Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 142 Reversing The Deadlock

Compared with previous operations, this assassination plan was much more difficult than expected.

One: Yun Haizheng and guard Chaochen's own combat strength is second to none in Youke.

Second: Persiga also maintains a garrison of troops, and they will also become variables in this assassination.

Third: Regarding the time limit for assassination, Yuko is now 80% aware of Varadonco's position. If Titral is sent to immediately reinforce Yunhaisting, Li Su'an is also likely to die, not to mention the assassination.

Based on these three factors, this task has been completely elevated to a different level.

But for Ms. Sogan, whose toxins have invaded her body...

"Death - from the moment I underwent the transformation experiment - is no longer scary."

"What scares me even more is the way 'they' look at me..."

"I need to prove myself..."

Li Su'an opened the communication system hidden in her ear. The Noshmi control system was back online. Wei Ying's voice appeared in her ears. She could only trust this kind boy and that pure girl. For Su'an, they were probably the most important. It's the last bit of warmth in this world.

"Then, Miss Sugan, I will point out the way forward for you and share the battle data analyzed by Nosh fans into your brain. In addition, please be more careful."

"Well, Weiying, just leave it to me."

"Good luck."

The bright moonlight shines on both sides of the street, and the cool wind blows through the girl's hair, taking away the fresh fragrance of flowers and drifting into the distance.

Walking along the river, the sounds that came from time to time in her ears made her feel a little warm, which became another factor to fight against the erosion of toxins.

"Jellyfish has rendezvoused with their army and is delivering information, Miss Sogan."

"Well, I'll go right away."

"There are still some defenders at the connecting bridge between the two cities..."

"Let's disperse for now."

"Won't you kill him?"


"Go with what you think. I think I probably agree with your idea more."


She moved her hand back behind her and turned on the switch of a special weapon, slowly absorbing the toxins flowing on her back and converting them into impact energy to store.

"I haven't used this weapon yet."

It looks like a huge wide and thick iron plate, but the tight structure inside it is extremely complex, and the energy that bursts out is extremely terrifying.

"Does it have a name?"

"Not yet. Why, do you want to get one for it?"

"Then I have to think about it."

Immersed in the short-term happiness, the surging river water hits the arch bridge, telling the beauty of life, and the occasional crow flies by in the sky.

Wearing a special hood, the horns on both sides of her head were completely put on. With her emotions gradually calming down, the girl slowly walked towards the army stationed by the river.

In the dark night, in a helpless mood of being forced to work overtime, the garrison soldiers sat in two teams and chatted aimlessly.

Almost when Li Su'an was less than ten meters away from them, some calmer people reacted,


Sensing the abnormality, the other team members stood up one after another. However, before they could fully see who the other party was, a blast of air knocked them into the water. This method of dispersal was better than dying directly.

When she reached the blind corner of the surveillance area, the girl sat down against the wall, placed the weapon on her right side, gently touched its body, and then touched the corner of her head, remembering the look in the eyes of "those people".

"Because of these sad toxins, my body has changed like this."

"I wonder if after this incident, I can change some of everyone's views on me."

The light of the street lamp did not shine on the girl's face. In order to keep her position secret, she chose to stay in the safest corner and at the same time used the weapon to inject part of the toxins in her body into the ground.

In order to prevent toxins from affecting the water source, Su'an specially tied a ball of iron wire by the river.

"Wei Ying, how long does it take for them to get here?"

"According to accurate data analysis, you will meet each other in half an hour. No matter what action you take, remember to put your own safety first, do you understand Su'an?"


Su'an looked up and saw that the surveillance video was facing the main bridge.

If the bridge is detonated, nearby troops will definitely be quickly attracted, but if Jellyfish and the others cross the bridge, the area will become more open and the assassination plan will be twice as difficult. How to choose?

"However, if my ability detonates the bridge, the toxins may also seep into the river water along with the collapse... Let's forget about this kind of harm to others and ourselves."

Doing whatever it takes to achieve one's own goals goes against Su'an's definition of a "person".

If even one's own behavior is separated from the human connection, then this soul will completely belong to the category of machinery.

Su'an sat down again. She already had a clue. Even if it was difficult to execute, she would wait until the jellyfish crossed the river bridge before taking action.

As the army moved in groups, the trembling of the ground brought peace of mind. Except for the chaotic steps when walking onto the arch bridge, the entire army formed a steel wall and moved unswervingly towards Youke.

"Persiga's network communications were damaged in the last war. In order to ensure Yuko's safety, we must bring back the information about Varadonco's rebellion. Do you hear that?!"

"Yes General!"

Jellyfish and Chaochen walked in front of the army. The defeat in the encounter disturbed their emotions like a cloud, but when they thought about it, the dispute would be ended soon, they both cheered up.

At the same time, Jellyfish also noticed something unusual at the bridgehead. The troops that were supposed to be stationed all disappeared. The empty streets were eerily quiet. There was no doubt that something unexpected had happened.

"Wait? Where are the garrison troops at the bridge?"

"Were you still there when we changed shifts at night?"

"There are violent scratches on the ground!"

"It's very possible that there has been a battle here."

"But the matter has come to this, and there is no possibility of retreat."

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

The legions formed a circle, and everyone moved slowly while holding their breath.


I don’t know who shouted first, and then an impact appeared and knocked everyone behind them into the river.

Half of the hundreds of legions collapsed in an instant, and the culprit stepped out of the dark shadows. Suan held a nearly two-meter-long weapon in one hand and looked at the frightened humans with a little pity.

"Doomsday weapons..."

When Jellyfish saw the weapon, he couldn't calm down instantly. He couldn't imagine why such a strictly prohibited weapon would appear here.

But there was only one thing that was certain - the girl who launched the surprise attack must be from Varadonco's pursuers, although Jellyfish didn't know exactly how she got ahead of them.

Su'an freed one hand to strike the huge weapon.

"Do you know this kind of thing?"

"The Termination Lair... Where did you get such a thing?!"

"End the lair?"

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