Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 354 Miss Maori is here, will something happen?

The next day, night, Rice Flower Hotel.

The engagement ceremony of Police Officer Shiratori's sister, Sara Shiratori, and her fiancé were held here as scheduled.

The Shiratori Group has a wide network of contacts and far-reaching connections, and the guests present are far more than just colleagues from the Investigation Section 1 that Shiratori Rensaburo is familiar with.

There were many senior leaders of the Criminal Department and various departments of the Metropolitan Police Department other than the Criminal Department, as well as various industry elites and business celebrities in society.

The house was full of distinguished guests, and there were many victorious friends.

But as the young master of the Shiratori Group, Shiratori Rensaburo did not care about entertaining the distinguished guests present.

Together with his colleague Takagi Wataru, he pretended that nothing happened, holding champagne, trying hard to surround Miss Sato and Mr. Asai, trying to join their conversation.

But the relationship between Miss Sato and Mr. Asai is so good that no one can interfere:

"Really, Miss Miwako, as a girl, how can you not even know such basic makeup skills? You know, you can't just put on makeup casually."

"Skin color can be divided into cold and warm tones, and foundation can also be divided into warm and cold tones. If you choose the wrong tone, even the whitest color will have a bluish-gray glow."

Asai Narumi was chatting with Sato Miwako enthusiastically, talking about words that the two men couldn't understand at all:

"We can first look at the sun to see the color of our blood vessels."

"The skin is white or pink, and the blood vessels in the wrist are blue and purple. It is a cool skin color and is suitable for pink."

"The skin is yellowish or darker."

"After judging the skin color, choose the shade of foundation first, and then choose the color number."


Miwako Sato was stunned for a moment after hearing this:

"It turns out there are so many things to pay attention to. I turned out to be blind."

"Asai, you know so much!"

The policewoman, who usually touches more gun cases than makeup cases, is learning makeup from a male colleague with a look of admiration on her face.

Shiratori, Takagi: "."

The two men stood aside awkwardly, seeing despair in each other's eyes:

What are they talking about?

I can't get a word in at all.

Are we a little redundant?

Mr. Shiratori and Mr. Takagi were stunned for a long time, unable to find an opportunity to join the conversation or find a way to break the "world of two".

"The situation is not good."

"This opponent is very strong."

It may be difficult to exclude the option of Asai Narumi from Miss Miwako's "suspect list".

The two men quietly realized that they were probably going to have a protracted war.


They reluctantly glanced at Asai Narumi again:

How can a boy grow up like this? ?

The rival who might steal Miss Miwako's love is actually a "beautiful girl" who is as good-looking as Miss Miwako. Who would have thought of this?

The two men were sighing secretly.

"Shiratori, Takagi, hello everyone."

Lin Xinyi, who had just arrived at the venue, naturally stepped forward to say hello to the subordinates who had worked together yesterday.

The worried Shiratori Rensaburo managed to cheer up and greeted with a smile:

"Manager Lin, you are finally here."


He looked at Lin Xinyi's empty side:

"Where is your girlfriend, Miss Chrissy?"

"Oh, she had something to do today and didn't come over."

Lin Xinyi replied casually.

In fact, Belmode was fine today, but Haihara Ai was troubled.

After she came back from Izu yesterday, she couldn't wait to improve the antidote based on the results of the last test.

And today, she had a sudden idea and thought of a shortcut to develop an antidote:

That is to ask Belmode to help cooperate with the experiment and provide some fresh blood samples.

According to Haibara Ai, Belmod should be a more valuable research subject than both her and Conan.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi didn't have much time to chat with his colleagues.

His mood was a little subtle:

When he heard that proposal, Belmod's face looked as ferocious as if he wanted to eat a person.

It made people feel like she was going to kill Haihara Ai.

But she finally agreed.

At this moment, she was in the laboratory, cooperating with Haiyuan Ai in experiments.


Thinking that she was so resistant to drug trials but ultimately chose to compromise for him, Lin Xinyi felt a little complicated.

He used his feelings to trap the Thousand Faced Witch, but he was also trapped by her unknowingly.

With Belmod's sacrifice, the research progress should be much faster, right?

Perhaps, he will be able to meet the grown-up Miyano Shiho soon.

Lin Xinyi was thinking wildly like this when a faint call suddenly came from his ears:

"Lin, you're here too."

The voice was so cold and indifferent.

Lin Xinyi was stunned for a moment, then turned around following the voice:

He saw that the brown-haired girl who had just appeared in his mind was standing in front of him in a pretty way.

She wore a black slim-fitting shirt and an open white windbreaker. Her style was conservative and graceful, and her temperament was simple and pure.

Almost exactly the same as the girl in Lin Xinyi's memory.


Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

"Wait. No."

He carefully observed the outline of the body surface tissue on the left and right sides of the fourth intercostal space at the midclavicular line of the opponent.

Ever since he had a brief intimate contact with Ms. Shiho who had grown bigger after taking medicine, Lin Xinyi had vaguely mastered the secret of distinguishing between real and fake "Miyano Shiho".

"Miss Sonoko."

The person who came was indeed Suzuki Sonoko.

If you think about it, you will know that as the daughter of the Suzuki Zaibatsu, she must also be invited by the Shiratori Group.

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly:

"Why are you calling my name in such a tone?"

"Sounds weird."

"Ah, Mr. Lin, don't you like it?"

Suzuki Sonoko still maintains the temperament of that iceberg beauty:

"Sister Chris said that as long as you maintain such a mysterious, cold and arrogant temperament, you can make men fascinated."

"She even chose this outfit for me!"

Lin Xinyi: "."

As expected, it’s Belmod’s bad taste again.

No wonder even his dressing style has become so similar to Shiho's, and so has his speech.

"But don't you already have a boyfriend?"

"Why are you bothering to perform so much?"

Lin Xinyi was a little confused, but Miss Suzuki replied confidently:

"If you have a boyfriend, you have a boyfriend."

"I like being surrounded by handsome men who are attentive, which is not inconsistent with having a boyfriend~"

Please don't say this with Shiho's face

Lin Xinyi's head hurt.

Suzuki Sonoko just regards looking at handsome guys as a hobby and doesn't think there is anything wrong with it at all.

It's almost like the female version of Kogoro Mouri.

"Hey, the boy named Lin!"

Whatever comes to mind.

Uncle Maori's warm greeting sounded in the distance.

Nowadays, "Moori Ran's dad" is well-known in the criminal investigation world. Even his living expenses are subsidized by his daughter's part-time salary in the forensics class. At this time, he was wearing a straight formal dress, but he showed some rare spirit and spirit. Elegant.

But the temperament of this elegant and successful person was quickly lost:

"Lin, where is your Miss Chris?"

"Why, didn't she come today?"

Mouri Kogoro looked around for a while.

Finding that there was no shadow of Miss Chris next to Lin Xinyi, his face suddenly showed disappointment.

Obviously, most of the enthusiasm he just showed was not directed at Lin Xinyi himself.

Lin Xinyi: "."

Good guy. When he wants to see beautiful women, he thinks of his "girlfriend".

Lin Xinyi's expression twitched slightly.


Mao Lilan stepped forward and pulled her father back with an embarrassed look.

Behind her, Ms. Feili's gaze was also very dangerous:

“As expected, mud cannot hold up a wall.”

"I should never have brought you to such a formal event. It's so embarrassing."

"What does 'bring me to participate' mean?" Mouri Kogoro was very unconvinced: "I, I."

"I am Xiaolan's father, and Xiaolan is a colleague of Officer Shiratori. Even if I don't follow you, someone will invite me!"


Feili smiled and showed off her good eloquence as a lawyer:

"A man who relies on his daughter to make a living is truly remarkable."

"Of course it's amazing!"

"I raised my daughter!"

"." The concubine's lawyer failed: "Bah! You raised Xiaolan? It was Xiaolan who raised you, right?"

"Ha, it's better than you just leaving Xiaolan behind without any care!"


The couple began to bicker endlessly.

"Well" Miss Maori beside her looked helpless.

She completely gave up the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of the family reunion to win over her parents, and came to Lin Xinyi awkwardly:

"Mr. Lin, I'm sorry for making you laugh."

"It doesn't matter." Lin Xinyi was already used to it.

"But..." Mao Lilan frowned slightly and quietly changed the topic:

"Mr. Lin, what do I think?"

"When I came in just now, everyone looked at me weird?"

"Is there something wrong with my appearance today?"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

Shiratori, Takagi, Sato, and Asai on the side all looked strange.

Only Suzuki Sonoko still couldn't understand the subtle air. She just maintained the cold aura out of habit and said warm words to her best friend:

"No, Xiaolan is very beautiful today~"

"Is everyone attracted by your beauty?"

"Is that so?"

"But I always feel like there's something wrong with their eyes."

Mao Lilan blinked her big, pure eyes, full of ignorance and innocence.

Mr. Shiratori Rensaburo felt a little guilty when he saw it:

Isn’t it a bit too hurtful to treat such a pure and kind-hearted beautiful girl as a god of death?

Speaking of which, he originally planned to ask his sister to find a reason to prevent the Maori family from attending the engagement ceremony.

Kobi Mile is a heavyweight senior who has a favor for his sister Shiratori Sara.

Sara Shiratori was too embarrassed to take back the invitation sent to Teacher Feili, and she didn't believe her brother's metaphysical taboos, so she insisted on inviting the Mouri family over.

Now look back and think about it.

Mr. Shiratori couldn't help but feel that he was overreacting.

How could such a lovely Maori girl be turned away because of those mysterious rumors?

Moreover, the prisoner Fuudo Kyosuke was caught yesterday.

Even if Mao Lilan is here today.

Yeah, nothing will happen, right?

Rensaburo Shiratori felt guilty for a while, nervous for a while, and comforted himself for a while. His mood was very complicated.

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly interrupted his thinking:

"Officer Shiratori."

"Who is that old man over there?"

"Why do you feel like he's been secretly looking at me?"

Feeling the vague observation gaze, Miss Suzuki asked her host, Officer Shiratori, with some discomfort.

"Is there an old man watching you?"

Shiratori Rensaburo raised his head and glanced over there:

"Oh it's him."

"Miss Suzuki, don't worry, he is not a bad person."

"That gentleman is an old friend of our Shiratori Group, and he has a lot of contacts with your Suzuki Group:"

"He is the chairman of Baling Motors, Kenzo Masama."

The second is later

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