Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 129 Destined To Be Dark Since Birth

One day, a grain of yellow sand on the beach was washed away by the sea water. It was swept into the whirlpool with the fluctuation of the current, but accidentally fell into the endless void under the whirlpool.

In order to return to her home, Huang Sha began a long journey, and her appearance changed as a result. It was not until a few years later that she finally found the beach where her hope and future were stored.

However, when she actually returned to the beach, she was ostracized for some reasons, and finally gave up on herself and fell into the deep sea again, and fell asleep ever since.

However, perhaps the world did not want this tiny thing to sleep. One day, the sea water receded, and she woke up under the void, and saw other sad people in the endless darkness.

Although Shen Sha had the ability to return to her original world, she gave up on such a decision and chose to continue sleeping in the endless void world.


She has experienced pain and despair...

Finally found the same kind.

As a space-time rift opened in the sky, Sasi fell from the sky and fell into the vast sea. When she wiped the water from her face, walked to the shore and truly saw this so-called new world, She was shocked and speechless.



The souls of despair are flying aimlessly and directionlessly all over the sky. Black red-eyed tentacles seep out of the dilapidated city walls, and the ground surface is eroded by unknown black crawling creatures.

Balls of blood blankets emerged from the ocean behind them and slowly crawled towards Shas. There were so many that the entire surface of the ocean was covered with a layer of black cloth.

The moment the blood blanket rushed up, Yuyou suddenly appeared next to Shas, and wiped out all the blood blankets without leaving a trace without Shas noticing.

Just when Shasi wanted to ask for an explanation, Yuyou turned around coldly and prepared to leave as if nothing had happened.

Shas reached out her hand, but the moment it touched Yu You, it penetrated her. The two people's bodies just passed by. She looked at the hand that had caught nothing and hesitated for a few seconds.

"Is it me? Don't I exist in this world?"

Yuyou disappeared without a trace. Looking at this chaotic world, Shasi had no clue for a moment. She just walked carefully into the dilapidated city, and all the dark creatures were unaware of her presence.

She slowly raised her head in shock. Every time she walked a few streets, she would see the exact same Yuyou sitting silently on the roof of the building, lying down and looking at the dark sky.

"Where is this?"

"Are they Yuyou too?"

She was walking around in a fog like this, but there was always an intuition that told her to find the most fundamental source of despair according to the degree of brokenness of the streets.

The creatures on the street were twisted in the corners of the alleys. Only a few humanoid creatures were lying on both sides of the street. When Shas went over to take a look, he discovered that most of their bodies were in pieces, and they were slowly being eaten by the tentacles. disappear.

Close your eyes and give up thinking, just rely on the path remembered by your brain to move forward, and the things around you will build a frame model in the world of consciousness.

Just keep walking like this, this road seems to have no end. As you go forward, the roadside is filled with corpses that have fallen down accompanied by shrill cries and wailing.

The road behind him seemed to have collapsed, and the frame world of consciousness was constantly collapsing, but every step Sasi took was at the last second before the collapse.

Time is like a drop of rain falling into the sea, never to be seen again. It is like working hard in a circulating circular drum. Although it seems to be moving forward, it is actually stagnant.

When she woke up, it seemed like a long, long time had passed. She appeared above a huge bone-white locust tree. The sky in all directions was dark. Only at the top of the tree, right in front of Sass's eyes, was a black... "fruit".

"Strange, where am I?"

However, when Shas walked over to take a look, he realized that it was not a fruit at all, but a special kind of cage.

The sticky black pus and blood globule wrapped a translucent white-haired girl inside. Her body was curled up, her hands were wrapped around her bent legs. She was simply wearing a puffy white short-sleeved shirt, and her eyes were still wet from time to time. There were tears.

"What is this?"

With a little ignorance and curiosity, Sass reached out his hand, but before he could touch the black ball, the man behind the scenes who forced Sasse to come to this world finally came forward.

Yuyou suddenly appeared and pushed Shasi's hand away. This was the first time the girl materialized and came into contact with Shasi. Just the moment they passed by, a black flame began to burn at the place of friction.

"Is everything okay?"

"You finally showed up."

"Because you're finally here."

Yuyou turned around and looked at the imprisoned unconscious white-haired girl, with a trace of pity and a trace of resentment flashing in her eyes.

"Now, you have also seen that the origin of all despair and sorrow is born from here... all the time."

"You mean this girl?"

When Shas came to her side, the white halo on Yuyou's head suddenly showed a decaying appearance, and a mournful voice came from under the towering tree.

Even though the situation became tense, Yuyou still showed no fear and turned around to slowly introduce the white-haired girl to Shas - the origin of all this nightmare.

"Bai Miao is the girl we see. She is the manipulator of time and space, but this is a fragment she left behind when she traveled through time and space. The despair born of this fragment gave birth to us and... ....."

"The entire corridor of living beings."

"So I prefer to call her the origin of everything."

Shasi, who was still a little confused about the world, approached Yuyou and listened to her continued explanation.

"Whether I was born, the birth of the corridor, or the erosion, it was all because this fragment attached to the sadness and pain of the original owner. If we want to truly get rid of the source of despair, we must completely eliminate this fragment... ..”

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because among all the worlds, the Corridor is more special. Its huge system will absorb the souls of people who died of despair in other worlds. This corrosive power will accelerate the internal collapse of the Corridor, causing it to disintegrate first. And if the corridor collapses, I will have nowhere to go.”

"It doesn't matter, I will try to change everything, even if it takes a long, long time."

"No, you didn't hear what I meant, Sasi, I'm not here to persuade you to work hard..."

I'm here to persuade you to give up...

"The Corridor was also created from this fragment. If no one can serve as a substitute for the Corridor and other black body worlds after her, your world will also collapse with Bai Miao's death."

"This is a dark road that will never be open, and as it stands now, Shas..."

Yuyou walked to Sasi and was about to take her back to the corridor. Because there were varying degrees of mental erosion in the "new world", staying here for a long time would actually harm Sasi.

"The current erosion status of the corridor no longer allows it to resist the next large-scale erosion..."

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