Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 103 The Poison Of The Embankment Collapse

Turning the crossbow into a melee attack makes Shen Dao somewhat overwhelmed. Xue Yi's attacks do not have any interruption time. The coordination between her body and weapons allows her to maintain a high-efficiency attack state, always hitting the previous one. Prepare for the next swing before finishing.

As a last resort, Shen Dao forcefully swallowed Xue Yi's sword and endured the severe pain in his right hand. Then the heart of his right hand bloomed with a purple-black brilliance, and a purple mechanical gear suddenly appeared between the two of them.

The divine sword was originally used as a way to stop Xue Yi, but Xue Yi used the force to turn over. Using the top of the gear as a support point, he jumped behind the divine sword and looked back with a hint of evil charm.

"Huh? Is this your new skill? I've never seen you show it before."

"I don't want to have any discussion with you. I'll fight you anyway, no matter what."

"Okay, okay, your arrogant and arrogant character has not changed at all, so I can take action easily."

A golden six-pointed star array appeared at Xue Yi's feet, and three golden cone-headed chains bypassed the obstruction of the gears and went straight to the heart of the divine sword.

Three heavy blows with the sword knocked the iron rope away until it disappeared, but a golden phantom appeared behind the magic sword, laughing disdainfully but sinisterly.

"I don't know if it's my imagination. You don't seem to be using your full strength, right?"

"Get away!"

The long sword moved like the wind, and the purple flames attached to the sword penetrated directly into the body of the phantom. However, this was exactly Xue Yi's plan. The energy in the phantom went wild due to chaos. With a bang, the aftermath of the explosion spread towards the surroundings. diffusion.

"You are no longer the leader of the third floor. If you continue to fight with me, you will gain nothing. You may even die."


The pupils with golden light could detect the abnormal movement inside through the smoke and dust. Xueyi tilted his head slightly to avoid the three fatal flywheels.

"That's all you have..."

Footsteps were approaching very fast. Sensing the threat to his life, Xue Yi turned around with his sword in his backhand and swung the mechanical crossbow at the same time.

The collision between metal and rock burst out with fierce sparks, and fighting spirit burned wildly in the hearts of the two.

"I finally understand that you are unrepentant and I can only move on if you completely disappear from this world!"

"Yes, yes! As long as you are still in the corridor for even one day, I will have no peace for a day! Divine Sword, you and I are inseparable!"

As a strong wind rose at Xue Yi's feet, Xue Yi made full use of the staggered positions of the two. He decisively took a step back and raised his leg to kick back. The strong wind pushed the magic sword back to the midfield position on the top of the sky. In the messy wind field, the two looked at each other.

Suddenly, the Butterfly Magnetic Tower trembled a little. After stabilizing his body, Shen Dao suddenly turned his head to look at Xue Yi and shouted in horror:

"You want to die with me?"

"! I clearly didn't activate the butterfly magnetic tower's self-destruct program. Why?!"

"Isn't it you?!"

The magic sword suddenly turned back, but just as Xueyi said, the three war machines also showed doubts. They would not act without authorization before receiving Yao Xueyi's instructions.

"What's the problem?"

Just when the divine sword was hesitating, a sharp sword suddenly grazed deep in his neck, forcing him to take a step back. Using the reflection of the sword, he saw Xue Yi, who was fighting him.

The sharp blade penetrated into the ground and sparked sparks for several meters in succession. Even though the entire Butterfly Magnetic Tower was still shaking, Yao Xueyi still walked slowly towards the magic sword with her sword on her face without changing her expression.

"Remove your form and execute him with me."

After receiving the new instructions, the three war machines released their fixed systems and rushed towards the magic sword.

He leaned back, and before falling completely, he threw out a sword energy and cut off the support leg of one of the machines. To deal with such a simple-minded opponent with well-developed limbs, outsmarting him was the most suitable method, but... ..

"Don't forget me!"

Lines of golden flames shot out from the ground in rows and rushed towards the location of the divine sword. Although the divine sword turned into a purple thunder and lightning to dodge the first blow, a faster figure grabbed him and pushed him to the ground. .


Pressing the ground with both hands, the whole body straightened up, mobilizing the direction of the whole body to rely on the friction of the ground to rotate at high speed. In an instant, he threw out the sword in his hand, and kicked the tail end with his right foot accurately. The weapon that hit Xue Yi bounced her away. A certain distance, distance.

"Attack! Attack at any cost!"

Like wild beasts seeing food, the two machines that were still intact accelerated and charged in a row. The moment they jumped up, they gave up their stability on the ground and crashed into the divine sword like a sky.

Although the magic sword can find gaps to avoid, these heavy but powerful machines will cause obvious vibrations every time they hit the Butterfly Magnetic Tower, and may even shake the foundation of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower.

"You are crazy! If this continues, you will die!"

"so what?"

"Madman! What a madman!"

"Madman? No, no, no, you are wrong this time. I am the leader, the leader of the third floor. I am the hope of everyone and the corridor. I will completely drive away this sinful person like you!"

The vibrations of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower became more and more violent, but Xueyi, who was already crazy, didn't care at all. He soared into the sky and took off to high altitude. In the golden light that suddenly burst out between the sky and the earth, he fully drew his bowstring and aimed his sights hatefully at the Butterfly Magnetic Tower and the God. knife.

"Even if you can dodge this arrow! The explosion of the disk tower will kill you! This foolproof strategy was specially prepared for you a few years ago!"

"Magic Sword—go to hell!"

"Dream of God! Emperor Lieyang!"

As the arrow was shot, four golden light talismans appeared together, spinning around the arrow, with blue-gold tail flames. This impact undoubtedly destroyed half of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower, and the entire building was destroyed. Starting to collapse.

Such high intensity of power consumption also caused Xue Yi's mental disorder. After finishing everything, he fell heavily on the zenith of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower, and fell as the Tower of Hope gradually tilted.

"It's really hopeless!"

Fortunately, under the protection of mechanical gears and a sudden dark wall, the magic sword persisted until the last second when the outer wind field of the Butterfly Magnetic Tower dissipated. He lifted Xue Yi's body and turned into a bolt of lightning and descended rapidly.

Although he landed before the giant tower collapsed, there was no more time for him to leave safely. Xueyi and the Divine Sword would be buried together in the dust in the ruins.

"Magic Sword?! This way!"

A pure mechanical tone came from the front. It was the magic sword that was at the end of its rope and looked up into the distance. A girl with horns set up layers of protective shields out of thin air.

"This way! Hurry up!"

"Does this guy look familiar? There's nothing we can do, it's important to save our lives! It doesn't matter if he's an enemy or a friend!"

Dieci's Tower of Hope did not fulfill Xue Yi's last wish. Likewise, it completely collapsed under the gaze of people from three directions, leaving nothing behind.


"Captain Yunqiao? What's going on there?"


"The Butterfly Magnetic Tower has collapsed. There are other interferers in the mission assigned by the leader. Move forward quickly!"


"Yixun...will you be okay..."

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