Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 102 Three Parties Decide

As night fell again, two figures flashed past Varadonco's testing base.

Because he couldn't resist the other party's obsession to follow suit, Ji Sha showed some recognition to the petite girl, crossed his hands and tilted his head with a smile.

"I'm starting to get a little curious. You hate that device as much as I do. What happened to you?"

The girl lifted the gun and reloaded it without emotion. The damage she suffered the day before had already healed. Although it was a bit incredible, now was not the time to care about unimportant things.

"I hate that kind of mind-controlling device, I hate it from the bottom of my heart, not to mention it hurts my friends."

"It's a good thing to have this idea, but you should also consider the risks of this trip."

Ji Sha turned his head and looked to his right. Under the bright moonlight, he saw the firmness and strong will in the girl's eyes. The words he wanted to taunt were suddenly blocked in his throat.

"I know, but I am not afraid. Xinglian has already made an oath to completely liberate the entire Varadonco with the hope of friends!"

The cool breeze blew through the young man's chest, and he touched his right hand to his chest. After the inhumane transformation, there was no heartbeat there, but at this moment, there was a faint ups and downs.

There was no longer any filth or disdain in Ji Sha's eyes when he looked at the girl, and all the negative emotions were transformed into admiration and expectations.

This girl broke through Jisha's common sense. Unlike others, Xinglian's will completely resisted the erosion of Wudong's mental device, showing an unprecedented noble will for mankind.

"Then I won't explain more. Since you are so determined, it will be useless to try to dissuade you."

"Even if he dies for the great cause, Xinglian will never complain!"

"Well, come with me."


Jisha took Xinglian and moved from the zenith of the base, using his ability to create information and visual barriers, and quietly sneaked into an arms depot under the protection of darkness.

Just when the two of them stepped into the military supply warehouse, a violent explosion came from the distant horizon, and the sound was so powerful that the entire third floor trembled.

The abnormal and powerful directness of the fluctuations made all the bionic people in Varadonco restless. Seeing that something was wrong, Xinglian took the first step and locked the door of the general warehouse, turning around and lip-syncing to him:

Let's go quickly!

Realizing that something was unusual, Jisha, while sighing at the girl's superhuman reaction speed, ran towards the inner area of ​​the military depot, looking back from time to time to confirm that Xinglian was following before continuing to accelerate.

"By the way, your partner was just left in the base like this?"

"I don't want Mr. Wei Ying to be injured. Placing him there will at least ensure his safety."

"You really care about your friends."

"After all, that's my friend."

It was not only Varadonco who was also attracted by the explosion, but also Du Huoku, the leader far away in Youke. She walked out of the room worriedly, caressing her chest in the palace, looking towards the south with a little look in her eyes. doubt.

"The area of ​​the explosion is probably in Porxiga. Oh, really, I'm always reluctant to interfere with things in that place."

When the messenger appeared at the palace gate again, Du Huoku was already numb. Yun Haizheng wanted to execute this guy Song Sheng not only in a day or two, but also recently, Po Xijia had done it again and again. There are countless emergencies.

Under this pressure, Yun Haizheng took the opportunity to once again propose a plan to go south to Du Huoku, requesting that Song Sheng be brought to justice.

But now, the captain was standing in the center of the palace, his sharp eyes constantly looking towards the leader, expecting to get a positive answer from her.

"Chief, due to the frequent crises in Persica, I would like to ask your permission to send troops to Persica to dig out the truth behind everything."

"But, you know, I've never been too fond of Porciga..."

"Chief! Even if they are not human beings! Even if we are not human beings! Are you willing to watch Song Sheng provoke disputes again and again!"


"That's why I keep warning you that you lack the majesty you should have. As for these outsiders, they don't know the consequences of angering us. They act recklessly on the territory of the third level!"


"Not just for us, but also for the rule of the third level! But also for the order of the entire corridor! I beg you! I beg you! Allow me to lead the 'Titral War Legion' to bring those who are at large , act in accordance with the law!”

"......All right!"

A ray of fire flickered out from Du Huoku's feet, and a three-tailed phoenix suddenly appeared in the palace that showed the imperial power. It danced alone, its tail feathers flicked endless pure flames, dyeing the sky into golden red, and let out a long cry. Flying in the sky of Yuko.

In the golden-red sky, four high-tech bionic humans descended slowly, breaking through the clouds to reveal their true faces. Then the four people shook their hands and descended suddenly toward the palace on the ground. They accurately knocked open the zenith of the palace and landed on the ferry. In front of Huo Ku, he knelt down on one knee and made a respectful gesture.

"The Titral War Legion will assist you in the conquest of Perhija, but I have another request for this conquest."

"It doesn't matter, Chief."

"I want you to take Titral to the Butterfly Magnetic Tower. After higher-tech updates, they can resist the anti-technological substances in the ruins. I need to know everything that remains on the zenith. This One thing you have to do no matter what.”

"I promise you, the jellyfish will do it!"



"Yunhaisting is my confidant. Under certain circumstances, his safety must be guaranteed, do you understand?!"


"Next, Yun Haizheng, do you have any other requests?"

"Nothing else."

"On mission!"

Located at the source of the explosion in Perxiga, Yunqiao was messy in the chaotic wind. He blocked the powerful impact with one hand, waved his hand to disperse the smoke, and then began to prepare to face Song Sheng and some strong soldiers whose consciousness had not broken through.

"Everyone, I think everyone knows that there will be a fierce battle next, but I ask all my compatriots to fight hard. We fight for our freedom and beliefs. This will be the first step to our liberation! Be our victory. The first step!”

It was still a long time before Song Sheng's army arrived here. Yunqiao stood among the people, turning his head in the direction of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower, slowly closing his eyes and clasping his hands devoutly like a believer.

"This is our destiny."

“The will to resist is with us.”

"Even if our bodies are obliterated."

"The soul is still immortal!"

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