Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 112 Noshmi Manipulation System

The same resistance plan was not only carried out in Porxiga, but also in Varadonco's land. Two figures flashed across the arms depot. They were also struggling with huge missions, responsibilities and pressure.

Although there is no time limit this time, as Xinglian who has fought against Varadonco before, she already knows that it is not easy to capture this place.

The way she and Wei Ying attacked was purely reckless and tantamount to self-destruction.

"Because of my previous two failed experiences, Jisha, do you know there is something secretly protecting the mental device?"

"Well, such a thing does exist, and this is exactly what we need to do now."

Knowing what to do next, Xinglian nodded, and then felt some strange vibrations inside her body. She touched along the skin and found the source of the evil - the communicator.

Yi Xun? !

Is she still alive? !

Xinglian subconsciously pulled her hand back. This matter could not be exposed to Jisha for the time being. She decided to continue to conceal the existence of the third person who attacked Varadonco and maintain the current joint state until the final victory.

"In addition to weapons supplies, there is also an important technology of Varadonko hidden in the arsenal - the Noshmi control system."

"what is that?"

"A mindless manipulation system that mobilizes Varadonco's powers and bestows them with some extraordinary blessings of power."

“Will the system also become our enemy?”

"So, Noshmi was founded to protect the people of Varadonco, and it will always fulfill its obligations. Nowadays, people subconsciously believe that the foggy winter spiritual device is their belief, so Noshmi will protect that thing. "

"So before we want to destroy the device, we must paralyze the control system, right?"


"let's start."

"Oh, by the way, I'm curious about one more thing. How do you plan to attack?"


"My offensive style may be a little bit special."

Looking down at the entire Varadonco from the sky again, before all the androids entered the alert state, violent explosions rang out in series in the arsenal.


"The arsenal has been severely damaged! The enemy is unknown!"

"Please support immediately..."

Before the trembling communications officer finished speaking, the iron door behind him was blasted open by explosives. The red-haired boy slowly walked out of the smoke and gave it a cold look with indifference to life.



In just a moment, the torso above the neck was broken by Ji Sha's punch. The communicator stained with red liquid fell to the messy ground and made an electromagnetic sound. Ji Sha crushed it without mercy.

"Follow me!"


"I didn't expect you to be a militant too!"

Unknowingly, Xinglian had killed everyone else in the room, and his method was even more brutal than Jisha's, leaving not even a dead body behind.

"Where to go next?"

"It can't be more than a hundred meters further. There is what we need there."

"Set off."

Pull the ring, raise your hand, and throw it high. Along with the explosion, there are people's wails and the sound of metal collision.

The alarms on both sides emitted a dazzling red light, and the sound of dense footsteps came from the criss-crossing aisles. They rushed to join the war.

However, the blind spot of intelligence and information allowed them to walk directly into Jisha's attack range. A smirk came from the ceiling, and uneasiness quietly rose.

Thick smoke and dust rose in the arsenal area, and an agile figure flashed under the full moon, leaving a smirk and a few bouquets of roses in the sky.

Iletea is approaching.

"I feel a powerful force approaching us, Xinglian, do you have any clues?"

"I don't know, I just know it's not good news."

"I think we should speed up. The origin of this force is still getting stronger."

Ji Sha ran red current with his hands, and he slapped it towards the ground. Through the guidance of the current, the visual distance gradually became farther. Through the pale walls, he saw the Noshmi system working not far away.

There is also an encrypted safe in the room, which seals one of Varadonko's high-tech devices.

"Let's go, I found 'him'."

Two strong steps rushed forward, their footsteps scraping the ground with running sparks. They held the mechanical door that had not been completely closed with both hands. Although the people hiding in the room were mentally prepared, they were still frightened by this scene.

"Found you!"

"Ji...Ji Sha, why!"

Unexpectedly, the guy actually tried to communicate with Ji Sha, which also surprised Ji Sha. But when Ji Sha saw the light gray cross in the man's eyes, he smiled quietly, and then began to slaughter the three people.

That was not the soldier's consciousness awakening or breakthrough before his death, but the manipulation of Noshmi, who controlled the soldier to express his final questions about Jisha.

When Xinglian arrived here, she looked at the mechanical parts scattered on the ground and hesitated for two seconds. Then she accepted it calmly and raised her head to look at Ji Sha who was waiting for her.

"Is this what you call the Nosh fan system?"

The entire room is as big as a flat building, and the light gray screen that occupies one wall highlights its unique capabilities and the efforts that Varadonco's people have put into creating such a masterpiece.

Jisha was not in a hurry to take action. Instead, he looked at Noshmi teasingly and made some responses.

The huge screen soon had red fonts in response to Ji Sha.

"Jisha? Are you going to betray Varadonko? Why are you going to war with me?"

"We used to be companions fighting side by side, but the guidance of fate made me make this choice. Noshmi, you once made me admire you. I admire your impeccable combat plan and execution strategy."

"Then why did you do this? Jisha, we are all 'wise men'. I once regarded you as a friend, but now you have to meet me in a sea of ​​blood."

"Noshmi, you were once smart, but now, you are also disoriented by the smoke. Varadonco you are guarding has changed his appearance, but you are not aware of it at all."


"Noshmi, you need time to stay awake, but it's a pity that it's not now. My old friend, I look forward to our meeting again."

Just when Jisha wanted to destroy Noshmi, a red protective layer suddenly rose to resist the attack. This was Noshmi's attempt to protect himself.

"What, do you want to sleep forever?"

"Wait a minute, Jisha!"


"I want to witness it!"

There were some colorful garbled characters on the huge screen, and the intelligent control system Nosh fans worked hard to piece together a new template font, which was different from accepting orders and issuing instructions and deployments.

This time the template words come from a brand new consciousness, from the incredible breakthrough of that kind of resistance consciousness.

"I want to witness the 'change' you call! Jisha, maybe I can wake up!"

Noshmi made a sound mixed with mechanical rolling, forcing himself to express his emotional fluctuations.

"But I think you are cowardly, just like a mouse facing a wild cat. This desire for survival only prompted you to make this decision. You are not a real conscious body, Noshmi, I can't believe you."

"Since Noshmi was created, he has been working hard for the people of Varadonco. If the people I protect fall into despair, Noshmi is also responsible for bringing them out of the abyss."


The safe in the corner automatically entered the password and was opened. Inside was a blue technology chip, which was the technological weapon created by Varadonko.

"Maybe you are right, Nosh fans are not smart, but Nosh fans believe in you, friend, you are smarter than me, you are more awake than me, go ahead and lead Nosh fans and the entire Varadonco, Towards the truly right path.”

Having said that, Nosh, who was once proud of Varadonco, was fascinated by the two men and closed himself with his own hands.

"Goodbye, friend."

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