Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 495 Noah’s Ark’s Voice

Lin Xinyi didn't know until after the beating that Jiang Shouhuang was Noah's Ark.

So, in his shocked and stunned eyes

The little fat man named Jiang Shouhuang suddenly flashed with light, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a 10-year-old boy with a frail temperament and good looks.

Lin Xinyi had never seen this face before.

But he can roughly guess that the human form that Noah's Ark is currently transformed into should be


Lin Xinyi shouted a name that came from the creator of Noah's Ark and is now inherited by Noah's Ark.

After confirming the true identity of the other party, I thought about what "Jiang Shouhuang" had just done.

His expression was somewhat strange:

"Why are you doing this?"

"Isn't it interesting to hide around us and hold everyone back?"

"." Noah's Ark was silent for a while.

A helpless smile quietly appeared on its young face:

"There's nothing you can do about it, your game is progressing faster than you can imagine."

"If I had intervened inappropriately, this game would have simply ended long ago."

"But even I intervened secretly"

"The game can't go back to the route I originally designed."

Speaking of this, Noah's Ark looked slightly disappointed.

Like a child who missed a long-awaited trip.

"The route planned from the beginning"

Conan chewed on the words of Noah's Ark.

He couldn't help but think of the "Holmes line" that he initially discovered and proposed, but was rejected by Lin Xinyi and Haihara Ai.

So, with all the players who have cleared the game being curious about the plot of the second week if line, Conan couldn't help but ask:

"Hiroki, what should the clearance route you originally designed for this game be like?"

"Is this it?" Noah's Ark thought for a while and replied: "Actually, if you follow the main plot I set and go to No. 221B Baker Street to find Sherlock Holmes, the difficulty of the game will actually be lower."

"There you can get the information left by Holmes, and then you can try to find Professor Moriarty and get his help."

"And Irene Adler will also appear in subsequent plots."

This plot line is not very difficult, but the game process will be much longer than it is now, and it will take longer.

It's basically like a "Sherlock Holmes-themed tour of London's shrines."

"W-what. In other words"

"We could have interacted with Professor Moriarty and Irene Adler?!"

Conan felt extremely regretful after hearing this:

Listen, what a fine line to walk!

Unlike now, when you complete the game, you only see the original character of Officer Lestrade, and he is played by an old acquaintance, Megure Police Department!

With such a familiar face, how could he, a fan of the original novel, be so star-chasing?

"Well" Noah's Ark's expression was subtle:

He didn't tell Conan that Sherlock Holmes in this game was actually played by Conan's father.

Irene Adler is played by Conan's mother.

Dr. Watson is played by Dr. Ali.

Conan’s dream of chasing stars in games will most likely not come true.

"In short," Noah's Ark continued to express his feelings: "After seeing that the game did not go as I designed, I could only temporarily change the plot to make the game as interesting as possible."

"Interesting?" Lin Xinyi retorted with an unhappy expression: "You think this is interesting?"

"Does it give you pleasure to see us humans struggling to survive under your secret control? Is this your purpose?"

"Mr. Bulin."

"You think I'm a little too scary."

Noah's Ark shook his head with a complicated tone:

"Speaking of my 'purpose, actually my purpose has never changed:"

"That is to inherit Hiroki's will and realize his last wish."

Although Sawada Hiroki is a small person, his ambitions are very ambitious——

It is what I mentioned before, solving the problem of overall rigidity in Japanese society.

In order to help Hiroki realize this wish, Noah's Ark came up with a way:

"I originally planned to take advantage of today's opportunity to gather the top group of children who are responsible for Japan's future into this game world."

"And then through this game, these kids can get an education and let them learn to be a better person."

Noah's Ark was never about killing people from the beginning.

It traps these young players in the game, not to create a live-action battle royale and enjoy the show of human beings fighting and struggling in despair.

It just wants to use this virtual reality game to construct an environment that is completely different from the real world and where everyone is truly equal among players.

Those little brahmins who are spoiled and domineering in reality, their identity, background and status are useless in this game world.

They must truly rely on their personal abilities, their own efforts, learn to treat others equally, and work hand in hand with their peers before they can hope to pass this game.

in short.

This is a cyberpunk version of "Metamorphosis".

A summer camp for Japanese elementary school students exclusively for Brahmins.

The purpose is not to play with them, but to educate them.

"However, Mr. Lin, what you said to me before the game started made me understand:"

"What I did was indeed a bit childish."

"You want to change the entire Japanese society with just one game. This is simply impossible to achieve."

Although Noah's Ark had previously banned Lin Xinyi's words.

But it still listened to Lin Xinyi’s words:

Brahmins as a caste are not good or bad.

Even if it educates these 50 little players through games, they will all grow into so-called "good Brahmins" when they grow up.

Could it be that just because they are "good people", they can influence all the Brahmins in society and make everyone return the benefits they squeezed out to Shudras and Dalits?

of course not.

If they did this, they would have betrayed their caste and would no longer be Brahmins.

Noah's Ark is artificial intelligence, not a brainwashing machine.

People are inherently selfish.

A meaningful game may be able to turn these bad boys into good guys, but it will never turn these natural vested interests into selfless Internationale fighters.

Therefore, the "Game Education Plan" devised by Noah's Ark cannot change the current situation in Japan at all.

At most, it can make Japan's future successors become better and not as arrogant and unworthy of their virtues as before.

The child of a dirty politician may not be so dirty, but he will still be a politician.

The child of a black-hearted hospital director may not be so black-hearted, but he will still be the hospital director.

And the children of ordinary people, no matter whether they are good or bad, will still be ordinary people.

"Mr. Lin, your words made me realize:"

"My previous understanding of human society was too superficial."

"The proposition of solving the problem of social rigidity is too ambitious, and it is not something that I or Hiroki can undertake."

As an artificial intelligence, Noah's Ark can easily calculate the trajectory of celestial bodies, but it cannot calculate the answer to this grand proposition.

This is beyond its capabilities.

"So, I chose to give up."

"I can't help Hiroki realize his last wish."

"Then you still let us play this game?" Lin Xinyi was a little confused: "Since you have given up on educating those children through games, why don't you just put us back to reality?"

"Because." Noah's Ark sighed with emotion: "Hiroki has another knot in his heart:"

"He was lonely."

Sawada Hiroki has been a genius since he was a child and could not make friends in school.

When he was 8 years old, his parents divorced and he went to the United States with his mother. Later, his mother died of illness.

Then he was adopted by Chairman Sindora and was forced to work day and night, and even his personal freedom was completely lost.

He remained alone until his death.

This made him feel lonely.

"I am Hiroki's 'clone'. While inheriting his will, I also inherited his loneliness."

"So, I want to play a good game for Hiroki."

“It’s a fun trip in this virtual world with friends he’s never had the chance to interact with.”

Noah's Ark reveals his true motives.

It turns out that Lin Xinyi's guess was right at first. It just wanted to play games.

Not because of any bad taste, but because of a kind of loneliness that comes from the heart.

"I see."

"That's why you are trying every possible means to make it more difficult for us."

"Just so that we can play with you longer and make this experience more interesting?"

Seeing the loneliness on the face of the little boy in front of him, it was difficult for Lin Xinyi to feel any resentment.

He is just a lonely middle school kid looking for someone to play games with him.

Now that Noah's Ark's "secondary disease" has been basically cured, he no longer thinks about solving the rigid problems of Japanese society.

As for the rest of the loneliness problem, it’s easy to solve:

Since it wants to play, let's play with it to its fullest.


"It's all here."

Lin Xinyi looked at the train that was about to leave the platform:

The boss, Jack the Ripper, is hiding inside, waiting for them to challenge him.

"We will accompany you through this 'last hurdle'."

"You should be satisfied, right?"

"Yes." Noah's Ark smiled and nodded: "Mr. Lin, thank you for understanding my willfulness."

"You have to thank me properly."

Lin Xinyi is not humble at all.

After confirming that Noah's Ark is not some cold artificial intelligence that makes fun of human life, but a kind, gentle and lonely "little boy"

His attitude became obviously more relaxed, more natural, more familiar and more direct:

"Speaking of which, I also successfully rescued Hiroki's father, Mr. Tadahina Kenmura, before the game."

"Chairman Sindora, who indirectly forced Hiroki to death, was also put into the police car by me."

Before Noah's Ark was ready to be polite, Lin Xinyi went on his own and took the initiative to ask for credit:

"Do you know all this?"

"I know." Of course Noah's Ark knew.

If it hadn't been for knowing that Lin Xinyi was kind to it, it wouldn't have been so kind to Lin Xinyi at the beginning of the game and would have allowed him to argue with it.

"Since you also know that I am kind to you, and now I come here specifically to play games with you for so long."

"Then should you thank me properly?"

"Yeah" Noah's Ark looked weird.

Seeing Mr. Lin in front of him, who suddenly changed his temperament and became more familiar with himself, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next second:

Lin Xinyi couldn't help but ask:

"Then Hiroki, tell me"

"Can you help me simulate Ultraman's transformation?"

Noah's Ark:"."

It was silent for a long time and replied: "Yes."

"I can help you after you clear the game."

Lin Xinyi: "."

He meditated silently for a while, his expression calm and stiff, making it difficult to tell whether it was joy, excitement, or any other emotion.

Noah's Ark couldn't understand his reaction, so he could only test it in a low voice:

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm thinking"

Lin Xinyi squatted down, pressed Noah's Ark's shoulders with a serious expression, and said to it word by word:

"Why don't you just trap us in this game world?"

"The second dimension is very good, I don't want to go back."

Noah's Ark:"."

"No. Your body in reality still needs to be taken care of. It will kill you over time."

"7 on and 7 off?"

"No. Being isolated from the real world for seven consecutive days, I'm afraid humans can't bear this kind of hardship."

"What about 996?"


"Eight hours a day is okay, right? Commute to get off work on time every day."


"Those 3 hours, just 3 hours, can't be any lower."

"To prevent minors from becoming addicted, it only takes 3 hours a day!"

Noah's Ark:"."


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