Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 270 The Osaka people lost at the starting line

As soon as he said this, the smile on Hattori Heiji's face instantly solidified.

The air became dead.

"Mr. Lin." Hattori Heiji said with difficulty: "You are going too far when you talk like this."

"Feel sorry."

Lin Xinyi looked coldly at the provocative officer Sakata Yusuke:

"My motto has always been—"

“Tit for tooth, repay twice as much.”

"." Hattori Heiji was silent for a while: "It was indeed Officer Sakata who was rude this time, and I have to apologize to you for this."

"But in any case, it would be too much to let a child intervene in the case just for the sake of a dispute of temper."

"Yes! Mr. Lin."

Mao Lilan echoed Hattori Heiji's words and tried his best to help ease the atmosphere.

As she said that, she looked at Lin Xinyi with some complaints:

"Conan is not an ordinary elementary school student. Are you not bullying others?"

Hattori Heiji:"."

His face began to turn livid.

And Miss Maori is still actively helping him speak:

"Conan, give me the documents."

"Even the policemen in Osaka have no clue about this case. Don't say anything you shouldn't!"

Mao Lilan blinked her big, innocent eyes, hinting to Conan to keep a low profile and hide his strength, and not to follow Gong Huo.

She is working selflessly for the friendship and harmony between the police and citizens of Tokyo and Osaka.

But Hattori Heiji was so angry that he rolled his eyes:

"No, just let this brat see it!"

"Since Miss Mori also thinks that this elementary school student can be more powerful than our Osaka police, then let him show us his skills!"

"Huh?" Mao Lilan waved her hand in panic: "No, no. That's not what I meant."

"I know you don't mean any harm, Miss Mori."

"That's why it's even more depressing!"

Looking at Mao Lilan's big innocent eyes, Hattori Heiji felt helpless:

"We've already talked about this, let's use our strength to see the truth!"

As he spoke, he held his breath and took the initiative to hand the remaining documents to Lin Xinyi and Conan's hands.

Lin Xinyi and Conan chose to share half with each other and began to understand the case seriously:

"There are currently two victims in this case, and their bodies were found in two parks dozens of kilometers apart in Osaka Prefecture."

"The direct cause of death of the two victims was suffocation caused by violent rope strangulation on the neck."

"After the murderer strangled the two victims with a rope, he pierced the victim's wallet with a dagger and nailed it to the victim's heart."

"No belongings or documents in the wallet were lost."

"The two victims are:"

"Hidetoshi Nagao, male, 44 years old, convenience store manager."

"Tadai Nishiguchi, female, 48 years old, the proprietress of an izakaya."

"According to the current investigation by the Osaka Prefectural Police, the two victims have no intersection in their lives, nor do their respective social relationships have any intersection."


After briefly understanding the case, Conan and Lin Xinyi's expressions became a little solemn.

They finally understood why this serial murder case, which currently only killed two people, attracted the attention of the Osaka Prefectural Police's top brass so quickly:

"The two victims have nothing to do with each other. They even have completely different genders, habits, and hobbies."

"The murderer did not rob property after the murder, but deliberately used a dagger to nail the deceased's wallet to the deceased's heart - this showed a special sense of ritual."

Conan analyzed sternly:

"This looks very much like a random homicide caused by some kind of morbid psychology of the murderer."

"If he is not caught as soon as possible, he may continue to commit crimes at any time."

"Moreover, every citizen may be in danger in front of a murderer who seems to have no fixed target for murder!"

"Oh?" Hearing Conan's long speech, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but slightly marveled:

"This kid really does look like a detective!"

"But this alone can be learned and analyzed by watching a few more episodes of the TV series, but there is no way to prove the strength of you Tokyo elementary school students~"

He squeezed Conan somewhat unconvinced.

Conan ignored it completely.

He had already dove into the case materials and began to search for clues seriously.

And Lin Xinyi was not idle either.

He found that in this thick stack of documents, there was still a lot of content that he was good at analyzing:

"Carcass examination report and autopsy report"

"Have you, the Osaka Prefectural Police, conducted a cadaver examination and autopsy?"


Hattori Heiji boasted proudly:

"We asked experts from Osaka University School of Medicine to do the autopsy and autopsy."

"Their level will definitely not be worse than yours, Manager Lin!"


Lin Xinyi carefully read through the autopsy reports:

"He is indeed an expert in the medical field. Whether it is the cadaver examination or the anatomy, he has done an impeccable job."

"Even if I were asked to be responsible for the autopsy, I would not be able to produce a more detailed and professional report than theirs."

"That's right!" Hattori Heiji became more and more proud.

But after Lin Xinyi read through it, he changed the subject and sighed:

"Although the autopsy reports given by Osaka medical experts are very professional, you Osaka Prefectural Police did not make good use of the information in these reports!"

"It's like when we usually go to the hospital for a physical examination."

"If you don't analyze the meaning behind each data after getting the physical examination report, how can you know what's wrong with your body?"

The autopsy performed by medical experts conducted by the Osaka Prefectural Police was indeed impeccable, but these medical experts only did their job in their profession, that is, they listed the findings of the autopsy truthfully in the report.

As for the analysis of the connection between the autopsy and the case, this should be the job of the criminal police.

But the Osaka Prefectural Police failed to do a good job.

"First of all, your Osaka Prefectural Police's current inference on the case is that the two deceased were targeted by the murderer while walking outdoors, and then were attacked and killed by the murderer in a deserted place, and then dumped in a corner of the park."

"That's very problematic."

Lin Xinyi said helplessly while holding the autopsy reports.


That police officer Sakata Yusuke couldn't help but retorted:

"Both of the deceased were carrying wallets with them and were wearing leather shoes. Isn't this proof that they were killed outdoors?"

"Furthermore, although both victims live alone, there is no way to know the specific circumstances from their families."

"But our Osaka police also visited the homes of the two deceased people to investigate. No signs of struggle were found in their homes, and there were no signs that the windows and door locks had been broken."

"The lack of signs of a struggle is easily understood."

Lin Xinyi first grasped one of the points to refute:

"First, the crime scene may have been cleaned by the murderer."

"The bodies of the two deceased were dumped in a secluded and uninhabited place in the park. When they were discovered by the police, the estimated time of death was about a day."

"The two deceased people currently live alone, with no one else at home."

"In other words, the murderer still has a lot of time to clean up the traces after killing people."

"And the second, more likely, is."

"At the time of the incident, there was no decent struggle between the murderer and the deceased."

He paused slightly, pointed to the two autopsy reports and said:

"Look, it's clearly written in the autopsy report:"

"The first victim, Mr. Nagao, had no obvious resistance or restraint injuries on his body. He had blunt force injuries on the top of his head, slight peeling of skin on his forehead with severe subcutaneous bleeding, and slight subcutaneous bleeding on both knee joints."

"The second victim, Ms. Nishiguchi, had no obvious injuries due to restraint on her hands. There were multiple epidermal peelings and subcutaneous bleeding on the front of her neck, as well as finger strangulation marks; there was slight bleeding in the superficial muscles of her back."

"In addition, both have a circular closed cord groove on their necks."

"A small amount of bleeding spots were seen under the epicardium of the heart and lungs.'"

"This" Hattori Heiji and Officer Sakata looked at each other, each seeing confusion in the other's eyes: "Wh-what do you mean?"

Before Lin Xinyi could answer, a young and cute female voice came out coldly.

It's Miss Haiyuan.

At this moment, she was lying in Belmode's warm embrace with an unhappy look on her face, and explained to Lin Xinyi with a cold face:

"There are few bleeding spots on the surface of the heart and lungs of the corpse, and the restraint injuries are not obvious, indicating that the suffocation process was short."

"The victim didn't even have a chance to struggle and resist, and soon died due to respiratory obstruction."

"This shows that the murderer was extremely controlling and powerful. He should be a strong adult male."

Hattori Heiji and Officer Sakata were both stunned.

They looked at Hui Yuan Ai's little face that was so tender that it could squeeze water out of her mouth, their expressions filled with astonishment:

"Elementary schoolboy in Tokyo."

"Do you really know so much?"

The two of them thought that the so-called "Tokyo elementary school student" was just Lin Xinyi's angry words. After all, the Conan kid was still buried there, carefully flipping through the information, and had not started to output.

Unexpectedly, the brown-haired girl next to him, who had been having trouble with the adult holding her, gave a professional and powerful analysis first.

"Wait a minute." Hattori Heiji responded: "Is this knowledge of autopsy really suitable for teaching to primary school students?"

"Hmph." Hui Yuan Ai snorted disdainfully: "Does anyone else need to teach you such a simple thing?"

"After staying with brother Lin Xinyi for a long time, I learned it on my own."

"For example"

She simply continued to help Lin Xinyi analyze:

"The second deceased, Ms. Nishiguchi, was probably killed by the murderer quickly because she was unable to resist effectively due to the absolute power gap."

"The killer first grabbed her by the throat - so there were obvious finger choke marks on her neck."

"She was then pushed backwards against the wall, causing her back to be compressed against the wall - so she had minor bleeding in the superficial muscles of her back."

"After Ms. Nishiguchi lost strength and fainted due to violent suffocation, the murderer took out a rope and put it around her throat from behind, further strangling her - so she still has a closed rope groove in her neck."

"." There was silence for a while.

Officer Sakata was speechless for a long time, as if he was shocked by this.

And Hattori Heiji even showed an unacceptable expression:

"Just listening to a few sentences from the autopsy report, I was able to reconstruct the whole process of the crime."

"Is this, is this really a primary school student?!"

He suddenly felt sad and felt that the education officials in Osaka must bow and apologize.

Compared with elementary school students in Tokyo, Osaka children are completely behind at the starting line!

Hattori Heiji was shocked and sighed at Miss Haihara's "precocious wisdom".

But a detective is a detective. Compared with Officer Sakata, who was so shocked that he could no longer speak, he quickly returned his attention to the case itself:


"These can only show that the murderer was very powerful, so Ms. Nishiguchi was unable to resist and could not leave any traces of the struggle."

"But this doesn't prove what the forest manager just said, that she was killed indoors instead of outdoors, right?"

"this is very simple."

Lin Xinyi opened his mouth and said:

"Xiao Ai just analyzed that when Ms. Xiguchi was killed, the murderer choked her and held her against the wall."

"And there are very few such things as 'walls' in the park where the body was found."

"What's more, judging from the autopsy photos, the clothes on Ms. Nishiguchi's back were very clean, with almost no dust on them."

"It's pressed against the wall, but it doesn't get dust on its back."

Hattori Heiji reacted instantly:

"That's it. The lack of dust on the back means that the wall is very clean, and it's hard to find such a clean wall outdoors."

"So Ms. Nishiguchi was probably killed indoors!"

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