Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 413 On-site tea art analysis

Lin Xinyi's tone was extremely sincere.

Because in terms of skin texture, Fei Yingli looks really younger than Ritsuko Usui.

If her temperament hadn't been slightly inconsistent, she could even put on her daughter's high school uniform without any disobedience and pretend to be Mao Lilan's sister.

This scientific phenomenon is actually somewhat unfriendly to Lin Xinyi.

In the past, if a corpse with a well-preserved body surface was encountered, forensic doctors generally only needed to observe the characteristics of the skin wrinkles of the deceased to roughly determine the age range of the deceased.

Only by knowing the approximate age range can we accurately find the source of the body.

But now, there are the cases of aunts like Fei Yingli and Yukiko.

If he encounters any unidentified "young" female corpse again, Lin Xinyi will no longer dare to judge the age with the naked eye.

The age range of the deceased must be accurately determined based on the bone development morphology and tooth wear of the deceased.

This virtually increases the workload.

It even increases the possibility of error.

Fortunately, the shrinking drug APTX4869 has not been launched on a large scale, otherwise Lin Xinyi would immediately lose his job in front of Ke Xue.


Lin Xin brought his thoughts back to the present and expressed his conclusion with a serious face:

"Aunt Concubine does look younger."

"It doesn't look like someone approaching 40 at all."

Fei Yingli: "."

Although it was praised, it somehow didn't make people happy.

However, look at Ritsuko Usui's expression changing from green to red

My mood seemed to be inexplicably better again.

A smile gradually appeared on Fei Yingli's lips.

“No, no”

"We can't let this woman win!"

Ritsuko Usui reacted unwillingly:

Lin Xinyi's choking words made her unable to seduce others. Instead, they made her angry and ugly.

Being teased like this, it seemed like she was the loser.

Even her "defeated general" Fei Yingli was in a happy mood.

"But I didn't lose."

"Your old pervert husband is still hanging around me stupidly!"

Ritsuko Usui was full of dissatisfaction and glared at Lin Xinyi cryptically.

She knew that this boy was a tough guy and couldn't be seduced.

Still can only pick the soft persimmons.

Compared to Lin Shinichi, Mouri Kogoro is the man who can really make Fei Yingli's mentality explode.

Ritsuko Usui thought so.

She quickly left Lin Xinyi in annoyance, turned back, and continued busy with the strategy of Moori Kogoro.

Lin Xinyi was also happy that no one would bother him.

He lowered his head, retracted his gaze, and went to eat with his girlfriend beside him.


Hui Yuan Ai hummed with satisfaction:

"You did a good job."

"At least I wasn't fooled by that bad woman."

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi stopped his chopsticks and quietly cast a confused look: "Bad woman?"

"Are you talking about Miss Ui Bing?"

"Of course!" Haiyuan Ai crossed his arms, leaned on the chair, and looked at Ritsuko Usui across the table with disdain: "This woman has been seducing that Maori uncle since she first came up."

"Don't you see that?"

"Uh no."

"Isn't it Uncle Maori who has been harassing people from the beginning?"

"I think Miss Ui Bing is having a hard time coping with it."

"." Haiyuan Ai sighed helplessly: "Alas"


Her boyfriend's ability to resist any intrusion is all due to his talent.

He didn't see how bad this woman was at all.


Haiyuan Ai assumed the posture of a little teacher who usually teaches Lin Xinyi biology.

His tone was indifferent, his eyes were focused, and he looked like a famous detective who was reasoning confidently:

"Do you think that woman is the one being harassed?"

"No, that's the genius of that woman."

"She deliberately seduced the lecherous Maori uncle and disguised herself as an innocent, kind and pure girl."

As she spoke, Miss Haiyuan's eyes became sharp:

"do you remember?"

"When we first met, Uncle Mori very frivolously praised Usui Ritsuko's beauty in front of his wife."

"If she were an ordinary, clean and tidy woman, she would probably feel uncomfortable if she was accosted by a colleague's husband like this."

"But where is Ritsuko Usui?"

"Not only did she not distance herself from Uncle Maori."

"Instead, after dinner started, I used the excuse of having a drink with Uncle Maori to sit next to Uncle Maori."

"Isn't that strange?"

Huihara Ai reviewed the situation at that time in an orderly manner.

Lin Xinyi also entered the reasoning mode unknowingly:

"That's right. When you say that, she seems a little strange."

With the level of greasiness Mouri Kogoro showed at that time, a woman would have been hiding away long ago, right?

What's more, Aunt Fei, the real wife, is still right in front of him.

Why doesn't she know how to avoid suspicion?

"Because she is deliberately seducing Uncle Maori."

"And the first trick she used was to pretend to be drunk."

"Pretending to be drunk?"

Lin Xinyi was a little surprised:

"Ms. Usui Bing, haven't you been drunk all this time?"

"But her face was so red, she seemed really drunk."

"Especially, Ms. Usui Bing's cheeks started to turn red after she didn't have two drinks at the beginning."

"This shows that she lacks acetaldehyde deoxygenase in her body, which prevents the rapid conversion of acetaldehyde, which is why she blushes so easily."

After alcohol enters the human body, it will first be converted into acetaldehyde through alcohol dehydrogenase, then converted into acetic acid through acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, and finally excreted from the body.

Drinking makes your face flush easily, which is actually a sign that the alcohol metabolism process is blocked.

So people who drink on their faces are more likely to get drunk.

And Miss Ui Bing had just finished two drinks, and her face turned red as if on fire.

This shows that her drinking capacity is indeed not very good.

And she later drank so much wine with Mouri Kogoro, how could she still pretend to be drunk instead of really drunk?

"Ha." Hui Yuan Ai snorted coldly: "That's just an illusion."

"Do you think Ritsuko Usui blushes easily because she drinks alcohol?"

"If you don't think about it carefully, she just drank two glasses of wine and suddenly disappeared for a few minutes under the pretext of going to the toilet."

"When she returned to the dining table, her face became even redder."

"It looks like alcohol is on your head."

"This" Lin Xinyi recalled seriously: "It seems to be the case."

"But what's the problem?"

"Of course."

Huiyuan Aifeng replied calmly:

"She actually didn't go to the bathroom at all, but went to the bathroom to put some blush on herself."

"The face that looks like it's hot due to drunkenness is actually a fake face that has been deepened by her makeup."

"This can still be like this."

Lin Xinyi was amazed, while Hui Yuan Ai just continued his analysis:

"Pretending to be drunk is a common tactic of such bad women."

"Because alcohol can be a cover for many inappropriate behaviors, pretending to be drunk will make you bolder."

"For example"

"When Uncle Mouri was drunk and slutting things, Ritsuko Usui seemed to be trying hard to push him away."

"But in fact, he was pretending to be drunk and weak. Not only did he resist him but he welcomed him instead of pushing him away. Instead, he stuck to him even tighter."

"I see."

Lin Xin nodded repeatedly, as if his horizons had been opened.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro took advantage of the drunkenness and leaned towards Ritsuko Usui's chest in a daze.

Ritsuko Usui said awkwardly:

"Mr. Mori, you drank too much."

It looked like he was trying hard to push the other person away.

But Kogoro was too heavy and couldn't push him away even after pushing several times.

"I understand." Lin Xinyi realized that he had already seen some clues: "She is using the trick you mentioned to 'reject but welcome' now, right?"


Haiyuan Ai observed carefully:

"This time it's Uncle Maori who's drunk and bastardizing."

"Even that bad woman thought it was a bit too much."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Good guy. Let Uncle Maori meet Ritsuko Usui, it's like the Emperor's uncle meets Wolong.

They look like a fish in water, it would be a pity not to be together.

Lin Xinyi was thinking so.

Miss Haiyuan, however, has already continued to talk about her lecture on teaching boyfriends to identify bad women:

"In addition to pretending to be drunk, she used many tricks."

"For example, she tucked the hair on the side closer to Uncle Maori behind her ear, allowing him to appreciate the skin on her neck up close."

"Another example is the placement of her wine glasses."

"Is there a way around the place where the wine glasses are placed?"

"Of course."

"Uncle Maori's wine glass is placed on his right hand side."

"Then Ritsuko Usui deliberately placed her wine glass on her left hand side, next to Uncle Mouri's glass."

"In this way, as long as you keep an eye on the moment when Uncle Maori is holding the wine glass, she will also be holding the wine glass."

"Two people can touch each other 'accidentally', creating that kind of 'accidental' physical contact."

"This is all to cultivate the other party's habit of physical contact and prepare for the next step."

"I see.'

Lin Xinyi was even more amazed.

And while he was sighing and sighing, his expression was not quite right.

He suddenly fell silent, his expression a little nervous and complicated:

"Xiao Ai"

"How do you know so much about this kind of thing??"

"I" Haiyuan Ai was speechless for a moment.

She pursed her lips in embarrassment and didn't answer for a long time.

After all, in order to seduce her boyfriend, she went to learn skills from Belmode.

How dare you say such a thing?

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes became more and more guilty.

Lin Xinyi's expression became more and more nervous.

He quietly approached Haiyuan Ai's ear and asked uneasily, "You didn't have another boyfriend before, right?"

Haibara Ai:"???"


"What's going on in your head?!"

Miss Haiyuan almost choked to death:

She was only 12 years old before she met Lin Xinyi. How could she have had a relationship experience? !

After that, with Lin Xinyi, a "pervert" hiding behind her every day to monitor and protect her, how could she fall in love with someone else?

"Feel sorry."

Lin Xin breathed a sigh of relief:

"I'm overthinking"


He couldn't help but bring the topic back:

"Xiao Ai, how on earth do you know this?"

"Hmm" Haiyuan Ai's face turned serious: "Only a fool can't see this kind of mentally retarded method, right?"

Her tone was indifferent and calm, as if these tea arts were just the basics of emotional intelligence for normal people.

"I'm sorry." Lin Xinyi admitted his mistake obediently.


Huihara Ai was still a little angry.

She ignored her apologetic boyfriend and just went to the table to get her cup angrily.

Lin Xinyi wanted to drink some water out of embarrassment, and happened to go get his own cup.

The two cups are positioned right next to each other.

Two hands, one big and one small, touched together inadvertently.


Lin Xinyi vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"It's just a coincidence, don't think too much."

Hui Yuan Ai's voice was as cold as ice.

As she spoke, she quietly let down the hair she had tucked behind her ears, and covered her neck quietly.

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