Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 476 Japan’s Hope for the Future

Lin Xinyi's praise became more and more outrageous, and it sounded a bit flattering.

Hideki Morohoshi, as well as the friends around him who were also of noble birth, were all so relieved by this rhetoric that they couldn't help but raise their tails more and more.

At this time, Lin Xinyi said with a serious face:

"The shortcoming of Japanese society lies in the hereditary system that Xiao Ai just mentioned."

"But now the scariest thing is."

“It’s not just wealth and power that can be hereditary in this world.”

"Even 'talent' can be hereditary."

Lin Xinyi sighed from the bottom of his heart.

In the real world, things like “relationship” also exist objectively and cannot be ignored.

But there are some jobs that can only be done by those who can do it, and those who are talented.

Even though some incompetent people can steal high positions through connections, there are always some positions reserved for ordinary people with talent.

Apart from looking innocent, this is probably the only way for ordinary people to rise.

But in this world

"The child of a famous detective is still a famous detective."

Lin Xinyi glanced at Conan quietly.

“The children of scientists are still scientists.”

Lin Xinyi secretly glanced at Haiyuan Ai.

"The child of a master fighter"

Lin Xinyi looked at Kogoro and Mao Lilan:


The child of a fighting master simply evolved into a Valkyrie.

Think again about what you have seen and heard in the police system:

Those police officers with civilian backgrounds are just like those veterans in the forensics class, with neither professional ability nor work attitude.

Otherwise, he would be like Police Officer Megure and Officer Takagi, who have a good attitude but still need to recharge their abilities.

On the contrary, it was Minister Odagiri, Chief Hattori, and Hakuba Police Chief. These high-ranking police officers were shrewd and capable enough to crush civilian police officers in terms of IQ.

Hattori Heiji, the son of the head of the Hattori Headquarters, and Hakuba Detective, the son of the Hakuba police chief, used their existence to prove:

They can really inherit their father's IQ.

Lin Xinyi looked around and then discovered:

Among the many young talents he knows, in addition to Kyogoku Makoto, who is suspected of being an alien creature, there is also Asai Narumi, whom he personally trained.

No one is an ordinary person without a family background.

In this world, ordinary people have almost no chance to turn over by relying on their talents.

Because even IQ has been assigned by God to the "second generation of intelligence".

As for Conan, Hakuba Tan, and Hattori Heiji, are these second generation good enough?

Of course it's good enough.

It's so good that you can't help but admire it.

But the better they are, the more hopeless they become.

Just like Hideki Morohoshi said, in this world, a person's future seems to be determined by his bloodline at birth.

Lin Xinyi felt like he had stepped into a pool of stagnant water.

Fortunately, his girlfriend's IQ is high enough.

In the future, you can pass on more inheritance points to give your children a head start.


At this moment, the appearance of Hideki Morohoshi and others made Lin Xinyi's view quietly change:

"I was totally wrong before."

"I did not adopt scientific zoning and multi-stage sampling methods to conduct detailed social surveys."

"I just vaguely used my knowledge in a small circle to generalize, thinking that most of the second generation in this world can inherit the IQ of their fathers and grandparents."

"Gradually I am despairing of this world."

"Thankfully you are still here"

Lin Xinyi touched Zhuxing Hideki's head with joy.

I also took a look at the 50 "closed beta players" present:

"Zhuxing, you showed up with your own experience and gave me hope for Japan's future!"

"Hmm" Morohoshi Hideki was slightly startled.

He and the three friends around him looked at me and I looked at you.

After being stunned for a while, I finally came to my senses:


"Are you calling us stupid?"

"I've heard this all, but I still have a word like '?' and a question mark in my words."

Lin Xinyi smiled even more satisfied:

"I'm just saying——"

"Japan's future lies with you. There is hope for ordinary people."

Hideki Morohoshi: "."

No one has ever dared to talk to him like this since he was a child.

And it was in front of his three little followers.

This made the eldest brother Zhu Xing's face feel embarrassed, and his voice trembled with anger:


"You, you wait"

"I'm waiting." Lin Xinji deliberately raised his voice, making this unreasonable boy even more embarrassed in front of everyone watching: "But what can you do to me?"

Hideki Morohoshi's face turned red from holding it back, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Keep it low-key."

Lin Xinyi was not interested in getting entangled with this annoying young master anymore.

He just dropped a piece of advice casually:

"A guy as arrogant as you won't live long."

"You, you, are you cursing me?"

"I didn't curse you." Lin Xinyi shook his head very calmly.

He really wasn't cursing the kid.

Rather, he is giving good advice from the bottom of his heart:

Because, according to the scientific rules that Lin Xinyi and Conan have spent these days getting along with each other, they have explored and summarized by themselves:

The more arrogant a character appears and the less popular he is, the greater the chance of becoming a victim.

For someone as arrogant as Hideki Morohoshi, he is still arrogant in front of Conan. If he can survive more than two episodes, he is considered to have lived a long life.

Just don't know.

This scientific law does not take effect on minors.

Lin Xinyi was not sure, but out of compassion, he kindly reminded Zhuxing Hideki a few words.

This made the children Zhuxing very angry:

"You, you are just cursing me to death!"

It was as if he had caught Lin Xinyi.

Gritting his teeth he shouted:

"I'm going to tell my grandpa about this."

"Let him fire you!"

"Huh?" Lin Xin's eyes lit up: "Expelled? Are you sure you can expel me?"


Hideki Morohoshi straightened his back, but the confidence on his face was a bit lacking.

"This" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

He had been thinking about how to get rid of this dangerous undercover job without appearing deliberate and arousing suspicion in the organization.

Now think about it, because he offended the grandson of the deputy director in a moment of anger, he was kicked out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Seems like a good reason.

I just don’t know if I have offended people enough to get Deputy Director Zhuxing to fire me.

Lin Xinyi was silent and thought for a while.

This made Morohoshi Hideki, who had just suffered a defeat, couldn't help but feel angry:

"Huh, how about it."

"Are you scared?!"


Lin Xin slapped Zhuxing's children on the face one by one.

This slap was clear and loud.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

There was silence.

Many guests looked over in surprise.

Morohoshi Hideki, who was slapped stupidly by Lin Xinyi, just stood there with his face covered, not even knowing what to say.

"What's wrong?"

A middle-aged man in a suit and tie came forward with several on-site staff.

"Mr. Kenmura."

Dr. A Li recognized him:

This person’s name is Tadahina Kenmura, a college classmate of Yusaku Kudo, a programmer at the organizer Sindora Company, and one of the main producers of today’s virtual reality game.

He obviously noticed the commotion happening here and came to maintain order on behalf of the organizer.

Seeing this acquaintance on the stage, Dr. Ali was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain the situation.

Lin Xinyi was open-minded.

He made it clear what he had done:


"It's just that this kid lacks tutoring."

"So I slapped him on behalf of his grandfather."

"This" Kenmura Zhongbin, this middle-aged uncle with a serious and rigid look, was speechless for a moment.

He looked at Lin Xinyi with a hint of appreciation.

That kind of indifferent aura that is not afraid of the powerful is very popular with Tadaki Kenmura, a purely technical elite.

But on an occasion like today, it is indeed a bit irrational to openly slap Sun Tzu, the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, in the face——

You know, Deputy Director Zhuxing himself is also present now.

Everyone thought of this.

And at this moment, after the noise here gradually expands,

Shio Morohoshi, Hideki Morohoshi's grandfather and deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, finally noticed the situation here.

"what happens?"

Zhu Hoshito Shifu followed the sound and came over.

As one of the few people who stands at the top of the police system in Tokyo and even in Japan, this old man has a majestic aura of a superior.

Ordinary little policemen would panic when they see this kind of aura.

But Lin Xinyi is still so "arrogant":

"Deputy Director Morohoshi."

"You should really take better care of your grandson."

"You?!" Hideki Morohoshi's eyes widened in disbelief:

Lin Xinyi is not afraid of his grandfather at all?


With his eleven-year-old mind, he still cannot fully understand the adult world.

He could only rush before Lin Xinyi complained, covered his face with aggrieved face, and looked back at his grandfather:


"This, this guy is hitting people!"

"Hideki Morohoshi" and "Shio Morohoshi (grandfather)" talked about "Lin Shinichi (enemy)" and tried to worsen the relationship between "Shio Morohoshi" and "Lin Shinichi".

Morohoshi Toshio: "."

Lin Xinyi felt the old man's silent observation:

The other party is examining your strength

A master of "pistol realm" and a famous "savior level" detective.

The ace employee of the Metropolitan Police Department almost single-handedly supported the performance of the Criminal Division this year.

The director of the White Horse Police Department praises him in front of others every day.

If such core employees leave in frustration, the company will go bankrupt the next day.

The other party is evaluating your background

A close friend of Sonoko Suzuki, the second daughter of the Suzuki Zaibatsu Group.

The master of Hattori Heiji, the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters.

Lin Xinyi himself didn't realize that with these two relationships, he was actually half Brahmin.

Especially Hattori Heiji's master. In Japan's upper-class society, which places great emphasis on family relations, this master is not a random one.

With Hattori Heiji's ability and family background, he will definitely inherit his father's position in the police system and become a police inspector.

(There are only 38 police inspectors in Japan, Shio Morohoshi and Hattori Heizo are one of them)

As the master of the future police inspector, can Lin Xinyi's future be any worse?

The other party is considering his own situation.

Shifu Morohoshi knows his bastard grandson too well.

Lin Xinyi hit him because the grandson was too arrogant.

Now that there are so many celebrities watching from the side, if he unreasonably favors his domineering descendants and suppresses his capable subordinates, then the Zhuxing family will lose all face.

If this kind of scandal spreads again, it will make the tens of thousands of police officers under the Metropolitan Police Department feel chilly towards him, the Deputy Director of Police who does not distinguish between right and wrong.

Hideki Morohoshi, who was still in elementary school, was obviously completely unaware of these things.

But Toshio Morohoshi can be the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, so he cannot be as short-sighted as his grandson.

So he thought for a while

"Hideki Morohoshi" favorability is ↓↓.

"Lin Xinyi" favorability ↑↑.


Shio Morohoshi showed a kind smile reserved only for lower-level officials.

That smile is really refreshing:

"Okay, Manager Lin, you taught me a good lesson -"

"I've wanted to beat this grandson for a long time!"

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