Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 494 Goodbye Noah’s Ark

If it were in reality, Lin Xinyi would never do such a thing that violates professional ethics.

But here is the game

Who will abide by the laws in the game?

If the crimes committed in the game were considered crimes, then every player could be pulled out and shot.

Lin Xinyi is now playing games and creating perjury to accuse "good people".

And there was no need for him to find real evidence to prove that the coachman was Jack the Ripper.

He just needs to use perjury to make all NPCs believe that the other party is the murderer.

In this way, the London police will naturally bring this "Jack the Ripper" to justice.

If you're lucky and it's true, the game will be cleared by now.

If you are unlucky, the coachman is not Jack the Ripper

Seeing that the game was not cleared, Lin Xinyi knew in time that he had arrested the wrong person.

Then think of another way and continue the strategy in a different way.


Lin Xinyi walked up to the young coachman without any sense of guilt and took the occult blood test, which had already been predicted.

The test results came out quickly.

"Glow, shine!"

The police officers present all widened their eyes.

These antiques from 1888 have no idea how the luminol reaction works.

They immediately judged:

“There’s blood on the soles of this guy’s shoes!”

The young coachman's face darkened, with surprise written all over his face.

Immediately afterwards, not surprisingly, the accusation against him was completely confirmed:

"He is indeed Jack the Ripper!"

Young coachman: "."

"What?" Lin Xinyi asked arrogantly, with the style of convicting people of "unfounded" crimes:

"Do you have anything else to say now?"

"I think you are so confident in your own skills that you didn't notice any problem even when the soles of your shoes were stained with blood, right?"

The young coachman remained silent.

But it’s useless if he doesn’t cooperate.

In the eyes of the world, he is the murderer, Jack the Ripper.

Sergeant Lestrade and his group of Scotland Yard police officers were now gearing up to arrest people, waiting to go back and collect the bonus for solving major cases.

Lin Xinyi also waited with a calm expression:

He's waiting for feedback from the gaming world.

Waiting for the development of the plot to tell him whether the inconspicuous coachman in front of him is Jack the Ripper.

And the answer came quickly.


A sinister smile appeared on the corner of the coachman's mouth.

Facing the police who were about to rush forward to arrest him, his figure suddenly moved.

This guy who was so honest and honest just a second ago, and who made people feel pity and pity at the sight of him, actually pulled out his phantom in an instant and crashed straight into the circle of police officers.

"He wants to escape-"

"He is Jack the Ripper!"

Lin Xinyi was completely relieved:

I was right.

The opponent is the boss of this game.

As for the boss’s attempt to escape after his identity was revealed,

Lin Xinyi is not worried at all:

There are so many police officers and so many guns here.

Jack the Ripper may have been an extremely skilled "Pistol Realm" master.

But the master of "Pistol Realm" does not mean to ignore the damage caused by the pistol, but can barely dodge the pistol bullets.

It's enough for a master to hide a pistol.

Facing two pistols at the same time, you have to rely on luck.

There's almost a pistol class here now

Don’t worry about your luck, just write your will.

Lin Xinyi was thinking this in his heart.

And those patrolmen did indeed pull out their pistols, preparing to weave a deadly fire net for Jack the Ripper. ,

But I never expected it

"do not move!"

"Do you want to kill this kid?"

It's like magic.

Jack the Ripper didn't run very far before he caught a hostage.

That hostage is just a child

"Jiang, Jiang Shouhuang?"

Lin Xinyi's eyes widened:

It’s this little fat guy who’s cheating his teammates again!

Didn't he let people keep an eye on him?

When did he come here?

Lin Xinyi was shocked, and what was even worse was

Seeing Jack the Ripper holding a child in his hand, the patrolmen were really afraid to shoot.


Lin Xinyi immediately took out his pistol and fired several rounds at Jack the Ripper.

It's a pity that his marksmanship is terrible and the opponent is agile.

In addition, there was only one person shooting, so the firepower was insufficient.

These bullets were actually dodged by Jack the Ripper.

"What are you still doing?"

"Everyone shoots!"

Lin Xinyi cursed at those NPC teammates with an ugly expression.

But the policemen were all hesitant: "Master, your apprentice is still in his hands!"

"It's okay, that kid has practiced invulnerability!"

"Bullets can't kill him!"

Lin Xinyi was so angry that he cursed.

The police officers then hesitantly prepared to shoot to stop the murderer.

But it was already too late:

I saw Jack the Ripper holding the little fat man Jiang Shouhuang in his hand, and he climbed onto a carriage next to him lightly.

Then he grabbed the reins with one hand and slapped his butt hard.

The horse was stimulated and rushed out immediately.

"Damn!" Lin Xinyi's face darkened:

Why is there a car chase scene?

Yes, I should have thought of it a long time ago

The game has set the boss to be a master of the pistol realm. After the civil fight, there will definitely be a physical fight.

"Hurry up!"

Lin Xinyi also followed suit and quickly jumped onto a carriage.

Mao Lilan followed and climbed into the car.

Hui Yuan Ai also stood on tiptoe and groped her way in.

As for Conan

He responded even more quickly.

Lin Xinyi was still thinking about how to drive the carriage.

Conan already showed a confident smile and held the reins with both hands.

His small body sitting in the driver's seat looked very out of place compared to the huge carriage he was about to drive.

But the smile on Conan's face looked so reliable.

There is a reassuring smell:

"Let me drive—"

"I learned how to drive a carriage in Hawaii."

Lin Xinyi: "."

It seems that Hiroki is right.

The education level in the United States is indeed good:

This student's personal quality development is too comprehensive.

After a while.

Jack the Ripper holds Jiang Shouhang hostage.

Conan drove Lin Xinyi, Haihara Ai, and his sister Xiaolan.

The two sides drove carriages and started a fierce competition on the deserted streets of London late at night.

There is no winner in this competition.

Conan and the others clung to Jack the Ripper, but they were never able to catch up with the opponent's horse.

Finally, after the two parties probably galloped fiercely for several kilometers,

Jack the Ripper in front finally had the intention to stop.

He held the reins tightly, drove the carriage beneath him, and slammed into a special building in front:

That's a train station.

Two carriages flew into the fire station one behind the other.

Lin Xinyi realized that this train station looked familiar:

It turned out to be King's Cross Station in London.

It is said that you can go to Hogwarts by crashing through the pillars of Platform 9 and 3/4 here.

But Lin Xinyi is not in the mood to study how to hit the pillar now.

He saw a carriage parked on the platform in front of him, with steam billowing out from the front, as if it was about to set off from the platform.

"The Jack the Ripper"

"You want to escape on the train and leave?"

Facts quickly verified Lin Xinyi's idea.

I saw Jack the Ripper tighten the reins suddenly, causing the horse's head to tilt suddenly, and the speed of the car immediately slowed down.

Jack the Ripper jumped out of the car.

Don't forget to take Jiang Shouhuang with you when you jump off.

Then he threw the useless little fat man towards the carriage where Lin Xinyi and others were sitting.


Lin Xinyi took advantage of the opportunity to catch this cheating elementary school student teammate.

Conan also reined in the horse's head and stopped the carriage.

But they were still a little slow.

Jack the Ripper had plunged into the train carriage and disappeared from everyone's sight for a moment.

Lin Xinyi's face became increasingly ugly.

Mao Lilan also looked solemn, and his brows were furrowed and difficult to untie.

But compared to them, Conan and Haihara Ai didn't look anxious at all.

"it does not matter."

A confident smile appeared on Conan's lips:

"The train is about to leave the platform, and the moving train is an enclosed space."

"Jack the Ripper escaped in there and there was nowhere to escape."


He inadvertently looked at Jiang Shouhuang, the elementary school student who was thrown to the ground by Lin Xinyi and looked uneasy:

"We've discovered Jack the Ripper's identity."

"The only thing left unfinished is to defeat him."

"The main mission is now here, and it should be the last level of the game."

"I think as long as we pass this level."

"The audience hidden behind the scenes should also be satisfied."

Conan's tone was suggestive.

Hui Yuan Ai cast her gaze inadvertently, with indifference written all over her face.

Lin Xinyi was still a little impatient, angry, and a little angry.

He glared viciously at the little fat man Jiang Shouhang.

And this kid didn't look ashamed at all, he just giggled and echoed Conan:


"As long as you defeat Jack the Ripper on the train, you will definitely be able to pass the level, right?"

There was silence in the air.


boom! !

Lin Xin hit the iron fist one by one.

He hit Jiang Shouhuang's head hard.

The little fat man screamed, tears burst out of his eyes, and a big bump appeared on his head.

"Lin, Mr. Lin"

Mao Lilan couldn't bear to see such violent scenes of beating children:

"Calm down."

"Ha!" Lin Xinyi had no intention of calming down.

He just looked at Jiang Shouhuang coldly and cursed in a serious tone:

"Asshole, have you had enough?"

"Is it interesting to trick us over and over like this?"

"I" Jiang Shouhuang was silent for a while.

Silence, still silence.

The silence was eerie.

In the end, it was Conan who broke the dead silence first:

"Lin, you can indeed see it."

"Isn't there a problem if you can't see it?"

Before Lin Xinyi could speak, Hui Yuan Ai sighed helplessly and echoed rather playfully:

"This guy showed it too obviously."

"It's like writing your identity on your face."

"Uh" Mao Lilan still looked confused.

Her reaction was obviously slower than everyone else's.

So when both Conan and Haibara Ai smiled knowingly, Miss Mori could only ask blankly:

"W-what are you talking about?"

Someone answered her question.

It's Jiang Shouhuang, the elementary school student who specializes in cheating on his teammates.

"I really can't hide it from you."

"This is a game designed for children. As players, your abilities are somewhat compromised."

Jiang Shouhuang sighed softly, and his expression showed a complexity that was not in line with his character:

"That's right."

"I am Noah's Ark."

"Huh?!" Mao Lilan opened her mouth in shock.

And Lin Xinyi's mouth opened wider than hers:

"Aren't you Jiang Shouhuang? Why did you become Noah's Ark?"

Noah's Ark:"."

He looked at Lin Xinyi's face full of surprise, and then touched his head, which reflected real pain:

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Didn't you already see it? You even gave me a fist."

"Uh this"

Lin Xinyi scratched his head in embarrassment:

"I just see you always cheating on your teammates."

"I just want to beat you up."

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