Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 108 Strength Is Greater Than Anything Else

Just as the red light was about to shine on the opponent's face, the left hand of the third person on the right was interrupted by an inexplicable and strange side force. In desperation, he dodged the flying card. The third person on the right fought back with a gun in one hand, but was reacted by The mysterious man swung the energy ball and knocked it away.

"I was a little careless and allowed you to take advantage of me."

"Hehe, who wants to take advantage of a monster like you? But when it comes to carelessness, I have some, even though it's harmless."

Red balls kept flying out from the bloody wings, gradually restoring the broken arm on the third right.

"You also know the magic of immortality?!"

"Miss, please don't guess at others. Please, this is just a means of self-healing. It's not your so-called magic. Please don't be surprised."

"As far as I know, you are magic."

"You can't communicate yet, right? Then let's communicate in my favorite language!"


He instantly came to the man's side and punched the wall with a powerful punch. The cracks spread to all directions along the source, and the entire tower was shaken by the aftermath.

"That's body language."

"What's so good about a tomboy with big limbs?"

The mysterious person wiped the darkness on her face with her left hand and revealed her true face in person. There was a faint smile on her delicate face. Unlike the man in red, she exuded an aura, a sense of mystery that was suddenly near and far away. Haunting around her.

"Heh, I'm curious how many rounds a tomboy can survive with a vase that's both worthless and worthless."

"Besides fighting, don't you have anything else on your mind?"

"Hahaha, the will to protect my loved ones is moving forward with me. Working together from top to bottom in the corridor, we will definitely drive you group of darkness out of this area! This is what I am thinking about now!"

The girl just smiled and shook her head. After looking at each other affectionately with the third person on the right, she quietly pursed her lips, wrapped her long hair around her fingertips, and moved it to the front of her left eye.

"Indeed, once your vision is blocked, everything you do will be hindered, let alone a simple-minded tomboy."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want to express my inner helplessness."

"Oh, I'm helpless. Do you want me to help you get relief?"

"The souls in the tower are souls of despair, and you are desperate people. Isn't this fighting a waste of each other's lives? Hmm~"

"Whatever you think, as long as you can beat me, everything you say is right, isn't it?"

"I don't like fighting, so let it fight you."

The mysterious man left the black group and stood up, stretched out lazily and patted the man in red on the shoulder, then turned and walked downstairs.

The man in red noticed that the fighting spirit of the third person on the right was burning, so he stepped in behind the mysterious man and helped her resist a heavy punch.

However, as expected, the mysterious man disappeared without looking back.

"Is this your master? He left you just like that? How pitiful. Let me use my magic gun to help you get rid of the pain."

The body leaned back slightly, and strong winds from all directions rushed towards the center. The third from the right kicked the spear into the air, opened his teeth and bit his right arm, tearing off the outer skin as big as a bowl, and raised his right hand and threw it out Lots of blood into the air.

Under the high-speed rotation of the spear, the blood spiraled up, and when spread by the wind, it attracted all the surrounding creatures like a tornado. There were no other fake bodies of the man in red hidden in the darkness. The one in front of him was undoubtedly the real body.

"I represent the will of the entire corridor and fight against the nightmare you bring!"

Force majeure pulled the man in red to the side of the third person on the right. The third person on the right chose a more efficient body language and hit the opponent's heart and throat with fists that were about to leave the afterimage. This lasted for about a minute before the third person on the right stopped and raised his right foot. Stepping on the body with white steam coming out of it.

The third person from the right kicked the corpse away, summoned a bat stored in the body and turned it into a spear at the end of a scorpion pincer, and slashed the figure approaching behind him. The heart of the man in red was penetrated again, and the body turned into a ball of green. The water merged again and appeared in front of the third person on the right, kicking her in the face with a spinning kick.

The sound of metal clashing buzzed, the flames in the third right eye fluttered slightly, and a ball of flames began to spread on the chest of the man in red, eroding his body and soul.

The third person on the right stabilized his body and smiled coldly at the man in red who appeared in front of him again.

"I saw through it~"

With his fingertips slightly raised, flames of three colors erupted in the tenth floor, and chaotic attacks covered every corner of the room. This tactic of group field attack was banned when the third right and Shas were sparring.

This kind of attack is too reckless, causing large-scale damage not only to enemy personnel, but also to friendly personnel. The three types of flames will continue to burn on the battlefield for a certain period of time regardless of friend or foe.

"I understand since the only person attracted by the bloody tornado is you."

"You don't have any so-called fake body. You just create a soul that dies in your place before you die."

“So with full coverage, where do you go?”

The spread of the flames was mixed with the nerve perception of the third person on the right. The next movement of the man in red was directly intercepted by her in the air. The spear passed through its forehead and after several turns, it locked the position where the man in red appeared again.

"Ten seconds..."

"Nine seconds..."

"Eight seconds..."

"Your death time will be shortened a little bit~"

"It seems you are not used to this kind of fighting, right?"

"But I'm different, friend. I've experienced training more terrifying than hell. This level of fire can hurt you, but it can't hurt me!"

"Just be 'reborn' again and again and accept the baptism of pure flames!"

Even though he clearly sensed that the man in red was giving up resistance and surrender, the third man from the right still did not stop his movements. He swung his spear and wrapped the flame around the tip of the spear and inserted it into the ground.

"Look at how embarrassed you are."

"Get free!"

The third one from the right inserted the spear into his body, but in an instant, the sea of ​​​​blood filled the entire tenth floor like a tide, and the hot blood completely cleaned the tenth floor.

As the blood tide slowly descended and finally disappeared, the third person from the right stood in the center of the tenth floor and bowed gracefully like the man in red.

"An insurmountable wall will always stand in front of you."

"You will understand one day..."

"The fundamental gap between us..."

"I'm stronger than everyone."

"This is the fundamental premise for me to protect other people."

The third one from the right spreads his bloody wings, shakes off the remaining blood, then pulls out the spear on the ground, and slowly walks out of the tower in the quiet darkness.

"Next time, I will move forward more thoroughly!"

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