Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 127 Lingering

The Sasi of this world does not have that kind of miraculous power, but she is also an extremely capable female general, commanding tens of thousands of elite forces. She relies on amazing speed and strategy to defeat enemies all the way. Now is the eve of defeating the enemy's remaining soldiers. .

Facing the demon on the third right who was beyond common sense in front of him, Sasi was not afraid. Instead, he raised his spear and stood on the city wall like a towering sentinel statue.

The sirens then sounded, and the soldiers who heard the noise rushed out of the base and lit torches to light up the night sky.

"General, what happened?!"

"Did you see that demon flying in the sky? Form four teams and capture it!"


"Are you crazy?! I told you I don't want to fight you!"

Ignoring the words of the third person on the right, Sasi seemed to be possessed, his eyes were sickly red, and he was completely different from the kind leader in the corridor.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the third person on the right vaguely saw a black mist entangled around General Shas's neck, and he didn't know that this general, those soldiers, and the entire "new world" were shrouded in black mist.

"How could I let you go?"

"You're not Shas! Who the hell are you?!"

"Who am I? Don't you know very well? Miss third from the right?"

Some mature girls were a little confused when hearing the voice of the third one from the right. It was indeed familiar, but it was still a little difficult to tell the identity of the black mist just like this.

"It's really too much~ I obviously remember you, the third lady from the right~"

"It's you!"

The black mist slowly turned into a human form. She raised her fingers and tilted her head evilly in the direction of the third right, her long blue hair flying in the wind.

Not only is she familiar, this person is the mysterious girl that the third person on the right saw in the Tower of Despair. She also appeared here, and there is no passage to the sea of ​​memory. The third person on the right cannot accept such information for a while. The difference is that the enemy is much more "magical" than she imagined.

"However, since you are also a guest, I must also have my own hospitality etiquette, although... it will be a little special~"

When the mysterious girl's fingers touched the shoulder of the puppet Sas, a red flash of light broke through the sky, but it was the arrogance of the third person from the right.

"You monster, let Sass go!"

"Monster? Tsk, no, I'm not a monster, but your savior, Miss Third from the Right, even though you won't admit it."

The girl turned her back and sat down in the weird cold wind blowing in the sky. She pressed her hands on the wall to support her body and elegantly admired the beautiful sky.

"Are you kidding me? You're a savior, you're a shameless guy."

However, it was just lip service at most. Even without thinking, the third person on the right knew that she was the one at a disadvantage now, and the difference in information between them could not be made up by brute force alone.

The four armies quickly surrounded the third one from the right. Although they were confused by the black mist, their fighting spirit was not reduced by half. It was the final manifestation of the will that has always existed in the struggle until now.

However, at this moment, when the mysterious girl thought that things would develop as she thought, a poisonous arrow passed through the sky and penetrated directly into her heart.

"Everyone, listen carefully to my next order!"

Shas played tricks, and the dust she raised spread all over the sky. Her eyes became sharp again, and she looked at the third girl on the right with anger and pride.

"Take them both down together!"

"No one can resist the iron hoof of our justice, let these negligent enemies disappear and fly our banner of victory!"

"Soldiers, fight with me!"

Another team suddenly appeared in the city. They climbed up the city wall and slowly approached the girl, while the army led by Shas was entangled around the third one from the right, always ready for battle.

"Did I underestimate your will?"

The mysterious girl stood up slowly, casually throwing away the arrow that had torn her clothes and pierced her chest, showing a somewhat regretful expression.

"It seems that I can't enjoy the night tonight. However, this also made me interested in you, Sass."

"Let's stop chatting here. We will meet again, bye~"

It turned into a black mist and dissipated into the sky, and densely packed troops surrounded it. They surrounded the nearby field. The third person on the right was high in the air but could do nothing about this scene.

"Wake up, third from the right."

"You didn't get into her heart, you just got into your own nightmare..."


The whole world suddenly dimmed, and a space-time rift emerged from the side of the third person on the right. Xiwu and Keno appeared beside her, holding her body and leaving through the tunnel of the space rift.

This coma lasted for several hours. When the third person on the right woke up, it was already dawn, and most of the leaders in the corridor gathered around her, and even - Sass.

"Are you awake, third from the right?"

"Shas?! Are you back?"

"Well, you, on the other hand, almost couldn't come back. Thanks to Xi Wu's spatial ability, he forcibly brought you back from that world."

"Where have you been? The corridor is worried about you!"

Everyone slowly turned around and looked at Shasi. They had the same questions as the third person on the right. Why did Shasi disappear for such a long time? Why did she not want to tell them in advance.

"I know everyone is confused, but now is not the best time to reveal the secret. When the third person on the right returns to normal, probably tomorrow night, we will go to the absurd island on the sixth floor to meet the bell girl. By then, I will tell you what I have done. Experience these days.”

Shasi stood up, confirmed the condition of the third person on the right, and left the room silently.

No one knows what happened to this leader, but everyone has some guesses that it won't be a good thing.

She suddenly appeared after Yousan broke into the sea of ​​memory, and even subconsciously notified Xi Wu and Keno to come here, barely saving Yousan's broken consciousness.

"I don't know if you feel that there are some changes in the leader of Shas?"

"I also kind of...feel..."

The third person on the right took a deep breath to adjust his body, but his heart felt much more stable, because no matter how much he changed, the gentleness lingering in his tone would never be deceptive.

"She is a real leader...she is Shas..."

"No matter what sufferings and hardships we have, no matter what we go through, we are all fighting together, today and tomorrow."

"Miss third from the right..."

"Just wait for now. We will know everything until tomorrow night and continue to face it. Everyone, please believe in Shas, please believe in me."


The third person on the right smiled softly, leaned back and lay on the soft bed, falling asleep tiredly but comfortably.

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