Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 85 Helplessness Under Killing

Walking into the interior of the tower, the ticking sound of water leaks could be heard from time to time in the cobweb-covered corners, and mutated bugs wrapped around their heads by black air were desperately hitting the surrounding walls.

Some of the creatures in the tower had already undergone a mutation that favored yin. The third person on the right opened the door and walked in. They avoided the dim light. Even so, it was too abnormal for them.

Knowing what had just happened in the outer world of the tower, no creature dared to get close to this petite but arrogant girl. They just lost themselves in the boundless darkness.

For these somewhat weak evil spirits, if they go out of the tower, they will be killed by the bat monster that looks exactly like the third one on the right. If they climb to the upper level of the tower, they will be swallowed by those powerful evil spirits.

It seems that they can only wander aimlessly in the first level quietly, and eventually die in silence and ignorance and turn into dust - this is their ultimate goal in life.

However, from the moment the red spear grazed the throat of the first evil spirit, their final fate was rewritten by the girl as being killed by the spear.

After stabbing countless enemies with one blow, black and green blood continued to spurt to every corner of the first floor of the tower. Whether it was his arms or face, the third man on the right no longer cared.

"Enemies in the corridor, you deserve to die. It's not my fault."

Affected by Sasi's disappearance and the condition of the corridor declining rapidly in recent days, the third person from the right directed all his anger towards these evil spirits who had no power to resist.

"O fire of karma, burn my enemies to death!"

Blue-purple flames fluttered from the corners of the girl's eyes, spread all over the ceiling in a vigorous manner, and then descended covering the entire area.

All creatures touched by the flames, except for the third one from the right, burned fiercely behind the blue fire that was only stained by stars. They could not even utter a cry before heading to another world.

The flame that purifies the soul together is another divine power of the third person on the right. She shook off the remaining flame on her hand and turned towards the stairs on the second floor.

"I have never been in contact with this place. I also don't know how many floors this tower will have, and I don't know if Shas will appear in this tower."

"But as the leader of the Corridor, I only know one thing."

"I just need to protect the corridor well. This is the answer."

"For the absolute safety of the corridor, I can fight, and I can fight. This is not difficult for me."

Walking up to the second floor, it can only be said that the environment is still so bad. There is a rotten and fishy smell in the air, and dark green moss has grown on the walls.

"Then, let's keep cleaning these guys."

The cleaning process on the first floor was almost exactly the same. The enemies on the second floor also had no intention of resisting. They just nestled in a corner, quietly waiting for the third person from the right to come over, and waiting for the spear to be pointed at their throat.

A strong person like the third one on the right has been accustomed to fighting all his life, because meeting such a weak person who will not fight back will also destroy his desire and will to fight.

A feeling of irritation rose from the bottom of her heart. This boring battle really did not conform to the predictions of the third person on the right about the real situation inside the tower. She put away the spear with some indignation, preparing to vent her anger with her fists.

However, when she really wanted to do it, she found that she couldn't do it at all. Bullying the weak was a behavior that she had been discriminating against since she was in another world.

"I don't understand why you don't fight back. Come on, tell me."

She walked up to a round ball and gently kicked its body with her shoes, which actually elicited a response from the ball - shaking off two small black balls.

Soon, the third person on the right discovered that these low-level evil spirits had no ability to communicate. They just hesitantly hummed in place, or walked in circles, wandering aimlessly, or even bumped into a wall and passed out on the spot.

"What the hell is this?"

The girl sighed, and when she lowered her head, she suddenly remembered that when the flying snake broke through the tower, she could probably deduce the location around the tenth floor, so she accelerated to the next floor.

The creatures on the third level are slightly larger than those on the first and second levels. However, these are nonsense. Even flying snakes cannot communicate, and these small creatures are even more impossible to talk about.

Without the desire to fight, the third person on the right climbed all the way up the stairs until she had just entered the fifth floor when a low roar came from the ceiling and reached the ears of the third person on the right along the ceiling and walls.

"Oh, it's really easy for me to find."

The creature on the fifth floor was crossed nonchalantly, and the third from the right headed straight for the sixth floor. The moment the door was opened, a black bull rushed towards the stairs.

While holding the horns with both hands, he jumped up on his feet and turned over his body. He sat roughly on the back of the bull and strangled its neck to force it to stop.

After subduing the beast, a skeleton followed, raising his right arm and slamming it against the ground, causing a wave of air that spread rapidly along the ground.

Without any intention of retreating, the third person on the right took the heavy blow forcefully, feeling the blood flowing in his body, he opened his mind and shouted comfortably:

"This kind of pain, yes, yes! This is called fighting!"

"Come on, I won't dodge your attacks, let's have a good fight!"

In the dark tower, the sound of impact was intermittent, and the torches on both sides of the wall gave off a dim light, illuminating the blood dripping from the corner of the girl's mouth.

The tip of her tongue licked the wound on her lips, and the girl raised her hand to wipe away the blood on her lips. She raised her head with a sneer, standing with her feet in an inner position, and her expression was one part ferocious and one part evil.

"That's right. Only in this way, killing you will prevent me from feeling guilty."

"You evil creatures and sinners who have brought disaster to the corridor should be baptized in blood!"

"Death! Is your best destination!"

Letting out all the anger and pressure in her heart, the third person on the right looked around calmly, only a few defeated soldiers were left. Maintaining some grace, she dragged her body to an empty-armored monster.

"You, and we, are equally miserable."

"We are all products of the raw materials of despair, and our life experiences are all surrounded by the word 'tragic'."

Seemingly understanding what the third person on the right said, the armored monster slowly lowered his helmet, and the sword held in his right hand became somewhat loose.

These actions were all seen by the third person on the right, but she just sighed helplessly and coldly, then firmly grasped the spear again and said:

"However, I am the leader of the corridor, and I have the responsibility and obligation to protect our new home!"

"As intruders into this new home, your fate will be equally tragic."

"I'm still going to expel you."

"Because this is the most correct choice for the corridor and everyone."

"It's not you who are wrong..."

"It's not me..."

"They are the ones who push you and me into the abyss."

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