.

She even specifically added:

"If the investigation turns out that Conan is really Kudo Shinichi, don't do anything bad to him."

"Um" Lin Xinyi's expression was very strange: "Why should I do something dirty to Kudo?"

"Because Miss Mori——"

"Kudou Shinichi is a big obstacle for you."

"Teacher, I have only taught you one method of 'clearing obstacles' before."

Belmod's voice sounded a little guilty:

"Although I'm sorry, I still hope you."

"You can get Miss Maori out."

"Yeah" Lin Xinyi nodded with complicated eyes:

Although he had no interest in Mao Lilan in the first place, it still felt a bit unpleasant to be treated so unabashedly favoritism by "mom".

Also, Belmode was actually worried that he would commit the thief act of killing someone and seizing his wife.

Is he this kind of person? !

Belmod also seemed to feel Lin Xinyi's displeasure:

"I'm sorry, teacher, I always play the bad guy when it comes to your emotional problems."

"I won't object to whoever you fall in love with from now on."

As she spoke, she held his arm affectionately and whispered in his ear:

"Even if you like me, teacher, I will agree -"

"After all, in this world"

"No one loves you more than me, and no one loves me more than you."

It was obviously a joke, but Belmod's tone quietly turned emotional.

Listening to her relaxed and somewhat serious tone, Lin Xinyi was so frightened that his scalp went numb and he hurriedly changed the topic:

"Okay. Let's not talk about this for now."

"I'm going to investigate this case first."

Lin Xin withdrew his hand from Belmode's warm embrace and hid aside in a hurry.

"Haha. What a young guy."

"That uninteresting Miss Ice Cube probably didn't teach him anything, right?"

Belmode smiled narrowly.

Turning around, Hui Yuan Ai was staring at her coldly:

"She actually seduced her own students"

"How shameless!"

She just wanted to have some fun.

It's a pity that there was no opportunity before, and now there are no conditions.

Hearing Belmod's harsh comments about herself, Miss Haihara's face turned red with anger.

Even, I want to drink some Laobaigan.

Lin Xinyi hurriedly went to investigate the scene, learn about the case, and interview people at the scene related to the case.

Conan is also very busy.

He's busy becoming the detective he once was.

At first, Lin Xinyi refused to let him participate in solving the case. Later, Mao Lilan followed Lin Xinyi to solve the case and simply refused to let him enter the scene.

A famous detective, like Mouri Kogoro, was reduced to a housewife who was managed submissively by women and did housework at home every day.

"Finally we can solve a serious case!"

Conan cherishes this precious opportunity.

He was no longer as anxious to compete with Lin Xinyi as before, but once this long-suppressed desire for reasoning was released, he still inevitably got a little excited.

Conan rushed back to the stairs leading to the rooftop before the police officers who were investigating the scene:

"The key to the footprints is this string of footprints that lead us to the rooftop!"

Conan carefully observed the trail that had led him astray before:

"Sure enough, this series of footprints is fake."

"The paint footprints on the corridor include not only the footprints of the monster, but also the drag marks of the monster's tail."

"And this series of paint footprints leading to the rooftop are just footprints——"

"The two simply weren't formed at the same time."

"The footprints leading to the rooftop were forged by the murderer in advance to deceive us witnesses!"

"That way we would follow the tracks upstairs and he could take off his holster and escape downstairs."


Conan quickly reasoned:

"Why did he go to so much trouble to set this trap?"

"Is it just to make it easier for you to escape?"

The answer is of course no.

Things are not that simple.

The murderer had set up false footprints to mislead witnesses in advance, which meant that he was sure there would be witnesses when the crime occurred.

Why is he so sure?

If you want to kill someone, wouldn't it be safer to choose a time and place where you will never be witnessed?

"there is only one truth.--"

"That is the murderer's murderous conspiracy, which requires witnesses."

"We witnesses were all arranged by him according to plan!"

Conan instantly understood the murderer's purpose:

"Because as long as we have a few witnesses, we can completely rule out his suspicion through our testimony."

"And this murderer can only be."

Looking back at the incident, there is only one person who can use the testimony of eyewitnesses to completely eliminate his own suspicion, and can also use some kind of trick to commit the crime:

"It's Mr. Hidehao Matsui!"

"Before Gomera killed someone, he was stabbed in the thigh by Gomera."

"We can all testify to this."

"And with his 'thigh injury', there is no way he could be the murderer."

"But was his thigh really injured at that time?"

In the dark, a bright light seemed to flash behind Conan:

"At that time, we were all in a hurry to chase the 'murderer' who had not yet seen the figure, and we did not even check his wounds!"

"So, if he was using that trick."

Just by standing in front of the fake footprints for a few seconds, Conan had completely solved the murderer's scheme.

Then it's just a matter of finding the evidence.

And the evidence should be easy to find.

Conan thought this, and hurriedly turned around and ran back to the prop room where Matsui Hidehao was injured.

At this time, the prop room was bustling.

Matsui Hidehao, who was injured earlier, is still sitting here paralyzed.

There was a piece of dried blood dripping on his leg, which looked extremely horrifying.

The police officers who rushed to the scene were about to use bandages to bandage his wounds, but Lin Xinyi waved his hand and stopped his subordinates:

"Let me see the wound first."

With that said, Lin Xinyi squatted down next to Matsui Hidehao without being too dirty, and carefully inspected the terrifying and hideous wound on his thigh.

While examining the injuries, he asked about the incident with a natural expression:

"Mr. Matsui, was your leg also stabbed by that 'Gomera'?"

"Yes." Matsui Hidehao nodded: "I just walked into this prop room and ran into a guy wearing a Gomera leather suit."

"I thought someone was playing a prank on me at the time, but unexpectedly, the guy stabbed me with a knife."

"He stabbed me in the thigh, turned around and ran away through that door."

"That's right."

Lin Xinyi continued to ask softly:

"I heard that Mr. Matsui, you are the actor in Gomera's suit."

"Is that Gomera's leather case tailor-made according to your figure?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Hidehao Matsui replied with a normal expression:

"Only people with a similar build to me should be able to move around freely in that holster."

"I see."

Lin Xinyi stood up and ended his investigation of Matsui Hidehao.

He also turned his head and ordered to his subordinates:

"I've finished examining the injuries. You can bandage Mr. Matsui."

It seemed that Lin Xinyi didn't find any problems.

And Conan was not surprised by this.

He was not questioning Lin Xinyi's ability.

But Lin Xinyi had just arrived at the scene, and he didn't even have time to do his best autopsy.

So far, he had only briefly learned about the case from Conan and others, then ran over to check Mr. Matsui's injuries, and asked two procedural questions.

The investigation is limited, and the clues we have are naturally also limited.

Therefore, it is normal for Lin Xinyi not to notice anything strange yet.

Conan thought so.

"Let me remind him."

"As long as they pay attention to the string of fake footprints, with Lin Xinyi's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to guess the truth."

The seal was completely lifted, and Conan was no longer restrained.

He held his breath, moved his energy to his Dantian, and was about to use his usual "Ah Lie Lie" technique.

But at this moment.

Before he could shout out "ah lie lie", Conan's singing was interrupted:

"You must be the murderer, Mr. Matsui."

Lin Xinyi suddenly said this.


Everyone was slightly stunned.

Conan held back his breath so hard that he almost choked to death:

how so.

Lin Xinyi came over to ask about the case and chatted with Hidehao Matsui for a while. Can he tell the truth?

"What a joke."

Hidehao Matsui questioned with an ugly face:

"My legs were stabbed by Gomera, how could it be the murderer?"

"Because your leg wasn't stabbed in the first place, I guess it was just fake blood used in a movie to deceive children."

"After committing the crime, you took off the holster and changed your clothes, then returned to the prop room and stabbed yourself with the knife!"

Lin Xinyi said categorically.

As if his eyes were opened, he revealed all of Matsui Hidehao's tricks.

"No, it's impossible."

Hidehao Matsui could not imagine how Manager Lin could tell the truth as soon as they met.

"Evidence, how can you talk nonsense without evidence?"

He asked in a panic.

"You want evidence?"

Lin Xinyi sighed funnyly:

"Look at the injury on your leg."

"I don't even have to look for other evidence—"

"The injury on your leg is proof!"

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