Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 353 Police Department Love Story

At night, Lin Xinyi led the team back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Even before Odagiri Toshi entered the interrogation room, he was so frightened that he confessed all the crimes he had to admit.

no way.

Seeing the dozens of police cars that came to "greet" him, even if Lin Xinyi didn't scare him with the accusation of serial killer, he felt that he was being arrested as a serial killer.

This arresting battle is so huge, there is no mercy at all.

He even doubted whether his father, the criminal minister, had fallen.

In this way, Odagiri Toshiya's blackmail case and Futo Kyosuke's serial murder case were perfectly solved in just one night.

"The mission was successfully completed, thank you everyone."

Lin Xinyi was very satisfied with the performance of these colleagues.

He also didn't expect that his colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department were so fearless and upright that they would dare to follow him to arrest the young minister.

You know, these guys are serious mixed police officers, not undercover criminals!

Lin Xinyi admired these heroes who did not forget their original intention and kept their mission in mind. He first praised the colleagues who participated in the operation, and then let the team disband:

"It's getting late, everyone, please go home and rest!"

Everyone still had something to do, so they quickly dispersed.

Lin Xinyi said goodbye to Sato, Asai and others one by one, and prepared to go home from get off work.

But at this time, Sato Miwako specifically stopped him:

"Manager Lin, we have a rare opportunity to work on a case with you today."

"Since the case has been successfully solved, why not go to an izakaya to drink together after get off work to celebrate?"

"Uh this"

Lin Xinyi hesitated slightly:

It is also a characteristic custom of Japanese office workers to go to an izakaya to drink, chat and have a small meeting after get off work.

But he doesn’t really like this kind of activity

Not that he was really that resistant to human interaction.

Instead, these Japanese colleagues went to the izakaya and only ordered two or three dishes of exquisite side dishes each time. The dishes were only the size of a palm.

Even with the food that was not much more luxurious than Kong Yiji's, they could still drink it for two or three hours.

This way of eating is really too healthy.

Lin Xinyi was not used to it.

What's more, he doesn't like drinking in the first place.

"Um, me." He was about to refuse Sato Miwako's invitation.

Shiratori Rensaburo on the side had already ordered NO for him:

"Miss Miwako, let Manager Lin go home early!"

"He has such a beautiful girlfriend at home. He probably doesn't have time to drink with us outside and brag, haha."

Mr. Shiratori joked calmly.

In fact, he had already sounded the alarm in his heart:

Not only did Sato Miwako clearly show her admiration for Lin Xinyi, but she even took the initiative to invite Lin Xinyi to a party and drink after work.

This is because I understand that I want to deepen the contact with the other party!


By the end of the night, Lin Xinyi had already maxed out Miwako's favorability.

Even if they are just communicating as normal colleagues now, they must be careful.

Mr. Shiratori felt faintly worried in his heart, and couldn't help but use another decisive move:

"Speaking of which, Manager Lin, you are really enviable:"

"Miss Chris is so beautiful, and her relationship with you is extremely deep. This kind of love is as perfect as a fairy tale."

He made a literary and elegant gesture, sighing for Lin Xinyi's perfect love.

But in fact, he didn’t care about anything, so he tried his best to remind Sato Miwako:

Lin Xinyi has a girlfriend!

And the relationship is so good that it makes people jealous!

In this way, even if Miss Miwako does have some instinctive impulse in her heart, it cannot be turned into ambiguity.

Shiratori Rensaburo has his own plan.

But just after he finished his exclamation, he heard Lin Xinyi's awkward response:

"No, no, no, our relationship is not that good either."

"Actually, Chris and I had been breaking up before she came to Japan."

"Speaking of which, it was the accident with Shui Crystal that brought us back together."

Lin Xinyi followed Bai Niao's sigh and specifically revealed his emotional state.

This is actually giving everyone a vaccination.

Because Belmode will leave sooner or later, and it is very likely that once she leaves, she will never come back as "Miss Chris" again.

If he didn't make preparations in advance, someone would definitely be curious about how his "love of life and death" suddenly disappeared.

For safety reasons, Lin Xinyi did not want others to have such doubts about him.

So he talked about his relationship problems smoothly, laying the groundwork for future "breakups".

Shiratori Rensaburo felt his scalp numb when he heard:

"Damn it. Why would he say this in front of Miss Miwako?"

Deliberately saying in front of a woman that his current relationship is not going well

This is just like a boss hinting that his subordinates have promotion opportunities, but it is a common tactic used by scumbags to raise spare tires!

Mr. Shiratori became increasingly nervous.

Officer Takagi, who was calm at the side, finally sensed the danger.

Fortunately, Lin Xinyi did not agree to go drink with Miss Miwako, and seemed very decent.

He left the Metropolitan Police Department flowers behind him generously, turned around and left, finally letting the two men breathe a sigh of relief.

But Lin Xinyi calmed down, but Miwako Sato was restless.

Seeing that the feared Forest Manager was about to disappear at the end of the corridor, Miss Miwako suddenly bit her lip tightly, as if she had made a difficult decision, and shouted with all her strength:

"Manager Lin, wait a minute——"

"I have something to tell you!"

Saying that, Miwako Sato ran after her.

Shiratori and Takagi's pupils both shrank.

In their nervous eyes:

Miss Miwako first came to watch a Japanese drama, and then at the end of the long corridor, she looked affectionately at Lin Xinyi who stopped and turned around.

It was a bit far away and they couldn't hear the sound clearly, but they could see it.

Miwako Sato lowered her head nervously and bowed slightly in front of Lin Xinyi.

It's like asking for something, asking for something.

This picture, this scene, if paired with school uniforms, cherry blossoms and BGM, would be almost like a confession scene in a romance manga.

"No, no, right?"

The two men suffered a heavy blow to their hearts:

Would Miwako do such an impulsive thing?

This is the Metropolitan Police Department!

Although it is impossible no matter how you think about it, once the matter involves Miss Miwako, it is difficult for the two men's reason to play a role.

They stood there nervously, wanting to get closer to hear the situation clearly, but they were too timid to know the truth.

The atmosphere became increasingly tense and it didn't take long.

Lin Xinyi turned around and left.

Miwako Sato came back with a disappointed look on her face.

“It was rejected”

Her face was full of disappointment, and she murmured:

"Is it because I'm too old?"

Hearing this, the two men couldn't help but trembled.

Gao Mushe, who had nothing to do with the city, even shouted excitedly:

"Miss Sato!"

"You, did you really go and confess to Mr. Lin?"

"Huh???" Sato Miwako looked confused: "What did you say?"

The atmosphere became extremely awkward.

The three of them looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.

But Narumi Asai, who understood this clearly, broke the deadlock with a smile:

"What are you thinking about?"

"Miss Miwako probably wanted to learn from Mr. Lin, so she went to see him, right?"

"Yes, yes."

"I felt that my abilities were insufficient, so I wanted to be like you, Asai, and become the teacher of Administrator Lin."

"If possible, it doesn't matter if I am transferred to the forensics department."

"It's just that I was rejected."

"Mr. Lin said that his time is limited and he cannot teach me. Just let me study with you, Asai."

Sato Miwako said this and looked at Shiratori and Takagi with a strange expression:

"But what are you thinking about?"

"How could I confess to Mr. Lin? He obviously has a girlfriend!"

"Hmm" The two men were embarrassed for a while.

At the critical moment, the dull Mr. Takagi was more courageous.

Anyway, that’s all he said, so he simply bit the bullet and asked:

"Then Miss Sato, the person you like is not Mr. Lin, right?"

Takagi Wataru asked the question that he, Shiratori, and all the male police officers wanted to ask.

"Of course not!"

Sato Miwako's cheeks turned slightly red:

"Don't say Mr. Lin has a girlfriend, even if he doesn't."

"I wouldn't fall in love with a man who is much younger than me!"

"That's it"

Takagi Wataru breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I felt something was wrong:


"Is being young a 'deduction'?"

Mr. Takagi's vision went dark.

He is 26 years old, 2 years younger than Miwako.

A moment later, the men's room.

The two men who had caused trouble in front of Ms. Sato took advantage of the opportunity to go to the toilet and quietly held a small meeting:

"It seems that the person Miss Miwako likes is not Manager Lin."

"Then who is the man she desires?"

Shiratori Rensaburo said to Takagi Wataru in this subtle tone while washing his hands.

"I don't know either"

Takagi Wataru was also confused:

"I don't usually see Miss Sato show affection for any man."

"If it weren't for you, Officer Shiratori, it wouldn't be the Memu Police Department, or the Forest Management Officer."

"Then who does she like?"

He was racking his brains there, and then he saw his temporary ally, Officer Shiratori's eyes subtly moving towards him.

"Um" Takagi Wataru looked confused: "You don't think it's me, do you?"

"Miss Sato just said that she doesn't like younger men."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Shiratori Rensaburo's eyes were very sharp:

"If there is anyone who has the most contact with Miss Miwako, it is you as her junior."

"This" Takagi Sheba looked confused.

He really hoped that the person was himself, but... didn't he see it?

"Forget it, there's no point in guessing here."

"Let's find a way to ask Miss Yumi to help find out."

Takagi Sheba sighed helplessly.

Mr. Shiratori also temporarily put aside his suspicion of Takagi and added:

"You can also ask Miss Asai to help."

"She has been very close to Miwako recently, maybe she will know something."

"Yes." Takagi Wataru nodded in agreement: "Miss Asai and Miss Sato have a really good relationship."

"And Miss Sato recently plans to learn criminal science technology from Miss Asai, so they will only have more opportunities to be exposed."

After some analysis and research, the two men finally stood on a united front again.

In this way, they left the men's room side by side while chatting about how to find out how to find their love rival.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he bumped into Asai Narumi, who was also coming to the toilet.

"Shiratori, Takagi."

Asai Narumi smiled and said hello.

"Miss Asai!"

Shiratori and Takagi nodded in response.

The two parties naturally met each other at the toilet door and passed each other.

"Um, wait."

The two men suddenly stopped:

Wasn't it just now?

What's wrong? ?

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