Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 84 Lord, Never Be Blasphemed

A cold wind blew across the river, and a white unknown creature poked out a small head from the edge of the cliff. It pulled its body out precariously, and when it fell into the cave, it climbed up the iron rope. Attach your entire body to the iron rope.

There was a bang, a golden light flashed, and a spear followed, turning into a meteor and hitting the white creature's head.

Two masses of air rippled, and the blond girl walked out of the dark cave, holding a letter with crow feathers in her right hand.

"Because I've made mistakes that can't be easily forgiven, why don't you give me a chance to redeem myself and make meritorious deeds?"

"Miss third from the right, next time you ask for help, please put down your dignity and be more forthright."

Ye Shuang's fingertips fluttered with little flames, and instantly lit the envelope on fire. As the girl threw it, the flames fell into the river under the bridge in a graceful arc, igniting the entire river surface.

"You actually emphasized that because it was a special mission, you gave me the right to act independently?"

A trace of melancholy flashed through the corners of Ye Shuang's eyes. When he raised his head slightly, the hair beside his ears was ruffled by a wisp of cold wind, and the fragrance of gardenia flew out.

He kicked the end of the spear with his heels and brought up a gust of wind. He touched the barrel of the gun with his right hand and held it tightly. Then he stabilized his body with both feet and turned around powerfully while throwing the weapon in a huge arc.

The golden light swayed on the tip of the spear, gradually becoming blurry. As the tip of the spear pierced out, it became clear for an instant. It struck the white creature that had just climbed up with a thunderous force, and its body and soul were shattered by this blow. .

The shining bits of golden light reunited in Ye's hands and condensed into the shape of a spear.

"Lord, forgive me for my sins, and I will repay you with kindness. At this moment, I will turn my kindness into a sharp blade to open up a way forward for you!"

A wave of air dissipated the water surface, and the dirty things under the water were no longer covered, and they were all exposed to the light of dots of blue balls on the river surface.

Like ants on a hot pot, the sudden explosion of the pot exposed all the evil and filthy things hidden under the surface of the river.

A huge sword of holy light appeared in the sky above the rift, splitting the air field and gradually approaching the river. The aura spread outward, lifting Ye Shuang's blond hair.

The chaotic and strong wind pressure severely suppressed the evil thing, and it had no choice but to bear the divine punishment that was gradually coming.

"Lord, I will forgive your sins, but you must die to apologize for them!"

The holy light rippled in the girl's chest, and then burst out with unprecedented light, illuminating the entire abyss.

A series of screams came from under the river, and the miserable and chaotic screams rushed into the sky. The ghost blanket rolled up under the burning of the holy light, and rolled up to wait for death.

"The Holy King leads us and sings for the King's saintliness. I pray that you will return to your own world."

The girl stood up and raised her head to pray at the junction of light and darkness, transforming into a devout believer and waiting for the sacred fire to wash away some sinful souls.

In the dark, the momentum of the flames continued to decrease, and a water column came from the ground and hit the golden protective layer in front of Ye Shuang.

"Lord, forgive all rude people, but unlike the body, the tarnished soul must be purified!"

"God, you have witnessed the resistance of the sinner and his vain attempt to use his mutilated and filthy body to taint the king's will."

"I heard your answer, and I will follow God's command - to lead the lost lamb!"

The phantoms of four spears appeared instantly. Ye Shuang jumped into the air with his feet, and his body slowly rose under the irradiation of the holy light like a god possessed, exuding an irresistible aura.

His eyes wrinkled slightly, looking at the monster with disdain and pity. He clicked his tongue lightly, waved his right hand, mobilized all the spears, and flew towards the monster's head.

Looking at Xie Hui who was shot down by the spear, the girl turned around slightly and prepared to leave. However, the water surface suddenly became violent and eight giant dark tentacles sprang out, followed by a big round head.

The two empty eyeballs emitted a frightening light, and the black sticky ball on its head was regarded as a crown. The eight tentacles on the water surface secreted black and green venom and swung it towards Ye Shuang.

"One side stops singing and the other side quits."

"You have your own plans, and I have my grace and power!"

Jumping into the sky above the monster's head, the girl's hair continued to scatter golden stars as she flew, creating a sacred scene in the sky.

Holding the spear behind his back with one hand, he held the holy cross on his chest in front of him with the other hand. After a rumble from heaven and earth, the light of punishment came down.

Under the "favor" of the holy light, the monster screamed, and its eight claws struggled to escape back into the water. However, each tentacle was pinned to the surrounding rock walls by a spear, leaving only one head swinging back and forth.

"Accept the last gift the gods give you, and then go on your way with peace of mind!"

Countless golden stars gathered together to form a huge meteorite, which fell rapidly with great force as the girl waved her right hand.

There is a blue afterimage flame hanging at the end of the meteorite, surrounded by countless tiny golden light balls, and it is constantly rotating to split the airflow blocking it.

The tentacles made a final resistance and tore apart under the drag of the body. Most of the monster was broken off and hid in the water before the meteorite hit it.

The meteorite pressed into the water, causing a huge splash, cutting off half of the river, and successfully split the tentacle monster's body into two.

Before dying, as if to relieve its own pressure, the crown was swallowed into its mouth, mixed with some black mucus and spit out to Ye Shuang. It actually hit her shoulder, dyeing the silver armor black.

Gently dusting off the dust, she thought the matter would end there, but the black liquid took advantage of Ye Shuang's negligence and got into her body, trying to take over her consciousness.

Evil creatures have the most vicious methods, and conquering the mind is just one of them. Sometimes they will physically dominate their enemies in order to achieve their own desires or goals.

Two doses of power are not enough to pollute a pure heart, but if they are accumulated over time, one day the guards and soldiers will be completely lost.

“The Lord…will direct the path of salvation to every sincere and penitent sinner.”

"However, the Lord cannot bring back those who are sober and stubborn. This is not a defect in ability..."

"It's a distortion of the mind, just like you evil monsters."

"Wrapped in the darkness of despair, he changed into this and continued to kill other miserable creatures."

“Although there is no help for such sins, the Lord still cannot forgive them.”

"If you are abandoned by the world just because of the weakness of your soul, one day the Lord will find your soul and lead you to the sea of ​​hope."

"But now you are no longer the kind self you once were, but now you are evil."

"Lord, will not allow any filth to be blasphemed."

"Your answer..."

"Destined to be miserable."

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