Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 477 Master Lin is online

"Grandpa, grandpa?" Zhuxing Hideki's expression was full of unwillingness.

But no matter how he shouted, his grandfather had no intention of favoring him.

Not only that, after briefly understanding what happened, I learned that the cause of the incident turned out to be...

It was after my grandson got so bored while queuing up to receive a trial badge that he ran off to make fun of several elementary school students he didn't even know.

Morohoshi Toshio even didn't give him a good look.


"what have you been doing?!"

If it were said that he had deliberately failed to protect his grandson because he was concerned about the social impact.

Now, grandpa is really angry:

Because this grandson is really stupid.

Children of nobles can be bad, but they cannot be stupid.

For them, the proud people who control the country's future, being smart and bad is actually an advantage.

But when I have nothing to do, I make fun of a few elementary school students.

Besides causing trouble for the family, what good can this kind of evil do?

Fortunately, the Japanese Long Aotians are relatively honest.

It is more popular to be reborn and go to another world to pick up girls, but not to pretend to be a slap in the face in front of one's own plutocrats.

Otherwise, with Sun Tzu's character as "the standard villain in Internet novels, the rich second generation", I am afraid that sooner or later he will get into trouble with the "protagonist" over some trivial matters, bringing disaster to the entire Zhuxing family.

"How uneducated!"

Morohoshi Toshio was so angry that he also scolded himself:

"Hideki, apologize to Manager Lin, Miss Suzuki, and those children!"

"I don't!"

Hideki Morohoshi shook his head stubbornly.

This arrogant boy who is only 11 years old has obviously not yet understood the philosophy of life that "the world does not only revolve around himself".

He instinctively thought that his grandfather would pamper and pamper him as he usually did at home, and eventually stand on his side unconditionally.


Zhu Xingteng Zhifu's face darkened:


"Also, give your trial badges to those children."

"I tell you--"

"These children are no different from you, don't think you are inherently superior!"

Shio Morohoshi had a straight face and said very positive lines in front of everyone watching.

If this story were to be spread like this today:

It is estimated that everyone will not remember the scandal of the Morohoshi family's incompetent parenting, but will only remember that the Metropolitan Police Department has a deputy director who is fair, impartial, equal and close to the people.

But it's a pity

This grandson doesn’t cooperate with his grandfather:

"No, I don't want to give them my badge!"

Morohoshi Hideki tightly clutched the badge on his chest.

To this naive primary school student, this badge was like the necklace written by Maupassant, a luxury item that ladies buy together.

Once you take it off, you can't get away from the crowd.

It's really not superior to others.


While he stubbornly resisted to the end, he also showed off his pity:

"I-it's wrong for me to curse, but that guy still hit me!"

"Not only did he hit me, he also"

Zhuxing Hideki looked at Lin Xinyi, as if he had found some trump card:

"Yes, he also cursed me to die early!"

"Curse?" The old man was slightly stunned.

Zhuo Xingzhifu's expression changed for a while, and he turned to Lin Xinyi in a somewhat tangled manner and asked:

"Manager Lin, have you really put a curse on this kid?"

Lin Xinyi: "???"

What kind of problem is this?

He even asked it so seriously.

It's like he really knows how to cast spells.

Wait, that's right

Looking at Mr. Zhuxing's slightly troubled expression, Lin Xinyi finally thought of something:

When I watched "Gomera" with those children in the cinema, in order to prevent possible murders in advance, I did pretend to be a mage once.

This trick worked very well, and the murderer was frightened into giving up his murder plan after just a few words.

But unfortunately, Mr. Zhang Tian, ​​who was predicted by Master Lin to have a "bloody disaster", unfortunately encountered an accident that day.


Rumors that "Lin Xinyi is actually not a forensic doctor, but a mage" are gradually spreading in the Metropolitan Police Department.

This rumor spread together with the rumor of "Mao Lilan, the Goddess of Misfortune", and it gradually turned into an urban legend.

Lin Xinyi never cared about this.

But now it seems that even the deputy police director knows about this?

"Deputy Director of Zhuxing"

Lin Xinyi asked with a strange expression:

"You don't really believe this unscientific rumor, do you?"

"Uh haha, of course I don't believe it."

Mr. Zhuxing smiled awkwardly.

In fact, he believed it a little bit.

There is no way, as you get older, you will inevitably believe in some weird things.

And don’t think that smart and capable high-level elites like Toshio Morohoshi can’t be superstitious——

If you read history books, you will know that the opposite is true.

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s just say that the Aum Shinrikyo organization, which the Metropolitan Police Department has only cleaned up in the past two years, has many cadres in it. They are social elites who graduated from famous universities such as the University of Tokyo, Osaka University, and Tsukuba University.

The elites do not delay their superstition either.

Now Deputy Director Zhuxing vaguely believes the rumors that have spread in the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Those are all nonsense!"

"I don't know any magic at all."

"As for the 'curse' your grandson mentioned...well."

"I have to apologize. It's just that I was angry and said something a bit harsh."

"In short, Deputy Director Morohoshi, we still have to believe in science!!"

"Haha, of course."

After Lin Xinyi’s righteous defense and earnest scientific literacy education.

Morohoshi Toshio quickly gave up the superstition in his heart that was not firm in the first place.

He no longer looked at Lin Xinyi with that mysterious look, and just praised:

"That's all I said."

"There are no weird things in the world."

“Manager Lin’s ‘foreseeing’ in that movie theater case must have been because he discovered some problem in advance through scientific reasoning!”

"haha, yes.

Now it was Lin Xinyi's turn to smile awkwardly:

In the movie theater case, he really relied not on science, but on science.

According to the laws of science he summed up himself:

When Conan and the Mori family/Suzuki Sonoko/Dr. Agasa/the Young Detective Team participate in an activity during the holidays, a murder will inevitably occur.

The last time I went to the cinema, there was another "Holiday Activities", including "Conan" and "The Boys". The elements were all complete, and people wanted to finish them as soon as they saw it.

Fortunately it's not now


Lin Xinyi's expression changed.

Because of the shock brought by virtual reality technology and the unexpected confrontation with Hideki Morohoshi, he never thought of "business".

Now I think about it carefully:

Today's game conference is not only a "holiday event", but also "Conan".

Even the Mori family, Suzuki Sonoko, Dr. Agasa, the Young Detective Team, these "Deputy Deaths" all appear.

The element conditions are more complete than ever before.

"Something big is going to happen!"

Lin Xin couldn't help but sweat broke out on his forehead.

He immediately turned his attention to Hideki Morohoshi, the kid who had been "cursed" by him half-mockingly and half-educatingly before:

Is it really him who is going to die today?

no, wrong

Lin Xinyi hesitated and vetoed in his heart:

First of all, Hideki Morohoshi is only 11 years old, and Ke Xue's laws have never been effective for minors before.

Secondly, Hideki Morohoshi is not the only "villain" with a dead look today.

His three bad friends.

There are even more than 40 other small Brahmin players who have been selected.

They are all so arrogant and domineering, and all of them have a "dead look".

Nothing can happen to everything, right?

Lin Xinyi became more and more confused the more he thought about it:

There are too many people at this game conference, and there is no way to accurately target the "future victims" like in the movie theater before.

In this case, we can only change our thinking and take precautions, and work from the perspective of venue security to prevent unexpected events.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi was not in the mood to tangle with the unapologetic Morohoshi Hideki anymore.

He hurriedly said goodbye to Shio Morohoshi and turned around.

"Mr. Kenmura?"

Lin Xinyi didn't go far at all.

Because when he turned around, he remembered that the person in charge of the organizer of this game conference, Kudo Yusaku's old classmate and Sindora Company executive Tadahira Kenmura, had just arrived next to him.

This also saves him from having to find other staff members.

"Mr. Kenmura."

Danger could come at any time, so Lin Xinyi asked straight to the point:

"Can you introduce to me the security arrangements for today's press conference?"

"Uh?" Jiancun Zhongbin was slightly startled.

He obviously didn't expect that Lin Xinyi would suddenly ask him such a thing.

"Mr. Lin, if you are worried that there will be omissions in our security work, then please relax."

"The guests here today are all extraordinary, and our Sindora Company will certainly not neglect them."

This is not bragging.

The game conference is by invitation only, and everyone must pass identity verification before entering.

Professional security checks are arranged at the entrance of the venue, and security equipment such as X-ray scanners and metal detection doors are available.

There is also a 360-degree surveillance camera installed inside the venue.


There are surveillance cameras here.

Lin Xinyi saw more cameras today than he had seen in his entire life.

"That's good."

The presence of cameras is indeed reassuring.

Lin Xinyi's tone slowed down slightly, but his worries did not completely disappear:

"How about the coverage of this surveillance camera?"

"Don't worry." Jiancun Zhongbin became more and more strange, but still answered tirelessly: "Our surveillance range covers the entire building."

"The whole building is covered?"

"No blind spots?"

The security work was so good that it didn't look like the world of Ke Xue. Lin Xinyi couldn't believe it.

"Well, there are blind spots."

Jiancun Zhongbin frowned:

"There is no surveillance in the underground computer room of the venue."

"But Mr. Lin, you don't have to worry—"

"That's my personal office, not open to the public."

"Your personal office?" Lin Xinyi vaguely felt something was wrong: "You are usually the only one there?"

"That's right, I like peace and quiet, so I specially arranged my office in that underground computer room."

Lin Xinyi: "."

The entire building is under surveillance.

But you have to go to work in the only blind spot for surveillance.

Are you trying to compete to be the victim?


Lin Xinyi suddenly realized something:

This Tadabin Kenmura seems to be an old classmate of Kudo Yusaku.

Although he had never met Kudo's father's college classmates before, he knew Maori's college classmates.

Yumi Horikoshi who was on a hot spring trip, Mio Tokiwa who was almost killed by Kisaragi Hosui.

"Hiss" Lin Xinyi summed up a new law of science:

This kind of old classmates who have some relationship with the "God of Death" family but are not too familiar with them are in a far more dangerous situation than ordinary people.

"Mr. Jiancun." Lin Xinyi looked even weirder: "You can try to think about it in this venue today."

"Is there anyone you might have a problem with?"

"Huh?" Jiancun Zhongbin's expression changed.

He didn't answer, but his expression really told Lin Xinyi

"Am I right?"

Lin Xinyi became more and more worried and asked tentatively:

"Then that 'enemy', does he know that you usually work in a place without surveillance?"

Kenmura Zhongbin: "."

He thought of what he had just heard Shio Morohoshi say.

Looking at Lin Xinyi's expression, something suddenly seemed wrong:

"That person knows and I made an appointment with him today."

"Meet alone."

"This" Lin Xinyi's expression changed.

He turned around and reported to Shio Morohoshi, who was already stunned:

"Deputy Director Zhuxing, I'm applying to transfer the First Investigation Section to provide on-site support."

"Mr. Kenmura, he may be in danger."

"Blood disaster??" Deputy Director Zhu Xing rushed to answer with a nervous look on his face.

The second is later

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