Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 134 Our Only Enemy

The flying dust was disturbed by the spear that passed by at high speed, but the spear spirit, which was faster than thunder, was shattered by the long sword. The sword energy rushed around, leaving scars on the body of the third person from the right.

In the mid-to-long distance battle between the two, Shas was the winner. She always kept the third right at a distance just enough to touch her when she was aggressive, and used a steady stream of sword energy to consume the physical strength and energy of the third right.

"We have fought before, and this kind of consumption is meaningless to me, Shas!"

The third person on the right ignored Shas's offensive and forcibly accelerated to chase Shas with his leg injured. Sensing the intention of the third person on the right to get closer, Shas used the edge corner to bounce away, and at the same time waved his spear on the right. San's face was slashed with a knife, and blood spurted from the wound.


“Like a rose that never withers, even in a life-destroying rainstorm, the last remaining petal still reflects a strong shadow.”

"I will not lose to you as I have defeated you."

In terms of strength of will, this is the strength of the third person on the right after all. Shasi really couldn't find a way to suppress the third person on the right for a while, but this competition was tailor-made for her, long before the third person on the right came here. , Yuyou discussed this matter with her.

"You said you want me to duel with the third person on the right? Why?"

"I overheard your plan. You plan to fight to the end, don't you? If you want to become stronger, wouldn't it be better for you two to spar again?"

"But I don't know how to defeat the third person from the right. There is a high probability that I will..."

"Wait a minute, Sass, you understand what I mean wrong."


"I'm not asking you to defeat the third person on the right. Your original intention is wrong. In the final analysis, what should your goal be?"

"my goal?"

"my goal......"

"Become stronger......"

"And then protect the entire corridor!"

The two spears faced each other tit for tat, and the chaotic energy turned into blades and ran around. The dazzling light illuminated the tenth floor, and the two people stared at each other.

The strength of the two parties was evenly matched, and the spear turned into mirror fragments and collapsed in the next second, and the powerful impact knocked the two men away.

"It's not that simple!"

The fingertips passed through the purple starlight, and several magic circles came into being. The spear swung as the fingertips passed by, giving her a double blow on the back before the right third landed, causing the internal skeleton to creak.

Dust mixed with blood flowed across the forehead, and powder penetrated into the scratched skin. The comprehensive blow to the mind and body forced the third person on the right to start recovering again.

The third person from the right stood up again, and the aura emanating from his body completely changed, and the ground he stepped on ignited black flames.

"This is the final piece."

"Let's finish it."

The moment the footsteps scraped the ground and white dust flew up, three beams of flame flew out from behind the third person on the right, following the third person on the right and running towards Shas.

"Sacred Spear, obey my will!"

"I won't let you succeed!"

Turning around in the air, a red spear appeared at her feet and was kicked from the side with great force. The spear, which rotated at high speed like a mechanical gear, drew a long arc and circled around the side of Shas.

An earth wall was interspersed between the two of them. Shas used his sword to free the entangled spear behind him, but his waist was cut open by the tip of the spear. The third man from the right who had the earth wall in front of him instantly became an obstacle that could not be ignored.

"Putting it off like this is not the way to go."

"I have to find the right opportunity."

He gave up the fight and distanced himself from the third person on the right, and fought forward with a long sword in one hand. Countless sparks burst out from the friction between the sword blade and the long spear, and the clanging sound resounded through the sky.

"Fire, burn!"

"I won't run away, let's fight it out!"

The flames spread along the third arm from the right to Sasi's face, and the burning pain was quickly transmitted to the brain. The dry wind blew into the eyes and stimulated every nerve.

However, the third person on the right who thought that this would force Shas to retreat was instantly at a disadvantage. The excessively close distance caused the spear to become an opening for her attack. She happened to be in a backhand state and was forced to give up the spear and dodge the attack of Shas. Long sword.

After rolling away for about ten meters, Shas placed the magic circle on the edge of the spear, blocking her ability to recall the weapon.

Shas took a deep breath and pointed his sword at the third person from the right, as if waiting for her to speak about the final outcome.

"Okay, okay, you win this time."

"But I'll catch up with you sooner or later, Sass."

Instead of feeling sad about the defeat of the battle, Shasi's rise was in line with the expectations of the third person on the right, which was in line with the image of the leader in her heart.

After unlocking the blockade and getting back the spear, the third person on the right showed a rare smile, and looked at Shasi with a little more admiration and admiration in his eyes.

"After your ego gets the better of you, you look a little decadent."

"Now that I have recovered mentally, I have to say something..."

"Welcome back, Leader Shas."

It wasn't until a few minutes after the battle that Shas slowly realized, "I won?"

The third right patted her on the shoulder. This battle was also rewarding for her, and it also strengthened her trust in her will.

"If my sister encourages me behind me, I might be the winner this time."

"But your victory is certain."

"Shasi, your will to protect the corridor is stronger than mine. Based on this alone, you are the real leader of the corridor, and you will always be."

The breeze blew from the direction of the high tower, and Yu You walked up to the two of them with a light smile on her face.

"Then, my goal has been achieved. Since you understand why you wield your power, it's up to you to walk this thorny road yourself. I'm going back to where I belong."

"Um... Yuyou! Can't you survive in the corridor?"

To the surprise of Shasi and Yuyou, the two of them looked in the direction of the girl at the same time, and the third one from the right actually asked to stay?

"If we are not enemies, then there is no need to separate, right?"

"Hmm... From a standpoint, we are indeed not enemies, third from the right, but unfortunately, creatures filled with despair cannot survive in the tower, but they will be counterattacked by the filth in their bodies. "

Yuyou chuckled and slowly walked back into the tower helplessly under the gaze of the two people. Before the last gap in the door was closed, the girl turned sideways and left a warm smile.

The eyes of the third person from the right looking towards the tower gradually changed, from initial hatred to dullness, and finally from dullness to pity and sympathy.

"After all, they are just like us, they are also miserable people entangled in despair."

"The people we want to protect are no longer just the lives in the corridor, but also these people who share the same disease as us."

"Technology, knowledge, space, time, will, and faith are all on our side."

"And our enemies..."

"But it's fate."

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