Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 271 The strength of Tokyo elementary school students

It can be inferred from the autopsy that the deceased was most likely killed indoors.

Even "Tokyo elementary school students" can do this.

The Osaka Prefectural Police clearly hired someone to conduct a complete autopsy, but they were unable to read these truly valid contents from the autopsy report.

There was no need for Lin Xin to taunt him again and again.

Just seeing Miss Haihara's calm expression, Hattori Heiji's dark face turned a little red:

"Ahem, anyway."

"According to our Osaka Prefectural Police investigation, after Ms. Nishiguchi finished working at the izakaya that day, she said goodbye to the employees and went home."

"She doesn't get off work until 12 o'clock. It's so late. She shouldn't go anywhere else after get off work."

"So, since Ms. Nishiguchi was not killed by the murderer on her way home"

"Then it is most likely that she was killed by the murderer after she returned home."

Hattori Heiji tried his best to get rid of the embarrassment of being defeated by an elementary school student, and summed it up methodically.

"Well, that should be it."

Lin Xin nodded in agreement.

And he was not in a hurry to continue his in-depth analysis of Ms. Nishiguchi's death. Instead, he took out the autopsy report of the first deceased, Mr. Hidetoshi Nagao:

"From Ms. Nishiguchi's autopsy report, we can see that she died indoors."

"Although the circumstances of Mr. Nagao Hidetoshi's death were quite different, upon careful analysis, we can actually conclude that they were almost the same."

"No, it's a more interesting conclusion."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi deliberately repeated what he had just extracted from Nagao Hidetoshi's autopsy report:

"Mr. Nagao has no obvious resistance or restraint injuries on his body, and there is a circular closed cable groove on his neck."

"There was blunt force trauma to the skull of the head, slight peeling of the skin on the forehead with severe subcutaneous bleeding, and slight subcutaneous bleeding in both knee joints."

"Any idea what this means?"

"Uh." Hattori Heiji fell silent again.

He is still not very good at reconstructing the scene from the signs of the corpse, which is completely different from his previous methods of handling cases.

"First, note the 'blunt force trauma to the skull of the head'."

"If there is damage to the skull of the head, which is the Tianling Cap, it usually indicates that there is a height difference between the murderer and the deceased."

"The autopsy report said that the victim, Mr. Nagao, was 1.91 meters tall."

"Such a person is considered tall no matter which country he is. If the murderer is taller than him, he must be an extremely rare little giant."

Lin Xinyi carefully analyzed the murderer's height and deduced:

"So, if we don't consider the small probability that the murderer is over 2 meters tall, then"

"This means that when the head was hit, the deceased should have maintained a lower posture than the murderer."

"Such as 'sitting', or..."

"Kneel down?!" Hattori Heiji finally reacted.

Thinking of the autopsy report that Lin Xinyi had just repeated, he quickly thought:

"Mr. Nagao has slight subcutaneous bleeding on both knees."

"This is actually a bruise caused when the patella rubs against the hard ground when kneeling."

"That's right."

Lin Xinyi continued to guide the great detective to think:

"The deceased also had slight epidermal peeling and severe subcutaneous bleeding on his forehead."

"This shows that his forehead had collided with some kind of hard object before he was alive."

"The hard object must be flat and wide enough, otherwise in the case of severe subcutaneous bleeding, it would be impossible for only such slight peeling of the epidermis to occur."

"And this hard object is probably"


Hattori Heiji gave the answer.

It would be difficult to draw this conclusion just by knowing that the deceased had a bruise on his forehead.

But if it is connected with the bruise on the knee, Hattori Heiji’s mind can easily restore the scene:

"The deceased may have knelt on the ground before his death, kowtowed heavily to the murderer and begged for mercy."

"But the murderer didn't just let him go. Instead, he took advantage of this opportunity and hit him hard on the top of his head."

"And after the deceased was knocked down, he was even more powerless to resist."

"The murderer took out a rope and put it around his neck and strangled him to death."

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded, and then specifically added:

"It's the same reason why we speculate that Ms. Nishiguchi died indoors."

"The deceased had knelt down and kowtowed on the ground before his death, but his pants at the knees were not abraded or stained with much dust."

"This shows that the place where he knelt was most likely indoors, not outdoors."

The fact that Japanese roads are so clean that you can walk wearing only white socks is, after all, a legend that only exists on the domestic Internet.

No matter which country you are in, there is definitely dust on the outdoor ground.

Had he not been kneeling on the carefully swept indoor floor, the deceased's knees would not have been so clean.

"So, Mr. Nagao most likely died indoors."

"During the whole process, Mr. Nagao didn't even resist - so he didn't have any resistance or restraint injuries."

"Why is this?"

Lin Xinyi raised a question:

"Although he is relatively thin, he is still 1.91 meters tall."

"Faced with a murderer who may not necessarily have the upper hand physically, why did he just kneel down and kowtow without even resisting?"


The air became somewhat silent.

Hattori Heiji's pupils shrank and he came to a shocking conclusion:

"Mr. Nagao didn't resist. He was trapped because the murderer had a 'power' that made him absolutely unable to resist."

"If this power isn't purely physical, it probably is."


"The murderer may have a gun!"

The situation suddenly became more serious.

The murderer is likely to have a firearm, and the risk can be said to be doubled.

"I think that's why Mr. Nagao knelt down."

"Probably more than just being scared by the gun."

At this time, another childish voice quietly sounded.

The speaker was the Conan kid who had been almost forgotten by Hattori Heiji.

He had already finished flipping through the thick stack of documents. At the same time, he did not forget to listen to the conversation between Lin Shinichi and Hattori Heiji:

“After all, think about it, everyone.”

"If you were pointed at a gun, how would you beg for mercy?"

"Uh" Hattori Heiji was slightly startled.

He looked at Conan's serious, focused, and confident expression, and thought about the kid's words again.

Somehow, Hattori Heiji felt a bit like a colleague from this elementary school student in Tokyo:

"Use your imagination to reason."

"Let me think if I was held at gunpoint"

"I would definitely raise my hands subconsciously to show that I'm harmless and submissive."

"If you were a little more scared, you would be like Mr. Nagao, raising your hands and kneeling in front of the murderer."


Hattori Heiji suddenly realized something:

"Even if I kneel down, I will not kowtow like Mr. Nagao!"

"Because, if you kowtow, your eyes will not be able to see the muzzle of the murderer's gun."

"The feeling of being pointed at a gun is very tense. If you can't see the muzzle of the murderer, you will have the fear of not knowing when you will be shot to death."

"I think most people would not dare to look away in that situation, right?"

"But after Mr. Nagao knelt down, he chose to kowtow to beg for mercy, and he kowtowed so hard, which shows."

"It shows that he is likely to know the murderer." Conan helped give a conclusion.

He rubbed his small chin and analyzed it with style:

"Kowtowing with all your strength to beg for mercy, even until your forehead is bruised, may represent a 'debt' mentality."

"Mr. Nagao not only knew the murderer, but he also did something sinister that led to the murderer's revenge."

"That's why he knelt and kowtowed so hard, hoping to use this almost 'self-mutilation' method to get the murderer's forgiveness and forgiveness."

Conan uses empathy to boldly speculate on the psychological activities of the deceased during his lifetime.

And his analysis actually contains a very important clue:

"This is a crime committed by an 'acquaintance'."

"And it's not just Mr. Nagao who knows the murderer."

"The second victim, Ms. Nishiguchi, also knew the murderer."

Conan concluded seriously:

"Brother Hattori also reasoned before:"

"Since she was killed at home after returning home from get off work at 12 o'clock in the evening."

"Then think about it, if an acquaintance hadn't come to visit, how could a woman who lives alone at home open the door to a stranger in the middle of the night?"

"Similarly, if Mr. Nagao was also killed at home, and there were no signs of prying open the doors or windows in his home."

"Then it's very possible that Mr. Nagao took the initiative to open the door for the murderer and invite the murderer in."

After some analysis, everyone realized that the murderer should have known both the deceased.

Otherwise, they would be less likely to take the initiative to open the door for the murderer.


"Our Osaka Prefectural Police have obviously investigated it."

"The two deceased persons, Mr. Nagao and Ms. Nishiguchi, had no intersection in their social relationships!"

Hattori Heiji said in confusion.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Conan grinned proudly.

It had been a long time since he had been a serious detective.

Especially, in front of this "third-rate detective" who always calls Xiaolan secretly.

"Didn't the murderer use a knife to nail the deceased's wallet to the deceased's heart?"

"The dagger pierced not only the wallet, but also the driver's licenses of the two deceased people in the two wallets."

"Generally speaking, in order to avoid detection and make it more difficult for the police to solve the case, the murderer will deliberately take away the documents from the deceased, making it difficult for the police to confirm the identity of the deceased."

"But in this case, the murderer left his driver's license in his wallet."

"And he stabbed the driver's photo on the two driver's licenses without any bias."

Conan pointed to the case information and said seriously:

"Now that we have surmised, there is some connection between the murderer and the two victims."

"Then his bizarre ritual of stabbing his driver's license with a knife and driving it into his heart is unlikely to be a random invention."

"If we start investigating from the driver's licenses of the two people, we might be able to find some missed clues."


Hattori Heiji sighed with sudden realization:

"A special killing ritual must have its own special meaning."

"You kid, your reasoning is pretty good!"

"Uh wait"

Hattori Heiji sighed with emotion, but his expression suddenly fell:

He, the famous detective in Kansai

He actually had such a lively conversation about reasoning with a primary school student from Kanto.

In fact, there were many key points that the primary school student saw first.

Moreover, there is more than one such primary school student, and two appear at once. This is difficult to explain by genetic mutation.

"Is this the strength of Tokyo elementary school students?"

Hattori was not convinced at first, but now he is completely convinced.

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