Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 478 Master, please collect your magical powers soon

After a long time.

On the ground floor of the venue is Jiancun Zhongbin’s office.

The game trial has not officially started yet.

However, he, the person in charge of the event, returned to the office alone.

Because he made an appointment with someone to meet here.

"Chairman Sindora."

"You came."

Kenmura Zhongbin sat in front of the computer and looked at the man who appeared at the door of his office with a complicated expression.

The person who came was none other than the developer of this virtual reality game, the chairman of Sindora Group and an American capital tycoon, Thomas Sindora.

"Jiancun. I don't have time to bother with you now."

Chairman Sindora’s expression was very ugly:

"Just say it bluntly——"

"How much are you prepared to sell me for the DNA tracking system that Hiroki entrusted to you?"

"I have no intention of blackmailing you!"

Jiancun Zhongbin stared at his nominal boss:

"I just want you to atone for your sins."

"Because Hiroki knew your 'that thing', your secret that was enough to destroy the Sindora Empire."

"But the artificial intelligence system cannot be completed without the help of Hiroki's power?"

"So you strictly enforced Hiroki's work and prevented him from contacting the outside world——"

"And Hiroki, who was pushed to the limit in his heart, guessed that he would be killed by you after completing the artificial intelligence system."

"So after he finished his work, he released the artificial intelligence 'Noah's Ark' that can be said to be his clone."


"He jumped from a tall building and ended his life."

The "Hiroki" mentioned by Kenmura Zhongbin, whose full name is Sawada Hiroki, is the son taken away by his divorced ex-wife.

He is his biological son.

This son inherited his father's IQ and carried it forward, becoming more evil than Lin Xinyi's girlfriend.

He is a peerless genius who completed his graduate studies at MIT at the age of 10 and can independently develop artificial intelligence systems.

But unfortunately, genius always dies young.

Hiroki was targeted by the big capitalist Sindora because of his scientific research capabilities, and was later exploited by the high-intensity work model of 007.

Not to mention the cruel torture he suffered physically and mentally, the most important thing is that he accidentally discovered a secret of Chairman Sindora while still at work.

This secret was also one of the important reasons why Hiroki was eventually forced to commit suicide.

And now.

This secret lies in the hands of Hiroki's biological father, Kenmura Tadashi.

He used this as an excuse to invite Chairman Sindora to come over, in order to confront this "murderer" and force him to atone for Hiroki's death.


"I see."

Thomas Sindora looked troubled, as if he really wanted to repent:

"No matter what the punishment is, I am willing to accept it."

"But, before that"

He slowly stepped forward.

The next second, this elegant old man in a suit and leather leather suddenly showed a ferocious and ugly face like a hungry wolf.

"You go to hell first!"

Sindora took out a sharp blade from her arms.

The sharp blade flashed with cold light, and its sharp edge pointed directly at Jian Cun Zhongbin's chest.

His movements were extremely sharp, and if nothing unexpected happened, the trouble would be solved in the next moment.


"Don't move! Tokyo Metropolitan Police!"

Behind Jiancun Zhongbin, behind the originally "empty" computer console.

Suddenly, several policemen with guns suddenly appeared:

Youmumu Police Department.

There is Officer Takagi.

There is Lin Xinyi.

There's even Shio Morohoshi.

"Deputy Director Zhuxing?!"

Chairman Sindora never expected that he would be surrounded by the police before he even started to take action.

Moreover, the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department personally led the team!

what's the situation.

Is this a trap set by Jian Cun Zhong Bin for him?

But how could Jiancun Zhongbin be sure that he would choose to kill and silence him and invite the police to set up an ambush in advance? ?

They even invited the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department!

Chairman Sindora was completely stunned.

"Chairman Sindora."

"You really want to kill someone."

Shifu Morohoshi was also dumbfounded.

He hasn't been on the front line in person for many years.

This time, it was entirely because I was curious about Master Lin’s “prophecy” that I came over to “watch” it in person.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyi actually predicted it!

The dignified chairman of Sindora Group, the best among the best, actually wanted to kill someone himself.

They are all people of this status, this kind of thing.

Even if you spend some money.

Spend some money and hire a professional, it really won’t cost you much.

I'm not willing to invite someone of the "winery" level.

It's okay to hire a third-line killer.

It's better than doing it yourself, right? !

Due to some common sense in this circle, Morohoshi Toshio originally did not believe this prophecy.

But this incredible thing really happened.

Deputy Director Zhuxing looked at Master Lin beside him stupidly.

Master Lin was also stupid:

"It's really killing people."

In fact, Lin Xinyi himself didn't believe his prediction.

Because, according to the description in advance by "future victim" Kenmura Zhongbin:

The biggest conflict between him and Chairman Sindora is that he holds a shocking secret that Chairman Sindora would never dare to let outsiders know, which could cause the "collapse of the Sindora Empire".

And the secret is.

Chairman Sindora is a descendant of Jack the Ripper.

Yes, that London murderer, Jack the Ripper.

Chairman Sindora did not dare to let outsiders know this.

Just because of this.

Sindora first forced Hiroki Sawada to death.

Now he goes into battle himself, trying to kill Hiroki's father.

"Hey Hey hey"

"Is this motive for murder real?!!"

Lin Xinbai was puzzled:

What's wrong with your ancestor being a murderer?

The lives of the descendants of murderers also matter.

I have never heard that in American law, the sins of ancestors need to be inherited and borne by future generations——

What's more, it's a British ancestor.

What are you afraid of as an American?

Therefore, when Jiancun Zhongbin told him seriously that this was the reason why Sindora killed his son.

Lin Xinyi's first reaction was to take out "Forensic Psychiatry" to review and make a good diagnosis for him.

But the scary thing is.

Except for Lin Xinyi himself, everyone else in the world seems to think that "not wanting people to know that his ancestor is a murderer" can be regarded as a reasonable motive for killing.

When everyone is out of sorts.

The only one who is crazy is himself.

Lin Xinyi did not dare to argue, but still led his team to ambush here.


"Is there really someone who kills someone for something like this???"

Chairman Sindora, now at a loss, Lin Xinyi was completely confused:

"Would it really have any impact if people knew you were a descendant of Jack the Ripper?"


Chairman Sindola also cursed with displeasure:

"He has the blood of a murderous demon"

"If anyone knew about this, my whole life would be ruined!"

Lin Xinyi was speechless:


You British and American capitalists have a longer family history.

Which of your ancestors is not a pirate, a colonist, a slave owner, or a sweatshop owner?

The Africans, Asians, Indians, Australian Aboriginals, rebellious slaves and workers who died at their hands, all put together, are beyond the reach of a calculator, right?

And Jack the Ripper was certain that he had killed only five in total.

What's the point of saying it sounds ugly?

Lin Xinyi thought about it and couldn't understand why Chairman Sindora was so crazy about this so-called "bloodline of murderers".

Aren’t we all descendants of murderers?

After thinking about it, he finally came to this conclusion:

Maybe in the eyes of these Western old money

Some people may never be considered human beings.

Then their ancestors were naturally not murderers.

"Forget it, no matter what you think"

Lin Xinyi shook his head helplessly:

"You killed someone anyway."

"Chairman Sindora, come with us!"

Chairman Sindora was caught on the spot committing murder. It was obvious that he could not escape the charge of attempted murder.

He was secretly taken away from the scene of the crime by the Search Section.

At the same time, this game conference is still being held in full swing.

The trial activities were not suspended due to the resignation of Chairman Sindora.

The reason is also very simple.

Come all come.

It's rare for so many dignitaries to get together.

There are also a total of 50 young Brahmins who are looking forward to the game.

We can't let their trip go in vain, right?

Not to mention, although Sindora Company's surname is Sindora, Chairman Sindora does not belong to him alone.

The company must be responsible to shareholders who receive dividends, employees who receive bonuses, and game investors such as Suzuki Zaibatsu.

So many people are waiting to eat.

Even if the chairman is caught, the game will still have to be released.

Conan, Haibara Ai and others were still eating and shopping at the conference venue, and did not choose to leave because of this accident that had little to do with them.

Therefore, after Lin Xinyi entrusted all the finishing work to the Memu Police Department and others, he returned to the press conference venue again and prepared to meet with everyone in the same industry.

But he hasn't returned to his girlfriend yet.

He was first stopped by a pair of grandparents:

"Forest Manager!"

"No, Shinichi."

Shifu Morohoshi looked at Lin Xinyi with extremely passionate eyes.

Even the title has been changed to something more intimate. Instead of calling the position, it’s time to call the name:

"Shinichi, your performance this time really opened my eyes as an old policeman!"

"Deputy Director of Zhuxing"

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly:

"That's really not what I was doing just now."

"I understand, I understand." Shifu Morohoshi patted his shoulder kindly: "This is all science."

"Our Metropolitan Police Department is responsible for promoting criminal science and technology to the whole country. There are certain things that we must not say randomly."

"But we do it in private"

"Privately, I'm not a mage either!"

Lin Xinyi bravely broke away from the old leader's hand.

Please don't get too close

In public, people saw that the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department was so cordial with him.

He was as warm as if he was the leader.

If Gin knew about this, he might come up with some bad ideas.

"No problem, I understand the rules."

"The real person doesn't show his face. I definitely won't talk nonsense outside."

Morohoshi Toshio "understood everything" and his attitude quickly returned to normal.

This made Lin Xinyi feel a little relieved.

But what he didn't expect was...

Grandpa coped with it.

But the grandson got excited again:

"Master Lin!"

Hideki Morohoshi burst into tears.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"You can take this trial badge, and I'm going to apologize to everyone now!"

"Okay." Lin Xinyi accepted the badge with a helpless expression, treating it as an apology from this kid.

"What about the curse?"


Hideki Morohoshi: "."

He hugged Lin Xinyi's thigh suddenly and almost knelt down:

"Master, you should quickly collect your magical powers——"

"I really don't want to die early!"

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