Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 295 Actor Mr. Xiong

Lin Xinyi's analysis has both nose and eyes.

He even told the ultimate detail that the murderer once pushed the deceased's shoulder from behind with his gloved hand.

It's like he was there.

These are the results of Lin Xinyi's speculation and restoration by combining the white cotton yarn fibers found on the shoulders of the deceased and the white fibers of the same material left by the mysterious man on the tree.

And with such real details, his statement that "the murderer's hair was stuck on the back of the deceased" becomes more credible.

Director Tsunoda's expression changed slightly.

But looking at the transparent evidence bag held in Lin Xinyi's hand, his eyes suddenly became strange:

"Is this the hair found on the deceased's back?"

"Manager Lin, why do you carry such important evidence with you?"

"Isn't this not in line with the procedure?"

"Because I don't trust others."

Lin Xinyi carefully put the displayed evidence bag back.

He replied calmly:

"There have been cases in the Metropolitan Police Department of evidence being dropped."

"From then on, as long as it is such key evidence that can determine the direction of the case, I will take it with me and personally send it to the scientific research and inspection."

Lin Xinyi spoke very naturally.

Director Tsunoda was silent for a while, his eyes flickering.

But he didn't ask any more questions.

He just followed Lin Xinyi honestly and walked through the forest with him.

Lin Xinyi also pretended that nothing happened and just continued to ask:

"Director Tsunoda, please help me think again:"

"When the previous seven cases occurred, was there anyone in the office who was absent from their posts several times in a row and could not be found?"

"This," Director Tsunoda answered accurately, "Forest Manager, you are in trouble."

"I usually don't pay much attention to such trivial things. How can I still remember who is not here on a specific day?"


Lin Xinyi sighed slightly disappointedly:

"Since we can't find any definite suspects, we can only use stupid methods."

"Compare the DNA and gun bullet traces one by one."

"If the DNA and gunshot traces match, then this person is undoubtedly the murderer."

"Yes." Director Tsunoda nodded in agreement, as if it had nothing to do with him: "Since we have discovered the murderer's hair, we should spend more time comparing it."

"However, I still don't believe that the murderer will be someone from our institute."

"We are all professionally trained police officers. How could we do such a cruel and horrific thing?"

Director Tsunoda spoke with dignity and calmness.

Lin Xinyi had nothing to say and could only keep walking forward in silence, accompanying Director Tsunoda on the mission to search for brown bears.

The two of them were silent all the way, and the only sound in the forest was the rustling of fallen leaves under their feet.

If the situation continues like this, they will probably continue to live in peace until the brown bear is found.

But at this moment.

I saw a dull loud noise suddenly coming from the dense forest.

The sound was like beating a drum, and the beats were getting denser and closer.

Even before people see it with the naked eye, the terrifying image of a huge creature that uproots mountains and knocks down trees can appear in their minds.

"Brown bear?!"

Lin Xinyi and Director Tsunoda's expressions changed:

What appeared in front of them was an adult brown bear.

Its head is as big as a bucket, its body is muscular, and its shoulders and back are bulging high. When it moves, people can see its trembling fat body and its shiny fur that flutters in the wind.

Objectively speaking, this brown bear is very cute, looking like a fat hamster.


When this "big hamster" drools and approaches people, everything doesn't seem so cute.


Director Tsunoda's legs were trembling and he immediately took a few steps back.

But Lin Xinyi's reaction was extremely slow.

He seemed to be frightened by the bear and just stood there calmly.

It wasn't until the bear ran up to him that he reacted belatedly:

"Director Tsunoda, shoot quickly and drive that bear away!"


Director Tsunoda subconsciously wanted to take out the small revolver from his waist.

But the moment his hand touched the handle of the gun, he hesitated and stopped for some reason.

And he hesitated

The giant brown bear weighing several hundred kilograms had already thrown down Lin Xinyi, who was too frightened to move, with a majestic attitude.


Lin Xinyi let out a scream.

He was pinned down by the giant bear, and the two rows of sharp fangs in the huge bloody mouth were only a stone's throw away from his head.

"Director Kakuda."

"Hurry up and shoot!"

Lin Xinyi seemed to have burst out the power of survival in a desperate situation.

The veins on his forehead popped out, and the muscles all over his body were tightened into sharp angular lines. He used all his strength to reach out and resist the big head of the brown bear that was about to bite it off at any time.

This stalemate obviously cannot last long.

Lin Xinyi seemed to be at an absolute disadvantage and could lose his strength at any time and lose his life.

So he could only desperately seek help from Director Tsunoda.

Director Tsunoda's expression suddenly became more panicked:

"I know I'll shoot now."

"Damn it - I can't even hold a gun!"

Director Tsunoda suddenly suffered from Parkinson's disease.

He was trembling and shivering. One hand was on the handle of the gun, but he couldn't hold it firmly, let alone take it out or lift it up.

Just like that, a few more seconds passed.

Lin Xin couldn't hold on at the first sight.

Director Tsunoda's panicked and confused expression finally became calm.

More than calm.

There is also a touch of indifference and a touch of joking:

“It’s really all”

"I thought you had specially arranged for someone to ambush you nearby, trying to frame me with some false evidence."

"Now it seems that you secretly brought a tape recorder and wanted to record what I said?"

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore."

"When you are mauled to death by a bear, I will naturally check everything on you carefully and find a way to verify it."

If there was really an ambush nearby, it would be impossible for them not to show up when they saw Lin Xinyi in such a dangerous situation that he was about to die.

Therefore, Director Tsunoda can be sure that he and Lin Shinichi are the only two people present now.

It made him feel stable.

"what are you talking about?!"

Lin Xinyi was pinned down by the giant bear and struggled with it to the death.

The heavy pressure made his face turn red, and his eyes seemed to pop out:

"Hurry up, shoot and save me!!"

"Haha." Director Tsunoda sneered in response: "You asked for this."

"You wanted to use fake evidence to fish in a deserted place, lure me to attack you, and trick me in secret, but you accidentally got yourself into the bear's belly."

"It seems that you are very confident in your own skills? Do you think you can handle my attack alone?"

"Haha, now that you are well, no matter how powerful you are, can you still be more powerful than a bear?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"What's fishing, what's luring. That evidence is obviously true!"

Lin Xinyi struggled to resist the big hamster's bear hug. His eyes were split open and his veins were knotted. It looked as if the blood vessels in his body were about to burst:

"Save me quickly."

"Haha." Director Tsunoda sneered: "Pretending not to understand?"

"Do you think I would be so stupid as to believe that you would bring such important evidence with you? This is clearly 'fishing bait'!!"

"Besides, you are obviously already suspecting that the murderer is someone from our police station."

"But when I said that I had no alibi yesterday afternoon, you didn't even doubt me."

"Pretend to be so obvious, idiot"

"Don't underestimate people!"

"You" Lin Xinyi was completely desperate: "You are indeed the murderer!"

"That's right, hahahaha"

Director Tsunoda smiled proudly and said:

"I am the murderer."

"I also killed the seven people before. Because it was fun to do so."

"And what's even more interesting is that those high-ranking drunkards didn't even notice that seven people died."

"This is the Japanese police."

"A truly talented person like me can only rot in the police station in the valley, while those losers who rely on detectives to solve crimes can safely be promoted and make a fortune in the police headquarters!"

He had been suppressing these words for a long time.

Now I saw Lin Xinyi, the Metropolitan Police Department manager who was several levels above me at such a young age, crying out for help in front of me in such a state of embarrassment.

Director Tsunoda couldn't help but laugh happily.

And he smiled and smiled

But it was hard to laugh.

Because he discovered that Lin Xinyi had maintained the attitude of "he will be dead in the next second" and had lasted for several seconds.

"How come you still have the strength?!"

Director Tsunoda felt increasingly bad.

And as soon as he said these words.

Lin Xinyi suddenly stopped struggling.

His hands were still firmly pressing the bear's head, and his legs were tightly wrapped around the bear's waist like a python.

The action postures are the same as before.

It's just that Lin Xinyi is still now, and only the bear is still struggling.

Director Tsunoda: "???"

At this moment, Director Tsunoda suddenly discovered

Before, it looked like Lin Xinyi was resisting the bear's bite.

But in fact, it was the brown bear that was resisting Lin Xinyi's restraint.

He was like a giant lock made of steel, locking the giant bear tightly.

Not only did he not let it go, but he also held its head firmly, making it pretend to bite downwards from time to time.

"You said I was using false evidence to trick you?"

"Then you really guessed it right."

Lin Xinyi slowly pushed away the giant bear that was pressing on him. The movement looked calm and gentle, like lifting a slightly thick quilt.

Then, touching the brown bear's big furry head, he stood up with a smile:

"Director Tsunoda, I conducted a secret investigation before I came here——"

"You were the only one at the scenic spot police station yesterday who didn't have an alibi."

"If the murderer is a policeman from the police station, it can only be you!"

"So I set up a trap."

"I asked the police officers who had discovered the whereabouts of the brown bear to keep quiet, and then designed the leading police officer to arrange a dispersed search to lead you here."

"It turns out that your counter-reconnaissance awareness is indeed very strong, and your mind is far more thoughtful than ordinary people."

"My plan of using fake evidence to fish was immediately discovered by you."

"But it's a pity."

Lin Xin smiled and touched the bear's head, his voice getting colder:

"You didn't expect that this bear was also an actor arranged by me."

"When you think there is no one around you who you can talk to with confidence, you have already fallen into my trap!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several figures suddenly appeared in the originally silent woods.

There were Ran Mouri and Heiji Hattori, as well as police officers from the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters who were invited to bear witness.

They even had tape recorders and cameras in their hands.

Director Tsunoda: "."

What the hell?

Put your head in a brown bear's mouth to make him relax his guard?

Is this horse riding a strategy that can be used by humans?

Director Tsunoda wanted to cry.

Before him, Mr. Xiong had already cried.

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