Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 414 Seizing food at Chakou

Lin Xinyi's expression was still a little strange.

But Haiyuan Ai just pulled back the little hand that was next to her boyfriend without changing her expression, and took a sip of water as if nothing had happened.

His eyes are straight, his expression is natural, and his temperament is impeccable.

Then, without waiting for Lin Xin to think about it again and again.

She calmly put down the cup and said calmly:

"That Miss Ritsuko Usui has been deliberately seducing Uncle Mori."

"Have you ever wondered why she did this?"

"This" Lin Xinyi's thoughts were instantly taken astray:

Indeed, it was easy to understand why Ritsuko Usui seduced him.

It's normal for a handsome young guy to please his older sister.

But why did she seduce Uncle Maori?

Uncle Maori

It's not that Uncle Maori is not good-looking.

If he was not good-looking, he would not be able to marry such a beautiful wife and give birth to a daughter who is like a heroine.

The problem is, Uncle Maori’s temperament.

The "romantic" temperament that makes his heart flutter when he sees a beautiful girl made him fall from a handsome, middle-aged and successful man to a greasy country boy and a wretched uncle.

Ritsuko Usui actually deliberately tried to seduce such a greasy middle-aged man.

Moreover, she had already set her sights on him as soon as they met, and even used all her moves and firepower on him in front of his wife.

Picture what? Picture his open-pit oil well?

"It seems that she is a drunkard and is not interested in drinking."

Lin Xinyi also vaguely understood Ui Bing Ritsuko's purpose.

She was obviously going for Fei Yingli.

"That's right."

"That Miss Ui Bing is so close to Aunt Concubine that she looks like best friends."

Haiyuan Ai also followed her boyfriend and called Fei Yingli aunt:

"But secretly, I'm afraid I have been hating my aunt for a long time."

With that said, the two of them continued to secretly observe the performance of Ritsuko Usui.

Ritsuko Usui is still hooking up with Kogoro Mori.

However, with Jiu Jin's style of painting gradually changed from Usui Ritsuko secretly seducing, to Maori uncle acting drunk and harassing others.

Fei Yingli's face became worse and worse.

The good mood that Lin Xinyi brought her into disappeared as the ambiguous interactions between her husband and her colleagues became more and more extreme.

And this meal has gone long enough.

Several of Fei Yingli's lawyer colleagues had already drunk to their heart's content and left the dining table to go back to their rooms to rest.

"No, I won't drink anymore."

Mouri Kogoro hung on Ritsuko Usui drunkenly and muttered in confusion:

"Someone help me."

"Send me back to my room to rest!"

"I'm here to see you off Mr. Mori."

Ritsuko Usui also responded in a "dizzy" manner due to the "drinking energy".

As she said that, she stood up staggeringly, hugged the half-dead Uncle Maori, turned around and walked towards the hotel elevator.

At first glance, it looked like they were just two drunkards going back to their room together.

it's not a big deal.

Even Fei Yingli, who should have stepped forward the most, just sat there with a cold face, did not speak, and did not stop her husband and Ritsuko Usui from going too far.


Lin Xinyi stood up.

He had already seen through Usui Ritsuko's true face and knew that this woman might have a grudge against his aunt.

Therefore, if she was just allowed to leave with the drunken Uncle Maori, I'm afraid something might happen that shouldn't happen.

It's still a small matter to have a cheating scandal

What if Ritsuko Usui accuses Uncle Mouri of molestation in order to fix the concubine?

Without surveillance, no, even in the real world with surveillance, this is an almost unsolvable problem.

"Miss Usui Bing, you drank a little too much."

"Leave Uncle Maori to me. I'll take him back to his room."

Lin Xinyi calmly snatched Mouri Kogoro from Ritsuko Usui's hand.

Ritsuko Usui didn't want to let go for a while.

She still used her drunkenness as a cover and tightly held Mouri Kogoro's arm:

"No, no!"

"I promised to send him back!"

Ritsuko Usui played "drunk crazy" without mercy.

Lin Xinyi was preparing to increase his efforts to snatch Uncle Maoli back.

Another helper suddenly came from the side:

"Miss Usui Bing."

"You did drink too much."

The one who stood up was the male lawyer who tried on the tie for Concubine Yingli, Saku Hoshi.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, is handsome and determined, and paired with his meticulous dark formal suit, he looks like a successful middle-aged man.

Saku Hashi stepped forward at this moment and looked very gentlemanly:

"How can a lady do such menial work?"

"Just leave Mr. Mori to us, Miss Usui."

With that said, he and Lin Shinichi snatched Mouri Kogoro from Ritsuko Usui.


have a finger in the pie!

A trace of undetectable resentment flashed across Usui Ritsuko's face:

But in the end, she quickly hid her dissatisfaction and reluctantly handed Mouri Kogoro into the hands of Lin Shinichi and Saku Hashi:

"Okay, please send Mr. Mori back!"

"I-I'm going back to my room first."

Ritsuko Usui still didn't forget her character and walked away "drunkly" by herself.

Lin Xinyi and Saku Hashi helped Mouri Kogoro steady together, and then turned to look at Feili, who had been sitting indifferently from beginning to end:

"Aunt Concubine"

"I have something I need to tell you."

Lin Xinyi thought that Fei Yingli, like him before, did not see the wolfish ambition of Ritsuko Usui.

But Fei Yingli shook her head gloomily:

"I know."

"I'm not a fool, can't you see it?"

"Although I don't know why Ritsuko did this."

"But this is a fly that the man attracted himself, and I'm too lazy to worry about him!"

"Mom." Miss Maori, who was watching the battle anxiously, couldn't help but shouted nervously:


If her mother doesn't even care about her father's cheating, then there is really no hope for her family to go back to the past.


Fei Yingli's anger seemed not to be dispelled by her daughter's comfort.

She just hummed heavily, then stood up angrily, grabbed the handbag that had been squeezed out of shape, and left without looking back.

"Mom" Mao Lilan wanted to call her mother, but hesitated.

Looking pitiful.

"It's fine."

Fashi Saku smiled and shook his head:

"Lawyer Fei is just talking angry words."

"Actually, she cares about Mr. Mori more than anyone else, but she's just too embarrassed to say it."

"Yes, yes."

Mao Lilan was still a little uneasy:

"Mr. Saku, how do you know what my mother is thinking?"


Hoshi Saku laughed openly:

"Because I am also one of the admirers of the lawyer."

"Of course I know about this kind of thing."

He made no secret of his desire to be Mao Lilan's stepfather, leaving Mao Lilan speechless for a while in embarrassment.

But Hoshi Saku himself smiled naturally:

"Okay. Miss Maori, just wait for the lawyer to calm down."

"Leave your father to me and I will send him back to his room."

"Yeah" Mao Lilan nodded.

And Hoshi Saku said goodbye to Maori Lan, and dragged Maori Kogoro out of the restaurant and towards the hotel elevator.

It's not easy for a middle-aged man who fell asleep drunk to move.

When Lin Xin saw that Saku Hoshi was having a hard time moving, he simply sent Buddha to the west and helped him send Mouri Kogoro back to his room.

As soon as he left, Hui Yuan Ai and Caesar, who had been squatting at the table waiting, followed closely.

"Mr. Lin."

As Saku Hoshi walked away, he smiled and asked Lin Xinyi:

"If I'm not mistaken."

"You should be the manager Lin from the Metropolitan Police Department, right?"

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled: "Do you know me?"

"Of course." Sakubo Hashi replied casually:

"Lawyer Lei Bing is mainly responsible for civil litigation, mainly corporate litigation, and has relatively few exposure to criminal cases, so I didn't recognize you."

"But I am a lawyer who specializes in criminal litigation and work in Tokyo. How could I not know the famous Manager Hayashi Shinichi and the 'Beautiful Girl Forensic Doctor' Miss Mori?"

He gave a very favorable explanation.

Then he asked as if casually:

"Are you coming to Karuizawa for vacation together this time?"

"If you're on vacation, why do you bring a police dog with you?"

Saku Hashi quietly set his sights on Caesar.

"Can you tell it's a police dog?"

Lin Xinyi frowned slightly.

"Ha ha."

Saku Hashi smiled very naturally:

"Caesar, the ace police dog of the forensics class."

"I have handled several criminal cases before, and the odor identification results are extremely important reference evidence and play a great role in court."

"Speaking of which, it also indirectly helped me a lot."

"Oh, I see."

Lin Xinyi could tell that Mr. Saku was very familiar with the situation of their Metropolitan Police Department and even the forensics department because of his work as a lawyer.

This can be regarded as fate.

He chatted with lawyer Saku all the time, and the relationship gradually became familiar.

After a while, they all sent Mouri Kogoro back to his room.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them left together.

And just then.

On the way back to the room, Lin Xinyi and Sakubo unexpectedly bumped into someone:

"Is this the concubine's lawyer?"

What appeared in front of them was Fei Yingli.

She is different from the previous aloof queen who spoke cruel words with a cold face and didn't care about her husband's "cheating".

At this time, Fei Yingli was standing at the door of Ritsuko Usui's room with a complicated look on her face, with an indescribable solemnity written between her brows.

She was busy ringing the doorbell and didn't even notice Lin Xinyi and others appearing at the end of the corridor.

Soon, the door opened.

"Ritsuko, we need to talk."

Fei Yingli walked in with a cold face.

"Ha ha."

Saku Hashi shook his head in amusement:

"I'm just telling you, there's no way the lawyer concubine doesn't care."

"What Ms. Usui Bing did is still unacceptable to her."

He was smiling, but he felt a little melancholy again.

"The relationship between her and Mr. Mori is so good, it seems that I really have no chance."


He laughed at himself for a while, then turned to Lin Xinyi and asked:

"Mr. Lin, if you are free, can we chat together?"

"I happen to have a few cases on hand and would like to seek professional advice."

"Uh" Lin Xinyi hesitated for a while.

The initial impression that Saku Hashi gave him was quite good.

It's not impossible to take some time to make friends with this personable lawyer.

"Ok, I"

"We're not available."

Miss Haiyuan finished Lin Xinyi's answer.

She grabbed her boyfriend's hand and raised her head to send a look that must be successfully understood:

"Today's dinner was a little late, and it's getting late."

"Brother Lin Xinyi, let's go back to the room and rest?"

The second is later

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