Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 133 But It’S Just The Beginning

Seeing some incredible abilities, the third person on the right gradually understood why this petite and weak girl had reached this position step by step.

Not only is she a genius, but the pain she experienced in her previous life has become the driving force for her to protect the new world in this world.

"Time will be the key to our victory."

"Because nothing in this world can defeat time."

"Our comrades also include time."

The third person on the right smiled quietly and decided on an answer in his heart, "Kenuo, will definitely become the pride of the corridor."

"Then, Miss Third from the Right, I won't send it to you."

"come on."

Saying goodbye to the ninth floor and walking up to the tenth floor, the third from the right arrived at the final destination. Next to the leader standing in front of the tower, there was another girl who felt familiar.

"So, you're here."

"Of course I'll come, Shas."

Shasi and Yuyou stood together. They were discussing something just now, until the third person on the right stepped into this territory, they stopped and looked at the third person on the right.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I was planning to go inside the tower to train myself and meet this 'friend' by the way."

"Don't mind it so much~ After all, I have revealed some very important information to you, haven't I?"

"Then let's be honest, what are you doing here waiting for me?"

Sasi swallowed hard, and then took a firm step forward, summoning his two weapons, a bright red spear and a bloody sword. He opened his bloody wings and pointed them in the direction of the third from the right.

"Compete and become stronger!"


"Maybe the third lady from the right still doesn't understand, so let me explain. Miss Shas wants to compete with you again to find a way to become stronger in the battle."

"Do you really think so, Shas?"


"You want to watch from the sidelines too?"


"...Okay, I accept it."

As the third person on the right summoned her weapon, the two leaders began to fight. A bolt of thunder fell from the sky, and Sass swung her sword the moment she rushed in front of the third person on the right.

The flames traveling on the edge grazed the side of the third person's face from the right, and the burning pain penetrated into the flesh. This was not a joke at all.

"Don't be careless!"

At the same time, several spears struck at the two of them, piercing through Shasi's fake body and running towards the third person on the right. Additional purple wind surged from all directions, and tornadoes struck from all directions.

"That's the same thing! Shas, you can't relax!"

Standing under the tower, Yuyou was a little angry. She saw that Shasi showed mercy. Although it was a sparring match, in Yuyou's eyes, every battle should be taken seriously, let alone during such a critical period.

"Work harder!"

Clapping his hands together, countless white light magic circles appeared around Shasi's body in the sky, almost covering the entire sky. Countless spears extended from the magic circles, and laser sweeps covered the entire area.

The third person on the right in the smoke and dust barely relied on his keen intuition to avoid the fatal attack. However, in the next moment when he was gasping for breath, he was punched by the protruding Shas and hit the wall of the tower.

There was no time to rest. After breaking through the smoke and dust, there were still countless spears, and the sweeping wind field even tore up the ground.

The electromagnetic sound exploded in the corner of the tower. The girl known as "Immortal" had half of her face covered in color at the moment. Her left arm was blown off by a spear, and her flesh and blood seemed a little blurry.

"Bloodwing, make up for me."

Along the connecting parts, the blood wings secreted bright red blood and flowed into the right body. The broken arm slowly grew out. The wounds all over the body healed in an instant, and the power contained in the body was renewed.

"Then it's my turn."

Two dark groups of bats flew out from under the skirt of the third person on the right, and dense bats flew everywhere. This was the foreshadowing prepared by the third person on the right.

"Shasi, your ability is much more than that. If there is a corridor behind you, do you still hesitate?!"

"Think about why you are fighting, and always bury this ideal in your heart!"

"The enemies you have to face in the future are far more than just a third right!"

"Use your best!"

The surrounding darkness deepened even further, and it was almost impossible to see the five fingers. A flash of red light flashed in the sky, and several thunderbolts descended, and the area hit was instantly razed to the ground.

But the third one on the right could teleport faster than Thunder. With her unusual sensitivity to sound, she caught the breath of Shas in the sky and accelerated towards that location without hesitation.

The ultra-high-speed airflow flows from both sides to the rear, and the tip of the spear of the third person on the right bursts out with blazing flames. The pure power of the flames emits light that dispels the darkness, and the distance between the two people continues to get closer.

"Ashes turn into chalk!"

"Sacred Realm!"

Just a second before the spear was about to touch Sasi, golden light began to spread from the surface of her body. The shield that was supposed to be a four-sided defense was concentrated at one point, and the sparks that flew out were also replenishing the shield's endurance.

After the duel between the two parties, Sas was the winner after all. A second before the shield was worn away, she slashed her arm with her sword, threw the blood mixed with explosive energy into the air, and a touch of flame brushed the corner of her mouth. Burn the blood.

The impact caused by the violent explosion disintegrated the attack of the third person on the right from the side. This absolute power caused a staggered position and poked a circular hole in the tenth layer of zenith clouds.

Before she could turn her gun and retreat, Shas pressed forward and stabbed her neck with a sword. Although it was only a slight scratch, it made the tense body of the third person on the right relax, and she was kicked back by Shas. to the ground.


Seeing the third person on the right stand up again, she is still intact, holding a gun, just like she was before she came to this world, an immortal thousand-year-old vampire lady.

"The battle between us has just begun, Shas, I'm not as weak as you think."

"Of course I know, and I have never underestimated you."

"The battle between us has just begun."

Yuyou stood quietly to the side, leaning against the tower and playing with a ball of white sand in his hand. The debris floating around him also seemed like a child who was not interested, and slowly flew back to Yuyou's arm.

"Looking at the level of strength alone, the third lady on the right is indeed a little confused."

"However, it would be a big mistake to think that just having power can solve everything."

"Power is just an existential attachment, and the meaning of its existence is the only factor that determines its upper limit."

"There is only one final answer that Shasi and I want to witness, and that is in the case of absolute disadvantage..."

"Can we rely on will to reverse this already broken situation?"

"As the third lady from the right said, this battle has just begun."

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