Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 261 Show of Affection

A few minutes later.

"Mr. Lin, you are really amazing."

Mao Lilan sighed from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as she arrived, she was busy leading a team to investigate the scene. When she finished investigating the murder scene in a proper manner, she came out and saw that Lin Xinyi had already solved the case.

Even the murderer confessed his crime honestly and put on the handcuffs obediently.

"It turns out that so much content can be restored just by examining the wounds."

"It seems I still have a lot to learn."

Standing in front of Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan's eyes were filled with admiration.

The expression on Conan's kid's side was rather resentful.

He was finally able to work as a detective without any restrictions, and he had already solved this somewhat difficult case at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyi was faster than him.

"Alas" Conan looked over depressedly:

Didn’t you say you’d make me say ‘ah, oh, oh’?

Why didn't you give me any chance?

"Because it's not necessary."

Lin Xinyi understood Conan's eyes.

It happened that Belmode was not around, so he told Conan and Mao Lilan the truth straightforwardly:

"Just Conan's performance when explaining the case has already made Belmode suspicious."

"She is already guessing that Conan is Kudo Shinichi."

"Huh? So fast?!"

Conan was slightly surprised.

Lin Xinyi rolled his eyes at him helplessly:

How high-profile are you usually at murder scenes? Don't you have any secrets in mind?

If it weren't for the strict supervision of myself and Mao Lilan, Conan would have been able to express himself as freely as he did today.

There is probably a platoon of people who have figured out his identity.

"In short, Belmode has now successfully connected Conan and Kudo Shinichi."

"That's enough."

"As long as the props and actors are ready, our plan can be implemented."

Lin Xinyi smiled and said his thoughts.

"This" Conan thought for a while and replied: "Dr. A Li should have helped prepare everything that needs to be prepared."

"Really?" Lin Xinyi pondered for a moment and finally made a decision: "Then tonight will be fine."


A curious female voice suddenly sounded.

That's Belmode.

She quietly appeared next to Lin Xinyi, held his arm intimately, and looked at Mao Lilan, who was just standing here chatting quietly with Lin Xinyi with a half-smile:

"Shinichi, Miss Mori."

"You seem to like to avoid me and whisper to me."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Belmode seemed to have become the Hui Yuan Ai from before, clinging tightly to Lin Xinyi's side, as if swearing sovereignty to the beautiful angel lady in front of him.

But Lin Xinyi's real girlfriend was standing far away at the moment, with a sly expression on her face.

Lin Xinyi felt a cold cyclone inexplicably.

He subconsciously wanted to get rid of Belmod's entanglement, but this beautiful teacher who never paid attention to his identity hugged him tighter.

Belmode did it on purpose.

But that's not the one she was targeting, the brown-haired "little love rival" who was probably not as tall as her bust.

She was deliberately performing for Mao Lilan.

Through these days of observation, Bellmode discovered that her angel lady seemed to have a close relationship with Lin Xinyi.

Not only was she inseparable from Lin Xinyi, she even went to a hot spring trip with Lin Xinyi.

Even Mao Lilan's biological father felt that the two of them were having an affair.

What's even more frightening is that Lin Xinyi even took care of the girl's parents without saying a word.

When he discovered that he had a beautiful girlfriend, Mouri Kogoro, as a father, his attitude was one of indignation and irritation, with some regret.

"It will be dangerous if we don't stop it."

Belmode was determined to break up the pair.

Mao Lilan is just an inexperienced high school student now, while Lin Xinyi is an important member of a criminal organization. The two of them are naturally not suitable to be together.

Moreover, she probably doesn't know about Kudo Shinichi and Conan yet.

Otherwise, if she knew that her childhood sweetheart was always by her side, Mao Lilan would not be so close to other men.

If she changes her mind in a daze and discovers the truth later, will the scene be ugly?

Thinking of this, Belmod couldn't help but worry about the complicated emotional problems of his three "sons and daughters".

The best way is of course to let Lin Xinyi out.

And the way to completely knock him out is also very simple.

Just show affection.

"Don't forget, Shinichi already has a girlfriend."

Belmode acted like a real girlfriend and made it clear that Miss Maori should keep her distance.

In this way, even if she really has some unexplainable feelings in her heart, she will know that she should give up completely.


Mao Lilan looked strange.

Seeing her being silent like this, Belmode naturally made an action that was not radical to her at all:

She turned sideways and slowly breathed the warm breath from the tip of her nose onto Lin Xinyi's face.

Lips and cheeks, the two slowly approached in the charming air.

Belmode wanted to kiss him.


Lin Xinyi was shocked.

He could feel that the moment Belmode came closer,

It was as if someone had taken off the quilt on a winter morning, and I was shivering with cold.

Miss Haiyuan's eyes were like a rain of sharp swords, stabbing at her overwhelmingly. She didn't know whether it was aimed at Belmod or herself.

"No, there are so many people here!"

Lin Xinyi turned his head hurriedly, trying to stop Belmod's unhygienic behavior that could easily spread the virus.

But Belmode was superior.

She gently grabbed Lin Xinyi's tie and pulled his head back with a little force.

Lin Xinyi didn't even react, he pressed a light kiss on his cheek.

Belmode's warm and soft lips passed by like a dragonfly dripping water, leaving only a wisp of moisture that had no time to disperse.

Hui Yuan Ai's fair and tender face was almost turning green.

"B-bastard. This old woman!"

"I've never even kissed her."

She was so angry that she wanted to use her childish and cute face to say some uncharacteristic curse words.

And Belmod simply didn't notice this insignificant brown-haired girl.

She just naturally showed a relaxed and happy smile, and said to Lin Xinyi, who was already frightened to the point of numbness, in a free, emotional, and doting manner:

“We are already an old married couple and we are still shy.”

"You were much bolder when you were at home than you are now."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Please, stop showing off!

Feeling the increasingly cold gaze of Miss Haiyuan, Lin Xinyi's face became stiffer.

Seeing that Belmode seemed to be performing some kind of drama of love between husband and wife in front of his little girlfriend, he hurriedly got in front of this beautiful teacher who liked pranks and said with a serious face:

"Okay, Chris, stop joking."

"When Miss Maori said 'tonight' to me, she just meant that she wanted to come to my house tonight and ask me some professional questions."

"Ask questions?"

Belmod's eyes were inquiring.

"Yes, yes."

Mao Lilan reacted belatedly:

What Lin Xinyi was actually talking about was to execute the plan tonight, and that plan was originally going to be executed in Lin Xin's family.

And she was going to find an excuse to take Conan to Lin Xin's family.

Now the reason for “asking questions” is just right.

"Mr. Lin hasn't taught me a lesson for a long time."

"I, I have accumulated a lot of questions these days, and I just want Mr. Lin to answer them for me!"

Mao Lilan stammered.

Her acting skills are never quite up to par, especially when she needs to improvise on the spot.

But the panic displayed by this instinct was actually in line with Belmode's guess about her.

"Is this so"

"Then Miss Maori, come to 'our' house for dinner tonight!"

"It's already afternoon now. How about we just drive home after we return to the Metropolitan Police Department to complete the handover work?"

Belmode acted like a hostess and entertained Mao Lilan very warmly.

This enthusiasm was genuine, and she was very happy to spend more time with this angel lady.

In the past few days, because of the presence of Mao Lilan and Lin Xinyi, Belmode felt as happy as on vacation.

"Okay" Mao Lilan agreed smoothly: "Then just listen to Miss Chris!"

"I also need to go!"

Conan jumped out at the right moment.

He will be the protagonist of the show tonight and must be present.

"Sister Xiaolan~ Let me go too!"

"If you leave me at home, I will eat instant noodles with Uncle Maori."

Conan started to act coquettishly towards his sister Xiaolan.

"Is Conan coming too?"

Belmod smiled and touched Conan's big head.

There was a hint of pity in her eyes:

If this kid is really Cool Guy, he would be in a terrible state.

Being harmed by the organization, he had to watch his childhood sweetheart get closer and closer to the undercover agent sent by the organization.

"Then let Conan come too!"

"We have never had guests at home before. It's more lively when there are more people."

Belmode sighed lightly and agreed to Conan's clingy request.

"It's just right. If there are more people, we can prepare dinner."

"I just recently learned Japanese cooking, so I can try it for everyone."

She spoke so softly, and in her words and deeds, she really felt like a virtuous wife.

The host didn't even need to say a word, she took over all the matters of entertaining the guests.

"That's it," Lin Xinyi hurriedly agreed, "We'll go back to the Metropolitan Police Department now and go home together after get off work."

All he wanted now was to flee the scene as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, if Belmode were allowed to continue performing, his girlfriend would probably be like a frightened pufferfish, with her little face swollen in anger.

Lin Xinyi was thinking this in his heart


Hui Yuan Ai stood up with a cold face - even if she was going to show off her cards to Belmod tonight, she didn't need to be too cautious.

With this thought in mind, Miss Haiyuan raised her head vigorously and looked at Bellmode:

"I also want to go to brother Lin Xinyi's house to play!"

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