Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 260 Self-harm requires knowledge

"Injured?" Matsui Hidehao didn't react in time:

The pair of pants stained with paint and fake blood that he used to fake his injuries at the beginning were replaced by him immediately after committing the crime.

And now the wound on his thigh was a real stab wound caused by his cruelty.

To make his injuries look more real.

Matsui Hidehao also cleverly held the knife handle backwards.

In this way, with the back of the knife facing up and the blade facing down, the wound looks more like it was stabbed by someone rather than inflicted by oneself.

By the time the police arrived at the scene, the blood at the wound had already solidified, making it impossible to tell the difference in time of injury.

The injuries were real injuries, the blood was real blood, and even the blades had been carefully adjusted.

How could this manager Lin see the flaw at a glance?

"Mr. Matsui."

Lin Xinyi did not give a direct explanation, but asked meaningfully:

"Tell me again, how were you stabbed by the murderer?"

Matsui Hidehao was slightly startled and then described it again obediently:

"As soon as I entered the door, the guy wearing a Gomera holster suddenly stabbed me with a knife."

"I didn't have time to react and he stabbed me in the thigh."

"Did the murderer hold the knife in his left hand or his right hand?" Lin Xinyi asked an additional question this time.

"Uh" Matsui Hidehao hesitated for a while.

It was obvious that he was thinking about the impact of his answer.

While he was still hesitant to answer, Conan, a classmate on the side, provided strong evidence:

"It should be the right hand~"

"When 'Gomera' killed Producer Kamei in front of us, he used his right hand."

"He is right-handed. When he stabbed Mr. Nagai, he probably held the knife with his right hand!"


Lin Xinyi followed Conan's words:

"Since the murderer is holding the knife in his right hand, he is attacking you head-on."

"Then the injury he caused should most likely be on the left side of your body—"

"Why did this knife stab the outside of your right leg?!"

Why is it stabbed on the outside of the thigh?

Of course, it's because when you use your right hand to injure yourself with a knife, it's easiest to stab the outside of your right leg.

Thinking of this oversight, Matsui Hidehao looked slightly flustered.

Before he could react, Lin Xinyi continued to say methodically:

"Everyone imagine how to make a 'stabbing' motion with a knife."

"Actually, to sum up, there are only two basic types of common stab wounds -"

"Over-the-shoulder pose, and underhand pose."

The over-the-shoulder style refers to the way of holding the stabbing tool and raising the hand above the shoulder to stab.

In layman's terms, it means "piercing" from top to bottom.

The underhand style is a way of stabbing directly without raising the arm after holding the stabbing instrument.

In layman's terms, it means "poking" from the bottom up.

The puncture wounds formed by the former are mostly from top to bottom, while the wounds formed by the latter are mostly from bottom to top.

"And Mr. Matsui's wound shape is strange."

"His stab wounds are almost vertical."

"It didn't feel like a 'prick' or a 'stab'. Instead, it seemed like someone had 'stabbed' him straight in the leg."

"Then, you can imagine."

Lin Xinyi paused slightly and added:

"The murderer is about the same height as Mr. Matsui - if he can fit into the Gomera leather case tailor-made for Mr. Matsui, his figure must be almost the same as Mr. Matsui's."

"Suppose we are the murderer, holding a knife in our right hand to attack a target who has just opened the door and is standing in front of us. He is about the same height as us."

"What kind of strange posture do we need to use to cause a vertical stab to the outside of the target's right leg?"

Everyone imagined it according to Lin Xinyi:

Indeed, this is too strange.

When two people are of the same height, if they collide head-on and take advantage of the situation and draw a knife, the knife wound will usually appear on the opponent's chest and abdomen.

To stab straight into the outside of the opponent's right leg, I'm afraid I have to bend down or even squat down to do it.

"This this"

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Matsui Hidehao's forehead:

He randomly picked a convenient spot and stabbed himself.

But he didn't expect that just the location of a wound would allow a professional like Lin Xinyi to see so many clues.

"No, it's still too far-fetched to say that, isn't it?"

In a panic, Hidehao Matsui finally stabilized his position:

"When I was attacked by a murderer, I subconsciously dodged."

"I was stabbed in the thigh by him while I was dodging. This is normal!"

He chose to defend himself in this way.

Indeed, people's body positions are constantly changing when dodging, and the location and shape of the trauma cannot be inferred according to common sense.

Hidehao Matsui found a good excuse for himself.

But Lin Xinyi showed a joking expression of "I've finally waited for you":

"Idiot, if it's fake, it's fake."

"The harder you try to cover it up, the more flaws will keep popping up like earthworms in the mud after the rain."

"Just like the so-called socialites who maintain their glamorous appearance by paying bills, fabricating such lies is just to add to the laughter of others."

He coldly extinguished Hidehao Matsui's illusions:

"As you said, the positions of you and the murderer were constantly changing during the pursuit and dodge. It is not impossible to cause such injuries."

"However, if it is stabbed during such violent mutual motion"

"The shape of the wound will not be as 'regular' as it is now."

When a stabbing is completed and a stabbing is completed, the instantaneous body position changes of the stabbing person and the person being stabbed will directly affect the size and shape of the stabbing wound.

It's like cutting an apple with a knife. If the apple slips on the chopping board when the knife is cut, the cut pieces will not be two neat pieces.

"Generally, the more prominent feature is that the wound is extended and irregular."

"Changes in body position will also change the original state of the lancing device when it is withdrawn from the wound, which generally manifests as a 'drag mark' that gradually becomes shallower from the inside to the outside of the wound on one side."

"But, Mr. Matsui, the wounds on your legs are very neat and clean."

"It doesn't look like he was stabbed during a dodge movement at all, but more like"

Lin Xinyi looked coldly at Matsui Hidehao, who was still slumped on the ground:

"It's like you were stabbed with a knife while you were sitting peacefully on the ground."


Matsui Hidehao was speechless.

He didn't expect it at all

Being stabbed while standing is different from being stabbed while dodging.

Getting stabbed while exercising is different from getting stabbed while sitting still.

Self-mutilation requires so much knowledge. Without education, you don’t even know where to use the knife.

Matsui Hidehao's heart was beating fast, but Lin Xinyi gave him the final blow mercilessly:

"Also, there is the most ridiculous flaw."

"You didn't even notice-"

"Look at your pants, Mr. Hidetoshi Matsui!"

"M-my pants?"

Matsui Hidehao was slightly startled.

He looked down at his sweatpants:

These were the new pants he put on quickly after committing the crime. There was no fake blood on them, only real blood. How could there be any flaws?

"It's the 'holes' in the pants that give you away."

"You know, because of the mobility of clothing and the impact of different body positions on the position of clothing -"

"For example, if you raise your arms, your clothes will also move up."

"Therefore, if a person is stabbed while sitting and stabbed while standing, the location of the 'holes' in the clothes will be very different."

"In actual inspection work, puncture marks on clothing and wounds on the body surface are often not in corresponding locations."

"This is because the victim's body was still moving and his position changed after he was stabbed."

Lin Xinyi paused slightly.

He looked again at Matsui Hidehao, who was still paralyzed on the ground:

"Mr. Matsui, you have been sitting here without moving since you were stabbed, right?"


"After I injured my thigh, it hurt when I moved it. How could I still move it?"

Matsui Hidehao answered a few words subconsciously, but his face instantly turned pale and bled.

He obviously also reacted:

He claimed that he was stabbed while standing to dodge.

But in fact, he was sitting on the ground against the wall before stabbing himself with the knife.

After being stabbed in the thigh by a knife, because it was really difficult to move, Matsui Hidehao just sat here without making any big moves.

Therefore, until now, the holes in his pants and the wounds on his thighs have always been in corresponding positions.

"Stand up again and take a look."

"Look when you stand up, will the hole in your pants still be in this position?!"

Lin Xinyi's questioning completely crushed Matsui Hidehao's fantasy:

"Definitely not!"

"Because the wound has told me that you stabbed your leg with a knife while sitting down."

"This greatly conflicts with your confession."


He slowly walked to Matsui Hidehao:

"Since the location of the stab mark on the pants tells me, you didn't make any big moves after stabbing yourself with the knife."

"That is unless you have an accomplice to hide the murder weapon for you."

"Otherwise, the knife you used to stab yourself"

"It should be hidden next to you, in these prop boxes!"

Lin Xinyi pointed at the box filled with various props and fake knives next to Matsui Hidehao, and said categorically.

Matsui Hidehao's psychological defense was immediately completely defeated.

He didn't expect that the man in front of him just checked his injuries and reconstructed the entire incident.

Even the way he stabbed himself and the actions he took after being injured were clearly restored.


Matsui Hidehao completely gave up resistance:

"I plead guilty."

"I killed Producer Kamei."

Invisibly, there seemed to be sad music playing.

Matsui Hidehao slumped on the ground, his expression darkened, and tears oozed from the corners of his eyes.

"Because he thinks monster movies are outdated, and he also said that no one will watch such childish things to deceive children in the future."

"So, that's why Producer Kamei wants to disband our crew and completely abandon the Gomera series!"

He cried bitterly and confessed his crime:

"I just want to protect Gomera, which we have struggled for half our lives, from his hands!"

"That's enough. Are you trying to protect me?"

"Look what you are protecting?!"

Lin Xinyi asked the murderer coldly.

And as he spoke, he couldn't help but express his true thoughts:

"Gomera doesn't need you to protect it."

“It’s a memory that lasts for generations and it’s not that easy to wipe out.”

"Even in another twenty years, Gomera will always be active on the screen!"

Of course, the same goes for Ultraman.

Lin Xinyi added firmly in his heart.

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