Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 479

"." Looking at the sudden extra thigh pendant, Lin Xin's face turned dark.

He moved his legs and kicked the person away.

This kid cried and clung to him again:

"Hey, I said it all." Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly: "That was just my angry words to scare you."

"I didn't curse you!"

"This" Morohoshi Hideki was slightly startled, and looked up at his grandfather timidly.

Zhu Xingdenzhifu's expression condensed and he said seriously:

"Stop making trouble, you brat."

"The forest manager has already said:"

"There are no weird things in this world."

"How could he curse you?!"

Deputy Director Zhu Xing turned up the volume and set the tone of insisting on scientific policing.

Then he turned around and lowered his voice and said to Lin Xinyi:


"This kid offended you today. I will definitely teach him a lesson when I get back."

"You adults have a lot, so there is no need to worry about children."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Co-author Are you still worried that I will curse your grandson?

Damn, we're in big trouble now.

It's true that he didn't curse anyone.

But what if Hideki Morohoshi is really a born short-lived ghost.

A few years, a few months, or even a few days later, he died due to some accident.

Then the Zhuxing family still doesn't blame this bloody account on his "curse"?

Although Lin Xinyi is not afraid of offending the leader.

But he didn't want to have an extremely difficult enemy to deal with because of such inexplicable things.

So, Lin Xinyi thought about it

In the end, I could only come up with one solution:


Lin Xinyi let out a long sigh, acting like an outsider:

"I said before that you wouldn't live long."

"This is indeed not a curse on you, I'm just telling the truth."

"Ah?!" Hideki Zhuxing was so frightened that his face turned blue:

Are you born to be short-lived?

Will it die soon?

How can this be done——

Reincarnation is a technical job. I don’t know how many blessings I have accumulated in my life before I was reincarnated as a Brahmin.

How could you die after not enjoying it for a few years?

The young man felt despair in his heart.

Even Deputy Director Zhuxing had mixed feelings - he was thinking about whether to seize the time to cultivate a new heir to the Zhuxing family.

At this time, Lin Xinyi sighed softly:

"How about this"

"For the sake of Deputy Director Zhuxing, I will bear the catastrophe for you today."

"If you have any problems in the future, it will have nothing to do with me."

This is said much more cleverly.

Nothing happened before, and Lin Xinyi couldn't make a profit;

If something goes wrong, he will have to take the blame for "cursing people."


Nothing happened, it was Master Lin who protected me.

When something went wrong, Master Lin also "tried his best", so he couldn't be blamed at all.

Lin Xinyi used to work in a public sector, and he often read anti-spiritual propaganda pamphlets.

At this time, he practiced the "Warning and Propaganda Manual" in reverse and used it to deceive the confused grandfather and grandson who were deeply poisoned. It was easy to catch them.


Morohoshi Toshio is quite satisfied with this answer.

He patted his grandson on the head angrily:

"Why don't you thank Mr. Lin, Manager Lin?!"

"Thank you, Master Lin!"

Hideki Morohoshi thanked him slightly.

But I'm still a little nervous:

What does "if there is a problem in the future, it has nothing to do with him"?

Does this mean that he may suffer disaster again in the future?

Hideki Morohoshi wanted to ask again.

But Master Lin had already walked away gracefully.

Only an enigmatic figure is left:

"Take care of yourself!"

Lin Xinyi returned to everyone with the game badge that Hideki Morohoshi had lost.

There is only one badge, so there is no point in playing with it by yourself.

What's more, there is no Ultraman in the game.

So as soon as Lin Xin came back, he brought his badge to his little girlfriend:

"Xiao Ai, here you go."

Lin Xinyi knew clearly:

As a talented scientific girl with a wide range of interests, Ai Haihara is naturally interested in cutting-edge technology in all fields.

So instead of keeping this player badge for yourself, it’s better to give it to your girlfriend so she can get to know it.

But what Lin Xinyi didn't expect was...

"Lin, did you get the badge too?"

"It seems we can experience this game together."

The corners of Haiyuan Ai's mouth raised slightly with restraint.

At the same time, he showed a player badge in his hand.

"you also have?"

Lin Xinyi was a little surprised:

There are only 50 of these badges in total, and they were all sold out before the press conference started.

Why did Huihara Ai get it now?

"I'm not the only one who got it."

"Everyone got it:"

Haiyuan Ai glanced at the cheerful companions around him:

Mao Lilan wears a player badge on his chest, which was given to him by his best friend Yuanzi.

Conan also got a badge, which was secretly left for him by his father, one of the game developers.

Even Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta got badges.

Even Haihara Ai's badge was obtained with the help of her three elementary school classmates.

And the way they got the badges was.

"Use 4 limited edition gold cards of Masked Superman in exchange for other young players?"

Lin Xinyi was a little surprised:

"Isn't this too much of a loss in exchange?"

"Yes." Haiyuan Ai echoed her boyfriend in a funny way:

"I didn't expect that someone would actually trade a badge for something like this for a kid to play with."

She hasn't finished speaking yet.

Just listen to Lin Xinyi say sadly:

"How could you get such a valuable Masked Superman gold card?"

"Why exchange for such a useless thing?!"

Haibara Ai:"."

the other side.

The press conference continues.

This press conference was originally half a social reception.

Dignitaries and dignitaries gathered here to talk, laugh, and drink, making the scene lively.

And Hideki Morohoshi has been obediently staying by his grandfather's side, like a good-tempered baby.

After all the trouble before, even deceiving and scaring him, he is now much more honest.

When guests come over, they greet each other sweetly, and people of a lower "caste" than themselves dare not forget to be polite.

Looking at his submissive and respectful look, this kid has transformed from an arrogant and domineering rich second-generation villain to a reclusive young man who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

Morohoshi Toshio was very satisfied with this.

He is no longer anxious to educate his grandson, and he doesn't have much thought for socializing.

He just looked at Lin Xinyi in the distance silently, with a complicated expression and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the Memu Police Department quietly entered the venue and came to his side to report:

"Director of the Stars."

"Chairman Sindora has been secretly taken back to the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Okay." Shifu Morohoshi nodded to express his understanding.

But the Mumu Police Department did not leave just yet.

He was still standing there a little confused.

"Is there anything else, Mu... um."

The positions of the two sides are really far apart.

Shifu Morohoshi didn't even remember for a moment what the name of this subordinate who had just cooperated with him was called.

"Mumu, search Mumu Thirteen of the first class."

"Oh, I remembered-"

"You are the one from the Megure Police Department who was in the newspapers with 'Kudo Shinichi' in the previous investigation section, right?"

Mumu Police Department: "."

This is the dark history of their entire Metropolitan Police Department.

You might as well not want to get up.

"Ahem, anyway."

The Mumu Police Department was a little embarrassed and forced to get to the point:

"Director of Stars"

"How should I write down the details of today's action report?"

Chairman Sindora is not a mortal, and the crimes he committed will definitely cause an uproar in society.

Naturally, all the details in this case will be carefully scrutinized and repeatedly scrutinized by judges, lawyers, news media, and the general public with a magnifying glass.

Then there is a problem.

Chairman Sindora hasn't even committed a crime yet, so the Metropolitan Police is here to guard him "unpredictably".

It looked like he was setting a trap with malicious intent, deliberately trapping others.

In addition, designing to frame entrepreneurs from other countries and illegally detaining executives of hostile companies are traditional arts in certain countries.

For example, during the Japan-US trade war a few years ago:

The FBI once used phishing law enforcement methods to pretend to be IBM employees and deliberately sent 10 volumes of IBM's 27 top-secret design materials to senior engineers of Hitachi.

As soon as the fish took the bait, the FBI made the evidence public.

The combination of a set of sanctions, penalties and the "rule of law" with resident supervision has left Japan's semiconductor industry half-dead until now.

Now, Sindora Group, as a representative of the most advanced technology companies in the United States, has also encountered "phishing law enforcement" in Tokyo.

If this matter were not explained clearly, outsiders would probably think that Japan was reviving its ambitions and wanted to carry forward its fine tradition of conquering the superior, and then compete with the American father.

Even the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department dares to imitate the FBI.

Is this okay?

"Well that's certainly a problem."

"If we don't do it right, it may cause diplomatic disputes."

Morohoshi Toshio thought about it very seriously:

"Let's have a good communication with Mr. Kencun."

"Let him cooperate with us to explain the situation:"

"It means that he asked detectives to find out Sindora's murder plan for him in advance, so he contacted our Metropolitan Police in advance and set an ambush on Chairman Sindora."

This reason is well-founded:

Because Jiancun Zhongbin originally hired detectives to investigate Chairman Sindora.

The one I invited was the famous Kudo Yusaku.

Kudo Yusaku has been active in the United States over the years and has a very good reputation there.

With Kudo Yusaku's name as a signboard, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's "unpredictable" suspicion can be barely explained.

"Okay. I'll do it now."

Megure Police Department nodded seriously.

After receiving instructions from his leader, he turned around and prepared to return to the Metropolitan Police Department to handle the finishing work.

But Shifu Morohoshi stopped him thoughtfully:

"Wait, Megure."

"Director Zhuxing, do you have any other instructions?"


Shifu Morohoshi thought for a moment.

He struggled for a moment, and finally couldn't help but asked:

"Mu Mu, are you familiar with Manager Lin?"

"Familiar." The Mu Mu Police Department has a long background.

Wherever Conan is around, how can he be included in any case?

"Then what do you think about the rumors about 'Manager Lin' in the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"What do you think?"

The deputy director was nothing less than a deputy director. After all, he was not so easily deceived.

Although seeing "Master Lin appearing before his eyes" with his own eyes made him excited for a while.

But calm down and think about it afterwards:

The number of times the master has appeared is still too few, not enough to prove that his "ability" is repeatable.

Especially Lin Xinyi's last sentence, "I'll take the blame for today's disaster."

If you think about it carefully, these words are exactly the standard words used by those magic sticks.

The effect of eliminating disasters lasts only one day.

As long as nothing bad happens today, it means that Master is doing well in his power.

This is simply an unequal "betting agreement" with almost no risk for the master!

So as Shifu Zhuhoshi thought about it, he couldn't help but doubt Lin Xinyi's "magic power".

At this time, he even tried to test out the Mumu Police Department, hoping to get their opinions on "Master Lin" from these police officers who were familiar with Lin Xinyi.

The Mumu Police Department’s answer was:

"Those rumors are all nonsense!"

"Mr. Lin always relies on science and reasoning to solve crimes. He has never used any strange abilities."

Although the Memu Police Department believes in the legend of "Xiaolan, the goddess of misfortune".

This legend even came from him.

But he didn't believe that forensic doctor Lin was Master Lin.

Because he was too familiar with Lin Xinyi.

In so many cases handled together, Lin Xinyi never used scientific knowledge to clear the way and find out the truth.

Under the influence of what they heard and saw, the scientific literacy of the Mumu Police Department has improved a lot.

He was the first one not to believe that Lin Xinyi was a mage.

"That's it"

Morohoshito Shifu nodded thoughtfully:

Lin Xinyi's old colleagues all said so.

Did he really misunderstand before?

Did Lin Xinyi really discover the strangeness in advance by relying on so-called scientific reasoning, as he explained?

As for the next sentence, "I'll take the blame for today's disaster", was it just a lie that Lin Xinyi told casually when he couldn't bear the entanglement of their grandfather and grandson?

Thinking of this, Deputy Director Zhuxing blushed a little.

It's so shameful to foolishly fawn over a subordinate because of superstition.

And if this is indeed the case:

Forensic doctor Lin is so miraculous that he can even use science like magic, so he must be reused vigorously.

But no matter how much he is reused, he will not be as condescending as he was to "Master Lin" to win over him.

"Yeah" Shifu Morohoshi became more and more confused the more he thought about it.

And just then:

The lights in the venue dimmed.

The theme of today’s conference, the trial activity of the world’s first virtual reality game, has finally officially begun.

The 50 selected players stepped onto the stage and entered the sci-fi egg-shaped game cabin one by one.

The game cabin is closed, the game is started, and then

A sudden change occurred!

I saw the big screen on the stage flashing.

A bunch of gibberish jumped out.

There is also a mechanically synthesized child’s voice:

“Hello everyone, I am the artificial intelligence ‘Noah’s Ark’.”

"I want to play a game with everyone here today——"

"Your children, the 50 players who entered the game are now under my control."

"They will serve as challengers to challenge five levels in the game."

"If no one can successfully pass the level in the end, then..."

"These 50 players will face permanent death in reality just like their fate in the game."

"Huh?!" The guests at the scene were stunned.

Everyone was stunned for a long time before they realized the sudden sci-fi plot:

Artificial intelligence rebels?

Are children trapped in a game world?

Do you want them to play a game and die together if they can't pass the game?

"Are you kidding me!!"

Some parents are already excited.

Several people took the lead and rushed to the stage, wanting to use physical methods to open the hatch of the game cabin and liberate their children from the shackles of artificial intelligence.

But their hands have just touched the game cabin

A burst of electricity suddenly burst out from the metal shell of the game cabin, which made the parents who wanted to use violence to rescue their children fall off their feet.

Obviously, this artificial intelligence named "Noah's Ark" is not a joke.

It really has the ability to trap those 50 players.

Even bring death to them.

"This this"

The police department below was dumbfounded.

He has been a police officer for many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a strange kidnapping case.

This is so fucking sci-fi!

As a police officer, he instinctively wanted to do something, but after much thought he didn't know what to do.

Therefore, the Mu Mu Police Department could only subconsciously look at the senior leaders around them for help:

"Directors of various stars"

"What should we do now?"

Deputy Director Morohoshi did not respond.

The same goes for his grandson, Hideki Morohoshi.

The grandfather and grandson just stood there stupidly, looking at the game cabin on the stage that was controlled by artificial intelligence.

Especially, the game cabin where Lin Xinyi was sleeping.

This game cabin was originally supposed to belong to Hideki Morohoshi.

But Lin Xinyi took away his game badge.

He pushed his position down.

As a result, the person controlled by artificial intelligence now is not Hideki Morohoshi, but Master Lin Shinichi.

"'I'll take the blame for you today'."

"So, that's what you meant?!"

Hideki Morohoshi was moved to tears.

He, a playboy who was disgusted by others, was actually saved by Master Lin, regardless of past grievances, risking his life.

His biological father probably wasn’t that kind to him:


Mumu Police Department: "????"

Isn’t it science fiction now?

Why are you so fanciful?

"Don't panic!"

Deputy Director Morohoshi still has the demeanor of a general.

In the face of drastic changes, facing his bewildered subordinates and his emotionally out-of-control grandson, he was the only one who still maintained a calm aura:

“What is artificial intelligence?”

"Since Master Lin dares to deal with the disaster for you, he must have a way to solve it!"

Mumu Police Department: "."

Deputy Director, what can you do?

We are the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, not the Tokyo Dali Temple!

And this master.

Can we Japanese Onmyojis deal with American artificial intelligence?

Are the settings different on both sides?

How can we tell the winner?

"Don't worry, Memu!"

The police department was still there dumbfounded.

Just listen to Shio Morohoshi said confidently:

"Just wait and see—"

"The person who will defeat this artificial intelligence later must be Master Lin who didn't run away!"

This chapter has more than 4,800 words

It’s already midnight, so I can barely count it as two updates_(:з」∠)_

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