Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 141 Water Bomb

The pure endurance of the mecha collided with the blade, and the clanking sword shook violently. As the jellyfish approached with a punch, Iletea was forced to retreat at a disadvantage.

"Your plan has been exposed. Varadonco has become Yuko's enemy from now on. You will all accept the punishment of death!"

The mechanical boots sprayed flames, leaping up like a tiger and leopard. The movement quickly produced a light blue afterimage, and the right fist burst out with violent blue fire, slamming into Iletea ferociously.

"How careless..."

A red flash of light flew under the bright moonlight, and once again bounced into the air with the help of the vines growing beside Iletya. He drew his sword and slashed out three sword energy, and at the same time added a kick to knock back the jellyfish by half a meter.

"Miss Iletya."

"He's finally here, Jisha."

"You must always obey the orders of a general - Hey, you are Yuko's general, right?"

Noticing the unusual sparks flying in the air, Chaochen brought the weapon in front of him, licked his lips with interest, and tasted a hint of iron.

"Who are you?"

"I am a follower of Longmen, and if I follow the general's will, I will make You Ke pay the price he deserves for doing nothing!"

"Price?! Okay! Let's try it!"

"Jellyfish, calm down!"

Chaochen failed to stop Jellyfish. Before his fingers could grab his clothes, the general rushed out and punched Jisha on the chest with all his strength. He was knocked away dozens of meters and the street lamp iron was knocked down. shelf.

There was a trace of sparks running in the dust, and Iletya noticed something was wrong. Green light burst out from her left hand, and she wrapped herself in a huge amount of vines.

"Get out of the way of the jellyfish!"


With a snap of his fingers, the flames traveled along the young man's fingertips, turning into a thin line that passed through the dense layer of smoke, connecting all the fires trapped in the air to form a dense "explosion network."

Before he could turn around, the sound of explosions suddenly sounded from his feet. The continuous booming explosions extended along a main street in Varadonco, even far beyond the coverage of the "Long Snake Army".

The shock wave of the explosion traveled all the way to the edge of the port. When the troops stationed at the harbor heard the explosion, their fighting spirit instantly became high. A large number of troops poured out from all directions and worked together to encircle and suppress the last remaining defeated bandits.

The intelligence agent who was hiding behind the obstacle and communicating with the jellyfish held the sniper rifle on his chest in fear, listening to the continuous explosions with uneasiness. His upper and lower teeth kept trembling due to the extreme terror, and his spirit was also depressed.



"Why did the fleet leave?"

"Hey! I didn't get on the boat!?"

Perhaps out of anger, he shouted, presumably because his companions were afraid and ran away. However, because of this shout, his position was completely exposed, and he was kicked into the water by the army that came later.

Before he died, he looked at the retreating fleet, his heart filled with resentment and indifference.

"In the end, the so-called intelligent army also ended up like this..."

The bow of the boat returned to the direction of Yuko along the original route. Only one person drove the boat extremely quickly, slowly approaching and easily destroying other boats, killing those who escaped without leaving any trace.

Then she returned to the last remaining ship, wiped the blood from her face, took out the map from her pocket, and confirmed the winding route again.

The moonlight shone on her somewhat dirty arms. With a helpless sigh, Li Su'an slowly sat down. While adjusting her breathing, she frowned at the huge amount of black smoke flying inside Varadonco.

"This explosion... wasn't part of Wei Ying's plan, was it?"

However, she couldn't care about those things now. The ship had already sailed towards Yuko, and besides stabilizing Varadonko, there were more important things to do.

"We don't have time to worry about so much, Yuko...I'm coming!"

When the smoke and dust dissipated, most of the soldiers were knocked unconscious due to the impact of the explosion. Basically, except for Chaochen, no one could move. Even if they could move, they were not considered combat effectiveness.


"It's... it's really..."

"Jellyfish?! Where are you?"


With the anger in his heart, Jellyfish pushed out a gust of wind with one hand to drive the dust into the sky. The moment he saw Jisha, he took off with his right foot and turned into a bolt of thunder that flashed behind him.

The first straight kick was blocked by him, but the second kick turned and kicked vertically in the air, hitting the back of his head with explosive force.

He fell to the ground and passed out on the spot. Fortunately, before Jellyfish could finish his attack, several vines took Jisha out of the street, and with the help of Iletya, he disappeared at a dark corner.


"Jellyfish! Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's not a fatal injury. Let's leave quickly!"

"We can no longer contact the people at the port. We are only a short distance away from the garrison in Persija. How about a detour?!"

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it, let's go!"

Filled with sorrow and regret, Jellyfish and Chao Chen stepped over the corpses of their companions, fought their way through the pursuers who appeared later, and completely fled Porxiga.

On the other side, Iletya looked at Jisha who was unconscious, and then at the message sent by Wei Ying. She resisted the urge to kill him because he caused an explosion without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy and carried him. Get up and walk towards the base.

"You just escaped by luck, Ji Sha, if you continue to fight against me, you won't end well."

"I promise you that!"

The roar of the river mixed with the sound of docks and floated into the air. Except for the remnants of the army, no one would know what kind of goods were carried in these returning ships.

Li Suchan stood on the bow of the ship. The entire ship was full of explosives. As long as the ship was driven into Youke's port, it would be the best strategy, whether it was used as a breakthrough point or as a backup evacuation cover.

Hearing the sound of the dock, Yuco's harbor personnel came out to respond. However, by coincidence, these people who came out to respond happened to be the first batch of Varadonco's internal infiltrators.

"Are you? Miss Li Su'an?!"

"Hello comrades, by order of the general, I'm here to do a big thing! Open the port, right?"

"Of course, let's open the port!"

As the ship sailed into Youke's port, Li Su'an also successfully broke through to Youke's interior. However, for the sake of subsequent operations, she could not expose too much of the secrets of the port. Moving the garrison location became the most critical thing now.

Taking out the communicator, he confirmed the news from Wei Ying. Having prepared for sleep in advance, Su'an decided to act immediately - to go to the only channel node between Porxijia and Youke, and try to assassinate the most outstanding person in Youke there. General - jellyfish.

"Although the probability of success of this plan is low, if it succeeds, it will be a sea-shaking change and will completely change our current situation. Coupled with the progress of the development of the Hillrimer device, our hope depends on you. Suan.”

"Su'an will definitely live up to his mission!"

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