Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 294 Fishing Law Enforcement

Among the mountains, deep in the dense forest.

A search team consisting of dozens of people, composed of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters' 1st Investigation Section, the Forensic Forensics Section, and the local scenic area police station, are busy looking for the person responsible in this mountain forest that seems to have never been set foot in. The whereabouts of the bear.

This team looked huge and the police force was sufficient.

But letting these dozens of people submerge into the wild mountains and forests was like throwing a handful of sand into the vast sea, and they quickly disappeared.

The police dogs were able to point everyone in the right direction at first.

But once it enters the daily activity area where brown bears often hang out, the dog's nose becomes inoperable.

Because the woods are full of traces and scents left by bears.

Sometimes everyone excitedly followed the running police dog, running sweaty and panting in the mountain forest, but in the end they could only be led by the dog and found a pile of smelly bear excrement.

"The brown bear's den should be near here. It will be difficult to rely on police dogs here."

"Everyone should spread out and search. Please be alert with guns and maintain communication at all times."

It seems that if it continues like this, it may be delayed until the sun sets.

The police officer from the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters Search Section 1, who was temporarily in charge of leading the team, suddenly changed his search strategy and adopted a dispersed approach to expand the search area.

"We have to keep looking."

"How long will it take to search such a large forest?"

Director Tsunoda complained, almost showing his depression on his face.

He also cursed and said in front of his subordinates:

"Tell me, what is going on in Manager Lin's mind?"

"We come here looking for bears for no reason."

"What can you do if you find a bear? Can a bear talk?!"

Director Tsunoda's complaints won the approval of all his subordinates.

Everyone was very dissatisfied with Lin Xinyi's arrangement.

But no matter how dissatisfied they are, there is nothing they can do.

Their superiors had given instructions, and they could only cooperate with the search honestly.

Like everyone else, Director Tsunoda broke away from the main force and followed the instructions of his superior police officer to search in the direction he was assigned to be responsible for.

A man is walking in the mountains and forests, his subordinates are not around, and no one is talking to him.

Director Tsunoda, who was always talkative, became much quieter.

And just then.

"Of course bears can't talk."

"But it could help us find the killer."

Lin Xinyi's voice suddenly sounded behind him, which frightened Director Tsunoda to the point of numbness.

It's like the class teacher secretly touched my back while I was playing with my cell phone during self-study in the evening.

He turned his head in disbelief and realized that the leader he had just named and insulted had been following him with a smile.

I don’t know how long I followed him.

In this silent mountain forest, this scene even seemed a bit scary.

"Ahem. Manager Lin, why are you here?"

Director Tsunoda's expression couldn't help but be a little embarrassed.

"I just inspected the body that was brought up from the bottom of the cliff. After writing the body inspection report, there is nothing left to do."

"I heard that this place is very close to the brown bear's den, so I wanted to come over and have a look."

"Just in time, I also have something I want to find out from you, Director Tsunoda."

Lin Xinyi told his purpose.

"Oh, that's right." Director Tsunoda asked angrily: "Manager Lin, what aspect do you want to know about?"

"We'll talk as we walk."

Lin Xinyi was not in a hurry to ask questions.

He and Director Tsunoda continued to move forward, searching for the whereabouts of the brown bear.

Just like chatting with a companion during a walk, Lin Xinyi asked Director Tsunoda in a calm tone as he walked:

"Director Tsunoda, I would like to ask:"

"During this period from noon to afternoon yesterday, no one from your dispatch station went out alone or worked in the station?"

"." Director Tsunoda was silent for a while.

He held it in for a while, and then he said three words with an embarrassed look on his face: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Lin Xinyi frowned quietly: "There are only about ten people in your police station. You are the director. How come you don't even know if anyone in the station is absent?"

"I didn't, didn't pay attention"

Director Tsunoda answered bravely.

But seeing Lin Xinyi's increasingly serious gaze, he nervously changed his words:

"Okay. I don't know, it's because I got off work early."

"You'll get off work early at noon?"

Lin Xinyi got off work early and went home to be with his girlfriend a few days ago, and he was too embarrassed to skip work all afternoon.

As for Director Tsunoda, he touched this fish too much.

"Yes." Director Tsunoda was a little embarrassed: "There happened to be a football match yesterday afternoon, so I, I got off work early and went back to watch it."

"Watching a football game? You can't watch it in the office. Do you have to go home to watch it?"

"I am also the director after all. Watching football games in the office will have a bad impact."

"." Lin Xinyi was silent for a while: "I didn't expect that you would actually pay attention to maintaining police discipline and police conduct."


"Anyway, from noon to afternoon yesterday, I was drinking and watching the football match at home alone."

"You have to ask other people about what happened during that time."

Director Tsunoda gritted his teeth and looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

But it was only then that he realized the taste belatedly:


"Manager Lin, why are you asking these questions?"

"Could this case still be related to the people in our institute?"

"It's very possible." Lin Xin replied bluntly.

As he spoke, ignoring Director Tsunoda's shocked and horrified expression, he stated his previous reasoning and findings in detail.

"No, it can't be"

Director Tsunoda's expression was very unnatural:

"Manager Lin, do you suspect that the seven previous accidents were not accidents?"

"Besides, it's very possible that the murderer is hiding in our police station?"

"Don't be kidding me. This is just ridiculous."

"Whether it's fanciful or not, we will find out soon." Lin Xinyi said in a very calm tone: "I just said that the bear can help us find the murderer."

"Because as long as we find the bear that was shot, we can extract the bullet from its wound."

"And you may have heard of Director Tsunoda."

"Due to manufacturing precision and rifling wear, no two barrels have exactly the same internal microscopic morphology."

"When the bullet is fired, it will rub against the inside of the barrel, causing slight wear on the warhead and leaving marks."

"The marks on the bullet are equivalent to the 'fingerprints' of the gun."

"They are unique."

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment before giving a conclusion in a confident voice:

"So we just have to find the bear and get the warhead from the bear."

"Then we will analyze the wear marks on the warhead and compare them with the guns of all the police officers in your police station. Then we can determine whether the murderer is one of you."

Although this conjecture is bold, it is not difficult to verify.

As long as we can find the bear.

Even, if everything goes well, the identity of the murderer can be directly determined.


Director Tsunoda questioned with a strange expression:

"Even if it is found, the bullet came from the gun of a police officer in our station."

"That can only prove that he has been here in the past two days and shot back after encountering a brown bear."

"How does this prove he is the murderer?"

"You don't even have evidence to prove that the mysterious man is related to the deceased's fall from the cliff."

He hit the nail on the head and hit the most deadly point.


Bodies, footprints, claw marks, bullets, shooting residues, these pieces of evidence together cannot form a complete chain of evidence.

Their existence can only prove:

1. The deceased accidentally fell off a cliff while escaping. The pursuer was suspected of having a gun.

2. Someone recently encountered a brown bear here and fired back.

These two conclusions cannot be taken for granted.

Because the existing evidence is far from enough to support the speculation that "the mysterious man is the pursuer".

And this is exactly the cleverness of the murderer.

He killed people in this wilderness without surveillance and no witnesses.

In fact, even the cliff was jumped by the deceased himself.

He minimized his contact with the deceased as much as possible, thereby avoiding the possibility of leaving more traces.

In this way, even if the police see through his tactics, raise suspicion on him, or even confirm his identity, there will not be enough evidence to prove that he committed murder.

Lin Xinyi couldn't do anything about it.

After thinking about it, the only way he could think of was to go fishing.

"It's really hard to find evidence. It requires a lot of luck."

"And luckily, we seem to be getting lucky this time."

Lin Xinyi answered Director Tsunoda's question with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Director Tsunoda was very surprised: "Mr. Lin, have you found the key evidence?"

"That's right." Lin Xin nodded: "I said that the body has been brought up from the bottom of the cliff by the search and rescue team."

"I immediately performed a postmortem examination on the deceased, and found that there were a few short hairs on the clothes on her back."

"The deceased was a woman with long hair. The short hair stuck to her back was obviously left by the murderer."

"I guess that although the murderer was cautious, he still had physical contact with the deceased."

"He probably kidnapped the deceased who was traveling alone on the mountain with a gun on the hiking trail, and then forced the deceased into the woods and close to the cliff."

"When he got near the cliff, the murderer pretended to shoot and kill, causing the deceased to flee toward the cliff in panic."

"And in the process."

"The murderer once pushed the deceased's shoulders with his gloved hands from behind, urging her to walk faster."

"He may have thought that wearing gloves would leave no traces, but in fact, when he got close to the deceased, several hairs had fallen away from his body and stuck to the deceased's back."

"Because the deceased was wearing black clothes with the same color as his hair, the murderer didn't notice those inconspicuous hairs at all."


Lin Xinyi carefully took out a transparent evidence bag from his pocket.

There are several black hairs in the evidence bag:

"This is the evidence that proves he committed murder!"

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