Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 932: Strategy

"As a person living in this society, the task is to ensure that he and his family can survive in this society, so how to do this?" Mr. Hersman smiled, "work!"

His voice gradually increased, "Only effective work can ensure that you have enough necessities to sustain your current life, but there are limited job positions. It is impossible for everyone to have a good job. Some people get more money. , Then naturally someone will take less money. The first problem facing the west today is the resource allocation of local citizens and migrants on the issue of employment. A large number of capitalists and entrepreneurs are loyal to the less important Jobs are for migrants, because these people do not have a union background, they need less salary and more work, which can reduce their expenses and save costs. "

"Exactly any company will always be those non-essential jobs, repetitive tasks with high physical exertion, do not need any culture and technology, or even brains. There are no technical barriers, locals There are fewer and fewer job opportunities. At the same time, because the migrants are willing to reduce their salaries in exchange for jobs, this has also spurred changes in the pay structure of some companies. The salary they now pay for each position is almost the same as in previous years. It's flat, no big changes. "

"Now these problems have not yet emerged. The main reason is the rapid development of the social economy. Many industries and industries require a large number of employees. The social market naturally allocates these labor sources and then flows into various enterprises, but there are also some people. There is nothing to do, and it is in a state of unemployment. Once these contradictions become prominent, the whole society will inevitably produce a huge storm, especially the working class, which has an organization of workers' unions, and their destructive power is far greater. Higher than the destructive power of the migrant population. "

"The second problem is that the differences between living habits, culture and religion make it difficult for immigrants to integrate into local life in a short time. For example, people in some countries do not eat lamb or beef because of their beliefs. Without the approval of the locals, they cannot be integrated into the social environment. The nodes formed by too many different cultural contradictions are constructing an invisible wall, which isolates most of the foreign population and isolates They are excluded from social order. "

"For a short time, these people are still running for their livelihood. As long as they have a sufficient material foundation, they will have a fierce conflict because of various contradictory habits and beliefs!"

Hersman's tone is very "sharp", "When you are eating a steak, a group of people circle around you holding a protest sign, telling you that eating beef will go to hell. When a lady is naked in a skirt When walking on the street with an arm, a group of oncoming migrants spit at her saying that she is an unscrupulous female watch ... ", Hersman shook his head," too many things will lead to social contradictions , And eventually evolved into conflict. "

"We are not the same as the federation. From the beginning, the federation has been continuously introducing foreign populations to fill internal vacancies. Under many years of operation, a large convergent society that integrates multiple cultural habits and religious beliefs was born. Everyone They can accurately find their place, they know how to treat and face this society, so we ca n’t see a similar explosion of conflict. But in history, the Federation has also exploded more than once in targeted social group incidents, which have brought The consequences are extremely serious. These are things that the Empire has not experienced, but is experiencing. "

"Of course, what we have to do is not to make good enough policies to solve these problems as in the past. After all, we no longer work for the royal family, and Magus doesn't look at us!" There was a soft laugh in the room, Hersman pursed and laughed, not letting his expression be too exaggerated, although he really wanted, "Our job is to properly guide these issues from silent to explosive, and then control the explosive conflict to an acceptable range. Then, to solve the problem, this is one of our main tasks next. "

"I need you to come up with a set of plans, how to catalyze this process, how to ensure that we will be the ultimate beneficiaries, and that we will not only be recognized by the locals, but also get the millions of immigrant votes."

Having said that, Hersman paused for a moment and began to sort out some documents on the table in front of him, and he needed to give these people a process of understanding and understanding.

After waiting for about three or five minutes, he put the packed documents together and looked up again at the participants. "The second thing is that we need to find our competitors and then find out if these enemies can. The flaws and flaws that were attacked, and at the same time, we need to formulate some plans to protect and protect the attacks from the enemy. "He looked at the two nobles." The collection of this information will bother you, and I hope to get it as soon as possible. These perfect messages, whether true or false, are needed! "

This kind of thing is too simple for the aristocracy. Many secrets that ordinary people think are not a secret to the seriousness of the aristocracy. For example, everyone knows that Magus pulled a pimp for the emperor and the like. They have their own sources of information, and some aristocrats are also willing to share what they know, or to exchange some other information. This is the top intelligence circle in the empire. Even people with insufficient qualifications cannot enter the intelligence circle even if they have more money and power.

This is the terrible aspect of the New Party and the Old Party. Before the election has officially started, many candidates' information will be placed on themselves and on the enemy's desk for analysis. Without this level of identity, so much information would not be available, and there would not be an **** enough to provide election services!

This is the core component of society!

After all the tasks were arranged, Hersman was relieved. He now felt better than ever, remembering the sense of mission when working for the royal family when he was young. Of course, there is a difference. It was for glory before, and now for money. The ghost knows why ordinary people often win big prizes. Such a distinguished guest has lost his pants in the city of Otis, whether it is for money. Enjoyment, or to maintain a decent life, this will become his most important thing in the next stage.

"We will announce the establishment of the election office the day after tomorrow and the news of your participation in the election. At that time, there will definitely be a lot of reporters to interview. I will provide you with a speech tomorrow and some plans for answering questions ..." Du The news of Lin's election was only circulated in a small area, and it was not officially announced. It also took time to prepare. Hersman said very seriously, "If a reporter puts forward some things that you do n’t know how to answer, You do n’t have to say a word about it, someone will solve these things, understand? You ca n’t say things like 'inconvenient disclosure'! "

In fact, many reporters are bad guys, or there are always naive politicians planted on them. They have always claimed that they have no relationship with themselves or do not know at all, why are they still involved in some inexplicable things? The reason is simple, they answered the question.

This seems to be a contradictory expression, but it is real. When a reporter asks a question, no matter how he answers, affirmative or negative or ambiguous answers are actually affirming the question itself. Affirming the question itself means that the person answering the question is more or less likely to know or even participate in the matter of the question. Reporters' random writing of a few strokes will not be any burden to them, at most it will be a public apology to express their uneasiness.

However, because of their random content, some people are stuck in the quagmire. People cannot stand the test and cannot be investigated. Looking at a person in daily life often overlooks some details, but when people start investigating a person, even if he picks up the booger and bounces out, it will make people feel disgusted, because at this time these The observer ’s own position is problematic. They just look at this person with a guilty eye. Any problem that is not a problem will become a big problem.

Therefore, willingness to be called rude to reporters, nor can a single stupid answer ruin the results of a lot of work.

Du Lin already knew this, and Kevin had said something similar to him, of course, it had nothing to do with the election. When he hadn't reached this point, Kevin told him that if he was arrested, don't speak, even if he was tortured. As long as he does not speak, no one's accusations and framements can constitute an important condition. At this time, there is still a great opportunity for operation. But if he said ~ ~ even if he said something irrelevant, there would be no chance for all operations, because he was "put on the case".

Before answering the question, whether a question is true is questioned, it can even be said that it is not true. But after answering, the question becomes true, and the next thing is difficult to change.

Hersman taught a lot of things to Doulin, including the details, including how to answer some seemingly troublesome questions, how to leave the question to others, and how to avoid the question.

In Hersman's words, politics allows mistakes, but in the process of leading to the political stage, you must not make mistakes.

Weak people make mistakes and lose opportunities, and strong people make mistakes?

That's a forgivable nature!

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