Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 109 Arriving At The Right Time

The third person from the right walked out of the tower, suppressing some discomfort in his body and forcing himself to stay conscious.

"Well, see you next time, Miss 3rd from the right~"

A white light flashed inside the tower. The blue-haired girl stood behind the door and smiled slightly. This made the third person on the right feel nervous. She quickly raised her gun and slashed hard to close the door of the tower tightly.

"I will be here, waiting for your return, third from the right."

The magical and distorted tone penetrates the seal of the tower and reaches the nerves of the third person on the right, lingering for a long time but not dissipating.


This irritating sound made the third person on the right become irritable, raised his spear and stabbed himself in the body.

In the sea of ​​blood, the third person on the right slowly left after waking up. At the last moment, he did not forget to look back at the high tower with hatred and hatred for the mysterious girl inside.

"I will end your life, no matter who you are."

"I do what I say!"

Gritting his teeth and leaving the tenth floor, the third from the right strengthened the three seals on the door, and then prepared to cross the world between levels and go to the ninth floor to meet up with Keno and the others to confirm the recent events in the corridor.

"I don't know if there has been any trouble in the corridor during this time. Huh, hurry up. I feel a little unsure now. This is not like me."

Looking up at the endless dark corridor in the distance, the third person from the right took a deep breath and turned into a red thunder and rushed past.

Arriving at the world on the ninth floor, the third person on the right did not notice any abnormalities, including the fact that the river water that symbolized the condition of the corridor was also extremely clear, even clearer than when she left.

"I really can't imagine that maybe Xu Nuo is more suitable to accept the position of leader than me."

"Well, luckily nothing happened."

The third person from the right felt dizzy and smiled with relief. She dragged her tired body to the bank of the river and lay down on her back. The cool river water soaked through her clothes, and her mind and spirit were slowly purified in the peaceful world. .

She relaxed her whole body and showed the word "big" and let the drift of the river take her away. She closed her eyes and began to slowly enjoy this extremely rare opportunity.

The fragrance of cherry blossoms permeates the world on the ninth floor, and the fallen flowers on the water dot this beautiful world. In this beautiful picture, the consciousness of the third person on the right gradually blurs, and after being completely relaxed, he falls into the river.

"That's it...let me rest for a while."

"I'm so tired...really..."

"Next time...I will bring Shas back..."

"Don't blame me...everyone..."

Submerged in the river, a few fragrant cherry blossom petals sank together. Giving up thinking and unnecessary emotions, the body of the third person on the right recovered at the most efficient speed in the water.

Both his mental and physical strength are recovering at an explosive rate. In about three minutes, the third person on the right will be able to completely recover to his most perfect state.

Time passed extremely slowly at this moment. The three minutes seemed to have gone through thousands of hardships in the world. Until three minutes passed, bubbles gradually appeared under the water.

A water column burst out of the water, and the energetic third person on the right flew freely in the air. Feeling the power of his hands, he exhaled a sigh of relief and slowly landed on the water to walk.

"Much more comfortable."

Under the blow of the breeze, the third person from the right looked around and found that he was now brought to the west of Senluo Palace by the current. He was now on the verge of the junction of the eighth and ninth floors. However, he had not seen anyone for so long. It was inevitable that something would happen. Confuse.

"Where are Kenuo and Xiwu?"

Worrying as much as seeing it with your own eyes, the third person on the right decided to take a trip to the Senluo Palace. The door was left open, which was very inconsistent with Kenuo's style and habits. Although this situation could not explain anything, his uneasy mentality began to trouble him again.

"Kano! Are you there!?"

Walking into the interior of Senluo Hall, the huge internal structure makes the third person from the right a little messy. The retro calligraphy and paintings on the walls highlight Keno's aesthetic art.

"The third lady from the right is looking for someone~"

A dark voice came from the cold iron door. With a hint of vigilance, the third person on the right wanted to summon a bat to fly in to see the situation, but the other party seemed to already know her thoughts.

"Miss third from the right, I know where Keno is. Don't you want to chat?"

Hearing what the other party meant, the third person on the right decisively gave up the blood-winged bat reconnaissance method and walked straight to the iron gate. He grabbed the fence with his right hand and easily removed the iron gate. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at "Kenuo" who was handcuffed by four iron ropes. .

"Why, Miss 3rd from the right, don't you recognize me?"

"I don't have much impression of you, but I can at least tell you that you are definitely not Kono."


"Among the people I care about, their scents are very familiar to me. Let alone the ninth floor, if they disappear, I will feel them even in another world."

"I knew I couldn't deceive you."

"Tell me, where is Keno really?"

The third person from the right slowly walked to the shadow, raised his hand and shot two shots to cut off the iron rope.

Unexpectedly, the third person on the right would do this. The shadow didn't react for a while. After confirming for a second or two, he looked at the third person on the right.

"You let me go?"

"What? Can't you let it go? Then tie it back yourself?"

"No - ahem, thank you."

"Can you tell me now, where is Keno?"

"I'll go with you. Keno is inside the temple on the seventh floor."

"The seventh floor of the temple?! Isn't that a place for healing!? What's wrong with her?!"

"I don't know, but when I was locked up, I accidentally heard Miss Xiwu talking to herself, and I got the news by accident."

"How long has it been since you heard the news?"

"It takes less than half a day, so, leader, you are very prompt."

"Well, don't be too late, hurry up!"

Before Phantom Keno had time to react, the third person on the right had already grabbed her arm, pulled it to her chest, picked her up and ran away.

"No! Miss third from the right! You are doing this! It's too indecent!"

"Your speed is too slow, hold on tight!"

Like the force of thunder, it penetrated the water all the way. Her footsteps brushed the ground and drifted around the bend in an instant. The third person on the right did not have a drop of sweat on her forehead. The flowing wind was left behind her and kicked up bursts of dust. The world crossing the eighth floor was even more fleeting. between.

It wasn't until they entered the world on the seventh floor that someone above the sentry tower noticed a powerful red vortex approaching rapidly in the distance. However, they couldn't identify it because of the extremely thick flying dust, so they could only sound the alarm.

However, after the city defense gatekeeper heard the alarm, before he could close the door, an afterimage passed through the center and headed straight for the temple.

"What the hell? Lightning?"

"Is this speed really something I can see in my life?"

Phantom Keno tightly grabbed the neck of the third person on the right and flew out at a high speed. Although the ghost would not die, it was definitely painful.


The third person from the right gently placed the shadow on the seat aside, turned around and looked at Xi Wu, Ye Shuang and others on the steps.

"Miss third from the right! You are back!"

"How is Keno?!"

"I was injured while fighting the filth, and I'm still undergoing treatment. The situation is not optimistic."

"Step aside!"

The third person from the right walked up the steps, blocked the holy light shining on Keno, looked at the wound on Keno's cheek, bit his finger, and wiped the blood on her face.

"Cut me!"


"Cut me! Hurry!"

Although Xiwu and Ye Shuang were a little confused, they also understood the meaning and stabbed the third person from the right in the back without mercy.


The left hand wiped the blood on the back and smeared it on Keno's arm. A beam of red light bloomed from the corner of the third right eye, and a purple-blue flame ignited in the heart of the right hand, slowly pointing towards Keno's heart. Press it down.


"It's done!"

After seeing this, the shadow in the corner of the temple relaxed and smiled, then disappeared and left here quietly.

"Kenuo, you owe me a favor."

As Keno slowly opened her eyes, the third person on the right held her body and patted her back gently. All the warmth from her chest was transferred to her body, but she was not used to it.

"Huh? Miss third from the right?"

"Congratulations on your recovery, Keno."

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