Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 110 Her Will Is Burning

With the continuous sound of artillery, the Yunqiao Rebel Army, which had no advantage in military strength or technological weapons, gradually fell into a disadvantage. The people who were not affected by the wave of consciousness still accounted for the majority of Porxijia.

These people's consciousness has been solidified under Song Sheng's transformation, and there is no possibility of awakening. Now they have gathered to suppress Yunqiao, the leader of the uprising.

"I knew this day would come, so I tried every means to change the outcome, even betraying my brother."

Song Sheng's voice came out from the army that came like a tide, leading the mechanical army he founded to start a brutal suppression operation.

Song Sheng himself is not here, but only directs the battle through remote sound transmission equipment.

"Strengthen yourself by any means necessary, and fight by any means necessary to survive!"

Two rows of jet bombers flew across the sky in Persiga, and black missiles fell mercilessly. Regardless of the androids who were fighting the Yunqiao rebels, the explosion tore apart the soldiers from both sides. Broken to pieces, the body parts were bounced away by the powerful impact and rolled straight to the feet of the next wave of suppressing legions.

Yunqiao, who was affected by the missile, had a piece of cake on her forehead. She gritted her teeth and walked tenaciously in front of the crowd, raising the long sword in her hand high, showing her strongest side.


"Not only for ourselves, our fight is also to save more compatriots who have lost their way, so that they can truly realize that the meaning of our existence is not to sacrifice our lives for free for someone who doesn't care about us!"

"If your so-called 'life' is worth everything you have to sacrifice, then I will also dare to sacrifice my life for our best wishes!"

"You once imprisoned our souls, but now I have awakened! I promise that I will never escape again, my eyes have been opened!"

The momentum soared into the sky, and the whole of Porxiga echoed Yunqiao's shouts. Even the emotionless machines were afraid of her at this moment.

Bomber planes once again attacked in a row, and the ammunition loaded inside was replaced with magnetic blast missiles and cold incendiary bombs that were more lethal to mechanical androids.

"Anti-air! Stop them in advance!"

The crossfire that had been ambushing on the surrounding buildings accurately shot down the bombers in front, and the bombers in the rear also fell.

The wreckage of the plane fell into Song Sheng's army as expected by Yunqiao. White flames ignited in the army. Other androids also suffered from physical paralysis due to the impact of the magnetic explosion.

"Take advantage of this opportunity! Charge! Take back Porceca, which belongs to us!"

Yunqiao ran towards the paralyzed enemies, but a shell exploded behind her, causing heavy damage to the unsuspecting rebels.

"Chief! Song Sheng's support is coming from three directions, and the advance army has appeared behind us!"

Two iconic iron tanks drove over the corpses on the ground, the sound of internal driving rumbling, followed by many large heavily armored soldiers carrying white and blue firearms.

"Go forward! Introduce artillery fire into Song Sheng's own army!"

The army obeyed the command and rushed into Song Sheng's paralyzed army under the leadership of Yunqiao. However, this behavior did not arouse Song Sheng's compassion for the androids. Instead, in the remote base, he pressed the detonation button with an evil smile. .

The bomb installed inside the android's body detonated as soon as the shell hit. The Yunqiao army interspersed with it looked a little embarrassed when they suffered such a surprise attack, and they slowly stood up, dragging their somewhat crippled bodies.

"Captain, these guys have bombs hidden in their bodies!"

"Song Sheng!"

With the anger planted in his heart, Yunqiao shouted towards the sky.

"You beast and devil!"

A bright red light flashed at the corner of the street. Under surveillance, Song Sheng saw all this. He slowly turned his back and laughed strangely.

"I just want to be a winner. No honor or reputation is important. Those insignificant things are worthless in front of life!"

The morale of the rebel army fell to the bottom at this moment, almost to the point of no return. Yunqiao looked at the time and saw that there was still some time before Chaochen's men completed the rescue plan.

"Captain, the other three teams have arrived on the battlefield! What should we do next?!"

"Can't back down here..."

"team leader?"

"Fight with me and we must survive fifteen minutes!"

"Yes, accept the order!"

The heavily suppressed rebel army faced the disadvantage of an absolute shortage of manpower. It was difficult to fight one of the armies together, and it was even more nonsense to divide the troops to fight.

"Each of us has our sights on the target! We must ensure safety while fighting with high efficiency!"

"The assault troops are coming with me! Go around the city and launch a surprise attack on their rear!"

"The anti-armor infantry follows the second captain's instructions and strives to destroy their army!"


"Even if we die here, we will never compromise!"

"We must let them understand that androids are not slaves, but new beings with real souls!"

Using the housing area inside the city as a bunker, Yunqiao led no more than a dozen people to charge. Green beams of light kept flashing outside the windows. Although he didn't know what they were, Yunqiao did not hesitate.

"A moment's laxity on the battlefield will destroy the chance of turning defeat into victory."

"Get your explosives ready! Let's surprise them!"

The team climbed over the high wall, galloped through the streets in the cracking wind, and successfully located the rear of Song Sheng's army, where they were fighting the main force of the rebel army.

"Do it!"

The bombs detonated at fixed points wiped out the tanks supporting the rear in the middle of the road. Those troops who had not yet reacted were penetrated by Yunqiao with the army, from the rear of the unilateral army back to the rebel army.

"Keep it up!"

About two seconds after Yunqiao boosted morale, she turned around and looked at the army. The moment she saw a green energy ball exploding inside the rebel army.


The green liquid began to spread like a virus, adsorbing on the bodies of the rebels and eating away at their bodies. Wails and screams lingered in the center of the town. Only the team led by Yun Qiao has not been affected yet.

"Everyone disperse!"

"Captain...I feel so much pain...kill me!"

The second captain opened his mouth silently, the muscles on his face twitched and twisted, and even after a few seconds, he couldn't tell that he looked human at all. Such cruel methods and technology were undoubtedly the work of Song Sheng.

"Feel sorry......"

"'s not your...fault..."


The gunfire rang out, and the second captain's life was ruined here. The green viruses that devoured his body gradually died, and the other androids were eaten away by the "virus" until they collapsed, their bodies were damaged, and their consciousness was blurred to the point of paralysis.

"Captain Yunqiao...we..."

Sensing the anger burning in Yun Qiao's heart, the others around her were about to step forward to persuade her to be rational, but she stopped them with one hand, her eyes firmer than ever before.

And the aura surrounding her...

There seems to be a new change?

"I will never let our hope die here!"

"From now on, go all the way west, go straight to the black market and kill that devil!"

"The sun will not rise for him tomorrow, and he will burn in hell today!"

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