Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 113 Flame In Despair


"Really... a miracle..."

A few tears dripped onto the communicator that emitted a faint light. The hand holding Hope kept shaking, and even his voice was a little hoarse.

"Miss Xinglian..."

"You...are still alive..."

In the noisy streets, there were people and traffic. Only one girl walked through the dark path with her head lowered and a wry smile, and rested against the big trees on both sides of the road.

"Xiao Yun..."

The flying floating object came to the owner, circled around her twice and then came close to the owner, looking at the owner's tired face stagnant in the air.

Yi Xun slowly opened her eyes and showed a relieved smile. There was an occasional flash of white in the long blue hair on the girl's head. That kind of sadness and pain could not be shaken off in her heart for a long time. Until today, Xiao Yun accidentally told Her Star Lotus signal was restored again.

"do you know?"

"I never thought a miracle would happen to me."

"But it's coming."

Putting on his hood, Yi Xun waved his hand and began to walk towards the Sencamos Experimental Base under Xiaoyun's invisible protection. After all, another important base - Hillrimo Laser Technology, had been completely infiltrated by them together. .

Under the clouds, the girl exhaled a breath of hot breath, pushed her long hair behind her, walked through the street in the darkness where no one could see, and walked towards the base of Sencamos.

"let's start."

Yi Xun followed the three-person patrol team into the base, shot one of them with a gun without the other party's knowledge, and then left quietly with a sneer.


"Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly!"


Perhaps because he disliked people who made a lot of noise, Yi Xun turned around and fired a shot at that person, and then turned around and left when other troops gathered here.

"Xiaoyun, blast them."


An explosion occurred inside important technology, and many senior personnel left their workspaces to check on the situation. This also gave Yi Xun the opportunity to penetrate into other rooms.

"Steal their information and we'll be leaving soon."

"I won't run away from you anymore."

"Wait for me, Xinglian, Weiying, I'll be back soon."

After the battle with Hillrimo Experimental Base, she already knew the technological capabilities of Sencamos, and was about to use this technological power to make a terrifying decision.

"Master, for the sake of your safety, I still want to remind you that when we steal the permission to use Hillrimo's laser strike, there is a certain probability that our position will be exposed, which will also lead to our death."

"It's okay, I don't care."

He pulled out his knife and easily decapitated one of the staff members who dared to go back. He revealed his true identity in front of everyone, picked up the man's head with one hand and threw it over, and then turned around and disappeared in the panic of everyone.

"Who is that!?"

"An unknown person has broken into the base, please strengthen your vigilance!"

"Send personnel to conduct a search immediately! At the same time, mobilize surveillance video!"


A "strange staff member" within the army seemed to be aware of Yi Xun's intentions and pointed out the direction of her action - which was the operational experimental area of ​​Sencamos.

"That guy's target is Sencamos! Stop her quickly!"

"Hurry and apply to your superiors for permission to use Hillrimo! Hurry! We must stop her from stealing Sencamos!"

Everyone's panic spread to every corner of the base, and all the troops rushed towards Sencamos. However, just after everyone left, Yi Xun appeared at the intersection in the test base, only for a moment.

She walked in another direction, once again disappearing into the darkness and nothingness. She lowered the hood on her head by three points and kept chanting her name silently in her heart.

I will never run away from this again.

Yi Xun.

Face yourself.

You have been transformed!

Now we have erased all the pain, flown over the obstacles under our feet, and become real heroes...

"Hero, we will meet soon."

The surveillance camera could not capture Yi Xun's figure, and no one had a clue. A large number of people gathered in front of Sencamos' door. They looked at each other. Although they knew they had been deceived, they did not know where to go next.

"Where's the surveillance! Where is the intruder?!"

"No! Nowhere! Ghost! A ghost-like existence!"

The other end of the communication fell into panic, probably because he had never seen this kind of phenomenon before. He collapsed in the endless panic and pressure, and the body's control system began to experience certain obstacles.

However, at the last glance, other surveillance personnel saw a white door opening out of thin air!

"found it!"

"He's right there!..."


"In the......"

"Where is it?! Tell me quickly!"

The voice was a little low and a little desperate, and a falling sound suddenly came from the other end of the communicator. Just as the army was worried, a weak voice finally came from the other end of the phone.

"...powder magazine."

"Huh? Gunpowder depot..."

People walking on the streets had never thought that they would be able to see the "sun" at night in this life. The experimental base of Sencamos was filled with flames and explosions. The raging flames engulfed all living creatures until they died.

Just like a disease, the flames began to spread from one point in Sencamos to the surroundings with the spread of the carried objects, and the news of Sencamos being invaded quickly reached Du Huoku's ears.

As for the permission to use Hillrim laser, Du Huoku did allow it and issued it, but it’s a pity...



"Xillimo has been invaded?! How is this possible!?"

One after another huge bad news impacted the sanity of the army. They sat back to back, huddled helplessly in the face of the fire, hugged their legs, and waited for death.


With no more obstacles, Yi Xun walked to the innermost part of the Sencamos Experimental Base in the flames, and slowly closed his eyes while looking at the device that had not been affected by the flames.

"Xiao Yun."

"I'm here, Master."

"Start seizing access rights."


Yi Xun turned around and looked at the people outside the door who were surrounded by flames and wailing in pain. She sat cross-legged and let time pass by little by little. In response to those wailing sounds, her heart did not fluctuate, and she had no heartache or regret.

At most, there was only a fleeting feeling of helplessness.

"Master, Sencamos' authority has been successfully seized. Do you want to activate the Sencamos device?"

"No rush, do you remember Hilly Moko?"

"Well, the authority is still with us."

"Set the positioning to the most central position of Varadonco."


"Activate Sencamos and move us and this device to Miss Xinglian!"

Yi Xun took a deep breath. This was a bet, betting everything on a chess game that was almost impossible to win. Sencamos and Hillrimo would fill some gaps in ability for distant heroes.

"This time, heroes don't run away anymore!"

"Start! Laser Strike Hillrimo!"

"Sencamos, regional space transmission device, activate!"

"The light of hope has shined!"

"Dispel the darkness!"


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