Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 128 White Gulls Gather In The Ruins

The night is long, some people have fallen asleep, and some people have trouble sleeping.

The moon passed over the branches, a cool breeze blew through the treetops on the sixth floor, and the crisp ringing of bells moved from the center of the island to the edge of the cliff. The girl sat down gently, and her thousands of words turned into a sigh.

"The condition of the promenade is not nearly as good as we thought it was."

"Is this what you saw? Or did you hear it from others? Shas?"

The red-haired girl looked a little decadent, her disheveled hair was blown by the breeze, her expression was unusually plain, but she hid countless sadness.

After a while, she seemed to have come back to her senses. She turned her head slightly and looked towards Suzu.

"Probably both."

Jumping from the tree, he landed smoothly as light as a feather, but he also realized his insignificance in this vast world.

The crisp ringtone slowly approached, and the bell girl walked in front of Shas, sat down on the edge of the floating absurd island, and quietly looked at the river flowing under the island.

"Speaking of which, I have always been curious about how you entered the sea of ​​memory, and I was completely unaware of it."

Shasi sat down nearby and slowly lowered his head to stare at the miniature whirlpool in the river.

"I am not sure as well......"


Time passed by in a blink of an eye, and after a round of sun and moon, we were still at the top of the giant tree on the edge of the deserted island. Sass was leaning on the tree trunk. She had been awake all night and was concentrating with her eyes closed.

Suzuki was also waiting aside. The person who arrived after them was the third person from the right. The three of them looked at each other and chose to remain silent before the meeting began.

Later, Xiwu, Keno, Mr. Death, and Gu Penzhi, the sage lord of the seventh floor, arrived one after another.

At this moment, the leaders on the fifth floor and above in the corridor, the leaders who represent the ultimate power and order of the corridor, are gathered here.

"Then, in order to ensure that the meeting proceeds normally, let me do some pre-meeting preparations."

The frost-covered eyes slowly opened, and a strong cold wind swept across the entire sixth-level world. A light blue cold light emitted from Suzuki's body. She slowly flew into the air, with a few snowflakes falling from her sleeves and under her skirt. Every now and then.

It was originally a weird and absurd island, but at the moment when the frost swept over it, it changed into a completely new look. The towering giant trees bloomed with noble plum blossoms, and the wrinkled trunks carved the traces of time.

It's like breaking into the country of snow, looking at a pure and flawless place, the passage to the sea of ​​memory is also closed, and the deep ice isolates the entire world into an invisible space.

Suzume glanced at Xigiri. After seeing Kono's nod, the other party conjured a purple magic sickle with her bare hands. While playing with the sword, she attached the purple flame of the netherworld to the curved tip of the sickle.

With just a look, the third person on the right and Gu Penzhi understood Ling Nu's thoughts at the same time, raised their hands and injected some energy into Xi Wu's body.

Dark flames burned in Xi Wu's left eye. The sickle swept across the ground and set up a pattern of a six-pointed star. The moment the sword was raised, Keno accurately threw five rune tokens, and pillars of light of different colors erupted from the five directions. .

As the color of the light beam finally hit the zenith of the absurd island, dazzling white light paint painted on the edges of the four-sided barrier.

"Use this energy as a support to create an independent existence space, and external creatures will not have any influence on it."

"It's time to start."

A red thunderbolt fell into the center of the crowd, and the blood-colored bats floating around her were dispersed by Shas, signaling the leaders to sit close to her.

"Since everyone is in place, I won't delay."

"Let's start from the time when the third right and I separated."

"Those newcomers have just passed the level of Bitter Bamboo."

After separating from You San that day, Shas didn't stop along the way and headed straight back to the territory of the tenth floor.

Stepping into this dusty white world filled with death, the smell of decay floats from the soil, and extremely weird and eerie songs linger from the sky above the tower.

The level of chaos on the tenth floor was not the same every day or two, but this made Shasi extra calm. He walked straight past the tower and towards the mountains behind him.

There is a piece of land behind the mountains, which is the residence of Shas. Walk through the hidden door and enter another aspect of the tenth floor.

The rolling mountains are blooming with frosty white light. A relatively simple brick house is located on the saddle of several mountains that break through the sky. The middle parts of the two mountains are hollow structures.

There were double-headed dragon gates erected at regular intervals on the gray-white steps that went straight to the ceiling. Shas stepped into it and planned to take a rest after dealing with Kuzhu.

However, the pale white light at the top of the mountains kept flickering on and off. Sensing something was wrong, or perhaps out of curiosity, Saas came to the top of the mountain without anyone noticing.

When she truly realized her existence, she was already standing outside the layers of blue and white magic circles. Looking back, she had already strayed away from her original purpose of resting.

"You're here~Miss Shas~"


Looking in the direction of the teasing voice, the mysterious blue-haired girl appeared in the center of the spiral formation that led directly to the Zenith World, holding hands and raising an eyebrow at Sasi.

"How come the 'old rival' forgot about me so quickly? Then I will be sad."

"What did you want to do by bringing me here, Yuyou?"

Shas did not set up her weapon. She was also hostile to Yuyou in the past, but she "couldn't" hurt the girl in many unilateral battles, and when the other party had no intention of fighting, Shas gave up. This idea.

But this information was not shared with other leaders because of Yuyou's special request. This girl always appeared at the top of the tenth-level mountain from time to time, and specifically emphasized that Shas was not allowed to reveal any information about her.

"It's nothing. I want to take you somewhere, but you need to keep it a secret. Are you coming?"

"Where to go?"

"Keep it secret. This trip will take a long time. You can't tell others where you are going, but this trip involves the final fate of your corridor. So are you coming or not?"


Shasi was very aware of the weight of what Yuyou said, but before leaving, she looked back with some reluctance. In Shasi's eyes, the third person on the right and Keno were still young and couldn't leave her in the corridor. .

But this departure can indeed be regarded as a test, not only for the third class on the right, but also for herself.

Although Shasi will not leave the corridor, the corridor cannot always rely on her alone...

"Okay...I'll go with you."

"Step into this magic circle, and I will let you witness another world."

With a heavy emotion, Shas turned back reluctantly, and after silently reciting the names of the third class on the right in his heart, he walked into the center of the magic circle.

"The corridor is entrusted to you."

White light flashed, and the pure energy wave pushed Yu You out of the magic circle. She chuckled, and before Shas noticed it, he sealed her inside before leaving the magic circle, and then raised his index finger.


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