Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 412 Green Tea Nemesis

Haibara Ai rudely evaluated Ritsuko Usui as a shameless vixen.

But unlike people's traditional image of a "vixen", Ritsuko Usui is not a frivolous woman who needs to rely on charming ways to please men in order to live.

Like Fei Yingli, she is one of the few female lawyers in the judicial field, a traditional industry dominated by male elites, who has relied on her own abilities to become a top-notch lawyer.

Just looking at the surface, she is a real famous lawyer, a strong woman, and an independent woman with strong ambition.

But the problem is

This Miss Usui Bing is a little too ambitious.

She has been working hard to become Japan's number one female nurse.

Therefore, the famous female senior figure in the legal world, the "Undefeated Queen" Concubine Yingli, became her natural target.

After an exhaustive pursuit, Ritsuko Usui discovered:

Fei Yingli is better than her.

I can't catch up at all.

No matter how hard she tried, Fei Yingli kept her head firmly pressed.

She can never become an undefeated queen, she can only become defeated by the Queen again and again.

As a result, Miss Ui Bing's competitive spirit gradually became distorted and deformed, and evolved into an obsession.

In order to defeat Fei Yingli, she began to use any means necessary.

As long as she can win, she can do anything.

And just at this dinner

Surprisingly, Ritsuko Usui discovered the weakness of the "Undefeated Queen" Concubine Eri:

"Maori Kogoro."

"When I see a woman, I can't walk. If I'm tempted even a little bit, I don't know her name anymore."

"I never expected that the concubine's lawyer would have such a frivolous husband."

"No wonder they live apart."

Ritsuko Usui felt full of disdain for Kogoro.

But on the surface, she still has affectionate eyebrows and charming eyes.

Because she calculated correctly, Mouri Kogoro was Fei Yingli's destiny.

"Haha. If her man and I have any cheating scandal."

"The next time the concubine's lawyer meets me in court, I'm afraid she won't be able to be so calm and sharp-tongued anymore."

This is the killer move that Miss Ui Bing came up with.

Just like the trolls who curse on public screens, if you can't win in a head-on fight, you will adopt the opponent's mentality.

If the opponent is so angry that his mentality explodes, his operation will definitely be affected.

And Ritsuko Usui's tricks to manipulate people's mentality are much more insidious than trolling people.

She wants to steal Fei Yingli's man.

As soon as Fei Yingli saw her, her mentality became unstable and she was unable to perform normally in court.

Although this trick was a cheap move, if you think about it carefully, it might be the only way for her to counterattack Fei Yingli in her career.

Therefore, Ritsuko Usui used her spare time expertise outside of her work as a lawyer to coax Mouri Kogoro into a state of excitement and joy at the wine table:


"Do you want lawyer Ritsuko to have such a cute voice to defend me?"

Mouri Kogoro is indeed a model of Showa manly man.

As soon as he drank the wine, he ignored his wife and sat next to her with a cold face, and drank the wine with other women with a swaying look on his face.

The arms are next to each other, the hooves are holding the claws, and it's almost impossible to stick 502 directly on them.

Faced with Mouri Kogoro's increasingly arrogant and unrestrained behavior after being drunk, Ritsuko Usui not only did not show resistance, but also used the flushed "drunkenness" on her face to play the trick of refusing to welcome:

"I hate it, Mr. Mori!"

Ritsuko Usui pretended to push away this old man who was trying to mop himself up by drinking.

In fact, he didn't have much strength. Even he, "smelling of alcohol", tilted his head and fell together with Kogoro.

Everything seems to be unintentional.

At the same time, her "hazy drunken eyes" had been secretly observing the expression of the concubine Yingli next to her.

as expected

Fei Yingli's face was as gloomy as ice.

This gloominess did not have the confidence and majesty she had when she appeared in court to defend herself, but was filled with suppressed anger and powerlessness.

There was no way. The one who took the initiative to rub against others from the beginning was her own husband. Even if she felt unhappy, what else could she say?

"Haha. Yes, that's it."

The more Ritsuko Usui watched, the more comfortable she felt.

She seemed to be able to see the bright future in which her husband and career were taken away from her.

Victory seemed just around the corner.


That's not exciting enough.

It must be enough to stimulate Concubine Yingli's mentality to a complete explosion.

Ritsuko Usui easily conquered Fei Yingli's husband, but then she got jealous and thought of a more terrifying killing move:

She not only wants to have an affair with Fei Yingli's husband.

There is also some ambiguity with Fei Yingli's son-in-law.

If a woman, her colleague and apparent best friend, seduces the souls of two men in her family, she will have to see a psychiatrist sooner or later.

As for who this "son-in-law" is.

Ritsuko Usui quietly turned her gaze to Lin Xinyi at the wine table:

"This guy said he was a friend of the lawyer's daughter, and he came to participate in the Maori family's family trip."

"He should be the lawyer's future son-in-law."

Just like Mouri Kogoro who was wary of Lin Shinichi before.

Ritsuko Usui also subconsciously thought that this handsome young man who was inseparable from Mao Lilan and even traveled with other people's families must have a close relationship with Mao Lilan.

In addition, Lin Xinyi and Fei Yingli looked very familiar to each other.

More importantly, when we just met.

She also heard that Lin Xin called Fei Yingli "Aunt Fei".

With Fei Yingli's appearance, how could any man call her aunt?

But this young man shouted like this.

Obviously, this must be because of his special status, so he cannot mess up his seniority in front of Fei Yingli and can only call himself a junior.

And this identity may be that of son-in-law.

“The man my concubine’s lawyer’s daughter is looking for is quite good.”

"Much better than the old pervert she found herself."

While Ritsuko Usui dealt with the harassment from the drunken uncle beside her, she secretly observed Lin Xinyi's expression like a wild fox observing prey:

"He has been sitting silently since the beginning, and his personality is quite shy."

"But it's better to be shy."

"This kind of immature kid with no love experience is the easiest to deal with."

Young people are very angry, how can they resist in front of a sexy older sister?

As long as she uses some tricks and sells out her sex appeal in a small way, she can make the young man blush and make a fool of himself.

And that's all Ritsuko Usui wanted.

She didn't really want to seduce this handsome young man.

As long as Lin Xin can be embarrassed a little and have some harmless ambiguity, Fei Yingli's daughter will become her defeated enemy just like her mother.

When the time comes, how can Fei Yingli's mentality not explode?

So, with this feeling of sure victory, Ritsuko Usui hooked up with Lin Xinyi innocently:

"Let's get to know each other formally:"

"My name is Ritsuko Usui. Please give me your advice."

She stretched out her fragrant and soft hand to Lin Xinyi.

Just wait for Lin Xin to grab it.

She will take advantage of the "drinking energy", which seems to be an unconscious behavior.

Hold the other person's hand loosely, and then gently scratch the other person's palm twice.

As long as this shy young man who doesn't like to talk blushes a little bit in embarrassment.

After the meeting, she would take the wine glass and, in the name of toasting, change her seat to Lin Xinyi's side, and then use the same tactics she had just used to deal with Mouri Kogoro.

"Hmph, I'm sorry, little girl from the Maori family."

"Please feel how your mother feels!"

A proud smile quietly appeared on the corner of Usui Ritsuko's mouth.

Mao Lilan and Fei Yingli on the side also showed the gloomy faces they wanted to see most because of Kogoro's performance.

And this time.

Lin Xinyi held her hand as she wished.

She was about to use her skillful flirting skills when she heard a voice:


"Aunt Ui Bing."

Ritsuko Usui: "."

There was silence, silence, silence in the air.

"Haha." Someone couldn't help laughing.

The one who laughed was actually the lawyer Fei Yingli Fei who was always serious about smiling.

"Lin, you kid."

"It's still so unpleasant to talk."

She covered her cheek politely, but she couldn't suppress the slight upward movement of the corners of her mouth.

Fei Yingli's mood seemed to be much better.

"you you"

Ritsuko Usui, who originally wanted to sweep away Concubine Yingli and her daughter and make all the men in the Mori family become her subordinates, suddenly hit a hard nail:

This kid actually called her aunt?

Do you have eyes?

Ritsuko Usui was so angry that her face turned pale.

But she still strives to maintain the image of a lady:

"Haha. Auntie or something, isn't it too old to call her?"

"I'm only 32 years old this year."

"Uh" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

32 is only 8 years older than him, so calling her aunt is indeed a bit too much.

"Feel sorry."

He immediately expressed his apology sincerely:

"Auntie. No, because Miss Ui Bing, you are Auntie Fei's colleague, so I will call you auntie."

Lin Xinyi's tone was extremely sincere.

Really, because of Fei Yingli, Yukiko and Belmod, he has lost the ability to judge the age of women by their appearance.

Ritsuko Usui does look young, but who can guarantee that she is not an aunt?

"no way"

"I was really not sure just now. You are only 32 years old."

Ritsuko Usui: "."

Fei Yingli tried hard to maintain the appearance of seriousness, but she couldn't help but snicker.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean what I said."

Lin Xinyi quickly reacted:

"I mean:"

"I thought you and Aunt Fei were the same age."

Fei Yingli: "."

Even she couldn't laugh now.

The smart lawyer Fei thought for a long time and was still unsure whether Lin Xinyi's words were praising her or hurting her.

Lin Xinyi added silently:

"After all, Miss Ui Bing, you look a bit older than Aunt Fei."

Ritsuko Usui's face instantly turned green:

"I-I look older than the concubine's lawyer?!"

She asked a rhetorical question through gritted teeth.

Lin Xinyi was asked this question.

He calmed down and took a closer look at Fei Yingli and Usui Ritsuko:

At first glance, it seems that Fei Yingli is more mature and old-fashioned.

But put aside her overly conservative clothing style.

It is only analyzed based on hard indicators such as the density of dermal collagen fibers, the thickness of stratum corneum, skin moisture content, skin plumpness, and skin elasticity.

Lin Xinyi fell into deep comparison and thinking.

Silence, silence, silence

Just when Ritsuko Usui thought that this mean-mouthed young man was finally ashamed to admit his mistake.

I saw Lin Xinyi suddenly put on a serious expression of "returning from research" and replied in a serious tone:


"You look older."

The second is later

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