Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 114 One-Day Trip To The Black Market

The chaos on the third level continued to pile up, and it was divided into three places: Youko, Perhiga, and Varadonco. Compared with the other two places, the internal fighting in Perhiga was the most serious.

Yunqiao never thought that when she arrived at the entrance of the black market, the guard at the door had already been knocked down by others, and there were constant sounds of explosions inside the black market.

"Have the people inside started taking action?"

"They did not deceive me. Correspondingly, I will also rush to support them."

"The enemy is right in front of me."

Under the bombardment of giant cannons and missiles, the originally prosperous black market city was destroyed beyond recognition. The sky was filled with collapsed and falling objects from the air raid, which set up some obstacles for Yunqiao's progress.

"Get out of my way!"

Heart-wrenching shouts came from the far corner of the street, with mechanical mixed electromagnetic sounds, which made Yunqiao subconsciously judge that they were other rebels hidden in the city.



Just after turning the street, a strong wind hit the left side of Yunqiao's face. Li Suan held an artillery launcher in one hand and frowned when he looked at Yunqiao.


Not feeling any hostility from the opponent, Li Su'an dealt with the enemy in front of him first, injecting some of the toxin power in his body into the barrel of his right hand, and fired towards the street.

"Who are you?"

"and who are you?!"

"Yunqiao, the commander of the rebel army who lives in the black market, I'm here to hang that sinner Song Sheng!"

"Oh? Then it seems we are still in the same group."

Listening to the change in the wind, Li Su'an turned the direction of his guns behind him and destroyed the heavy tanks coming for support at the intersection.

"Since you and I are both enemies of the black market, there is nothing more to say. Take care, my friend."

"Wait, why don't we act together?"

"I have more important things to do, and..."

Li Su'an carried the cannon launcher behind his back, climbed over the wall to the top of a building, raised the weapon and pointed it at the armed aircraft in the sky, and injected the energy beam without hesitation.

A giant beam of light penetrated the east and west sides of the black market, erasing a row of darkness in the dark sky and replacing it with frightening dark green poison.

Recalling the pain he endured in his memory, the effects of the toxin experiment were not only on the appearance, but also on the inside of his body. Su'an couldn't help but smile bitterly as he looked at the land eroded by the poison at his feet.

"The current me - is only suitable for fighting alone."

"I no longer feel like a human being, but more like a nightmare, a nightmare that will bring disaster."

"This may be my fate. I have to face it. She has brought me infinite pain, but at the same time, it has also brought me infinite strength."

"I will use this power to end the evil I see, and ultimately, my own life."

He jumped from a tall building and landed dozens of meters in the air without any damage. The entire street was dented by a few centimeters and disappeared like light, leaving only a trail of smoke and dust.

With Li Su'an's foreshadowing and the secret help of other rebels, Yunqiao encountered minimal obstacles when heading to Song Sheng's basic hiding place.

Until the moment he entered the base, the damage he suffered was nothing more than a small scratch.

"Song Sheng, we will meet soon."

"At the same time, we will have to part ways soon."

"Your death will be a congratulation before the liberation of Persija."

The two of them performed their duties, and no army of androids could stop Li Su'an from stepping onto this sinful land. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the abandoned factory in front of her, no longer afraid.

"Don't move!"

Violent vibrations were heard in the street behind them again. Other armed forces captured Li Suan's movement path and successfully arrived to try to stop her before she destroyed the factory.

"You devil!"

"You're surrounded!"

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

Being bitten by the devil's accomplice and framed as a devil in people's mouth, this contrast forced Li Su'an to laugh maniacally.



"I am the devil you have to face, but I am also the hero who saves my companions."

"It's a pity that there will be no heroes to save you."

He instantly came to the man's side, opened his hands before anyone could react, gave up suppressing the toxins in his body, and burst out a green sea like a tide to swallow up the ground troops.

A retrograde meteor flew from the ground into the sky, hitting an armed helicopter with its torso.


"where is she?!"

"Stop shouting, it's on top of you."


The girl who was stagnant in the air had already pointed the giant cannon at the plane below. The sea of ​​cannons once again annihilated the few survivors. From this moment on, the western district of the black market completely fell into a no-man's land.

Slowly landing on the ground, Su'an inhaled all the toxins on the ground into his body. Enduring the pain caused by the poison, he turned around and walked into the abandoned factory.

"My companions are not here, I still remember them clearly."

"This is just a place where disaster and suffering are born. I am here just to destroy these experimental materials to avoid future troubles."

The girl laughed softly, and the pain in her heart finally eased. Walking into the experiment, various non-human machines were densely piled together, and the white experimental table was located in the center of the laboratory.

After finding the fire source and machine oil, Sogan picked up a torch and lit it, raised it high over her shoulders, and walked slowly around the entire room, as if she had expressed her last mercy. The girl only felt sorry for what was left in this room. Hatred remains.

"Purify in the fire, the dirty garbage is sublimated, leaving the pure and sacred."

Throw high.


Flames burned inside the abandoned factory, sending thick plumes of smoke into the sky.

A horned demon passed through the smoke and sped towards the prison in his memory.

"No one can stop me now."

"Song Sheng, all this is thanks to you!"

"The demon you create will eventually destroy you!"

"This is a fate you can't escape!"

The war continued, and the areas the girl passed through became deserted places, and collapsed buildings blocked the traffic on the streets.

Standing on the top floor of the ruins, Su'an only showed his dark back under the light of the war.

It was a real demon figure, the horns on its head flashing with the flames of battle.

"Comrades, I'm here."

In order to ensure the safety of her companions, Su'an put away the cannon weapon behind her as soon as she entered the prison, and used only her hands and feet to destroy all the approaching enemies.

The cry of alarm echoed in the corridor, but still no one appeared to stop Suchan.

Entering the prison, the companions in the room also woke up.

But when they saw Li Su'an, their first reaction was to be alert and worried.

"That's right, I've become like this."

"Everyone, long time no see."

"Who are you?!"

"Me, I am..."

"Li Su'an."

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